Weather Kf'ftdor* can phone Journal* Record classified* until ft p.m. the Hay M o r o puhlirHtion. T h * Want Ad department " i l l l»o «p#»n daily between 8:30 a.m. and I p.m. Journal -Record Oakville A u th o riz e d ji* N cond cU *« m a iL P ost O fllr# D ip (.» O U aw a. CALL V I 5-4237 The Ontario weather office call* for sunny and warm weather m the Oakville area on Tuesday. The atmospheric c o n d i t i o n s should begin to c k a r by this o\< ,, Mg. £- Districts Own Daily Newspaper ? O L 7« NO. I O A K V IL L E . O N T A R IO . M O N D A Y. A l'G L 'S T !7. m » N O T OVKH Sr .4 C O P T 20 PAG E S Venus Space Craft Strays Off Course Noon Stock Quotes W ill Appear Daily Beginning on Wednesday, Sep- I tim b er 5. the Daily Journal-Re cord will publish the noon market | quotations of leading Canadian industrial, mining and oil securi- j ties each day. On Saturdays quotations of 50 [ leading securities will also ap pear. showing dividend rates and | yields, as well as hight and low' j prices for the .sear, and earnings ; p<?r share.. These will he supplied from the j private wire of the Oakville offi- j ces of J. H. Crang. C A P E C A N A V E R A L . Fla. riner 11 indicates the spacecraft AP -- A M ariner spacecraft will pass Venus by not more rocketed into space today and than 600,000 miles some time in scientists reported there is a pos the second week in December. sibility it will pass near the Because of the incomplete early planet Venus as planned despite tracking data it is not now pos an early trajectory error. sible to refine this figure to a If its early course is followed great accuracy. the M ariner will miss the planet " However, the mid-course mo by m ore than 00,000 miles, but an effort will be made by re tor on Mariner 11 may be ca mote control to steer it back on pable of correcting this miss-dis, tance to bring the spacecraft course. considerably closer to Venus. The key to jockeying Mariner " All systems on M ariner 1 1 i II into its proper path is a small are working normally and go»»d | 50-pound thrust motor which is to be fired by ground signal telemetry is l»oing received by eight days after launching when the deep space instrumentation ! the spacecraft is moi*e than facility stations." 1,000,000 miles from earth. SHIPS SLOWS DOWN By then scientists will have i Although Mariner 11 was tvcalculated the vehicle's patch j j leased into space at a speed of velocity precisely and will know ! 25.500 miles an hour, it, gradu just how long to fire the sftialt ally began, to slow down as planmotor to straighten out Marin I ned for the long haul on the 109er's course. i day. 180.000,000 mile journey that S H IP B U S T S O F F is supposed to take it within 10.M ariner II blasted away from 000 miles of thj sunlit side of Ve Cape Canaveral at 2:53 a.m. > nus Dec. 14. E D T atop a powerful Atlas* Shortly after the 117-pound pay Agena B rocker. H alf an hour later the rocket pul the space j load was carried aloft, NASA craft on an interplanetary tra jec officials said both stages o f the tory at a speed of about 25.500 Atlas-Agcnda rocket appeared to have fired properly. miles an hour. If M ariner works as planned The exact reason for the space its instruments will take the first craft being off course in its j early stages was not im m edia-1 close-up look at secrets w hich,tely known. But officials suspect Ihe brigh* planet conceals ed that an abnormal rolling mo neath a perpetual blanket/ of tion occurred for about 50 sec clouds. It could help solve one o f *}h# onds o f the five-minute Atlas flight. most puzzling mysterh's of/the A statement released by the solar system: Gin life asl we National Aeronautics and Space know' it exist on Venus? Most Administration five hours after scientists doubt there js Ilife the launching said: there because of stemming tlm" E arly tracking data front M a peratures near the surface.! f Search Is Over For Young G(A H E ETON. Ont. <CP> -- The largest search ever conducted in Ontario was called off Sun day night without finding any trace o f 10-ycar-old Thomasina Baku*, abduced a week ago from her parents' farm . Some 2.000 men had joined In the search this weekend after I a week o f unsuccessful hunting by sm aller search oacties. A pm vincial police spokes man said police investigations will he intensified. He said they would check e v e ry fragment of information