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Daily Journal-Record, 1 Sep 1967, p. 31

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Dally Journal · Record Centennial Edition, Friday, Sept. 1, 19*7 CONFLICTING ACCOUNTS OF POLITICAL LEANINGS " Halton BSepresented At Ottawa Since 1851 Halton's political history I s about evenly split between Liber al (R eform in its earlier days) and Conservative representation at Ottawa. The County has elected 16 Con servative candidates, 13 Liberals and two Independents for the Halton seat at Ottawa since 1851. In number of years' service, the Conservatives and Liberals are equal at 53 each, with just eight years of Independent representa tion in the capital. There are conflicting accounts o l the political leanings o f some candidates who were elected. F or instance in 1878 the Hon. W. McDougall was elected, and the Reference Division of the Ottawa Public Library lists him as an Independent. He is listed as a Conservative in one county newspaper. Four years earlier D. B. Chis holm of Hamilton ran as an " In dependent Tem perance" candid ate for Halton, and w as success ful in unseating John White who had been Halton' s R eform (or Liberal) M.P. since 1851. The Ottawa library lists him as Coniervative. In the accom panying list of how Halton voted in past elect ions, both men are listed as Conservative. Prior to 1851 when Halton be cam e an electorial district of its own, it was part of the District o f Gore. In 1849 the division into districts was changed and Halton and Wentworth form ed a united county. The first member, John White, was elected in 1851 and then in '1853 Halton and Wentworth divided and Halton took on its present - day form . Am ong the early representat ives (prior to 1851) were the Hon. Jam es Crooks, Mr. Scollard, Jam es Durand, Col. W i l l i a m Chisholm of Oakville, Mr. Shade, Hon. Mr. Whetenhall and Caleb Hopkins. The Halton Atlas of 1877 fails to say what political affiliations they held, but Mr. Chisholm was a Liberal Conser vative (m ore confusion) and held the post as m em ber for 16 years. Thanks to the forcefulness of John White of Milton, the coun ty' s politics from the 1850's, to 1891 were mainly Liberal. Mr. White, an Irish - born im migrant was a well known businessman and he and his brother owned se ven farm s in Halton and had sawmills in nearly every part of the county. He was Milton's first Reeve, a charter m em ber of the Milton Mechanics Institute and Halton Agricultural Society, a Mason and m em ber of many other service organizations. The brothers, John and Jam es were great horse-lovers and im ported a stable of 60 thorough breds which becam e famous for winning the Queen's Guineas up to 1891 winning it m ore times than any other stable in Canada. Thirteen of their colts -- pll from F O R M E R H A L T O N C O N S E R V A T IV E M P one famous mare " Yellow Bri Sandy Best (left) John Diefenbaker and the late President John F . Kennedy m eet In Ottawa a r" -- becam e Guineas winners and their champion sire " Terror" was a Guineas winnef and won ported pure-bred shorthorns did and he defeated Henderson who times before he retired In 1917 at a medal at the World' s Fair as much to im prove the basic live was campaigning under the Tem the age of 78. Dr. R. K. Ander the finest thorough-bred on show. stock industry in Halton. perance Alliance. Waldie's agents son becam e the Conservative can He served as a Liberal whip w ere again charged with bribery, dldate and he won the next five Improved Livestock John owned and operated a for many years, was an outspok and the trial dragged on for a elections between 1917 and 1930, race track at " Woodlands" 'n ea r en antagonist against " The Fam year before the charges were retiring in 1935. Bronte, the present home of CBC ily Com pact" , and was a loyal finally dismissed. A little side-light to the 1908 Farm Broadcaster George Atk William Lyon Mackenzie sup Henderson again led the polls campaign proved how colorful ins. The brothers were also in porter. He is said to have hid in 1891 but he was unseated politics were in those early terested in cattle and their im- den Mackenzie from Loyalist in 1892 for bribery, and anoth troops in a ca ve at his Bronte er election was c i l e d . F or the days. Newspaper files report a huge crow d o f Henderson sup farm during the uprising. first time the R eform ers had no First elected in 1851, he de candidate in the field, and Hen porters in Milton m et the success feated Dr. Hamilton the Conser derson was opposed by J. D. M c ful M .P. at the train station and vative candidate. He was re G regor, the nominee of the Pat escorted his carriage to the band elected six times but in 1874, rons of Industry. Henderson was stand next to the Town Hall. following the defeat of Sr. John returned to the House of Com Men heading the procession car Halton County has been represented federally as a single A. M acdonald's government, he mons for the third time within ried broom s which they set on riding since before 1867 and the election in 1965 was the last in fire to use as torches, and the lost to D. B. Chisholm of Ham which Halton voters elected one representative. Redistribution ilton. It seemed unusual that four years, on a 4,400 vote m aj band was out to join in the cele ority. bration. will fragment the county before another federal election. once the country turned out a Waldie returned to the fray In Conservative government, Halt The following table indicates how Halton has voted in m ore DROWN OUT SPEAKER the campaign of 1896 and lost on elected a Conservative m em The defeated Liberals were than the past 100 years. In m ost cases the plurality of votes his final attempt to get back to ber -- but there is still the sus for the winner is indicated. Ottawa. The total vote that year down but they weren't giving up, picion that Chisholm was an in Halton was 5,006 and Hender however. They filled the hall and independent candidate. 