The Oakville Journal Record, Friday, July 17, 1981 Here's a great idea for leftover turkey B est R ecipes by Sheila Peck pie shell. Combine flour, sugar and sour cream. Pour over peaches. Bake at 425 degrees F. for 12 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees. Continue b ak in g u n til f r u it is tender and filling is set, about 40 minutes. Top with brown sugar and return to oven for five minutes. Cool to room tem perature before ser ving. Pie may bubble over slightly during baking. ------------------------------- Guiding lights Five members of the 11th Oakville Girl Guide Company recen tly receiv ed their All Round Cords -- th e highest achievement earned in the m ovem ent. F r o m l e f t are: Michelle Campbell, Barbara Sparkes, Sharon Lenz, Mina Allan and Kimberly Baker. Wondering what to do with leftover turkey and all that zucchini from the garden? Here are a few recipes you might want to ex p e rim en t w ith this weekend. Yields four servings. Pickled Zucchini 2 pounds s m a ll zucchini, unpeeled 2 medium onions V\ cup coarse pickling salt 2 cups white vinegar 1 cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons mustard seed 1 teaspoon celery seed 1 teaspoon turmeric Cut zucchini and onions in very thin slices. Add salt and cover with ice w ate r; le t stand tw o hours and drain. In large s a u c e p a n , c o m b in e rem aining ingred ien ts and bring to boil. Add z u c ch in i and o n io n s, return to boil and boil gently two minutes. Pack into hot sterilized jars and seal. Yield: About three pints. Hot Turkey Salad 3 cu p s d ic e d co oked turkey Vi to 1 cup diced celery V 4 cup chopped toasted almonds 2 te a s p o o n s fin e ly chopped onion 1 tablespoon lemon juice Vz to 2/3 cup salad dress ing salt and pepper to taste 1 cup grated nippy cheese 1 cup cru sh ed p o ta to chips Cut turkey into half inch cubes or pieces and celery slightly smaller. Mix to g e th e r tu rk e y , celery, almonds, onions, lemon juice and salad dressing. Add salt and p ep p e r, if necessary. Place in four individual ramekins or in a five-cup casserole. Sprinkle with c h e e se and to p w ith potato chips. Bake in a moderately hot oven 375 degrees F. 25 minutes. Schnitz Peach Pie (9-inch pie) 5 cups p eeled, sliced peaches 1 9-inch unbaked pie shell lA cup flour Vz cup sugar % cup sour cream 2 to 3* tablespoons brown sugar Arrange peach slices in Cycle of Celebration ,> .... < ( D isabled cyclist due in Oakville tomorrow morning A 31-year-old victim of multiple sclerosis will arrive in Oakville tomorrow morning on the specially adapted tricycle he's riding across Canada as part of an awareness and fund-raising campaign. Richard Beecroft of Ottawa, who was stricken with MS a decade ago -- resulting in loss of balance -- will arrive in Bronte around 10 a.m. and local cyclists are encouraged to join him at that point. Mr. Beecroft will arrive at M other's Pizza Parlor & Spaghetti House between 10:30 and 11 a.m. A marching band, complete with color section, will greet Mr. Beecroft as he bicycles along Cross Avenue, where Mother's is located. Jo White of M other's head office in Burlington, told The Journal Record the restaurant is assisting Mr. Beecroft in his endeavor to bicycle from British Colum bia to Newfoundland. Mr. Beecroft left Victoria, B.C. May 8 and hopes to complete his journey on August 22. He has been averaging 50 miles a day during his marathon. Mr. Beecroft's main purpose is to educate the public about MS, a mysterious disease that attacks the central nervous system, but he also welcomes donations for research -- as there is no known cause or cure for the disorder. Donations may be sent to the Halton chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society. For more information con tact Ruth Hoshooley at 827-5673. Saturday July 18 Come and w elcom e Richard Beecroft, cycling across Canada from Victoria, B.C. to St. John's, Newfoundland. M eet him at Lakeshore Rd. and Mississaga St. in Bronte at 1 0 :0 0 a.m. and ride or run to M other's Pizza Parlor on Cross Ave. Or, Join the Celebration at M other's at 1 0 :4 5 a.m. W T H E O A K V IL L EW W % m J o u rn al R ecord /* BOSLEY SEE BACK PAGE ESIGN Installers ot Interlock Paving Stones The H alton Chapter of the M u ltip le Sclerosis Society T h is M e s s a g e S po nsored by th e C ivitan Club o f O akville c ' V · ` "'r- ' ; W e do: D rivew ays, W alks, Pool and Patio A reas. You can purchase bricks at cost price if installation contract is signed before A ug. 1 0 /8 1 . 845-6314