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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 10 May 1929, p. 1

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i. F O R S T E R EDITOR f2 .0 0 A YKAR 2 .5 0 TO T H E U N ITE D S T A T E S OAKVILLE. ONTARIO FRIDAY. MAY fiv e c e n t* per copy 39 V o l. 43 N * `The Belle of Barcelona" RANGERS COLORS D E D IC A T E D W ill Extend Concrete Pavement CONFERENCE YOUNG OF L A D IE S Prominent In Trafalgar Im pressive Bronte T alent A chieves A Real Success in Bright Operetta A large audience w itnessed the am bitious production by Bronte am a teur talent o f the bright and color ful operetta " The Belle o f B arce lon a" in the G regory theatre last Friday evenin g. A person w itnessing the play for a first time could on t help but be im pressed by the " cla ss" eviden t in the scen ery, the acting, the singing, and the versatile chorus w ith danc ing and glee features. R eally the singing, solos, duets and choruses, was rem arkably g o o d . The cast w ish to give M rs. P . G . R ussell, conductress, m uch o f the credit. The costum es added color to the p la y and w ere selected with real judgm ent and good taste. The part o f Spanish noblem an w as taken by A. Dobrashian, a young Englishm an now residen t in Bronte, in the cleverest m anner. Frank Sullivan, as the young Englisli inspector, did w ell and like young M argarita sang som e really fine parts in good v o ic e . J. R . Thurston, as the irresistible Pat, provoked rounds o f laughter, w hile Miss V era H assall, as the shy yet winsom e governess, w as am ong the best on the ca st. She took her Cerem ony in St. Jude' s County Council W ill Take Place in Milton on Satur Church Tuesday Evening T here w as a large gathering o f the new ly organized com pany o f " Rang ers" , the Girl Guides and their friends in St. Jude's church on Tues day evening, w hen the colors of the Rangers w ere dedicated by Canon Sm ith. This flag was the g ift of M rs. Ryland H . New, com m issioner fo r Halton, Peel and D ufferin coun|ties, The colors w ere accepted by the color com m ittee o f the R apgers com posed o f M isses H ilda Sm ith, Jessie Johnstone and K atherine B iette. Canon Smith addressed the assem bled R angers and Guides on the sig nifican ce o f the fla g . ^^ ______ I I SA W EDMONTON Decided to Do This day, May 18th Robt. E. Hall Wa* Tow nship Auditor W ork This Year i ---------and Successful Farmer ^ ! The W om en's Institute o f Halton A t the county council m eeting on ,coun ty, o f w hich M rs. G . C Atkins, A prom inent figure in T rafalgar W ednesday it was decided to lay a o f Palerm o, is president, has arrang- 1 concrete pavement, ten feet wide, ed ^o r a con ference o f coun ty young aifairs, Robt. E m ory Hall, was called from the end o f the present cem ent ladies t0 be held in M ilton on Satur- to his reward on Friday last, after an north o f Drumquin to H ornby. day' May 18th . illness extending ov er a year or more. This w ill give Trafalgar over two The W om en 's Institute in all parts F or several w eeks he has been failmiles m ore o f concrete pavem ent. o f the county have been invited to jn g rapidly. The same kind o f pavement w ill be make sure that all the y ou n g ladies j The funeral took place on Sunday laid from Ashgrove to Stewarttown o f their respective com m unities at- aftern oon last and was am ong on the seventh line. tend the con feren ce in large num- the largest in the history o f the dis Tenders w ill be united in a fe w .b e r s . The progrom w ill be appro- tr ic t. Old friends and m em bers o f days. priate fo r youn g w om en and includes a large fam ily conn ection cam e from . _ -- _-- an address on " Preparation for Judg- fa r and near, w hile gentlem en intering Com petition, C . N . E . " , by A. P. ested in tow nship a f f a i r s w ere also G R O W TH OF M acVannel, agricultural representa- presen t. The f l o r a l tributes w ere