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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 20 Jun 1930, p. 1

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. r - s i i w L t t c y ' uu> 3 FORSTER .E D I T O R 9 2 .0 0 A Y E A R 2 .5 0 TO T H E U N ITE D S T A T E S OAKYILLE, ONTARIO. FRIDAY. JUNE 20, 1»30 Has A cquired Historic Farm Known as T r i l l e r Homestead W h e re M ackenzie Was Sheltered F IV E C E N T S P E R C O P Y V o l. 44 N o . 43 f M asonic Church Service La rg e Att e n d a n ce of Local Masons-- " S tre n g th and B e a u ty " T E N D E R S FO R D R E D G IN G H A R B O R They Close N ex t T u e s d a y -- W o r k A s Soon A s Possible BUYS BLOCK TOW N p r Known as K i n g Tourist o pe r ty be a ! Flower Show Real Success and Keen Interest Ho use -- M a y Camp H a n dsom e E x h ib its, Good A tten dance R ecen tly the w est side block, gen About a hundred m em bers o f Oak The spring flow er 's h o w held in R ecen tly Aem ilius Jaryis, jun., -of erally known as the R . F . K ing prop ville M asonic lodge and visiting crafts erty, has bean purchased by G eo. the Legion hall last Saturday afterT oronto, purchased the , J arm on Dunmen m arched to St. John's church das highway, known as the T riller Fisher, o f T o r o n to . T . R . Jarvis 1 noon an(j evening attracted quite a on Sunday m orning for their annual homestead, just east artr the Sixteen put through the deal. divine serv ice. They occu pied nearly large attendance, and keen interest Since the purchase, M r. _£ish er bridge. This farm comprises a hund all the centre seats. w as eviden ced by the exhibitors and red acres and is made up o f river h a s " been poorly and just w hat he Bro. the R ev . E . O. Seym our banks and flats as well as level land. | may intend doing w ith the desirable those in attendance. pleach ed a truly M asonic serm on on There are numerous picturesque sites I property has not been revealed, T he display was in every way" Strength and beauty." He told of for large residences anu"~by building j There is a rumor that it may be creditable, and w here there m ight be the pillars o f K ing Solom on's tem ple a dam a miniature lake could be j turned into a m odern tourist cam p J being both m assive and strong, w hile a lack in num ber o f exhibits the created. jwith huts, refreshm ent stands, e tc. the su rface w as highly polished and The judge, D. The flowing stream, high banks F or such a purpose the property is quality w as high. adorned with lily w ork . Strength O . Cameron, declared there w ere and flats make this farm a desirable adm irably located, was essential for durability, yet it L A R G E R O Y A L site for a country estate and its l o ! The large residence w as built by e rem arkably fine specim ens o f was alw ays desirable to beautify even A R C H M E E T IN G cation on the highway makes it easy tlle late John P ow er about fifty-five som both piant.a arui b lo o m s. the heaviest structures. A rough, of a ccess. M r. Jarvis '>-111 find great years a go. Ten years later it w as x h e prizes- w ere awarded as fo luneven pillar would not adorn any The purchased by J . B . Davis, law yer, :lo w s ;_ building, while polish and carving W e s to n and T o r o n t o Ch ap ters Pay possibilities in his ne^., farm. who came here from Parkdale, now Irig Spike_ lf M rs. D . w i l k e s ; 2, com m unity w ill welcom e hm. V i s i t to O a kv ille would a'dd beauty to utility. in T oron to. H e w as about the first W . M oorhouse;.. 