Many Choice Homes Close To Schools Will Be Found In The Journal-Record 18 -- Oakville J o u r n a l -Record. Monday, August 1962 BIRTHS LE S LIE -- Bill and Joan Les lie. are happy to announce the arrival o f a daughter, Catherine Elizabcth on Aug. 23rd. FOR SAJLE FOR Used And New Furniture, Appliances Etc. Call In At Oakv^ j e sajeg & Service. Hundreds o f articles on sale INSTRUCTIONAL APARTMENTS FOR RENT funeral all the time. Something different every day. HOMES S IN C E 1922 OAKVILLE S. S. RUSSELL' & SON F U N E R A L D IR E C T O R S 45 Dunn St.. at the lake V I. 4-3221 F U L L Y automatic 30 Inch gas stove. Stainless steel oven with rostisserie --1959 model. Priced at S100.00 For further information phone V A 7-3796. No. 8 B A R G A IN for quick sale. Beatty wringer washer with stainless , . stevl tub, and agitator. In good working condition, $20.00. F or particulars phone V A 7No. 8 H E IN TZM A N P i a n o , upright, complete with bench, in excellent condition S200.00 Can be seen anytime at the Ford farm, R R No. 1 Milton FURNITURE 89 Colborne St. E. V I >0241 A LO T FO R A L I T T L E ... A C OLLEGE EULCATIQN COSTS THOUSANDS flF DOLLARS, AND SOMETIMES A LL IT YIELDS IS A QUARTERBACK A Journal-Record classified, on the other hand, costs you as little as PIAN O instruction for beginners. Teaching under the guidance of Ellen K. Scott. A.R.C.T. Commen COM FORTABLE large room with cing Sept. 4th. Call 845-3536 or fully equipped kitchen and semipnvate bathroom. Located close 827-4952 for information. to the hospital. F or further infor ______________ No. 13 mation please call V A 7-1885 evenings. FLO RENCE Keith O'Hagan. R.S.M.--R.M .T., instructing tn piano and theory, resumes teach ing on September 10th, 52 High land Road, Oakville. No. 13 iT- FOR RENT Office For Rent BUSINESS SERVICES D A Y Care for children any age over 6 weeks, Morden School V I 5-5344. Large bright room with adver tising space in very centre of tow'n. $50 p?r month. 89 Colborne St. E . V I 5-0241 ANNOUNCEMENTS ._________ ------------------j tta» t M.r i«rI V I C T O R I A H A L L -- n ew ly decorated, is a v a ila b le fo r rent, f o r m eetings, sta ge producnons. dances, receptions, etc. K itch en facilities- E n qu ire: M rs. L . R . F reem an V I. 4-3014 ' HOUSES FOR RENT 2 STOREY older home central Oakville. 7 rooms, 1% baths, ga rage. 1 year lease from Sept. 1. $125. Phone T. M. Armstrong Broker. V I 4-3501. CUSTOM ROTOTILLING F re e estimates on anv size job. Call C. B. McNeil 573 Maplehurst Ave. V I 4-6620 O AK VILLE t il e WANTED TO RENT TWO NURSES require clean fur nished upi>er flat by September [ 8th. Must be within walking dis tance of Oakville Memorial Hosi pital. Telephone V I 5-8565 with in formation. No.22 COMING EVENTS 96c per insertion, and can yield from 10.00 for your discarded attic items to $100.00 for a good appliance -- or even $10,000 to $25,000 for your home, if you're moving. 'Hie installation and repair. Work guaranteed. Phone V I S594 B IN G O A T M I L T O N A R E - ENGLISH Pedigree, baby car-1 r.a, e v e r y T h u rsd a y n ight at rage, phone V I 4-9776 for further I 8:13 p.m. $800 in prizes. 