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Oakville Record-Star, 17 Jul 1947, p. 3

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Thursday, July 17th, 1947 THE OAKVILLE RECORD-STAR grocer store to find his car had A lbert W alsom and Stanley G or rrolled down a hill on the main man. street. Outside o f a crum pled fen Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. der, dam age w as slight. J. A . Robinson, (A ileen ) Sagin Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thirston aw, M ich .j one son, L etter, a t have returned from a vacation in h om e; and one grandson, Bruce Robinson. A lso surviving are three the north. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. brothers: W illiam , o f Oakville, H. H ongesto a t'O a k v ille Tem por G eorge, at h om e; and Lew is o f Owen Sound. Tw o sisters prede ary H ospital on July 8th. ceased her, M rs. A rch ie Brow n, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gibson are the (E tta ) and Mrs. Curran (C assie). proud parents o f another daughter Mrs. Tilbury w ill be greatly Janet Elizabeth, born on July 5th. missed in this com m unity, espec Miss Duke and Miss Street o f ially at Munn's Church and W . A ., B u ffalo are spending the summer o f w hich she w as a faith fu l w or at the hom e o f Mr A . Patterson. ker. She was present at the last Jack Cudmore o f B uffalo, son m eeting o f the W . A . held three o f Dr. and Mrs. W m . Cudmore, is days b efore her death. D uring the spending the summer with his aunt w ar she w as an active w orker in and uncle Mr. and Mrs. E. Cud the local Red Crossi.Among the more. floral tributes at the funeral was an emblem from her fe llo w m em bers o f Munn's W . A . PALERMO Snider, with headin " H unting the Page 3 Coldwater from England, with his Mr. L overin g's fath er, BRONTE NEWS C O N STRU C TIO N SCOW SIN K S W ITH ST E E L The scow owned b y the Boone Construction Co. in charge o f building the new pier in the har bour, sank last w eek w ith a heavy leoad o f steel aboard. A ll mem bers o f her crew w ere sa fely taken o ff. The unfortunate incident w ill nec essarily delay w ork on the pier, but operations w ill get under wayas quickly as possible. C O N FIR M A TIO N Rt. Rev. L. W . B. Broughall, Bishop o f N iagara, conducted a confirm ation service in the Church o f Epiphany on Sunday evening when six young people w ere con firm ed. Canon D. Russell Smith, o f Oakville, and Rev. E. R igb y assisted in the service. Ruth and M ildred Jamieson and Clare Chepelski, bridesm aids, The reception w as held at the bride's home in the garden. M E R C H A N T S C A R N IV A L This Saturday is the Retail M erchants' Carnival. Prizes fo r the special draw w ill include a lady' s w rist w atch, Presto cooker, auto m atic toaster, and Ronson lighter. Part o f the proceeds w ill go fo r smokes fo r Christie Street H os pital patients. Cradles o f Coldwater Babies" and fam ily, o f M r. L overin g's grand which appeared in the July 12 ed- father. tion o f a T oronto evening news John, the eldest, rem ained on the paper, proved to be o f interest to farm but the youn gest boy, H. L. the parishioners and friends o f engaged in the lum ber business the late Rev. H. S. Loverin g, fo r and the building o f boats at Coldm er pastor o f the T ra fa lga r charge w ater and it is about the building who w as a native o f Coldwater. o f these old vessels, Sardinia, R einThe article told o f the com in g to (Conlinued on IJage 7) FOR M ORE T E N D E R - L I G H T E R M O R E U N I F O R M PAST RV ^ U S E Local and Personal Rev. S. Edw ards o f he United Church and Mrs. Edwards le ft fo r their vacation after last Sunday's service, g oin g to H alifax and other ITEM OF IN T E R E S T points. M r. Smith, returned m is Mi-. Donald W ood is welcom ed A n excerpt from the historical sionary, w ill conduct the service home from hospital where he has book " Schooner D ays" b y C. J. H. M rs. D. W ilson sang " Breathe next Sunday and Rev. L eR oy Sar- been f o r som e time gant, the follow in g Sunday. Mrs. C. Seale o f Oakville visited On Me Breath o f L ife " F a y McGann m et with an ac with Mr and Mrs. Vansickle last Those confirm ed w ere M isses J. Dobrashian, M argaret Cruik- cident