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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 20 Jun 1930, p. 6

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4 sg o o o o « o ^ Scribr.«rt on a prisoner at the bar-- and then proceeded to fabricate an alibi. " Being something o f a mechanic, he arranged a mechanical alibi. The device he chose was simple and ob vious enough-- no tortuosities or com plications. And It w >uld have succeed ed but fo r what the insurance com panies piously call an act o f God" K o one can foresee accidents, M arkham: they wouldn't be accidental if one could. But Spotswoode certain ly took every precaution that was humanly possible. It never occurred to him that you would thw art his every effort to return here and confi scate the record; and he couldn't an ticipate my taste in music, nor know that I would seek solace in the tonal art. " Furthermore, when one calls on a lady, one doesn't expect that an other suitor is going to hide himself in the clothes-press. It isn't done, don't y ' know A ll in all, the poor johnny was beaten by a run o f abom inable luck." " You overlook the fiendishness o f the crim e," Markham reproached him tartly. " Don' t, be so confoundedly moral, old th.ng. Every one's a murderer at heart. The person who has never felt a passionate hankering to kill some one is without emotions. And do you think it's ethics or theology that stays the average person from homicide? Dear, no! It's lack o f courage-- the fear o f being found out, or haunted, or cursed with remorse" Observe with what delight the peo ple en masse-- to wit, the state-- put men to death, and then gloat over it in the newspapers. Nations declare war against one another on the slight est provocation, so they can, with im munity, vent their lust fo r slaughter. Spotswoode, I 'd say, is merely a ra tional animal with the courage o f his convictions." (T o be continued.) S . S .V A N D I N E A U i 3a ^ You w ill like the flavour of this Japan Green Blend TH E BENSON M URDCR C A S E He m erely had his eye on his w ristC H A P T E R LI I. ! " lich 'V 'v a t 'A fter a short silence, during which atch. The moment he heard the cry, the three o f us remained speechless, * e calculated the interm'sfiion on the th e same fem inine voice said in a loud, Jlecord, and put his question to the distinct ton e: " N o ; nothing is the m at- ;i'Ragin'ry lady at ju st the righ t moter- I 'm sorry. . . . Everything is all U ent to receive the record's response, righ t. . . . Please go home, and don't ! " I t ^ a s all carefully figured out w orry." beforehand; he no doubt rehearsed The i eedle had come to the end of J ; ' n his laboratory. It was deuced the record. There was a slight click, jtim ple, and practically fool proof and the automatic device shut off the f gainst failure. The record is a large motor. The almost terrifyin g silence Cne-- twelve-inch diameter, I should th at follow ed was broken by a sar say-- and it requires about five min utes fo r the needle to traverse it. donic chuckle from Vance. " By p rttln g tt.o screams at the end, " W ell, old dear," he remarked lan guidly, as he strolled back into the he allowed him self ample time to get liv in g room, " so much fo r your irre out and order a taxicab. When the car at last came, he rode direct to the fu ta b le fa c ts !" There came a loud knocking on the Stuyvesant Club, where he met Judge door and the officer on duty outside Redfern and played poker till three. I f he hadn't m et the Judge, rest aslooked in with a startled face. " It's all right," Markham inform ed ured he would have impressed his him in a husky voice. " I 'll call you presence on some on? else so as to have established an alibi." when I w ant you." Markham shook his head gravely. Vance lay down on the davenport " Good G od! N o wonder he im por and took out another cigaret. H aving -ighted it, he stretched his arms fa r tuned me on evory possible occasion over his head and extended his legs, to let him visit this apartment again. like a man in whom a pow erful physi Such a damning piece o f evidence as that record must have kept him awake cal tension had suddenly relaxed. at night." 