20 tion. priced at $40.00. For further gam es at $25. th ree specials at information telephone. V I 5-829-1. j $100. $3 adm ission Includes cards fo r all gam es. Sponsor- STOVE-electric 38 inch Gurney. ed b y M ilto n K in sm en and In good condition. Call V I 5-7914. j L e g io n . t f - 7 1L O Y A LIS T red maple double bed, i complete. V I 4-6237. LOANS INDEPENDENT FINANCE Corporation Limited -- Any Useful Purpose -- -- A ll Tvoes o f I>oans -- V I 5-3803 A QUICK SALE IS AS CLOSE AS YOUR PHONE REAL ESTATE T H R E E bedroom house, located on Lees Lane. Oakvilte. Owner has been transferred and must sell. Phone VA 7-2537 for further information. No. 26 PET STOCK 4 BOX Stalls and good (rare given to your horse. Good trail riding area. Apply Box 2. The Journal-Record. L A B R A D O R R e tr ie v e r pups registered . Cham pionship hunt in g stock- E xcellen t pets. V A 112-AV 5-1627. CARS FOR SALE Buy Y o u r QUALITY USED CARS FROM HITCHC0X MOTOR SALES LTD. YOUR LOCAL DEALER with METRO PRICES Journal - Record JUST CALL FOR SALE FURNITURE Classifieds VI 5-4517 BEFORE 5 P.M. MONDAY TO SATURDAY PERSONAL ELP WANTED MALE FEMALE S PLIT level home, with 4 bed rooms. 2 bathrooms. Surrounded by beautiful hedging, double ga LOST --' Will party who found rage. phone V I 4-9776 gor further tool box in parking lot in front information. No. 26 of Speed Wash at OaktowTi Plaza 1 -----please call Ridg.-ville TW. 2-6045 $2,000.00 or AN YTH IN G useful a* or leave at restaurant. Reward. < down payment on 1 year old. 6 room split-level gungalow. Ga F. Hamilton. Speed Wash. rage. fireplace, nicely decorated, i Close to schools and shopping. LOST AND FOUND ROOMS FOR RENT 1 jTM "7 ' Port C rfdit---------WANTED TO BUY ___________ ________________________ * BURLING TO N -- Two bedroom, I YO U NG executive requires a brick bungalow, residential, cen' baby sitter, light housekeeping, S R oom s C o m p letely Furnished F U R B IS H E D room fo r rent, tral to all buses and services, pri__________________________________________________________________________ I 5 days weekly, live in i f preferB ath room s and kitchen also Vate driveway. $10,600. CASH, K itchen, B edroom and H O T w'ater b oiler, o il or coal _________ . r0<* Warminster Rebecca area, upstairs. P r iv a te entrance. V I w rite Box 4 , Oakville Journalfired. C on dition not u S g o rta n t. S L E N D E R IZ E - - R p d u c in g m a apply Unemployment Insurance L iv in g R oom -- O N L Y $269.00 5-3025. 41-H19 Record. 12 G e o rg e St. O a k v ille A lso, e ra v e l scooo to f it F o rd c>» d eliv ered to y o u r nom e. l ommlsion. V I 5-3891. E LE C T R IC IA N experienced in re- c o ^ p o R T A B L E room for rent. I V I. 5-1681 tractor. P r iv a te . 827-1923. A u to m a tic rollers, also belts. E a sy T e rm s EXCLUSIVE Woodhaven Park -- T F - H 10 T w o m onths fo r S25..00. P h on e ?airs' troub,e t 001" * a" d ^ suitable for lady. Please phone 5 6 room bungalow, beau Rn e o lW t tf-11 Previous helpful but tenance on welders, cranes and ... . qoTM nartienlars Pn'-ate Continental B e d s .............. $22.50 in *ood RO . 7-3989 collect. U l l | ^ Apply S|nger ^ industria) wiring> Apply to M r. I V I 4-9339 for further particulars. | Hflll PIAN O wanted, must be in good tiful Hanover kitchen, fully land No. 19 scaped. aluminum storms and working condition. Please phone ing Machines Co. Accounting j R. Johnston. Procor, Third Line, ! __ C h rom e K itch en Suites V A 7-3697 with information. ACCOMMODATION f o r screens, carries for $106 month Dept. 200 South Service Road, Oakville. No. 10 I h e l p w a n t e d No. 12B two school teachers. Phone V I 4- 1 P .I.T . Call owner for appotntw ith 4 c h a i r s __________ $38.8* Oakville. ment. VA 7-3206. 9578. W AN TE D : Reliable housekeeper SH EE T metal men, plastic man. B edroom Suites com p lete 1953 M ER CU R Y Sedan, top order while mother works. Fond of man to learn sign layout for throughout. S PE C IA L . . . $2*8.00 H E LP W AN TE D ^children. Automatic dishwasher \v. st Toronto shop. W rite Box 2, w ith Sm ooth T o p 19W M ER CU R Y Sedan new mo _ - laundry equipment. Central The Daily Journal-Record, M A LE or FE M ALE M a ttie s * ..................... $119.50 tor. A -l shape. SPECIAL. . $311.00 location. Live in or out. 45 First i -----------------------------------9 Cu. Ft. F r i d g e ---------- $179.00 1955 CHEVROLET 2 Door. A hoF ree to work 2 or m ore evenings S treet V I 4-9289.