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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 20 Jun 1930, p. 4

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BRIGHT, BUSY BRONTE - Chas. Tayolr had their house resh in g led . W . Crow ley is giving their a coa t o f paint. iBarn Dance home at Drumquin at Big C r o w d and Old T i m e and M odern Dancin g R e v . F . G. Farrill is visiting N orm andale for a few days. W e notice Councillor L eroy Sargant j sporting a brand new F ord . T here must have been w ell ovfer a 0 ihundred Oakville people present at The M other's R est hom e on n the barn dance given W edn esday evtario street is open fo r the season ening at Drumquin. Edw ard Ford, o f ' o f Oakville had ju st com pleted the M r. and M rs. Ja s. Nichol, Grim sby, called on friends here Sun erection o f a new steel barn and he conceived the idea o f holding an day. · ' I opening dance on the new barn floor. A . N . M cDonald has the contract People cam e from far and wide, o f re-building R ev . P . W . Philpott's 1 with T oronto, Hamilton^ Milton, pier. | streetsv ille and Oakville w ell repreOur postoffice look s uite natty 1 sented, besides those from the distw ith its new coat o f paint and n e w !rict . r o o f. j The interior was profusely decor0f ated w ith flags and stream ers and W e s . Patterson and fam ily, H am ilton, spent Sunday with Chas. j lighted w ith m any-colored lanterns. O sborne. , The m usic was supplied by the Barn iR azzors orchestra from Oakville and M r. Baker, of Ham ilton, has m oved Ial, made m erry until suspicion o f a F orm IA , prom oted to F orm II, into M r. Y app's residence on T rafal rising sun soon appearing caused the w ith H onors and w ithout exam in gar street. late ones to hurry h om e. ation : Honora Atkins, Jean Booth, R efreshm ents w ere served at m id Belle Miss M cK ay's house on Sovereign Bray, Goldie Coyne, Ruth expressed Hindmarsh, street is undergoing" extensive im night and those present -Betty D ym ock, Jean them selves as delighted w ith attend- K en ey j provem ents . M argaret P ickett, Ruth B etty Stephens, D ora Sayers, M rs. G eo. H erron and tw o boys, of ing a barn d a n ce. The total attendance must have been between tw o M argaret Thurston. B oys -- John London, w ere renew in g acquaintances and three h undred. Brodie, Donald Brow n, Richard durirfg the w eek. Cham bres, Leslie D ickinson, R obert Miss B . Eagle, of H am ilton, sp e n t' E llenby, Alex. Massie, Tom P atter the week-end w ith her friend. Miss ' son. B y examination-- N ellie Black, G reta F lu m erfelt. -----------W illiam Booth, Canboro Brow n. The Allan B elyea left M onday m orning M rs. W . Dryland and children, o f follow in g m ust w rite the subjects info r Sim coe Island to assist his broth - 1 Caledon, spent a few days recently dicated before prom otion -- H arry ers for the sum m er. With M r. and M rs. H . C alverley. F arr (L atin and F ren ch ), George Erson Shain left on Saturday for Izatt (F ren ch ), Evelyn Cadwallader Miss Grace Gilbert left on M onday h aving been appointed dietitian at Kansas City, where he w ill visit for (H is to r y ). some time w ith his b roth er. H onors, promoted to F orm III B igw in Inn, M uskoka. A t the recen t towrnship Sunday w ithout exam ination: Elsie BeauBronte and Oakville baseball teams igchool convention, w hich w as held cham p, Yvonne Carr, H azel E lliott, clashed at the grounds last Saturday, at Bronte, an invitation was extended E velyn Lunau, Anne M acG regor, Oakville 'winning, 19-11. by W esley Sunday sch ool fo r the M argaret M acGregor, Jean M eyers, Miss F . K . M organ was the special convention next year. This w ill be M ary Shea, A udrey Staples, A ifred speaker at a m eeting o f the W .M .S . held the second W ednesday in June, Brow n, R oy Cordingly, Edm und K illat K ilbride on T uesday. 