'Pon my soul, Markham, we've all " Still, I rath^i- fan cy that i f I been babes in the woods," he drawled. hadn't discovered it, he would have " An incontrovertible alibi-- m y w ord! succeeded in getting possession o f it I f the law supposes that, as Mr- Bum as soon as your sergent-de-ville was ble said, the law is a ass, a idiot. Oh, removedSammy, Sammy, vy w orn't there a " It was annoyin' to be unexpectedly alleybi! . . . Markham, I blush to ad barred from the apartment, but I m it it, but it's you and I w ho've been doubt if it w orried him much. He the unutterable asses." would havs been on hand when the Markham had been standing by the Canary's aunt took possession, and the instrument like a man dazed, his eyes retrieving o f the record would have riveted hynotically on the telltale rec been com paratively easy. O f course ord. Slowly he came into the room the record constituted a hazard, but and threw him self w earily into a chair. Spotswoode isn't the type who'd shy Those precious facts o f y o u rs!" at a ]0w bunker c f that kind. N o; continued Vance. " Stripped o f their the thing v.as piatmed ^ ^ 3 ], carefully disguised appearance, what enough. He was defeated by sheer are -they? Spotswoode prepared a 1 accident phonograph record-- a simple enough! " And Ske*'!7" t a s k .^ E v e r y one- makes 'em nowa - 1 « He w a s'a n oth er unfortunate cir- "SALUDA" (G R E E N ) 7*» JA P A K T E A > `Fresh from the gardens' Chicago people are becom ing thor oughly aroused over existing lawless ness. The W indy City has sown the wind, and now is reaping the whirl wind. The age-old rules of right and wrong are not altered by any modern conditions. M in a rd 's Drives A w a y the Headache. * -----------Motoring-Mike says: " Not all the wooden-headed drivers are found on golf courses." See Europe this Autumn for less money The famou9 Passion Play is drawing added thousands. In August and S ep tem b er, the c ro w d has p a ssed -- th ere's g rea ter c o m fo rt and better c h o ic e o f accom m od a tion s everywhere. Y our travel d ol lars bu y th e u tm o st · T h e id ea l, c o m f o r t w a y t o s e e E u ro p e th is A u tu m n , is via Star T o u rs. T h ey a re tim e d t o ta k e f u l l a d va n ta ge o f a ll th e fa v o ra b le c o n d itio n s a t th e lo w e s t p o ssib le c o s t . E very d e ta il o f y o u r tr ip is j a rra n g ed b e fo r e y o u s ta r t . 4 4 4 < EAGLE BRAND ris the ideal food for s the bottle-fed baby J , bccause it is clean, uniform -* in composition, nutritious, ; m ost easily digested o f all artificial foods and always ready for instant use when diluted with plain boiled water. Itisu sedm oreoften th a n all o th e r artificial foods combined. T H E BORDEN C O ., L IM IT E D 140 S t. P a u l W ., M o n tr e a l Lemon Pudding Juice of 1 lemon and the grated rind of lemon, 1 cup sugar, yolks of two T our A - 49 days, T our B - 59 days, $725 V isiting England, Scotland, D en m a rk, G erm a n y, A us tria, Italy, Sw itzerland and F rance. S ailing o n p a la tial W h ite S ta r S team ers $625 4 a? v tr u . . j , icumstance. He w as biding in the eggs (beaten w ell), 1 teaspoon of i, e * V 1? T ^ w° closet there when Spotswoode and the shop at his home on Long Island where lady came in at e]even Jt w a j gpots_ melted butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1 woode whom he saw strangle his erst cup sweet milk. 1 " He really didn't need it, y ' know. Method: Mix together in following while amoureuse and rifle the apart B ut it facilitated things, no doubt. ment. order: Sugar, juice and rind of lemon, T he voice oiv the record is merely his " Then, when Spotswoode went out, egg-yolks, butter, flour, milk, and, own in falsetta-- better fo r the pur he came forth from hiding. H e was lastly, fold in beaten whites of eggs. pose than a woman's, fo r it's stronger probably looking down at the girl Pour into buttered pudding-dish, set and more penetrating. when the p h on og'vph emitted its dish in larger pan of water and bake `A s fo r the label, he simply soaked | b W c h m in g F` ` wails` _ o rd ! 40 minutes. M,, y w ft f t l T i n a Z r« cord. a fnd Pasted IF ancy bei in a co]d funk gazi it on his own- He brought the lady L murdered w0 and th e* hea^ OOVOVa I new records tV iot night, > 1 1rrV. + - and I _ __ _ several that piercing screams behind y ou ! It was Use Minard's for Rheumatism. concealed this one am ong them. a bit too much even fo r the hardened " A fte r the th >atre he enacted his Tony*---------------gruesom e little drama and then care " I don't wonder he fo r g o t all cau fu lly set the stage so that the police Premier Ferguson gives Sir John A. would think it w as a typical burglar's tion and put his hanu on the table to all thie credit for Canada's progress perform ance. When this had been steady himself. . . . And then came to date. Evidently most o f the money done, he placed the record on the ma Spotswoode's voice through the door, spent on the two volumes o f " Great chine, set it going, and calm ly walked and the record's answer. This must I im agine he Men o f Canada" was wasted. out. He had placed the prayer-rug have puzzled Skeel. ar,d bronze bowl on the cabinet o f the thought fo r a moment he'd lost his m achine to give the impression that resaon. " But pretty soon the significance o f the phonograph was rarely used. " And the precaution worked, fo r it dawned on him ; and