f in -- O a k ville Journal R eco rd . M onday. A iirii**! 27. 19C At LT D PRESCRIPTIONS T ,M * * . * ' ^ .1Oata»'« " as ?aSSe4 » * A iir s i t ^ p , O a U v ^ rea^ ^ , Come And Visit Us In Our Happy Hom e . . . where, we have dispensed neatly 100,000 pres criptions. We have enjoyed the past 10 years and we hope that you will visit with us on this very happy occasion. IDA. Discount Prices THIS WEEK O N LY! A D O R N Hair Spray 1.61 B A N Deodorant 1.05 EX-LAX 2 for 79c, 4 3 F L O R I E N T Air Deodorant .79 J & J DADY POWDER .65 LECTRIC SHAVE .69 NIVEA CREME .59 P E P S O D E N T Tooth Paste .59 P R E P A R A T I O N `H 1.77 REG. 1 .8 9 REG. 1 .2 5 Learn W hy W e Are Oakville's Leading DRUG STORE We intend to continue to serve you, not as a depart ment, but as a pharmacy where our own staff is well versed in the handling o f ... V is i t O u r Cosmetic & Perfume DEPARTMENT REG. .49 S e le c t f r o m : GERMAINE M0NTEIL · DOROTHY GRAY DuDARRY REVLON COTY POST O F F I C E SUB-STATION NO. 1 REG. .89 REG. .75 REG. .80 REG. 1.33 REG. .65 REG. 1.98 VITALIS REG. 1.00 .79 PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS and PATENTS FIRST AID SUPPLIES ZENITH HEARING AID SUPPLIES PERFUMES COSMETICS BABY NEEDS VITAMINS CAMERAS and FILMS CHOCOLATES and ICE CREAM YARDLEY CHANEL LANVIN WORTH. DANA TELEPHONE ACCOUNTS Coming Sept 10 1 1 HUNDREDS OF T H O U S A N D S I. D. A. HEAR BETTER with BACR-TO-SCHOOL SPECIALS 150 Sheet--Jumbo Loose Leaf ABC SALE O u r l i e s ! S a le O f t h e Y e a r f£N iT H ."LIVING S O U N D " HEARING AIDS REFILLS f - R ln jr .88 Complete Stock of J 100 sheets Special .44 B IN D E R .................. HBAVV TH E L A T E S T R E A S O N : GREYHOUND "Canada's Finest Photo-fin ishers. Bring your photowork to us for the quickest service and maximum quality in both C O L O U K anil BLACK AND WHITE. Daily Delivery The New "COURIER"* YouH enjoy trem endous performance at a sorprisingty low price. First, listen to the C o u rie r...th en com pare its precision transistorised performance with any hearing aid at any price. You'll be convinced this new Zenith "living Sound" Hearing Aid is the one for yo u ! O perates lor pennies a day. Hear the telephone wore dearly with Zenith s f bone M agnet*1 . Cafl us today, p te a s * Canadian FOUNTAIN Banker'* --6 refills PEN . .44 PENS and PENCILS W ATERM AN SCRIPTO PARKER SPECIAL This Week Only! P E N ........................ S p e c ia l ·Zenith KODAK DU0-PAK 2 F IL M S O N LY REG. 1.20 .99 " Courier** m ad e by tt>e work* le a d e r TV and R adio. Naturally. Jt*s the h igh est quality in BALL POINT PEN . .09 M a r a th o n -- I t c o lo u r* Tune in to CHWO at 9:15am and 6:35pm Coloured PENCILS .59 SCHAEFFER