last w eek when she was week. shank, M arie Anderson, Miss M c- struck b y a car on the highw ay. Mr. and Mrs. W . M. Inglehart Naughton, W m . W ilkinson and She w as taken to H ospital fo r and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Inglehart X -rays. W illiam M cNaughton. w ere guests o f Mr. and Mrs. H. Mrs. Hunt entertained at a tea Inglehart on Sunday. M A N Y A T W E D D IN G N ea rly one hundred guests at in the garden o f her home last TR AFA LG A R tended the w edding o f M iss M erle week assisted 'by Mrs. E nglish. Jam ieson to John Treble o f H am Proceeds o f the tea w ill go to the ben efit o f a church organization. MRS. T IL B U R Y P A S SE S ilton on `S aturday, July 5th. The bride w as attended by M iss j Mr. Frank Riva^ g o t a surprise A F T E R B R IE F IL L N E SS A fte r an illness o f fou r days G. Capown, m aid o f honor, and this week when he cam e out o f a duration, Mrs. Florence Lon g T il bury, w idow o f the late W illiam Tilbury, passed aw ay on W ednes NO JOINING FEE AT day night, Ju ly 9th, at the home o f her brother, Mr. George Long, Munn's Corners. She w as the daughter o f the late George and Barbara Laidlaw Lon g. Follow ing her m arriage Mrs." Tilbury lived 4c per day Minimum Charge 10c in Oakville and continued living there a fter her husband's death until the illness o f her mother, Kingsblood Royal -- -- Sinclair Lewis when she returned to the old home The Vixens -- -- -- -- Frank Yerby to take care o f her, and had re The Tin Flute -- -- -- Gabrielle Roy mained there with her brother ev Presidential Mission -- Upton Sinclair er since. The funeral service was held on Saturday aftern oon at the The Case O f The Fan Dancer's Horse -- S. S. Russell Funeral home, Oak -- E. S. Gardner ville, and w as conducted by Rev. Bruce Hall, with interment in Oak ville Cem etery. The pall-bearers w ere W arden K ing, Leslie Brad ley, Ross Fairbarn, W . H. B iggar, 6 THOMAS ST. -- TELEPHONE 668 - Oakville Ready - Mix CONCRETE Phone 928 A modern batching plant has been placed in operation in Oakville. This plant is equipped with the latest weighing mechanism which assures accurate batching of the high grade materials used Your inquiries are invited on deliveries, large and small. The Golden Hour Lending Library Currently Popular The Golden Hour Bookshop << Where Food Buying Is A Pleasure" Butter ·with Order o f $1.50 or more Fruits and Vegetables at Their Best RASPBERRIES .......................................................... Market Prices HONEY DEW MELONS .................................................. 15C each Jbelicate33en Ptoducti P otato Salad C abbage Salad C h ick en Salad Salm on Salad " The Taste Is The Test" of Quality 25M b. 19M b. 69^ lb. 49^1b. CANTALOUPES ................................................................. i 9c each BING CHERRIES .............. .................................................. 29c lb. P E A C H E S ................................................................................ 15c lb. P L U M S .................................................................................. 19C dozen BLUEBERRIES ......... G R A P E S .................................................................................. 4 qc 35c ib. NEW BEETS ........................................ ...................... 6 bunches 25c HOME GROW N C A R R O T S ................................... 3 bunches 25c C A B B A G E ............................................................................. 10c each CAULIFLOW ER ...................................................... Market Prices HOME GROW N P E A S ......................................... 6 qt. basket 69c CUCUMBERS extra large ........................................................ IMPORTED TOM ATOES 15C CANADIAN OUTDOOR TOMATOES ............................. 28c lb. ........ ..........................................ig c ib. LARGE HEAD L E T T U C E ................................................ 2 for 15c BEANS .................................................................................. 19c lb. FRESH DRESSED SPRING CHICKENS 4 3 lb . The home o f Q U A L IT Y M EATS and POULTRY WE DELIVER - PHONES 980-981

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