__________________ nev, new paint. An A -l car. W AN TE D : 2 men or women to per week. R EC E PTIO N 1ST--Typist required . Jn iU iV 1 L SPE CIAL . . $588.00. Hours 8 P.M . to 11 P.M. work 2 nights per week selling pleasant working conditions. Ap. , . . 1952 BUICK Sedan, mechanically a brand new household appliplv Hard Metals (Canada) Ltd. Handyman required to keep Average $30.00 -- $50.00 W e are o fte n rem inded a beauty spot: in the College ance deal. $80.00 commission and sound. . . S PE C IA L $88.00. 2442 South Sheridan Way, Clark- new spaper'officesand plant stop- these djays o f the im p ortan ce grounds. Housewives are using shape, and handle minor main bonus. W rite Falcon Discount H U R R Y W HILE T H E Y LAST son. 274-2371. eeds quite a lot of having proper attitudes. For the flowers o f wr tenance chores. Full time job. Sales. 112 Ossington Ave.. Torexam ple, t o be a s a fe d r iv e r for bouquets for their living room F o rs y th e St. S. B A B Y sitter with light house O A K V IL L E MOTORS onto. ____________________ 41-h-12 Call Mr. Packer on the h ig h w a y one m ust tables. Frequently I have seen la keeping duties or housekeeper. V I. * 03*1 Corner Robinson and Reynolds CARRIERS to deliver Globe and V I 54237 h a ve the r ig h t attitude, o r t o dies picking Oxe-eye Daisies and Live in. West Oakville, rear local g e t a lo n g w e ll w ith o th e r Brown-eye-Susans etc. for this Mail newspaper in Oakville and VI 4-3273 or apply at bus line. Phone V I 5-5361 days m u st purpose. One of the most recent vicinity. Phone V I 5-2022 any ( or evenings VI 5-S955. The D A IL Y JOURNAL-RECORD people, gen era lly, w e ; 1956 M ETEOR Convertible White h a v e the n ecessary attitude. a n d prettiest arrangements I time. Car helpful. F o r interview call l a n d Green. Automatic, radio, 137 Randall Street S o it m a y w e ll la r g e ly depend have noticed is Wild Carrot flow Em pire Crafts (Canada) Ltd. · C LE AN IN G W OM AN 2 days a i whitewalls and continental. Exon o u r attitude, o r fr a m e o f ers in a variety of shades of red, i week. Knowledge o f English esand C LASSIFIED ADS EM. 8-1273 I 1 cellent condition, priced at $845.00 W A N T AND S E L L m ind, i f w e a r e to see an y blue and green. This is accom I sential. V I 5-5.964. Ask F or Mrs. Chamula G E T R E S I LTS Phone V I 4-3176 for further in plished by cutting the stalk* th in g o f b ea u ty in a w eed. formation. No. 9 T o th e fa r m e r a w eed Is about six or eight inches long and u s u a lly a plaint o u t o f place, placing them in a solution of 1961 FORD V8 four-door standard F o r D riv e w a y s and to the urban d w e lle r water, colored to the desired transmission. Very clean. Consi w eed s a re often a sou rce o f shade by adding food coloring, der trade for ? 51 to '54. $2,195.00 d i s c o m f o r t from H ayfever The Que^n Anne's lace, which is Call 845-7257._____________________ etc- A s id e fr o m th ese facts, naturally white, responds quite C hoice Q uality, 1954 P O N T IA C best, offer. Call i f w e can con tro l o u r a tti quickly to this treatment and will G uaranteed V I 5-5707 anytime. No. 9 tude and lo o k f o r b ea u ty in turn to the desired color in a a wr eed w e can find it. Here couple o f hours, By DOL'G M A R S H A L L 1 Socialist P a rty was split into ' one o f them. Must it be like a r e a few r exa m p les o f h o w In the Fall o f the year when W IN G H AM . O n t. (C P ' a ..