and e v e ry tele Daily Joumal-Record's C. E. William Ande>ov. starts press- f firs' edition of OakviJle's new phone call they get. Bell. William Cotton and press es rolling. Today's is the j Daily newspaper. Insp. Jim Harris ordered tlie man IJoyd Hurst look on as search force to disperse a! about 6 p.m. It included from nearby* Camp Boi seven light planes, a helico Mrs. Sheri Fink bine, Phoen* I lands and forests personnel and .i\ Arizona, was smiling as j thalidomide would result in a other volunteers. she r iftv is l in Olncinati last * malfortncd ha by. Greeting her [nsp. H a m s said It was prob · UiJv Sweden. There she ^ «s t u t w ilier - in - law and ably the largest search f'vjrr a Wrtlon because t j , T< i /, 7. conducted in Ontario. Another j {vilicc ? :<*o, i\etnna>'r' said; "P u b lic j 1 munity 90 nuie* northeast of By JACQI KSr l.t · IKN c o o p p r j i i i o n has > ~| I "* TRO IS-R1VIERES. Qu* ·V p, 1 Montreal. lu l" i ' News was | Dog.* brought U»»o ihe search Oakville Mayor William Ander-! papers, the Record-Star and die dited The Star, and TI * Mr. Caouette, " fic n f Real Caouette. deputy nation* i owned by Gerald Mitchell. from Rouvn, Qu*\. also urged son started the presses of the , Journal. leader o f the Social < from Kingston and London, "Both weeklies did a superb Daily Journal-Record rolling this party, threatened Sunday night better treatment for the F itvvh M ayor Anderson also recalled j Ont.. picked up the misssing morning, following a brief cere -1 .job of cow rin g the local scene, that Thr News discontinued pu girl's scent beside a swimming to "overthrow the governm ent" language m inority living in Can from a news and advertising mony marking the start of the unless P rim e Minister Diefen- ada's western provinces. blication about 1929. and after hole from which she was ab standpoint," stated His Worship. baker comes up with "som e area's first daily newspaper. Mr. Forster died his pap^r was ducted. But they lost track of " In the name of the Canadian B y JAM ES SCOTTON ' ` Before the operation there thing new. a forecast of pros merged with the Record. her at a point where she ap Confederation." he said, " I ask ^ to the Daily-Journal At the same time, he recalled Speaking was an element o f doubt that if p erity" at the September ses the western provinces to extend parently got into a car._______ " I can rem em ber when The CHICAGO ( A P ) -- Mrs. Sherd staff. Mayor A n d e f , s o n said, that 50 years ago when he first I had the baby and it had been sion of Parliament. to the FiMich and Catholic min was turned out by a hand '"H iere is no more positive sign came to Oakville there were Star S Finkbine arrived back in the all light, ]\ would have been " If Mr. Diefenbaker offers us ority Ihe same tieatment that of a town's progress than when thive local weeklies. Ihe Record, press," he said. United S t a t e s Sunday with terrible to think the way I did," an austerity program on Sept. the Anglo-Saxons enjoy here in the local weekly turns daily.' * The Star and The News. In conclusion Mayor Anderson hopes of adding to her fam ily ihe 30-year-old housewife and 27." he said. " I will precipitate ! Quebec." At the same time M ayor An- I W. J. Fleuty was owner of the told Daily Journal-Record staff of four children in the future, television perform er told report the worst crisis ever seen in ihe DENIES C1IOSE H ITLE R derson paid special tribute to the Record. Arthur Forster, a former ers: " Those papers o f bygone ers at London airport. House of Commons." and words o f praise fo r the towns two former weekly news- m ayor of Oakville owned and re- days w ere very different from Earlier, the deputy leaders M r. Caouette made the state modern newspapers. And today Swedish people. " It was a gamble. But some denied that he had ever chosen marks Ihe beginning of a new I^ooking tii^ed after 20 sleep thing would not let me give in. ment at an open-air rally in 1 H itler and Mussolini as his poK9SWICK. Ont. (CP> -- A era of newspaper sen* ice newly - purchased o u t b o a r d less hours of plane travel from 1 don't know if it was the Trois - R ivieres' Place Pierre ; litical idols. throughout this community and cruiser sprang a leak and sank Stockholm, where an abortion woman s intuition or God inside Boucher, held at the conclusion The denial resulted from an of a weekend party convention its surrounding districts. Sunday, but all eight persons Aug. 18 prevented the b irth *of me. attended by some 800 dele article in the current issue of " I am quite sure that the aboard w ere rescued by a an infant which doctors said j Magazine Maclean, quoting "L a te r, after the abortion, « gates. would have been m alformed be services of the Daily Journal-Re nearby vessel. With him on Ihe platform him as saying in an interview doctor confirmed th e baby cord will be in keeping with Ihe j Albert Dirrino. 