The Oakville Beaver, Friday March 31, 2006 - 11 20061 KiatSWrei HIGHEST SAFETY I : r a t in g p o s s ib l e *1 I . K/VA/I > MONTHLY LEASE PAYMENT DVD PLAYER installed! with every `One of the least expensive SUVs on the road today, yet is no le ss capable than SUVs costing twice as much." o o m k M c m u g h t o n .O t t a w a c m z o n , 2005 S edona , M O S T A P P E A L I N G VJf E M T f lV S U V IN T H E s h o r t a g e ,r a n k e d J?:' ' E Xm o d a ls h o w n ' $20,888 SAVE THOUSANDS OF F MSRP O F -26.995* ` 3.5 L V 6 engine 5-speed automa 4-wheel ABS l P ER MO./ * 4 8 M O S. Dual zone climate control AM/FM/CD stereo with I S O -S E C U R IT Y D E P O S IT D & D IN C L U D E D (6.6 L/100 KM) S2.849 DOWN PAYMENT 2.0 L DOHC C W T engine AM /FM /6B /M P 3 stereo -With-4 speakers Power and tilt steering 60:40 split-folding S O S E C U R IT Y D E P O S IT (10.7 L/100 KM) 5 4 ,9 50 DOWN PAYMENT highway fuel consumption ' highway fuel consumption' 3.5 LV6 engine 4-wheel ABS Front & side curtain airbags 8-speaker CD stereo Cruise control Air conditioning (7.8 L/100 KM) highway fuel consumption' Electronic Stability Program (ESP) 8-speaker CD stereo Traction Control System (TCS) THE A L L -N E W 2 0 0 6 S E D O N A 2 0 0 6 T oyota S ie nn a LE 2 0 0 6 Honda O dyssey EX H orsepower Torque___________________________________ C ontinually Variable Valve Tim ing (CVVT) ToShowOurAppreciation YouC anSaveAnAdditional 253 lb. f t ® 3.S00 RPM . 240 lb. ft. ® 5,000 RPM ....... Dual curtain airbags Rear sonar parking monitor_______________________ Variable interm ittent front w ipers w ith heated park 2-zone air conditioning with separate controls Rear air conditioning with separate controls_______ 1", 2'*l & 3 " row power window s___________________ 3 " row "fo lding-into-floor" seats _______ 8-way adjustable driver's seat with lum bar support Tire pressure monitoring system, tire specitic W hiplash-reducing active front headrests W arranty C om prehensive________________ W arranty Powertrain ' ·________ W arranty R oadside Assistance___________ W henYouLeaseOr Purchase, Any NewOr U sedVehicle > W ithThisCoupon. __ : 3-year/100,000 km 3 -y e a r/6 0 ,0 Q 0 to r S-year/100,000 km 3-year/60,000 tan T h isF rid a y ,M a rch24/06O n ly . (2 0 0 6R IOE x c lu d e d ) InA dditionT oA n yO th e rA d ve rtise d In ce n tive sO rD e a le rD isco u n ts. i i i i j\ A u to ^ b a !a n c 9 o f5 y Q d r :w a r r a n ty ,a ir .5 4 K . UO,95Q£ ACCENT U ,s108 O A K V IL L E K IA 1450 Speers Rd., Oakville, 905-847-1511 Speers Road between 3rd & 4th Line The Power to Surprise SOUTH SERVICE SPEERS ROAD OPEN SUNDAYS w w w · w w w · w w w · w w w · w w w · w w w