*·_____ · ' mon* KAOCftM w eeds have matured the women that! man! beast! two factions. George McCutcheon. 39. Huron w e e d s can be beautiful. W a te r W ash ed LONDON (C P ) -- Dr. Joseph A N T I-S E M IT IC A G ITA TO R A t the O.A.C. in Guelph you will folk again g o forth in quest of countv warden and Brussells YO U NG JO U R N A LIS T Goebbels become convinced reeve, won nomination Saturday find a special bed o f weeds, a centre piece or arrangement F o r H om e R e p a ir W o r k Goebbels, H itler's shrewd dis Goebbels was then a young ... f ° r ^ie mantle during the Winter the Jews were ruining Germany as Progressive C o n servative Tnev are labelled as to variety, C h ild ren 's Sand Boxes seminator of wartim e propa j o u r n a l i s t who had once when his novel was turned dow n cultivated D e liv e red in A n y Q u a n tity ganda. is still getting a bad candidate for the Huron-Bruce carefully " J and cared months. Many a Milk weed, Teapreached drastic r a d i c alism. b y two Jewish publishers and , for. While this is of course an sal, Bullrush etc. are gathered. ^ ^ bvelection Oct. 4. press in Britain. A fter switching to the Nazi several articles a.-*w.w- w ere rejected K His only opposition * -came from exhibit for educational purposes painted and eventual y turn ou Goebbels committed suicide party he dallied between a by Jewish editors. G eoree Jovnt ol Lucknow. A it isgenerally admitted by visi- j to be the f i s h e d product and m ore socialistic group under As an anti-semitic agitator he j as the Russians advanced into third nominee,' R. E.McKinney, tors in July that it is attracUve In s p e c ,o r T o p P rices Berlin in 1945. Somehow he has G regor Strasser in northern glorified in his ability to sway form er W ingham mayor, with- looking and compares very fa- V . E. McArthur, U eed inspector County of Halton gained a posthumous reputation Germany and H itler's circle at audiences. V I. 5-1547 ! vorablv to other flower beds as drew. " Some 3.000 people. I am re as the most interesting and so Munich. ceived with raging applause, j phisticated of the Nazi leaders. In the end he gave his al W h o M an u factu res in legiance com pletely and rap Addressing those people listen But critics say this legend turously to Hitler. His loyalty ing in hushed silence I become H alton and Sells M ost about his personality is shat was absolute. Of his leafier he inspired and I inspire " 12 I)undas St. N ., O a k ville tered b y the recent publication wrote: Hugh Trevor-R oper in The in English of Thp E a rly Goeb Sunday Tim es says Goebbels' j ` `He is a genius, the natural bels Diaries. F A B I A N F U R N IT U R E creative instrument of a fate talents w ere nothing m ore than those o f an expert advertising ; M A N U F A C T U R IN G " Not one thought in his head created b y God. How I love man. It W'as his job to put j the Vancouver team o f Vicki CO M PANY worth committing to paper." h im !" By A L E X M O R IN ! pionship with Peaches Bartkoacross the Nazi message and he . Ideologies and world views Berner and Hedy Rutzebeck. says G. M. Thomson in the Lon (T h ro u g h o u t O n ta rio etc ) O T T A W A (CP> More, than 13. of Ham tramck, Mich. did it well. S e llin g y o u r ca r ? T o p prices Vain. ; fascinated Goebbels but his both 17. The two teams had don Evening Standard. " H e devised its public Image, j ^ young tennis players have j Both Japanese players w ere paid at grasp was superficial. He was eliminated Am erican