34, of Toronto, cause she had taken thalido would have been bom m al were the party's national leader. June 16 that the Fascist dic mide. Mrs. Finkbine told report changed conditions, and will oc- who bought the bo;it two LONDON (C P ) -- Brita n' s 1 ther Commonwealth relations." formed and I knew for certain Robert Thompson, and J. A. tators were his political heroes casion a great deal o f satisfac weeks ago, lost a race for the ers:, The Commonwealth prime Conservative government is nol Mongrain. m ayor o f this com- of history. "T h e Swedish people are Ihe I made the right decision." tion to citizens throughout this shore with rising water after his telLng its people the full story ministers are to meet here Sept. amalgamated town." , son, Randy. 6. found the leak. mast intelligent, understanding o f European Common Market 16. The Daily Journal-Record will Dinino and his wife and two in the world. Am ericans try to Lord Sandwich said Macmil negotiations, the Earl of Sand hide their heads in the sand like wich told an ant.i-Common M ar lan had "gon e lo Bermuda and feature local and district news, children w ere aboard with Mr. President Kennedy's sports, features and pictures. It and Mrs. Charles Smith and an ostrich and hope such prob ket mass meeting here Sur. lay. received lems will go a w a y ," Lord Sandwich, 56. a Conserv instructions to join the Common also has the complete Canadian their two children. Mrs. Finkbine and her hus The adults barely had tim e ative member of Parliament, Market." He deplored this U.S. Press news service which inclu band. Robert, would not elabor des Associated Press news from to get lifejackets on the children said Prim e Minister Macmillan influence. the United States and Reuters before the boat sank. Dinino. ate on their im m ediate plans. is determined to have Britain I'R U E S RESIST "W e ought to resist American news service from Britain and who could not swim, held on to W O l'L D L IK E R E S T join fhe European Economic " I would just like to go some Community on " President Ken attempts to lord it over us with around the world. It will receive a gasoline can for a few min- place and have a few days of their superior designs." CP service by facsimile to ensure 1utes until the rescue boat arnedy's instructions." peace and qu iet," Mrs. Finkbine Before the death of his father vvorld-wide photo , coverage. ` rived. The crowd of 2,500 in packed said. June 16. Lord Sandwich, then Albert Hall upheld overwhelm called L o r d Hinchingbrooke. She said she does not expect ingly a resolution urging that her exp o ience will change her was a Conservative MP. His Britain not join the Common relationship with her four chil new title barred him from Com Market. dren or interfere with their mons membershio. The audience cheered and applans for a larger family. R i c h a r d Briginshaw chairpiauded vigorously d u -",g s;\ man of Ihe Forw ard B r i.t a i n Mrs. Finkbine arrived in Chi m a jor speeches by leaders o Movement, said the Commoncago following a stopover in various anti - Common Market wealth prime m ulsters should London. groups They are members of sav - \ 0- to Britain's Market B U F F A LO , N .Y . A P -- F ire caused an estimated $175,000 the antl-Common Markee league membership bid. If they do. he damage to a downtown restaurant today and four firemen which favors instead closer eco- sa d. " I t is n v belief that <Lawere injured in battling the flames that threatened other nomic ties with Ihe Common- bor Leader Hugh Gaitskc-11 will buildings in ihe business section. | wealth. 