1851 -- John White -- Liberal son won it with a m ajority of when Henderson attempted to 300 1854-- John White -- Liberal Bribery Charge give his victory speech, they 84. After this election, the victors' 520 1857 -- John White -- Liberal hooted out the Town Hall wind backers held a big party in Oak TORY REIGN 331 1861 -- John White -- Liberal ows and the noise drowned him ville, at which a 1,600 pound 831 1863 -- John White -- Liberal F rom 1896 to 1935 Halton con out. The Conservatives -- still ox was roasted. Apparently it tinued to vote Conservative. They outside at the bandshell -- decid 137 1867 -- John White -- Liberal was anything but a " temper elected Henderson four 136 1872 -- John White -- Liberal m ore ed to stone the windows. T o preance" celebration. The party was 25 1874 -- D. B. Chisholm -- Conservative in vain, however, for Mr. Chis 135 1875 -- Wm. McCraney -- Liberal holm was unseated when the 18 1878 -- Hon. W. McDougall -- Conservative court upheld a charge of bribery 83 1882 -- Wm. McCraney -- Liberal by his agents, and William Mc9 1887 -- John Waldie -- Liberal was elected in an 1875 by-elect 135 1887 -- Wm. McCraney -- Liberal ion. Feb. 1888 -- D. Henderson -- Conservative 104 In 1878 the Conservatives won .24 Aug. 1888 -- J. Waldie -- Liberal with Hon. William McDougall 1891 -- David Henderson -- Conservative 104 C.B., but McCraney won again 1892 -- D. Henderson -- Conservative 442 in 1882. 1896 -- David Henderson -- Conservative 84 With the 1887 election began a m -- ia v p d Hjnderson -- Conservative 146 particularly confusing period in 1904 -- David Henderson -- Conservative 140 Halton's political history. The 1908 -- David Henderson -- Conservative 212 Conservative candidate David 1911 -- David Henderson -- Conservative 419 Henderson of Acton lost to Lib 1917 -- R . K. Anderson -- Conservative 2,770 eral John Waldie by nine votes. 1921 -- R. K. Anderson -- Conservative 1,615 The election was set aside for 1925 -- R . K. Anderson -- Conservative 1,351 bribery by Waldie's agents and 1926 -- R. K. Anderson -- Conservative 1,914 in the next election Waldie was 1930 -- R. K. Anderson -- Conservative 1,170 replaced by McLeod from Geor 1935 -- Hughes Cleaver -- Liberal 1,031 getow n as the Liberal candidate. 1940 -- Hughes Cleaver -- Liberal 1,G04 TWO IN ONE YEAR 1945 -- Hughes Cleaver -- Liberal 581 In 1888 two by-elections were 1949 -- Hughes Cleaver -- Liberal 1,447 held. Henderson won the first in 1953 -- Sybil Bennett -- Conservative 1,182 February over M cLeod but it was 1957 -- Sandy Best -- Conservative 8,650 declared illegal on account of 1958 -- Sandy Best -- Conservative 11,078 bribery by his agents. In August 1962-- Harry Harley -- Liberal 98 Waldie was campaigning again 1963 - Harry Harley -- Liberal 9,533 for the Liberals -- This time 1965 -- Harry Harley -- Liberal 8,762 for unrestricted reciprocity -- vent a riot the chief constable prevailed, however, and the con was called. stable is credited with avoiding He went to close the windows, political disaster and saving the but the torch - carrying Conser town hall from being burned to vatives followed him with their the ground. flam ing broom sticks and wild talk and great shaking of fists The 1911 election was proclaim followed. Cooler tem pers finally ed it " the m ost keenly contested In Halton' s history' * but it was not nearly so violent. The Lib erals supported reciprocity, but the Conservatives said this would only be a preliminary to the an nexation of Canada by the Unit ed States. Henderson won. Times have changed . . . and so has interior decorating! M e in e n 's In te r io r s b rin g s d e s ig n , c o lo r c o -o rd in a tio n a n d th e la te s t in m a te ria ls In to y o u r h o m o . Y o u d a c id a w h a t y o u w a n t In th a w a y o f c o lo ra a n d fa b ric s . . . w a co -o r d in a te th a o v e ra ll d e c o ra tin g so t h a t y o u r h o m a re fle c ts y o u r o w n p e rs o n a lity . L e t M e in e n 's In te r io r * d esig n th a d e c o ra tin g o f y o u r h o m a a ro u n d y o u . How Halton Voted consult us on your upholstering, slip covers and drapery needs MEINEN'S INTERIORS 195 L A K E S H O R E W . 845-3361 T AXI SERVICE H A S COME A LONG WAY SIN CE THE D A Y S OF THE FRONTIER STAGE C O A C H Service has come a long way too. At least we feel this way at T 0 W N TA X I . We w a n t everyone to celebrate Centennial LAVALLE ELECTRIC 8 Years in Oakville We will be running special Taxi trips to and f r om the airport to make your travelling easier. This is just one of our many services to show that our customers are No. 1 in our book 24 hours a day! L a v a lle E le c tric Is gla d to h a v e h a d a h a n d In th e g ro w in g e c o n o m y o f O a k v ille , f o r th e past 8 y e a rs . D u rin g th is tim e w e h a v e s e rv e d in d u s t r y a n d business in E le c tric M o to r re p a irs an d th e sale o f n e w an d used m o to rs . W e ir /e n d to s e rv e O a k v ille f o r th e n e x t 100 y e a rs a n d ta k e th is o p p o rtu n ity to w ish C a n a d a a h a p p y 1 0 0 th b irth d a y . Celebrate Centennial This Year... Next Centennial Wont Be For 700 Years THE C O M P A N Y T H A T CARES New and Used " E L E C T R I C M O T O R S " REWINDING and REPAIRS COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL - DOMESTIC TOW N TAXI LAVALLE ELECTRIC 1462 Wallace Rd. Oakville 8 2 7-35 4 2 845-4271

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