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Daily Journal-Record, 27 Aug 1962, p. 17

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O akvilto J o u rn a l-R e c o rd , M onday , A ug u st 27, 1382 ; LET S CELEBRATE ! IT S OUR 3rd c H i M H iJS * 00ttA»5 S sst r a . · ...M L , L 1 , --- * r ir 5|a<r * ». We have just made a tremendous purchase of high quality carpets especially for our 3rd Anniver sary. Now we offer this fine merchan dise to you at huge savings. So come in now and see for yourself the values of a lifetime. ONE M IL L IO N DOLLAR: G H. W O O D "5 a * # * * * i C O M «W IJ C n MILLION DOLLAR MONEY TREE j C A N A D IA N N A T IO N A L E X H IB ITIO N T U E 3 * A h * '* « c a m a d ia k im perial rakk o f ---- GREATEST EVER! S IZ E 9x10 -- - » MILLION DOLLAR MONEY TREE Money T ree at this year's Ca nadian N a t i o n a l Exhibition. Howf many times nave you Some fourteen feet high and wished that money grew on forty-seven feet in circumferen tress? . . . Well, G. H. Wood, ce. the Money T ive is loaded the "Sanitation for the Nation' ' with one million dollars in cur people, have proved that truth rency. all, says Geoffrey H. is indeed stranger than fiction, with which the crowds seem to ; Wood. President of G. H. Wood a g r e e when they saw t h e & Company Ltd . to stress the world's f i r s t Million Dollar I huge daily cost of preventable sicknes in Canada. I>ocated in the new Better Living Centre Building at th f C.N.E., the display is surround ed by an eight-fot steel bar fence. Armed guards are on day and night duty to det,er anyone who might have ideas about picking some of this fruit. D E S C R IP T IO N Barrymore Cresta Mushroom REG. SALE 115 95 79.95 - 12x7 Acrilan fext 11red beige 85*50 112.00 9x6 Kurltone BMK Cham pagne 71 90 44.00 65.50 89.00 12x14 Kraus Classic Tuft Cacao 65.00 ,156.60 106.00 29.95 9x6*9 Barrymore Casa Lonia, oyster j q ** qq 9x12 BMK Tundra, brown 228.00 Hopedale Apartments Now Before Planners 1 Approval of an apartment proI ject adjacent to the Hopedale Pla' za by Hopedale Developments Ltd. was withheld by the Pin titling Roard Thursday night in ord^r to give property owners in the area a chance to be heard re garding the proposal. The property is north of R e becca Street west of Scabourne Drive, and comprises four-and-a-1 half acr s. 1). A. McConachle, the applicant's solicitor, told t h e board it was proposed to erect a six-storey apartment building containing 58 suites, in addition i to 42 maisonettes. 10 semi-de tached dwellings and four single fam ily units. There will be an area of given space, and suffi cient parking space, M r. McConachie said. " Any shopping centre would certainly welcome anything such as this," observed lv>ard member Patrick Hughes, " but is this the type of apartment house we want?" David Scher. owner of Hopedale ' Developments Ltd., told the board that the large apartment building would give the area interest and character. He said it was his in tention to keep rentals within the $105 price range, and did not be lieve fhe building would depre ciate property values in the area. 4 8'2xl2 Crossley Velvet, grey jg Q 9x12 All wool Hardtwlst, burnt orange 168.00 8'2xl2 Tree Bark, rose qq o5«Q0 I '9x9 Grey Tweed all wool Axminster 60.00 ACRILAN TEXTURED CARPETS velvet finish and hard twist completely installed wall to wall including rubber underpad A SPECIAL SERVICE FOR CUR CUSTOMERS Our home decorator service Is available to you at no extra cost or obligation. For free estimate or samples call us day or night and a specialist in home decorating will call at your home. 8*7x12 BMK Kurltone, green 144.00 75.00 85.00 55.00 9x8*10 Casa Lonia an wool 26 nylon 142.50 36.00 7*8x12 # Brown and White tweed 3x9 Kraus Classic Tuft, beige § A P IN bfX O f- .15 5m mmm m*mm i h * · >1 i K -Hi? 6 2 l -- i 0<1 ...... - 1 After the carpet Is installed BE SURE TO WATCH mi J " W e've got too many young people now," commented board chairman D. G. Hallford. " I 1 would like to see low b v e l accom' modation for old .people." O r« THE CROWNING NEW TOUCH IS "W H A T 'S THE W EATHER" every Tuesday night on Channel I t brought to you by DRAPES FOR TH AT SPECIAL ROOM r THm#'.^oy f ~ ------------ Soviet Union Fires Two More Nuclear Tests W ASH ING TO N fC P ) Two more Soviet nuclear tests--the sixth and seventh in the current Russsian series --· were set off Saturday, the U.S. A to n ic En ergy Commission reports. It marked Hie first tim e two tests have been reported iu one day. The A E C said the biggest of Ihe two blasts, set o ff in the Arctic N ovaya Zcm lya region, was equal to several megatons. The Uppsala University Seismological Institute in Sweden also registered the explosion and es timated its strength at about 10 megatons -- equal to 10,000,000 ton.s of TNT. The second test w-as carried out in the Semipalatinsk area of central Siberia, the A E C said. It described it as a low-yield test, indicating a strength equiv alent to less than 20.000 tons of ; TNT. Canadians F ly In lX )N D O N -- F o r t y C a n a dians w h o w e r e p riso n ers in S ta la g L u ft 111 d u rin g ihe se cond w o rld w a r h ave a rriv e d b y air in London fo r a reu nion. A m o n g them is s ix feet ! fo u r inches VVaily F lo o d , w h o took p a rt in the m ass escape fro m the ca m p in 1941 o f 73 I a ir fo rc e m en. w h ich resu lted In 50 p riso n ers b e in g murder-1 ed b y th© G astap o. I 9x8*2 ·V* have a wonderful selection of custom drapes In ur store and an expert staff to install them, and you'll find fhe prices very reasonable. Abbott Carpet STOCKS ADVANCE The Associate! Press average of G O stocks advanced for the second week in a row. closing Friday at 226.4 from 222.9 tlie previous week. Led b;, live stock, the commodity index movc'd lower last week to 162.9 from 163.4 in the preceding period. (A P Wirephoto Chart). Acrilan Natural A Doeskin 91.00 126.00 7 132.00 112.00 217.00 59.00 79.50 92.50 69.50 m oo 7*8x12 Barrymore 80 wool 26 nvlon 170.00 130.00 295.00 380.00 330.00 95,00 89.50 2G5.00 285.00 225.00 9x18 Black and White Tue*"1 >Xl2 Axminster 2 tone beige TORONTO INDUSTR 9x11*9 Beige Axminster 12x22*2 Acrilan Texture 7x9 Barrym ore Casa U n n Hard Twist grey 12x28*8 Acrilan Texture 12x10? Barrymore 2 tone Wilton green 12x23 Acrilan Texture SELECTION IS AT IT'S BEST NOW! so hurry down and get first choice on these top quality carpets. OTHER LOCATIONS IN CARPET COMPANY 64 Colborne St. E. VI 5-5002 HAMILTON BURLINGTON PORT CREDIT SCARBOROUGH MARKET DOWN AGAIN The industrial index o i t! < · Toronto Stock Exchange drop ped slightly again last week from the summer high of 561.96 August 15 to 558.21 at the close Friday. Graph shows index trend for July and to August 24. (C P Wirephoto)

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