1931. er, A lex. Marshall, R obert M illar, (O ttaw a Journal) The ow ner of an autom obile re ceiv es no favors from an ybodys. He Students Who Ad va n ce a F o r m pays for the paved roads, for the I` A f te r H o lid ays ! traffic police, the m achinery o f control and regulation. He supports Below w e print a list o f high school multitudes o f public officials who students who will be entitled to step have to do with the conduct o f his into a higher form after v a ca tio n :-- affairs. H e consents cheerfully to be F orm IB , prom oted to F orm II, taxed, regulated, directed, checked prohibited. He is w illing H onors w ithout exam ination, and _ _ to be N am es are arranged in alphabetical told where he shall park, and when, o rder: M ary Adam son, Joan A lexa n - and the speed at w hich he shall o e r > iiexen Ball, Helen Campbell, drive. H e has no privileges for which Isobel Leslie, D orothy M illar, Helen he does not pay, and he is a powerO rr, Enid Pattinson, Kathleen P attin - ful factor in the financial maintenson > P e g g y Puckett, E velyn Scheiss, ance of governm ent. Catherine Y oung. B oy s -- R o b e r t 1. Cunningham, W illiam Elphick, Basil H arris, Jack Izard. B y exam ination-- M arian Lightfoot, George Pennycook, Jean Spears, Kathleen T aylor, G eorge V ery. The follow in g must w rite the su bjects indicated in brackets before prom otion -- Doris B arrow j(L a tin ), H arvey Lunau (Latin and F ren ch ), R obert Sutherland (L a tin ), M aty Y ou n g (L atin and F ren ch ). High School ; Promotions HE P A Y S H IS W A Y |sa fe ty E Q U IP M E N T ON M OTOR Act CARS I Pro vis ions in H ighw ay D emand W in d s h ie ld W i p e r s and M ir ro r s . . These new articles have been add ed to the recent am endment o f the h ighw ay traffic act, and are now in im m ediate effect, w hich under the act are styled sa fety legislation. A nother new act w hich com es into force in Septem ber next-- the safety responsibility act-- is intended to re quire financial responsibility to those who brin g them selves under this act as an im m ediate factor in an accident, w hich m ay result in possibly injury to them selves o r oth ers. Dean Sinclair Laird's Seventh A nnual All Expense Tour Leaves M O N T R E A L - JULY 20-- 22 Days Leaves TORONTO - JULY 21-- 21 Days All E xpen se R a te From M ONTREAL $371.00 From TORONTO . . . $340.00 will travel by rail, steamer and motor . . . through Canada's industrial and agricultural regions . . . through the Rockies with their crow ning jew els, Snider's Corners You Othrr points quoted on application Banff, Lake Louise and Emerald Lake . . . to Vancouver and Victoria . . . west by one highway . . . east by another . .. Over Canada's Scenic Route Illu stra ted b o o k le t o n a p p lica tio n to D ean Sinclair Laird. M a cd o n a ld C o lle t* P .O ., Q ua., o r A L Any Canadian Pacific it, or Wm. F u lto n , Assi. General Passenger Agent, T o r o n t o , O nt. M rs. R oy Fish, the delegate to the Edw in Patterson, Law rence Mannell, W m . Gray h&s installed a com convention, gave a report of the ses- B everly Ram say, Donald Shain, W ilplete water system in his summ er sions on Sunday afternoon at the Iiam Sinclair, John W yndham , cottage on Ontario street w est. Sunday sch ool. (a e g r o ta t), Eileen Shain, A m y W h itM r. and M rs. L. Easton, of Buffalo, Miss W ilson, of Toronto, was a aker. B y exam ination -- W illiam called on his grand-parents, M r. and week-end visitor with M r. and M rs. Anderson, A rm our, E m ily W ilB o n . M rs. E . W . Pickard, on Satu rd ay. Farr, M arguerite L igh tfoot, John W a l A pleasant time was spent last lace. The follow in g m ust w rite on The M alton W om en's Institute and Saturday by a few o f the m em bers the subjects indicated or repeat these F arm ers' club held a join t picn ic on o f the Trafalgar Y oung P eople's so in F orm II-- A rthur Bullied (L a tin ), M ark D aw son's lawn Saturday last. ciety, who w ere privileged to attend A lvin Duncan (L a tin ), A g n es F orM rs. B . Cotter and baby, o f H am the picn ic at Soper park, in Galt. ster (A rith m etic), R oy K elley Miss Noreen Allen was an inter (F re n ch ), M ary Kent (F ren ch ), D oris ilton, visited w ith her parents, M r. and M rs. E . W . Pickard, on Sun ested visitor at Niagara Falls ou Sat Pattinson (Latin and F ren ch ), L loyd urday, m aking the boat trip with R ose (A rith m etic), David day. Sargent friends from T oron to. (F re n ch ), James Sharpe (F ren ch ), W e are pleased to w elcom e M rs. M iss L . Jew itt has returned to Clarence Shipley (F re n ch ), Edith H . P . E lls on her return home from Oshawa after spending three weeks Steed (L a tin ), M argaret T aylor visitin g w ith relatives in the old w ith her parents. (L atin and French). coun try. M rs. E . C. T u ck and baby, Helen, o f Burlington, visited w ith her m oth er, M rs. J . S . Flum erfelt, on Thurs day last. F . Yapp, w ho re cen tly ' purchased A lex M cD onald's property on T rafal gar street, is having the house r e decorated and painted. Miss Stella B oden underw ent an operation fo r appendicitis in St. J osep h 's hospital, H am ilton, on Tues day, and is progressin g fav orably. B ronte girls softball team w ere victors ov er Clarkson on Friday even ing, the score being 19-11, but w ere hardly good enough fo r Oakville girls on Tuesday evening, losing 14-16. Many o f our summ er residents are h ere now , am ong whom w e notice Mrs. Panabaker, o f H espeler; G eo. Allan, o f H am ilton; Jas. Milligan, Jas. Darlington, M r. W ardlaw , M r. R ob ertson and J. E. Atkinson, o f Toronto. J S. DAVIS C. F. DOTY ! 