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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 3 May 1929, p. 4

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- R E V . A B R A H A M DEAD W a s P a s t o r of K n o x C h u r c h ton for Tw enty-one Bu rlin g Years PALERMO W O M E N 'S ELECTS O F F IC E R S IN S T IT U T E 1 p 1 l 1 1 he r l o w e r L HH ; -- , In the death at T oronto last Thurs day, following' a few days' illness of R ev . R . H . Abraham at his residence 67 W in chester street, there passed one who was well-known in the Pres byterian church throughout the Pro vin ce o f O ntario. R e v . M r. A bra. ham, 'w ho was in his seventy-eighth year, retired from active m inistry 20 years a g o . F or 21 years he served as pastor of the Presbyterian*church in Burlington, Ont. Born in T oronto he received his education at Park sch ool, and Upper Canada C ollege. H e receiv ed his B . A . and M. A . both from the U niversity o f T oronto and was also a graduate o f Knox College and the Presbyterian C oll3.se at Pittsburg. D uring his student days M r. Abra ham served as a m issionary to Dunn Avenue church and the Leslieville M ission. F ollow ing his retirem ent from active pastorate w ork he contin ued to render service in the Daven port United chu rch . For seven years he acted as a Field Secretary for thie Ontario Tem perance A llian ce. Sur v iving are the w idow , tw o sons, Dr. H . A . Abraham o f Pens<tang, O n t., and R . A . Abraham of T oronto, and tw o daughters, M rs. S. H . Pickup and M rs. G eorge Petry o f T oron to. T h e funeral took place from the late residence on Saturday afternoon to Park Lawn cem etery, T oron to. P lu ck tbM flow er, but sp are the root A t the annual m eeting o f Palerm o I WiandereM in the countryside! W om en's Institute the election of Spring h a l^ s u c h prolific fruit officers resulted as follow s: Presi That n o^ fcth erer is denied. dent, Miss M . C. Valpie E aston; Only, tak e^fcittle less, vice-president, M rs. J. H ow ard; sec Do not garapr to ex cess. retary, Miss Mary R ivaz; assistant S ecretary, M rs. E . W ettlaufer; trea Never, in your eager greed surer, M rs. M. Turner, district T o transplant your private Spring, director, M rs. H erbert Inglehart, Rob the copses o f their saed directors, Mrs. W . H . Cudmore, Mrs. ! So that year by year they bring Christener, M rs. A . A . Galbraith, Scantier and scantier joy s M rs. L . H ager, and M rs. A. Cowan; To the world o f girls and boy s. auditors, Miss A. Proud and M rs. W . H ignett; pianist, M rs. H om er M c Of her beauty in the Spring, England is so prodigal, M ullen, assistant pianist, Miss J. ;That, like Pterdita, she'll bring D earin g . Apronfuls of flow ers to all. it is T E L E P H O N E B U S IN E S S lawe and spare the root. Take the flcjner E X P A N D I N G IN T O W N -- " T om fool", in the Daily Herald J. V . Markle, o f the Bell Telephone C o., has announced som e extensive j changes in th eir ou tside plant in ' Oakville this y ear. !Mr. Markle | pointed ou t that th e Vicinity w est o f th e .S ix te e n Mile Creek and north of C olb om e street has had considerable grow th in the la st fe w y ears. This grow th m ust be m et with adequate telephone facilities. Th e opening up o f new surveys along K err street and the recent changes to th e highw ay *&.nd the new bridge m ake it advisable to establish a m ain feeder route fo r conduit along Randall street. N ew serial ca b le w ill be erected on C o lb o m e street from Chisholm street to B rock street and from Chisholm Jlan dall along Bond street and K err to the corn er o f K err and H er ald A ven ue. N ew serial cable w ill also extend out Deane, M cD onald and Herald Avenues1 . In all about 513000 w ill be spent b y the com pany in im prove ments to its loca l outside plant. Oakvirio's telephones have grow n from a total o f 750 in 1918 to a total o f 1077 at th e end o f last year, or to put it another w ay the in crease is equal to 23 per cen