I can see him Obviously he n o one thought o f looking into it. W hy grinning to himself. should they? . . . Then he asked Jes knew who the murderer was-- it would sup to call a taxicab-- everything quite not have been in keeping with his natural, y ' see. W hile he was w aiting character had le failed to learn the f o r the car the needle reached the identities o f the Canary's admirers. " A n d now there had fallen into his recorded screams. They w ere heard p la in ly; it w as night, and the sounds lap, like manna from heaven, the most carried distinctly. M oreover, being perfect opportunity fo r blackmail that filtered through a wooden door, their any such charm in' young gentleman phonographic timbre was well dis could desire. He doubtless indulged guised. And, i f you 'll note, the en him self with roseate visions o f a life closed horn is directed tow ard the o f opulence and ease at Spotswoode's dc or, not three feet aw ay." expense. W hen Cleaver phoned a few " But the synchronization o f his minutes later, he merely said the lady questions and the answers on the rec was out, and then set to w ork plan ord. · . . ?" ning his own departure." " The simplest part o f it. Y ou re" But I don't see w hy he didn't take tnembsr Jessup told us that Spots the record with him." w oode was standing with one arm on " And remove from the scene o f the the switchboard when th screams Jcrim e the one piece o f unanswerable w ere heard. evidence? · . . Bad strategy, Mark ham. I f he him self had produced the record later, Spotswoode would simply have denied all knowledge o f it, and accused the blackmailer o f a plot. " Oh, n o; Skeel's only course was to leave it, and apply fo r an enormous settlement from Spotswoode at once. And I imagine that's w hat he did. Spotswoode no doubt gave him some thing on account and promised him the rest anon, hoping in the meantime to retrieve the reccrd. < A u gu st . . Septem ber 9 - lfc -2 3 4 -1 5 4 4 4 S } * f F o r c o m p le te in fo r m a tio n a n d h illu stra ted itin era ry , p h o n e , w r ite A o r ca ll p ers o n a lly ^ 55 K ing St. E. T oron to o r a n y A u th orized T ick e t A gen t / 367 i © S en d F ree B a by B o o k t o : Name................................... Address.. * Whiteftar [int [anadianServki L I U N T I N G , fis h in g , p i c n ic in g , s w i m m i n g a n d c r u i s i n g o n la k e , r iv e r , s o u n d o r b a y a d d to th e z e s t o f liv in g , h a p p in e s s , c o n t e n t m e n t a n d e n j o y m en o f C r u i s a b o u t ow n ers. T h i s d o u b le c a b in C r u is a b o u t , 2 » ' lo n g , s ' 1 0 " w id e a n d 2' 4 " d r a f t is a c o m p l e t e l y e q u ip p e d sum m er hom e and Is p r ic e d a t $4,185 a t f a c t o r y . S le e p s s ix , f o u r in f o r w a r d c a b in a n d t w o in s te r n c a b in . E x c e lle n t d e s ig n , p e r f e c t b a la n c e a n d s ta u n c h , q u a l it y c o n s tr u c tio n m ak e C r u i sa b o u ts sou n d and sea w o r th y fo r a n y w a ter. 6 -c y lin d e r , 6 0 -H .P . G r a y M a r in e m o t o r g i v e s c r u i s in g speed of t h ir t e e n m ile s . W r i t e f o r a c a t a lo g u e . Plan Now For This Summer' s Good Times! c Richardson 1 0 3 0 ( y v i s c i b o u t s Sales and Service by T. B. F. BENSON, N .A . 371 Bay Street Toronto, Ont. Choose Enameled W are! B e s u r e th e U te n sils y o u select h ave the shield-shaped SM P label of quality. o u & # 7 g o ou t w ith o u t A c o lla r 9 No m an o f good appearance goes ou t w ithout a c o lla r ... n or does he go a b ou t with dusty, unpolished shoes . . . Personal pride suggests a frequ en t " N ugget" sh ine to keep the shoes sm artly presentable and waterproof. % WRIGLEYS Alertness scores everywhere. j Wrigley' s creates pep and ergy and keeps you alert. en* A 5 / package may save you from going to sleep at the wheel o f your car. Makes pep ISSUE No. 25-- '30 " When he failed to pay, Skeel phon ed you and threatend to tell every thing, thinking to spur Spotswoode to action. . . . W ell, he spurred him-- but not to ths action desired. Spots woode probably met him by appoint ment last Saturday night, ostensibly to hand over the money, but, instead, throttled the chap. Quite in keeping w ith his nature, don' t y ' know'. . . . . Stout fella, Spotswoode." " The whole thing . . . it's amaz ing." " I shouldn' t say that, now. Spots woode had an unpleasant task to per form , and he set about it in a cool, logical, forth righ t, businesslike man ner. He had decided thac his little Canary m u jt die fo r his peace o f m ind: she's probably made herself most annoyin'. So he arranged the date--like any ju dge passing sentence m NUGGET SHOE POLISH Ijhe N U G G E TT IN cpta) mill a tim t / 7)

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