B R I T I S H E M P I R E tlve: an address 011 " rncom e Earning num erous and beautiful. -- fo r girls on the farm " , by Miss M e -, R e v , M r. K itchen conducted an Masterly Review of Empire at Lions f nt ° sh, hom e dem onstrator w ith the im pressive service at the house and P^ l af ri^ ultl\ r_° departm®" ` ; ^andi- interm ent follow ed in the Hall fam ily cra ft dem onstration by Miss Lang- burial plot in Churchville cem etery, departm ent o f agriculture; -- ad- w here ic rest the ains of a a ram fam ily Before a larze a tte n d a n t o f tha ton, . ot m e rem le m a i u u or uj ub and guest townsmen ~r6SS D r ' M argaret Pattersono f o f early settlers w ho cam e from Low j Lions club and guest er Canada ov er a hundred years aso. | A ubrey Bond the eloquent Toronto T h e decendants o f many old fam ilies lawyer, gave an address on the w ere noticed am ong the assem bly o f grow th o f the British em pire. | W ILL HOLD M ILITARY DANCE those gathered to pay their last reM r. Bond has a wide reputation T h e officers and N . C. O's : o f " A " s Pe c t s as a student o f events and in eloM r. H all was born about seventyquent manner he told how step by Company, H alton R ifles, w ill hold a f T 5 . . dance in V icto rii hall on W ednestUree y eighth step Britain assumed world promin- oance in victoria nan on w ea n es . , ears . ago on the . .. T T ,, line stre s s o f the day, May 22nd. Invitations are beh om estead. son of A lbert Hal1 and ence and becam e : Sarah M cCurdy. As a lad he was ing sent to officers o f other companseas. fon d o f learning and books and re Ex-M ayor Robinsoi expressed the ,ies in the regim ent, and there promceived his education in rural sch ools lub members Iiaea to be a large attendance, appreciation of the and in S t. Catharines. H e graduat address. R oy | A strong com m ittee is at w ork and guests after t! ed as a teacher and taught fo r several j m aking arrangem ents for excellent Smith, president, p? years. A fter m arrying Arvilla May : iuuslfi Iy f l M r e fr e s h m e n t s ^ The^ hall, b e purchased tUa seventh lint? farm , FO R E STE R S' · ft 'Tiero liv e d until If;? death. H is good in Its n ew detorfSfbTi!?. Wire ffiert ea rly in a t e . - ^ <*>«, t h ATTR ACTIVE ENTRANCE ence, survives and is rem aining on the h om estead . T w o sisters surThis year the supreme council of I. O. D. E. W ILL HOLD BfG TAG DAY vive, M rs. B . M cCurdy, o f M ilton, the Independent Foresters m eets in and M rs. A . May, o f Guelpjh; also T oronto in June. And they expect The I.O.D.E. held a regular meet- three brothers, G eo. B . Hall, o f Trafive or six hundred delegates. The falgar, and Byard and F letch er Hall, A t each such meetlng, one after- ing last Thursday a ftern oon . noon is devoted to visiting the Oak- convener on child w elfare told o f o f Guelph, ville orphanage. To add to the at- ^helpful w ork done and beneficial M r. H all was a good speaker and tractiveness o f this worthy institu- results noticed in children who have vras invariably chosen chairm an o f tion a new entrance to the pretty had their tonsils rem oved. ail com m unity gatherings. H e w as grounds is being constructed. Large j The new ly form ed com pany o f also auditor fo r about tw enty years pillars are being erected and these Rangers extended an invitation to o f Trafalgar accounts, a s w ell as w ill carry a massive iron fen ce and the dedication o f their fla g . auditor o f the Halton Fire Insurance heavy g a te s. The w ork is b e in g 1 A discussion took place regarding com pany b o o k s . H e was a life-long executed by expert w orkm en w ho the tag day to be held, on June 8th. m em ber of M cCurdy's church and have made a specialty o f stone and This year instead o f h olding a garden lately o f Bethel church and took att iron en tran ces. party the daughters w ill rely upon active interst in Sunday sch ool w ork. m mm tag day to supply funds fo r their welIn