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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 3 May 1929, p. 7

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o iiiiiiiiim iH iiiiiiH iiH iE iiiiiit iiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiin iiiiiin iiiiiit iiiiiiiiiin iin iiiiiiiiiic ^ | Professional Direetopy | C O N S U L T T H E S E C O LU M N S COi<<STANTLY. j § Canadians have been ig " iuJent" men there seems little to Support the re putation in the recent announce m ent that they aire the w orld's greatest telephone conversation alists. There are 1,259,987 tele phones in Canada, recently pub lished statistics disclose, allowing for a 'phone for every eight per sons. If all the conversations that took place during the past year were placed coJ to end they would be heard in Mars, for every citizen held on an average o f 221 conversations during 192S. Pre sumably this does not include w rong numbers. One of Montreal's first big bu/' dings that was demolished to make room for one o f the · latest sky scrapers downtown has appeared on an entirely new site, to the amazement of the citizens. So care fully was the building taken down that scarce a score of hew stones were required to com plete its re construction on its new lot. Up to December 31. 1928 the Canadian P acific had spent in co lonization and C r-r-iian develop ment work, land s«. ' ement, etc., nearly £85,000,900 o f its own money. Sir Charles Go; !on, G.B.E., president o f the Bank of Montreal, has been appointed to the board o f directors o f the Canadian Paci fic Railw ay to fill the vacancy caused by t'ae resignation o f Mr. J. K. L. Ross. Senator the Hon. F. L. Beiq :e, also, has been ap pointed a member o f the executive com m ittee of the board. A shipment of animals that w ill resemble the cargo o f livestock on Noah's Ark w ill take place shortly from Moose Jaw W ild Animal Park, when a number of buffalo, mule deer, elk and other animals w ill be sent to the Rocky Mountain NationaJ Park at Banff, Alberta. Everyone in Canada is worth $2,700 ! That at any rate, is what governm ent figures show, the ag gregate national wealth for 1928-- $26,691,482,000-- w orking out at that amount per person. Agriculture is the largest single item, and the western provinces come first in the highest per capita wealth of any part o f the Dominion. The Canadian Pacific Railway, in co-operation with the Manvtotn Department of Agriculture, Sead Branch, Dominion Department of Agriculture ' " STi" ftre Agricultural College, has provided two good seed cars and a poultry car, which is travelling through that province. There are dem on strations of grasses, clover and corn, and poultry displays, while ic co m 7i".nying lecturers talk on the 'inpcrt-ince of good seed and forage crops and lecture on the rearing of cLickens, turkeys, etc. t MINAKI LODGE A Lu x u riou s Stop-Over F o r T ravellers W estern % (259) Although W H E N YOU REQUIRE iiiiiM inaiiiiiiiH U iiiiiiQ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiD iiiiiiiiam iiiiim iiiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiiiiniiH iiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiio Lumber, Building Supplies* P lasters Cement, W i n d o w Sash, EtcI f you are buying rough or dressed L um ber, F loorin g, Siding, In ter ior T rim , W od or Felt Shingles, W o o d or Metal Lath, Sash, D o o rs, P laster material such as H ard P laster Paris. Walls, Plaster, L im e, C em ent and D p . G. B. Chisholm eo r. Colberne and Reynetd* Sts. OAKVILLE A lec. Chisholm B a r r iste r , S o lic ito r N o ta r y , e«cl Oakville _________________________________________ Office: Colborne St. G yp roc and R ocb oa rd , the tw o B oards that are so Dr. E v a R . F isH e r Physician and Surgeon Oiikville phone 281 - r - 5. T R A F A L G A R | Douglas Douglas & Robinson m uch talked o f fcijese day?. W e have th em in stock an d can prom ptly take care o f your wants. W e also have a planing mill in con n ection with our lu m ber yards, an d can assure you o f prom pt service on any mill work you require. will Dp.W .M . W ilk in son r 8-- 9 a .m . Office H ours J 1-- 3 p .m . [ 1-- 9 p .m . Office: Dundas Street, Oakville PHONE 14 F orm erly occu pied b y D r. Lusk Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. New Davis Block over Bank of Commerce Phone Adel. 7798 Money to Loan on Farm and Resi dential Properties In Oakville and vicinity at lowest rates, or if you have any money to Invest In first mortgages, we can place It safely for you. L et us qu ote you our prices on quality m ill work, a trial order c o n v in ce you that our prices are right and the w orkm anship the best. W e deliver anywhere. Blakelock Brothers Randal Street--East of Temperance Hall. Phones 78 and 214. Notary Public V E T E R I N A R Y SURGEON Real Estate TRAFALGAR Oakville Phone 430 r 2 Insurance I Money to Loan | If you have any money to Invest, I DOMINION & ONTARIO LAND SUR can place it safely on first mortgage, at good Interest. VEYORS, CIVIL ENGINEERS !no. A. Johnstone W - S D A V IS M a cK a y & M acK ay COAL WOOD Town Planing-- Municipal Engineering James J. iSdkay Ernest G . McKay 72 James St. N . Hamilton F R E D C \R R ,F .R .H .S. S. S. f^ussell F u n e r a l D ir e c to r E m b a lm e r JNO. E. FORD Selling* Acorn Brand of LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN CONSTRUCTION Honor Graduate Ontario College Pruning o f Shade and Fruit Trees a Embalming. Specialty. P . G. Renouard, College Embalming Shrubs, Perennials and Roses. N . T. TELEPH ON ES Qualified by the Government. Oakville 667 J. Toronto Hil. 3338 J. Phone 488. Dunn S t., next to Nawa. ALBERTA C O AL From the Saunders Creek Field Yards and Office at C. N. R. STATION Phone 85 THE W . H. T U C K F u neral S e r v ic e Complete StocK of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, China, Cut Glass, Games, Toj's, Books, Stationery Fancy Goods, Etc. C M A S . P. T U C K , Licensbd Funeral Director and Embalmer. Dunn 8 t .. Phone 03, Oakville. COKE W S. OAViS ICE C. F DOTV Decorator Painting Paperhanging Tinting Glazing DAVIS & D O TY LUM BER YARD P L A IT IN G M I L L B U IL D E R S ' S U P P L IE S Factory and Office:-- S. P hone OSMAN SOI. O a k v il l e . W . BUSBY JE W E L E R a ******** 4 Murray House Now N ew O pen U n d e r M anagem ent ******** **************** WE SPECIALIZE IN Special Rates for Boarders by the week. | a BANQUETS CATERED TO T T T T TT D | W .T . O A K L E Y , Prop f JO B PRINTING M inaki Lodge, on the transcontin ental line o f Canadian National R a il w ays, in the deep forest country of northw estern Ontario, 112 m iles East o f W innipeg, provides a w onderful stop-over fo r travellers to W estern Canada. The m agnificient lodge is equipped w ith everything that m akes fo r m od ern com fort. Y ou can g olf or play tennis, hike, ride, swim , o r go boating or fish in g. T h ere's plen ty to do and it w ill be a pleasing break in your long jou rn ey . A sk any Canadian National Rail w ays agent for literature and full in form ation. Ncrth ol G .T.R . Station Doors. Sash, Flooring1 , Shingles, Lath. Wallhoards and Siding*, Camer-t, FUster and Sewer Piiae. PALERMO GARAGE WHO .REPAIR WM O F ILL K IN D S General Hardware and · » A G E N T S FOR HUDSON, ESSEX, DURANT AND STAR CARS Sedans, Coaches and Touring- Cars ^ LATEST JVIODELS Builders' Supplies McGregor Hardware Co, Li m itvd G A LB R A ITH & T U R N E R Phone 8 9 r 2

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