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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 10 May 1929, p. 4

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Sheridan Sayings Trafalgar Topics Stanley Law rence w as successful | Fire w hich broke out in the ch ick in passing his third year in electrical en house on the farm o f Mr. Harris, engineering at the recen t exam ina o f Snider's C om ers, last Friday was tions o f the facu lty of Applied responsible fo r the death o f S50 Scien ce o f T oronto U niversity. chickens and the total destruction of M ay 4th w as the birthday of the No cause tw in brothers, Edmund and Leander the fine ch ick en h ou se. can be assigned fo r the fire but it Shain, .upper m iddle road, and the o c casion w as celebrated by a party probably occu rred through the over arranged by their fam ilies in their heating o f a stove. On Thursday evening another resi h on or and held Saturday evening at the Shain hom estead, occupied by. dent *of Snider' s C om ers had the Edm und Shain. Guests to the num m isfortune to have over 600 three b er o f fo r ty w ere present, Miss Ethel weeks old chickens sm othered in an b rooder. M uch sym Shain, o f the staff o f Swansea Public over-heated school, and M iss Eva Shain, of Grace hospital, w ere hom e fo r the event. pathy is felt in the com m unity for those" who have suffered such severe losses. M r. and M rs. W ill H arkness spent the week-end visiting friends at Owen Sound. M r. D avenport is erecting a fine rustic booth outside his garage at iPostville for the summ er trade. It is quite attractive. SM ALL AD V TS. When desiring to advertise ju st drop in the copy or phone us. The cost fo r one insertion is only 25 cents. Try one next w eek. SOW BETTER S EED S! S e e d G r a i n - -O ats, Parley, Spring Wheat, Field Peas, Buckwheat. > > > A F ie ld S e e d s -- Alfalfa. Red Clover, Timothy, Aljj sike, Sweet Clover and Hay Mixtures. X % 11 G a r d e n S e e d s -- All Varieties Sweet Corn, Peas Beans, Mangel Seed, Carrot, Cucumber. Beet. &c We have a special variety of Sweet Corn, ten » days earlier than Golden Bantam, and fully as sweet, I namely: --" Early Golden Sunshine" . We also have I » ' | s special market Garden Carrot, namely:-- " Corless," * * very sweet, tender and uniform size. ' » s t CONFERENCE D - Doi ngs -- For -- M r. Editor, the busy season here is at hand. Farm ers are on the land and e x p e rie n cin g ' backw ard seeding w eath er. The busy h o « s e - ; w ife is renovating lie*r abode. The little bird is fixin g up ' .m er hom e and .filling the air w ith m u sic. W e coin all take a lesson from those lirrppy little creatures. Miss E stelle Ford, nurse-in-trainin g at B rantford hospital, spent, a few days at h er home h ere. A large num ber of friends and sym pathizers attended the funeral o f the j late R obert E m ory H all on Saturday, j .M r. H all had been auditor in the j tow nship fo r som e twenty-one years, j He had also taken a keen interest in m unicipal election s and on the tem peran ce question and w ill be much m issed by a large circle o f friends. M rs. (R e v .) K itih en is suffering w ith a sprained an k le. It is hoped she w ill soon be around again. John P ick et has added to the ap pearance o f his buildings b y having them all painted. The Ladies W . M . S ., o f A shgrove, entertained the ladies of B ethel and H ornby at the hom e o f their pastor, Mrs. and R e v . K itch en . M iss Peddie, teach er o f S . S . No. 9, accom panied by a num ber o f her friends attended the graduating exrcises at W elland hospital recen tly . H er sister was a m em ber o f the c la s s . ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - The Young Women of Halton C ou n ty D istrict of Hatton in the FARM ER'S BUILDING, MILTON, ONT.* f, * Q I % -!> - WM. C O U S E , V » SONS ONTARIO * V under the direction of the W om an's Institute t S T R E E T S V IL L E , #» V> W I i > * Q V5 SV * 9 * T V V* VV V V VV '-S' ; relay M orning, M ay at 10 o t ock. X PROGRAM . *oth · ' S I Be ready to begin Building, a Home and Save Paying Rent. . OPENING HYM N " Preparation for Judging Com petition, C.N.E:" A. P. MacVannel " Incom e Earning for Girls on the Farm " Miss McIntosh, Home Demonstrator, Pell Co. LUNCHEON IN STITU TE CAROL H andicraft Dem onstration Miss Langton, Department of Agriculture VIOLIN SOLO SOLO Miss Mary Rivaz ADDRESS Dr. Margaret Patterson DUET Miss Coulter and Miss Koella GOD SA VE TH E KING The branches o f the W . I. in the district, are very kindly providing the sandw iches and cake fo r the lun cheon . -- · Easy Term s and Money for Building A. S. FORSTER A gen t Oakville S E E DS D E E D IN G T IM E IS H E R E * `In .p *ter , ease of driving, and flexibility, the new Steele, Briggs Quality 70c lb. 1 oz. 9c M cL a u g lilin -B u ick o u t performs any car I have ever driven/' (name on request) Lawn G ra ss Seed S p i n a c h - Lon£ Standing H eavy, Inroad Dark Green heaves of Fine Quality. Queen City Mixture 10 lbs. at 65c lb. P e a s -- American W onder Very Prolific, Early, Medium Size Pods .. PS, 1-4 lb. 25c P e a s -T a ll, Mixed Sw eet 1-4 lb. 14c, 1-2 11). 23c, 1 lb. 40c. All Colors Amongst these. Should be Planted Karly. 15fc O Z. 1-4 11). T 45c B e a n s _ Golden Podded W a x m. An Marly Dwarf Bean C u c u m b e r - I m p r o v e d Long Green. 1 2 to 16 ins. long. Dark Green, Firm and Crisp. 1-4 lb. 18c, 1-2 11). 28c, 1 lb. 50c C o m -- Golden Bantam The Finest Flavor o f all Sw eet Corn. 20c oz. 1-4 lb. 60c HE owner quoted above has been driving automobiles for 15 years, and has an intimate knowledge o f m otor cr.r perform ance and value. Yet his en« thusir.s.ic com m ent merely typifies that o f t h o u s a n d s w h o have turned to M cL a u g h lin -B u ick after m aking their ow n exacting tests. N ot only have motorists in all parts o f the cou rtry accepted M cLaughlin - B uick' s in vita ion to get behind the wheel and get: the facts about M cLaughlin-Buick perform ance . . . but they have entered ore or i for m ore than twice as many lv.iC .L-Sn J Hu-Buicks as any other car at c r above its price. 1-4 lb. 12c, 1-2 lb. 20c, 1 lb. 55c Steele, Briggs and Rennies Flower and Vegetable Seeds in Packets. 10c per Packet. O n io n 25c oz. , Yellow Globe Danvers 1-4 lb. 90c G em Early, Round and Mild Flavored' A Good Keeper. Drug Specials A 25c Bottle of Vinolia Lavander Bath Salt Free with Three C akes of Vinolia Boracic and Cold Cream Soap. 85e Value for 60c. Lettu ce--Toronto 25c oz. r 2 sure to drive a M cL aughlin-B uick! - Try i" in traffic-- o n the straightaway-- up ` he steepest hills. T h e m ore thorough your tests, the m ore careful your com parisons-- the m ore inevitably w ill they lead y cu to M cL au gh lin -B u ick ! M 4-5-29C Light Green, Crimped and Curled. W ell formed Heads. Very Tender. 1-4 lb. 90c 1 m M s - B e a n s -- Scarlet Runner G row s 10 to 12 feet high. 1-4 lb. 18c, 1-2 lb. 30c, 1 lb. 50c N O -M O T H Price 7 5 c T o H ang in Your Clothes C losets. Positively Prevents and Kills M oths and their larve. '~ n lm O A K V IL L E , ONT. I I 1 * 'B u i e VIRTUE MOTORS LTD W hen Better Automobiles Are Built-- McLaughlin-Buick W ill Build Them BYERS' DRUG CO. O A K V IL L E , P H O N E 47

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