1 say `No.' That a large part of THE PRESSES ROLL Mayor Starts Press For Oakville Daily MRS. FINKBINE RETURNS F Caouette Threatens "Crisis" In Commons J l 4 Finkbine Baby Said Abnormal Eight Rescued As Boat Sinks UK Leaders Not Telling All Common Market Opponents Say LATE NEWS FLASHES Buffalo Firemen Hurt At Big Blaze The resolution opposing Mar- the Labor Opposition w ill say ket membership also called on ! `No' and that a large number the British government "to -use j o f Conservatives will say ` No' " the forthcoming Commonwealth He urged the pr:me ministers prime ministers conferences as to " com e out into the open and I an opportunity to develop fur- I o ff a!! fences." Register Nuclear Test In Atmosphere Non-Swimmers Die After Panic Jump U P P S A L A . Sweden A P -- A new Russian nuclear test in fhe atmosphere above the Novaya region was regis tered today by the seismologic institution at Uppsala Unive rsity. DOLBEAU, QUE. (C P* --Three persons drowned Sunday in tire 'tragic aftermath o f a fishing trip near this community, 150 miles northwest of Quebec. Accidents Kill 71 Across C an ada TH E C A N A D IA N PRESS Highway mishaps accounted for most accidental deaths in Canada during the weekend. The over-all loin I was sw elled by two plane crashes, a rail road crossing smash, a boat col lision and drownings. A Canadian Press s u r v e y counted 71 accidental d e a t h s across the country from 6 p.m. local times Friday to midnight Sunday. There were 50 traffic fatalities. Quebec had 32 deaths, 20 on tlie highways. Ontario followed with 22. Including 16 highway deaths and two drownings. Tw o navy airmen also died fn an Ontario plane crash and two persons died in a boat col lision in the province. B y The survey does not include in which they w ere riding was natural deaths, slaying?, known in a collision near Burford, near suicides or industrial accidents. Brantford. O N TAR IO DEAD Lieut. W illiam Patrick Dali. Lee F o w 1 e r, 23. and his 27. Port Wallace. N.S.. and Bel brother Bruce, 21. Aylm er. Sa leville. Ont.: and Lieut. Larry turday when their car dver- Adam Vic/.ko, 30, of Dartmouth, tumcd near St. Thomas. .VS., and Abbotsford. B.C., Sa E lm ore Jewell, 22, Thorold, turday night when their Royal Saturday night when a ca r went Canadian N a vy plane crashed out of control and hit a rock near Napanee. cut near Britt, about 25 miles Donald J a m e s Jesmer. 38. north of P a rry Sound. Red Lake and David Reim er. 2. H a rry Bapise, 67, drowned St. Charles, Man.. F rid a y night Sunday when he fell off a dock when a car crashed into a wa at Matachewan, near Kirkland ter-filled ditch near Vermilion Lake. Bay, about 90 m iles north of Gerald Aubrey Hill. 21. Ha* Fort Frances. garsville, and Benjamin Frank Mrs. E velyn Ruth Cave. 21. lin Longboat, 17. o f the Six N a and W olfgang Block. 24. both of tions Indian reserve near Osh- Toronto. Saturday night in a weken, Sunday when the taxi boat collision on Lake o f Bays in the Muskoka district. Peter Langford. 9. lun down by a car Saturday as he walked along Highway 88 near his home at Bradford, about 20 m i l e s southeast p i Barrie. B IO C H E M IST DROWNS Dr. Alexander McBain Moore, a biochemist, drowned in the Ottawa R iver, o ff Deep R iver Sunday while using a snorkle breathing tube. Gaetan Hupj>et 16. o f St. Pierre, Quc.. Sunday n i g h t w? hcn Ihe car in which he WH riding collided with a n o t h e r near Langton, about 35 m iles southeast o f London. Ml'S. M argaret Lewis. 42. Sun day in a ca r collision on ighw a y 5 at Cooksville. 12 miles west o f Toronto. w - . Rheal Lanthier. 52. Saturday night when his ca r collided with a tractor driven by his son-inlawr near Ihe village o f \ ars. 20 m ile§ southeast o f Ottawa. J effrcv Ardelli. 6. and Robert Allen Hill. 7. Sunday when a car went out of control and crushed them against a wall in the T o r o n t o suburb o f Eto bicoke. Sisters Charlotte and Vertesia M cGee. 15 and 11 Detroit. Sun day when a car driven by their mother smashed into a tree ; near Blenheim 12 miles southj east of Chatham. Mrs. Cora Chaput, 59. T im mins. Sunday when her car 1 struck a. new school bus near I T in w gam i. EARLY MORNING CRASH Three Toronto men escaped injury early this morning after' their ca r went out ofcontrol and rolled o ve r on the Qusert Elizabeth W ay near the Ford plant, Treated at the Oakville - T ra fa lga r M em ori al ospital for face and body cuts w ere P eter Schum. 23. of 481 Indian Road, driver o f the car; Dieter Broese, 32. of Westm inister Avenue **4 D ieter Blum, 23. of G eoffrey Street. O P P constable Ronald Cottingham and Buster M ac Donald examine the wreck.