t. W ith expected grow th Oakville will have a total o f 1300 teQephones by 1934. Be ready to begin Building a Home and Save Paying Rent. Easy T erm s and M oney for Building. A. S. F O R S T E R Agent Oakville CONFERENCE -- For (-- The Young W omen of Halton County ---u n d e r th e d i re c t io n of the W o m e n 's I n s t itu te D i s t r i c t of H a l t o n in the F A R M E R 'S B U IL D IN G , M IL T O N , ONT. Saturday Morning, May 18th at 10 o 'clock. program OPENING H YM N SIR R A B IN D R A N A TH TA G O R E TW O NEW H IG H SCHOOL BU ILD IN G ,) P ort Credit is launching on an air bitious h igh sch ool program and has started the erection o f a ten-room scliool w ith gym nasium , diming room s, cafeteria and tw o scien ce room s. T h e c o s t is estim ated at ?170,000. T h en Burlington ©lectors have fin ally g iv en th eir assent to spending gBYenty-seven thousand o n an addi tion to th eir h igh sch o o l. The same p ro je c t wag defeated tw ice before by the' ratep ayers. . A. P. M a c V a n n e l " Preparation fo r Judging Com petition, C.N.E." " Incom e Earning for Girls on the F arm " M iss M c Intosh , Home Dem onstrator, ' Pell C o . LUNCHEON Sir Rabindranath Tagore, aged patriarch and poet of the India* Empire, who attended and address ed the conference on education and leisure of the National Council of Education held recently in the Hotel Vancouver. SO IN STITU TE CAROL H andicraft D em onstration M i s s L a n g t o n , D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e READ THE STAR VIOLIN SOLO SOLO M is s M a ry R ivaz AD D RESS D r. M a r g a r e t P a t t e r s o n DUET M i s s C oulte r and M i s s Koella GOD SAVE TH E KING T h e branches o f the W . I. in the district, are very kindly providing the sandw iches and cake fo r the lun ch eon . SEEDING TIME LS HERE Steele, Briggs Quality Lawn G rass Seed - 70c lb. Queen City Mixture 10 lbs. at 65c lb. S p i n a c h -- Long Standing Heavy, Broad. Dark Green Leaves of Fine Quality. 1 oz. 9c 1-4 ll». 25c Shbuld P e a s --American W onder Very Prolific, Early, Medium Size Pods S w e e t P e a s --Tall, Mixed All Colors Amongst these. be Planted Karly. 1-4 lb. 14c, 1-2 lb. 23c, llb.40c. 15c oz. 1-4 lb. 45c B e a n s " Golden Podded W ax An Early D w arf Bean C u c u m b e r - I m p r o v e d Long Green. 12 to 16 ins. long. Dark Green. Firm and Crisp. 1-4 lb. 18c, 1-2 lb. 28c, 1 lb. 50c 20c oz. 1-4 lb. 60c C o r n --Golden Bantam ------------------------------------------------Early, Round and Mild Flavored A Good Keeper. ^ Steele, Briggs and Rennies Flower and Vegetable Seeds T h e Finest Flavor of all Sw eet Corn. in Packets. 1-4 lb. 12c, 1-2 lb. 20c, 1 lb. 35c ! 10c per Packet. O n i o n , Yellow Globe Danvers 25c oz. 1-4 lb. 90c Drug Specials A 25c Bottle of Vinolia Lavander Bath Salt Free with Three Cakes of Vinolia Boracic and Cold Cream Soap. 85c Value for 60c. I L e t t U C e --Toronto Gem Light Green, Crimped and Curled. W ell formed Heads. V ery Tender. 25c oz. 1-4 lb. 90c N O -M O T H Price 75c T o Hang in Your Clothes G row s 10 to 12 feet high. Closets. Positively Prevents 1-4 lb. 18c, 1-2 lb. 30c, 1 lb. 50c I and Kills Moths and their larve. B e a n s -- Scarlet Runner The Gateway of C. P. R. Connections to New York A t the heart of N ew Y ork , at 42nd Street is the N ew Y o r k Central Station where Canadian P acific trains from M ontreal and T oron to arrive and depart. T h e ab ove is a p h oto o f th e N ew Y o rk Central building w hich is a pa rt o f th e station bu ildin g and is one of the out standing buildings in a c ity o f w onderfu l buildin gs. Standing almost fo r ty stories high at the head o f Park A ven u e, it rises well ab ove the high buildings surrounding. It is o f gold relieved b y brilliant reds and greens and w hen lit b y a b a ttery of flood-ligh ts at night it is one of the beauties o f N ew Y o rk and can be seen for m any m iles around. BYERS' DRUG CO. OAKVILLE, P H O N E 47

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