2- The-Oakville Beaver, Friday March 17, 2006 CORPORATION OAKVILLE HYDRO'S BLINK COMMUNICATIONS TO BUY FIBRE-OPTIC TELECOM A SSETS FROM MISSISSAUGA'S ENERSOURCE TELECOM Oakville, Ontario (March 16,2006) - Oakville Hydro Corporation is pleased "We are delighted to welcome the Enersource Telecom employees and custom to announce that its telecommunications subsidiary, Blink Communications, is ers to Oakville Hydro's Blink Communications," said John Bobyk, Chairman of acquiring the high-speed telecommunications assets of Enersource Telecom the Board of Oakville Hydro Corporation. "Since 1999, Blink has successfully grown its high-speed fibre optic network that links businesses and organiza Inc. of Mississauga. The deal is expected to close this spring. tions together and to the Internet. This acquisition will provide a solid founda The assets to be purchased include 590 kilometres of a high-speed (10 gigabit tion for continuing growth in the scope and profitability of an important part of per second) fibre infrastructure located in a region that has been attracting a our overall business. This is good news for the people of our community and for significant number of head offices and businesses that require secure, high our shareholder, the Town of Oakville." speed telecommunication networks. In addition to the fibre infrastructure, Blink is purchasing a solid foundation of existing public and private sector customers, "Combining Enersource's fibre-optic assets with Blink's existing network signif icantly increases our footprint in southern Ontario, and further solidifies Blink's which include school boards and a number of Fortune 500 corporations. position as a local leader for Ethernet, private line and Internet services," said "This transaction represents a tremendous opportunity for Oakville Hydro Troy Hare, General Manager of Blink Communications. "This is an exciting op to expand its profitable communications business," said Alex Bystrin, Presi portunity for us to further grow our customer base by offering businesses and dent and CEO of Oakville Hydro Corporation. "Merging Blink's high-speed, organizations in Mississauga access to a comprehensive suite of new products fibre-based system with a similar and contiguous network makes great and customized services to meet their individual telecommunications needs." business sense. Blink can now offer its digital communications and data management services to hundreds of business customers in the rapidly About Oakville Hydro Corporation and Blink Communications Oakville Hydro Corporation is a recognized leader in the Distribution, Energy growing City of Mississauga." Services and Communicaiiohs sector. It serves the electrical energy and com Blink Communications and Enersource Telecom are working closely together munications needs of residential, commercial and industrial customers in one to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for all customers and business of the most desirable communities in Canada through its three well integrated partners. The acquisition means that additional high-tech jobs will be coming divisions, Oakville Hydro Electricity Distribution Inc., Oakville Hydro Energy Services to Oakville - Blink is extending offers of employment to all of the personnel of Inc. and Blink Communications, a high-speed fibre optic communications network service provider. For more about Blink Communications visit www.blink.ca Enersource Telecom. OAKVILLE HYDRO HAVE ITALL COMING AND GOING. M a z d a 3 a nd M a z d a 3 S po rt a re a b o u t e xc e e d in g e xp ectatio ns, e ve ry w h ic h w a y. Both have sleek, m odern lines. The s p irite d p e rfo rm a n c e o f an all-alu m inu m , 1 6-valve D O H C ejpgine. Plus a v a ila b le leather - in an in te rio r so w e ll-a p p o in te d a n d th o ro u g h ly th o u g h t out, even a tele s co p ic steering w h e e l is sta n d a rd . Testd riv e the a w a rd -w in n in g M a z d a 3 a nd M a z d a 3 S po rt tod ay. N e v e r have tw o c om pacts d e liv e re d so much o f e ve ry th in g . This w a y a n d that. zoom-ZOOm 2006 M AZDA3 SPO R T DOW N PAYMENT* $0 SECURITY DEPOSIT LEASE FROM 2006 M AZDA3 SED A N $ 249 " 6.Z PER MONTH FOR 6 0 MONTHS °/ /o APRt Oakville www.mcnda.ca 1 2 9 1 SPEERS R O A D 9 0 5 .8 2 7 .4 2 4 2 (North side between 3rd & 4th Line) www.oakvillemazda.com email: info@oakvillemazda.com Electroluminescent instrumentation 5-Speed Sport Mode Automatic Trans Generous, Well-Appointed Interior Standard 4-W heel O ise Brakes fBased on o representative lease agreement for the 2006 Mazda3 Sedan GX Automatic Transmission (D4XS86AA00) ar a 6.7% lease APR., rhe roral lease obligation is $14,940 with a down payment of $0. For other models see your dealer for derails. Lease payment.includes freight and P.D.E. of $1,195 for cars. PP5A registration fee of $59.87 for a 60 month rerm, license, insur ance, raxes and orher dealer charges extra. Dealer may sell/lease for less. Limited quantities available. Dealer order or trade may be necessary on certain vehicles. Offers available from March 1 2006 for a limited rime only. L®ase and Finance on approved credit for qualified customers only. See your dealer for derails. GT models shown. » *· » * «, w . ·» -m * ' * » » » * * * fr- · * w. * * '* * * » * 4 « to 'A * * A -V * * * * * » * « * c- » *» * a · · · -» « * · «>-