3, M iss E . M ackenzie W a s Sheltered T h e r e The m usical serv ice was excellent, The house on the farm is am ong o f T oronto legal or business m en t o : W jll£eg glx Irig Spjkes-- 1, John On Tuesday evening the R oyal Arch the anthem being " Seek ye the L ord," Later the house w as | E w an ; 2, M rs. W ilk es; 3, M rs. Marwith obligato by W illard S k oog. A. chapter w as favored w ith a fraternal the oldest, and has historic interest locate here. Iris collection -- 1, · M rs. A . visit from thirty-five com panions o f because back in 1837, when it was occu pied by a M r. Gordon and his j latt G. H. M elton sang a solo. It was then purchased b y | W a lton ; 2, M rs. K . D . M arlatt; 3, Upon returning to the lodge room H um ber chapter, W eston, and sev occupied by Phillip Triller, W illiam sister. R ev . M r. Seym our was thanked for eral officials from T oronto chapters. Lyon M ackenzie is reported to have M rs. G eo. Husband, o f T oronto, who M rs. A . D. Chisholm . · his serm on. It was am ong the largest m eetings been sheltered there while on his resided there w ith her fam ily until W hite peonies-- 1, B. U nw in. Pink M r. K ing acquired the flight from Toronto to Niagara. I fo r several y e a r s . property peonj es (3 b loom s)-- 1, M rs. W ilk e s. W h ile he was hidden iu the cellar tw enty years ago. A fter the local officers had conP eonies, collection -- 1, M rs. Marlatt. V IC TO R IA H A L L D A N C E G AR D EN S P ossession is to be had about July^l. i ferred degrees, all adjourned to the or garret searching soldiers entered Bow l of -Pansies-- 1, Miss A . A . i banquet hall where Ex-Com p. L . A . the house, but being entertained by Chisholm ; M rs. M arlatt. PyrethW i l l be O pened on S a tu r d a y E v e n in g |W ilkinson presided and conducted the seven daughters oi.' the household rum (6 b loom s)-- !, M rs. A . W alton ; P R ES E N TED W ITH -- T w o N igh ts W e e k ly Next the short toast list.- E x . Com p. W . they did not find M ackenzie. 2, Miss H . Sm ith; 3, B . Unw in. S IL V E R P U N C H S E T j N . R obinson proposed the toast to night the fugitive crossed the SixV ase o f Sweet W illiam -- 1 M rs. Our young people and dance fans the v isito rs. ten and proceed toward Burlington, M arlatt; 2, B . Unwin; 3, M rs. A . w ill be pleased to learn that V ictoria A m ong those replying w ere E x. then W ellington Squa e. to Chisholm . Oriental Poppies-- 1, Mrs. S ava nn a h S h rin e rs Make Gift hall, w ith its excellent fioorT is to Com p. Charles Milne, Z ., o f W est M oorhouse; 2, Miss H elen Sm ith; 3, Noble W . A. Deane be opened on Saturday evening as on : E x._,.C u i£P s . Baehe, o f St. Clafr B ..U n w in . >' ase of. H ardy Pinks-- -1, a dance garden. NoffrT firifriskfll chapter, and Som erville, of T oronto O A K V I L L E M rs. M arlatt. Vaae o f Colum bine-- As a mark o f their appreciation o i and his five-piece orchestra w ill be chapter. I , W i l l i a m I s u r r u iiL , F r e d TW w rvsL A S T G AM E the good time and lavish entertain end; -there. A ch ief speaker was Arthur Gray, 3, Mrs. M arlatt. F low ering plant m ent given them here, the Savannah In order to realize som e funds grand superintendent of T oronto dist in pot-- 1, W . D urrant; 2, M rs. J. The Oakville ball team is gaining Shriners presented their host, Noble from the hall during the sum m er the rict, and Secretary W oodlan d. H . M cBain. Plant in folia ge-- 1, parks board has arranged that Leon T here was also a good m usical much in strength since the season W . A . Deane, w ith a ten-piece punch M rs. M ow at; 2, M rs. J . M . Chis opened. On Saturday last they went set suitably engraved. This beauti ard Cornwall conduct dances W ed program contributed by T oronto tal holm . Spray flow ering shrubs-- 1, to Bronte and w ere able to win by a ful gift has been on view in Simp nesday and Saturday evenings from ent. M rs. W alton ; 2, M rs. M oorh ouse; 3, son's w indow in T oron to. good score, even though the Bronte nine to tw elve o 'c lo ck . . Mrs. A. C hisholm . Basket o f flow ers The presentation took place in T o team was playing good ball. The opening dance on Saturday -- 1, Mrs. M arlatt; 2, Mrs. Jam es B R O T H E R D I E D I N B R A M P T O N ronto when the Shriners and other In the next games our team w ill evening should be a fine social event. Chisholm . Lupin (3 sp ik es)-- M rs. doubtless show up much better. m em bers o f the party told Noble R oses-- W illiam Durrant. On