contenders N ow r Fabian -- too shallow, hard anti ambitious," stopped in the boys* 18 singles articulated its propaganda, ar battered their w ay through nine ' " ' * in the semi-final round. echoes The Observer s Jam es neurotically uncertain about his (T h ro u g h o u t H a lto n C ounty ranged its ceremonies; but he b v Belkin. own f u t u r e and tne world days o f play to decide 21 Cana Miss U r b a n is Canadian e tc ) Joll. In the boys' 18 open doubles, closed champion in the girls' IS around him, ranting one mo- had no independent character dian junior tennis champion Inoue and kuramitsu w'ere de event but failed in her bid to M ilto n fa c to ry to you Tlie diaries w ere written In ment and worshipping the next. and never originated an idea. It ships/ feated in the semi-final by Bob take the open title. She was de " L ife is a great com edy with seems we must scrape the bot1925-26. a p e r i o d when the When the tournament ended O r O a k v ille outlet to you 210 L a k e s h o re R oa d W . Piers. 17. o f Truro. N.S., and feated b y the 13-year-old Mis* newlv - reconstituted National apes as actoi*s and oneself as tom o f the Nazi barrel." Saturday night, players from P o r t C red it B a rry Shakespeare, 15, of Hali- Bartkowicz. t Ontario had won four of the frtX. Peaches teamed up with an closed titles, two had gone to The Nova Scotia boys went on other Ham track entry. Betty Quebec and one each to Nova ( W e do not a d v ertise ) T F -- 10 to take the title by defeating Biedler, 16, to take the girls Scotia and British Columbia. Jim Novitsky, 16. and Chuck 16 open doubles title. In open competition, wiiere Brainard, 15, both o f H am There w ere Hamtramck en they faced the stiffest foreign tramck. tries in the tournament, all of invasion o f the tournament's 14The Canadian who Impressed them students at the Hoxie Ten year history, Canadians w ere tournament officials most was nis School in the Detroit indus able to retain only three o f 13 Bob Moffatt. 16. of Vancouver. trial suburb. Others from the 1- Th ick. F irs t Q u a lity championships. He is British Columbia junior school who took championships O fficials were, nonetheless. champion and in his first try at were: Novitsky and Brainard m In stalled $-19.50 O a k v ille 's r a tio o f in du strial $60,720,000 re sid e n tia l assess- o f s e rv ic e a b le lan d a v a ila b le We pay cash for any saleable ar ticle of any kind. assessm en t f o r 1963 is e x ments, $41,072,734 i n d u s t r i al- i f o r in d u stria l sites. T h e a va il- j Im pressed with the strength o f I the n a t i o n a l championships the boys' 16 doubles: John Hainmanaged to win both the opened line, 14. in the boys' 14 singles^ com m ercia l, and S7.335.930 a b le lab or pool is said to to ta l the Canadian showing, pected to reach 44 per cent P h on e fo r fre e estim ates No Fuss -- No Bother Hottest o f the foreign invad and closed crowns for boys 16 Susan Dykes, 16. in the girls 56 p e r cen t fa rm . A n tic ip a te d fig u re s f o r ! 230*000 p ei sons Just name your price to Oakville com p a red w ith ers was Mike Belkin, 17. of and under. 16 singles and Melodie Kiertans M offatt defeated Shakespeare in the girls' 14 singles. Sales & Service residential, a c c o rd in g t o a 1963 a r e *64.71*000°resid en ^ f l X f ta- M iam i Beach, Fla., top-ranked in d u strial- th * ou t to fir m s m co m m u n ity a n a lysis p rep ared tia l · $44,748,734 junior player in the United 6-3. 