politics he w as an ardent Liberal Th ey invite the hearty and acted as deputy-returning o ffic e r fare w ork, BIG SHOW COMING TO O AK VILLE co-operation o f all the Oakville fo r his party at many election s, w ork is wellPerhaps there is ao other travella n ^ n e e d s^ n o advertisin g. All ST JUDE,S MEN>S C , UB ing am usem ent organization in t h e , shouW -ve o f their best on S T - JUDE s M E N S CLUB know n w orld that has such a clean ,, HOLD INAUGURAL tag day as the society m akes ex cell and clear record as that o f th e Barent use o f funds. nejtt B r o s, three-ring circus and The first m eeting of the n ew ly or |trained anim al shows-- bigger and -- ganized m en's club o f St. Jude's better in ev ery w ay. T h e m a n a g e - O AK VILLE BRED HORSE (Church w as held last Friday evening WON HIGHEST HONORS ^ i t h a large attendance o f men m en t maintains honest dealings with o f the ch u rch . th e public and gives fu ll value for On the last day o f the Eglinton j R ev. j J.. a E . W ard, re cto r o f St. the m on ey. In each city and town thtat B a rn ett!h orse show the ch ief feature w as the Stephen's church, T oronto, gave an B rothers show s have visited since (" touch-and-out" hurdle event w ith a .a d d re s s on " H ow a Men's Club can their inception, they h ave been ex- prize o f a thousand dollars to the help in church w o r k ." ten ded a cordial w elcom e to com e w in ner. v ! _ _ b a ck and the slogan o f the m a n a ge-' The contest was the keenest o f TW O PR E SE N TATIO N S m ent is a clean, honest show in ev ery , the big show and prelim inaries had j AT BRONTE CHURCH w ay. A lso come early and stay la te; been held the three evenings before. a n d , The p" - , T . there is everything to please -- . final w inner was " Going _ U. . . nothing to offen d . Barnet Brotheirs fan aged gelding ow ned by D r. W eb - 1 ^ ast w eek there w ere tw o presenshow s w ill exhibit at O akville on ster, o f Ottawa. A fter his v ictory .ta tions at Bronte U nited chu rch . Saturday, M ay 11th. T h e large city a floral wreath was placed around I F irst the Ladies Aid and the con gregation honored M rs. J. S . Flumto f tents w in fee located on th e fa ir his n eck . " Going U p" was bred by the late ,erfelt> 'vho llad been organist, piangrounds. T w o perform ance's dailyt, purchased 11st and n ow pipe organist o f the aftern oon and evening; doors open Captain Donald M cKay, by his brother, Allan M cK ay, w ho in church for eighteen y e a r s . at 1 and 7 p .m . turn sold the horse to D r. W e b s te r ,' At a social evening M rs. Flum erhi~ p re se -t Ottawa ow n er. !felt was Presented w ith a handsom e SERVICE STATION IS r i. H. ' " ng still ow ns the m other Pian° electric lam p, NEARING COM PLETION of this n o w fam ous ju m p er. i Then the E pw orth league gathered and presented Miss V era Hassall IThe new British-Am erican service with a silk um brella in recognition o f her representing the league so station being erected at the corn er W ILL NOW HAVE ANGLE PARKING SUCCessfully in oratory con tests. o f Colborne and Dundas street, is nearing com pletion, and the r oof is This w eek painters have been being put on . CARD OF TH A N K S The walls are built of the best busy m arking o ff the south side of M r. and M rs. W m . M cCraney de pressed brck and the capping w ill be Colborne street preparatory to the sire to thank all friends for their exadoption o f angle parking. of attractive construction. In this w ay a greater num ber o f j pressions o f sym pathy and floral B y the end o f the m onth the sta cars can be accom m odated on the tr ib u te s during their recent bereavetion should be almost ready fo r busi w ide pavem en t. m en t. v n ess. J Club Banquet GIRLS PLA Y BA SK E TB A LL ; -------------! Quite a few Bronte friends o f J. j Percy Page, coach of the Edm onton j w orld cham pion basketball team, |m°tored to T oronto on Saturday evening. i Their