Saturday Bronte team w ill play Deane how thoroughly they had en M arlatt. The Bram pton Banner last w eek re W hile not exhibiting fo r com peti KNOX CHURCH ported the death o f Richard Jordan, here, M ilton w ill be at Burlington joy ed their visit to Oakville and how tion, D . O. Cameron sent a display A N N U A L G A R D E N P A R T Y broth er o f M rs. C. H . Cross, as fol and A cton at G eorgetown. kind he had been to them . o f bloom s, as w ell as peonies w hich Softball T e a m Also W i n s M em bers o f the party w ere carried lo w s :-- K nox church Ladies' A id society w ill In the lakeshore softball league aw ay with Canada and particularly had been raised from seed in his " The death occurred of R ichard J . garden. G eo. V erry had a display of hold their annual garden party on the S. Jordan in his 49th year, son of New T oronto was here last Thursday Oakville and district. They had ferns and box trees in boxes, w hile church grounds on Friday, June 27th, the late W illiam M . Jordan. evenin g. Scoring was close for the M r. hardly expected to find such a beauti both aftern oon and evenin g. After that Oak ful, fertile and prosperous cou n try.' Fred Carr had a large collection o f Jordan was born at Tullam ore and first five innings. perennial b lo o m s. There w ill be booths o f fan cy work, had spent the past twenty-nine years ville went ahead until the final score Then the brand o f hospitality ex The thanks o f the m em bers are due plain sew ing, knitting, hom e cooking, iu Bram pton, during w hich time he was 12 to 4. tended to them had enhanced the M rs. K . D . candy, hot dogs and coffee, ice cream I was an em ployee of the W illiam s The Oakville line-up was Sander jo y of their visit, and it would be M rs. M oorhouse and and so ft drinks, with a fish pond for ! Shoe C o . H e w as som e years ago son, c ; Banks, p; Brown, lb ; D. m any a day before they would fo r M arlatt fo r their efforts to make the show the su ccess it w as. the children . j a m em ber o f the Bram pton Citizens' W ilson, 2b; P . Harker, ss; H . W il get M r. Deane's kindness, their en A fternoon tea from 3 o 'clock , 25 j b a n d . son, 3b; Thorpe, r f; B. Cox, c f; P . tertainm ent in Oakville or th eir vis cents; supper from 5.30 o 'clock, 50 R ob t. Herrod was um it to Canada. M r. Jordan is survived by his Banks, If. R E B E K A H S M E E T IN T O R O N T O c e n ts . There was a good attendance w idow ; tw o sons, Donald and Allan; p ire. The evenin g's entertainm ent w ill a daughter, H elen ; tw o brothers, of fan s. O akville Rebekahs w ere represented S T A R T IN G ON LONG consist o f a short play, " H ow the H erbert, Brampton, and Albert, in at the grand lodge m eeting held in Story Grew," and v oca l and instru New York, and four sisters, M rs. i S U M M E R H O LID A Y S the K ing E dw ard hotel in T oronto m ental num bers, w ith the band in at John Steer, B erkeley; M rs. C . H . R E - O P E N I N G O F this w eek by M rs. W m . W hitaker, ten dance. E vening adm ission, 25 Cross, O akville; M rs. James Oliver, T H E A.M .E. C H U R C H The high sch ool really closed last district deputy president, and M rs. c e n ts . M eaford and M rs. W illiam Boucher, w eek and the students are m ostly A lbert Quinn. There w ill be a mass m eeting in ! Bram pton. H e was a lifelon g menw M rs. E . H . M adden represented w riting exam inations this w eek . ber o f the M ethodist and later the the A .M .E . church at three o 'clock IN M E M O R I A M Then this evening the public 'Burlington lodge and succeeds M rs. United church, and had been for on Sunday afternoon, when the edi schools close and the children w ill be ·Whitaker as district deputy president. many years a m em ber o f the I.O.O.F. fice w ill be re-opened after being PICKERING-- In loving m em ory o f off for the merry, long sum m er holi- Thus the h on or com es tw ice to Oak decorated and generally repaired. our dear husband and father, John v ille. L ocal m inisters have