6-0 fo r the closed title and The open singles titles in the co m m ercia l, and $7-335,030 I q uir*ng abo » t loca tin g here. eliminated Brainard 6-2, 6-1 for b y R on a ld J- C c o k s le y , the States. T w o other superior ju 12 age group went to Denis Ber 89 Colborne St. E., V I 5-0241 to w n 's in d u stria l com m ission farm assessment. niors w ere masakazu Inoue and the open. ger. 12. of Glendale. Pa., and R A IN S H IT B R IT A IN er. T h is w ill be th e fir s t tim e T h e a n a lysis states th at j Thomas Suher, 12, of Spring Tetsu Kuramitsu, both 18 and ·the to w n 's in d u stria l assess- to ta l ta x collectio n s f o r the.! LO N D O N (Reuters) -- Gales o f Tokyo. They are ranked first R EACH ES F IN A L O a k ville, VT 50318 He also reached the final of field, hass. m e n t h a s ex ceed ed 40 p e r cen t old tow n o f O a k v iP e in 1960 and torrential rain swept over and second, r e s p e c t i v e l y , O n e r .c lo s e d title* won dur the bovs' 18 closed singles o f th e total, F a c to r y P rices & S e rv ic e M r . C o o k s le y w ere 94.02 and 93.73 per cent Britain Sunday, bringing flood ing the tournament were. G:n> am ong juniors 18 and under in And Wheel Toys Wanted. We where he lost 6-3. 3-6. 4-6 in a f o r 1961, w h ic h co m p a res fa v - ing and widespread damage. their own country. 16 Rosem arie Fletcher, buy small and juvenile size bi points out. close fight with Andre TieleThe worst-hit areas w ere in T h e b ig fa c to rs in th e i n - , o r a b ly w it h th ose o f o th e r tawa: girls' 14, Andree Martin. G O O D q u a lity top soil, cow cycles in any condition. mans, 18. o f Montreal. crea se a re th e con stru ction o f c o m m u n itie s o f co m p a ra b le Scotland, N o r t h W ales and W IN S O P E N T IT L E m anu re, m u sh room com post, boys H - 'f · H ie other open title that Montreal: Oakville Sales & Service Belkin w e n t through the the n ew S20,000,000 S h ell O il size. M o r e th a n 6,500 a c re s o f northwest E n g l a n d . Several sand fill, ro c k e ry stone, and staved in Canada was the girls' Leach. Ottawa: girls 1*· I* ^ na, Shakespeare. H alifax: and . crushed stone f o r d rive w a y s . r e fin e r y and th e addition t o la n d in the tow n is zon ed roads in the areas w ere re tournament unbeaten to win the 18 doubles. F aye Urban, 16. of Canadian open title for boys 18 12, B ill MacDonell, Downsview, F o r prom pt d elivery, phone the p lan t o f th e F o rd M o to r and re s e rv e d fo r Industry, ported under two o r three feet Windsor. Ont.. a n d Brenda and under. under. He Com pany of C a n a d a . T h is w ith ar>ou- 1.100 a cres occu - of w ater with low-lying houses and He also aiso shared m -t a i -m in uinn.»>i. . · d o tte d R od gers Lan d scape Supplies, Ont. v e a r 's 's assesm enr * show p Died ihan th at a re r ea a ' Hooded flooded or cut off. * ^ e open m ixed doubles cnam- 1 Nunn*, V I 5-5781. 89 Colborne St. E .t V I 5-0241: y en t fig u r e s ied and m o re than HERE'S GOOD TRANSPORTATION A T A LOW PRICE LADIES M a n y D e c o ra tiv e U se s F o r V a rio u s W e e d s TANITOR Federal Furniture Sales NO INVESTMENT NO CANVASSING, COLLECTING OR DELIVERING Crushed Stone Red Crushed Tile Top Soil Sand & Gravel Hitler's Propagandist "Vain, Shallow, Hard" G. McCutcheon Tory's Choice Claims Police WANTED TO BUY WE NEED GOOD QUALITY USED CARS GORDON BARTHOLOMEW DOWNTOWN CHRYSLER-DODGE LIMITED FURNITURE Phone V I. 4-3237__ ! W e Need Cars ! Ontario Netters Star At Dominion Final Mississauga Motors Limited PHONE VI. 5-8731 CR. 8-6181 Aluminum Storm Screen Doors FURNITURE and APPLIANCES WANTED $117,000,000 Assessment In 1963: Industrial 44% Aluminum Windows FEDERAL INDUSTRIES OF CANADA Oakville Furniture BICYCLES OAKVILLE FURNITURE