o b je ct w as to w itness an ex( hibltion game played by the Edmon. ton Grads and w ere rewarded by seeing the cham pions win from a , T oronto all-star team by a score of 31 to 15. part exception ally w ell. W h ile the m em bers o f the team J. S . F lum erfelt, as a w ealthy p iay rem arkably w ell, they w ith one plantation ow n er; M iss A. C u dm ore.,-sw orc; j ^ - e Mr Page ' credit for rr"iir*r r-n tir _ . & Flum erfelt. as the Spanish m anager ^ js " g h obby to keep the team of the estate, all had im portant WOrld cham pions, and once a man parts, w ell ta k en . ach ieves the success h e has, he usAnd the chorus filled in an impor- ually sticks right to his h obby . This tant part clev erly and attractively. is Mr. P age's reply to the report that This part gave real c o lo r to the he w ill retire o p eretta . ___ _ Congratulations are due all con cerned, and Fran k Sullivan should I R I S H H O R S E S have cred it fo r painting the scen ery A R R IV E H E R E w hich set o ff the play so w e ll. Arrive in Excellent Condition After J Small Advertisements C O W S FO R SALE A pretty J ersey c o w and a grade Jersey, suitable fo r fam ily co w s . F orster F arm , O akville. W A N TE D W o r k horse about fourteen hun dred pou nds; m ust be steady, useful and n o t ov er tw elve y ea rs. Phone 652 at on ce o r w rite B ox 379, Oak ville . CUSTOM W O R K D iscing and p low in g w ith tractor ou tfit. Phone 415 r 22. Gordon B ooth . FOR SALE Straw berry Plants-- Glen M ary and Prem ier. A pp ly G. W . Oughtred, C larkson . P hone 59-W . FOR SA LE A quantity o f raspberry canes, $16.00 a h undred; also Irish C obbler p otatoes. P h on e 429. PAN SIES FOR SA LE _ C hoice large piansies in b loom ; all colors at A L . W A R D 'S _ _ O ne d oor north o f Alum inum F actory, Dundas S treet. 3t A SPAR AG U S PLAN TS A b ou t 2,000 good asparagus plants ready for planting. A pply to D . M c Derm ott, or phone 86. HOUSE FOR SA LE OR RENT G ood B rick H ou se fo r sale or rent on L o t 98 b y 145 f t . d eep. Quantity of fru it trees and b erry bushes on property. A pply to R . W . MacNeil, D ouglas avenue. BRICK Ocean V oyage This w eek fifteen green hunting horses from Ireland arrived at the H ugh S . W ilson arena north o f the station, and w ill a t on ce be schooled in the arena and over the jum ps in the field . T h ey are an excellent lot of un trained hunters standing up well, and w ill make proud m ounts fo r our enthusiastic huntsm en. M r. W il son always picks prom ising colts. The h orses arrived in w onderful condition after their v oya ge. P IA N O R E C IT A L AND CO N CERT Tw enty-five talented pianists of tow n and vicinity w ill take part in an ensem ble piano recital to be given in the G regory theatre on Thurs day evenin g next, M ay 22nd. The follow in g artists w ill assist: T h e noted K athleen S tokes. M adge H unter Parker, soprano. M argaret Park W ilson , co n tra lto . . . Mona R eed, dram atic sop ra n o. D a Costa dancing artists. Oakville quartette. T hree large H eintzm an baby grand pianos w ill be h ired fo r th e evening. Funds fo r new Cedar G rove A n gli can M ission . Plan and tickets at Austin's drug store. ROYAL ARCH VISIT MASONS CHAPTER SEEDS FOR SALE A lfalfa, R ed Clover, Alsike, T im o On M onday evening nine Oakville thy seed, Sw eet Clover, $2.00 bus. R oyal A rch M asons visited K eystone Seed grains-- Oats, B a r l e y , Peas, j chapter in H am ilton and had a plea Goose W h ea t. Garden seeds-- Beans, Peas, Sw eet sant evenin g. Corn, Carrot, B eet, Cucum ber, e tc . | A fter the banquet D r. J. C. Duff, L ight am ber H oney, per lb . 10 c,, W hite C lover H oney, per lb . 1 3 % c ., o f O akville, delivered a com prehen sive address on the h istory o f R oyal Barley, b u s. 85c, A rch M asonry. H e received many W M . COUSE & SONS, ! com plim ents fo r the sa m e. Streetsvifte. HAM ILTON

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