been invited |da* S' P ickering, who passed aw ay June M O T H E R A N D D A U G H T E R The O ddfellow s' grand lodge is also to assist R ev . W . C. Perry, t h e ' Schools and studies w ill not trouble 17, 1929. m eeting this w eek and C h as. P. T E A H O UR ON TU E S D A Y pastor, and there will be singing by ^ f * Unt, T * f eP` f " ber' and Just a m em ory, fon d and true, F ord represents Oakville lod g e. .Mrs. Perkins, M rs. Collinge and M is s 'aU adu\ ts wilj w,lsh *h* `:h,ldren one T o show, dear Dad, w e think o f you. R o b t. Slaight, o f the local lodge, The W .M .S . o f St. John's church Osborne, o f Bronte. ,J° y0US tlm e during hohdays -- E ver rem em bered by W ife and has been selected as in com in g district held a m other and daughter tea hour R ev . Wm. F. Seay, presiding Fam ily. d ep u ty . This is a com plim ent to on Tuesday evening, when about 150 ! elder, w ill also be presen t. O A K V IL L E G IR LS O akville. · w ere presen t. W IN C L O S E G A M E The com pany gathered around Small Advertisements JU R Y RECOMMENDS SUBW AYS S. S. C O N V E N T I O N U R G E S tables in Lusk hall at six-thirty and The Oakville and Bronte girls' b y eight the program was conclu ded. FOR S ALE C R O S S IN G P R O T E C T IO N The inquest into the crossin g a cci n oftb ":' teams played a close game One cook stove, Q uebec style, hot M rs. J. C. Ford, the president, pre w ater fron t; 1 large coal heater, first sided, and regret was expressed that dent fatality on Tuesday evening re ·:ore u.: Tuesday evening in V ictoria T rafalgar tow nship S. S. convention class con dition . Apply at Trafalgar M rs. H . S. Dougall, who w as 'xhere w ere a g oodly num ber in its m eeting at Bronte, June 11th, to sulted in a verdict o f accidental park, United parsonage. o f spectators. The final count was passed the follow in g resolution re (have spoken, had been detained, deaths with no blame attached. i M rs. S. R . Bews, o f Milton, was The verdict included a recom m en 15-14 in O akville's fa v or. better protection at sixth line crossFOR S ALE The line-up for Oakville w as-- j ing in Oakville : |the ch ief speaker and her address dation that subw ays be constructed Four and a half acres o f land on at both the sixth and seventh line D orothy Robinson, c ; Christina Izatt, " That the Trafalgar Tow nship SunT oronto-H am ilton highway, w est of j was heard w ith much d elig h t. p; Edith Steed, l b ; M argaret Daub- day sch ool convention w ould m em or and Miss c ro s sin g s. O ak v ille. F or particulars apply to j M rs. C . E . Freem an L . W ayner, phone S73. 2b; N ellie R ichardson, ss; ialize the county coun cil and town` Evans, both rem oving from town, D r. Stead was coroner, Attorney ney, w ere presented with life m em bership D ick appeared for the crow n and the R osie Jinks, 3b; Phyllis Gerrard, If; [ ship council and the Oakville town W ANTED jury was com posed o f W . J. Fleuty, B eatrice Nelson, c f; Ivy Card, r f. |pins. [cou n cil to petition the dom inion railGeneral or maid to assist iu fam ily The program was contributed to chairm an; J. H . Elliott, J. B. Moat, Douglas W ilson w as umpire on f w ay board to take steps to prevent o f three adults; referen ces required. Barker, H arry bases and Max H eslop on strikes and the recurrence o f such an acciden t M rs. W m . C Bell, W atson A v e ., Oak by M rs. H . Krug, M rs. Collinge and Geo. Hillmer, Jas. W iffen and H iram W illiam s. j Miss Aileen Tipping. v ille. balls · as took place Tuesday morning, June This w eek tenders are being in vited for the dredging o f the Oak ville harbor by the Ottawa depart ment of public w ork s. F or years the attention of the de partm ent has been drawn to the ne cessity for som e dredging and last session a sum w as placed in the es timates fo r this n ecessary w ork . Tenders w ill close on Tuesday next and it is the intention to have the w ork in progress as soon as p ossib le.

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