1 i j J DAVIS & D O T Y LU M B E B Y A R D PLAITING M IL L B U ILD E RS' SU PPLIES B 'a cto ry arid O ffic e :-- N crth o i G .T .R . S ta tio n Sheridan Sayings Ralph, Gordon and Earl MacGret, or, o f W innipeg, are visiting relatives in this com m unity. Congratulations are extended to Miss Jean E . W ilson , who has passed the second year in household econ om ics at the university o f T oron to. A bout fifteen m em bers o f the cir c u it Y .P . S . attended the picn ic at Galt, on Saturday last. M r. and M rs. N . F . Law rence, Miss Edna Law rence and O. A . Law rence attended the H alton county p icn ic at the O .A .C ., Guelph, on Tuesday. The Sheridan Sunday school w ill hold th eir picn ic at La Salle park on i Saturday, June 28th. The Sheridan Serenaders will take part in a garden party given next M onday evening, June 23rd, on the grounds o f Christopher Irvine, centre road, Britannia. Several young friends wrill go writh th em . - ....... Prom oted from Jr. to Sr. Com m er cia l: H onors-- James B arker, Bea trice Brow n, Fannie Carley, V iolet Burnell, V era Dryland, Thelm a G illf m^ Robinson, Pass-- A n nie Burrell, Grace D eBorde, Catherine D oyle, M argaret Hawke, Cecil H o m er, Gladys Pickett, N orah Price, L il lian W atson. Special Commercial class awarded com plete Commercial D iplom a: W in nie Brow n, Jessie Johnson (h on .), D orothy Shain (a e g ro ta t), Gertrude Shields (h on .). Stenography and T y p in g D iplom a: A lice Root. Sr. Com mercial class: Com m ercial D iplom a -- Ethel Anderson (h on .), M argaret Book, Eleanor Braun (h on .), M argaret Daubney (h on .), D oris Fleetham , Eileen L ofqu ist, D oris M acDonald, Harold Savage (h on .). Diplom a, T yping and Clifford Brow n, W illiam , i m D iplom a, T y p in g: Helen H illm er. ' Diplom a, B ookkeeping: | Jenkin. m j n Ted Hope, Sarah Doors, Sash., Flooring1 , Shingles, Lath, `Wallboards and Siding, Gement, PUster and Se-srer Pine. 1V P ftfjA S P E R . NATIONAL P A R K ihe P A C IFIC COAST andA LA S K A E n joy a lo w cost trip to the W est this Sum m er. Stop o ff at Jasper N ational Park in the Canadian R ockies. See fam ous M ou n t Robson* A thousand beautiful sights. A n ew thrill in every m ile. T ake the Triangle T o u r R ou te via Prince R u p e rt. . . w ith its 6 0 0 mile steamer cruise to V ancou ver. T o see Alaska requires on ly a few extra days. A w onderfu l cruise . . . amazing experiences. T ou rs m ay b e m ade b y various routes. These fares are in effect from M ay 15, t o September 3 0 . 65 Bookkeeping: ! Doyle. ANOTHER SURPRISE Now you may have T A B L E S E R V IC E at that R E P O R T O F C H I L D R E N 'S A I D S O C IE T Y FOR M A R C H , A P R IL AND MAY " D e lig h tfu lly D ifferen t" Place That Everyone is Talking About C A P T ' S I NN PALERM O Refreshments, Cabins, Fruits, Service Station Open 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Closing balance of week. b at Midnight o Applications for c h i l d r e n ............. 15 Children brought to S h e lte r.. . . 3 (not wards) .Children returned to p a ren ts___ 3 IChildren in volved ............................... 50 Children made perm anent W ard 8 i Com plaints re ce iv e d ......................... 29 Investigations m ade.......................... 40 Mail re ce iv e d ..................................... 217 Mail sent o u t ...................................... 227 Office interview s . . ................ 69 Phone c a lls ............................................(140 Court atten dan ces............................. 12 F oster homes heard fr o m 14 W ards placed o u t . . ..................... 2 | W ards returned to S h e lte r.. .. 1 W ards v isite d . . . ........................... 21 arnings g iv e n ................................... 5 f W Distance travelled, m ile s................ 2218 G. F . Thom pson, Inspector. out nearest a n a d l a n a t i o n a l TO EVERYW HERE IN CANADA

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