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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 3 May 1929, p. 1

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S. F O R S T E R E D IT O R $ 2.0 0 A YEAR 2 . 5 0 T O T H E U N IT E D S T A T E S OAKVILLE. ONTARIO. FRIDAY. MAY F I V E C E N T S P E R C O PY V o l . 43 N o . 38 Trafalgar Circuit Pastor C o ngreg ational M e etin g N am es Rev. M r . C a r p e n t e r , of C a v a n . BIG BOW LING TOURNAM ENT T e a m P r i z e s W e n t C h i e f l y to T o r o n t o Clu bs-- i o c a l W in n e rs Concert-Recif ^I Was t ccess Large Audience by T o r o n t o H ea rs F * . ; Program Orches' and Local Talent Taxes In Three Instalments Payable July 5th, Streets Se pt. 5th and The A t a m eeting o f the T rafalgar past oral charge, com prising the con g re gations o f M unn's Sheridan and W es le y churches, held in Munn's church on Tuesday evenin g it w as decided to extend a call to the R e v . F . W . CarpenteV. o f Cavan, Bav o f Quinte to n ference, to becom e pastor o f T rafal gar circu it. This w ill be- subject to the con feren ce tran sfer com m ittee the five-pin bow ling tournament club last was tjie occa sion o f m uch activity at O akville, R ecreatfon The large audience t'.T.t attended the concert-recital givei: under the The funeral o f John W a tson W il- p Business o f real im portance occu w e e k .. auspices o f the Men's `^ lu b o f St. occu rred at his p ie d the attention o f the cou n cil on The m anagem ent received^ many John's church last Frida;, flig h t , w ere son, w hose death residence Randal street, on Sunday, M onday night at a session lasting un|com plim ents from the visitors for the delighted w ith the progra presented. April 28th. took place on Tuesday tu after m idnjght ! splendid , . . . equipm ent . and , general , atThe Oakville Troubadt rs, a new sixteen ,afternoon, Canon Smithy o ffic ia tin g . ^ j|a y or B lakelock asked R eeve Moat m usical organization l ho w as in his 50tli | iractiv en ess o f the clu b . Hamilton, voices, under the capabl- leadership ] M r. W ilson w . . , W h en to report for the deputation consistDundas, M im ico and N ew T oronto of Charles P . Tuck, ren. , f to. a num- ^ a r , was born ini S co land who in g o f the m ayor, reeve and engineer, , five years o f ag6> Ins iatner, w hich m eets next w eek . · w ere represented in the fifteen enbei o f t^ioruses accep p - y.', ® ® > a a m em ber of the fam ous B la ck 'a p p o in te d to interview the deputy O . A . Law rence and W . H. B iggar tries, dition o f Men o f H arlec^ ana L,azy i u e m inister of highw ays regarding the w ere appointed con feren ce represenThe team tha't. distinguished itself M ississippi" being worthy o f s p e c ia l,W atch regim ent, was k illed tatives. Rev. J . A . Jew itt presided, by w inning the highest score o f 3611 m ention. In these they w ere accom - B oer w ar- and hls > ° ung son unsatisfactory condition o f the ap. hroueht to Canada w here he found > points w as the Lakeshore R ecreation panied by a s tr in g orchestra from ^ ^ with Jolm W i i s o n , highw ay proaches to the highw ay bridge. club o f T oron to; The Central Five, LACRO SSE CLUB !T oron to. This ore e.-t i c o n n u w hom he lived until h e - ^ X j 16 deputy m inister expressed his o f H am ilton, follow ed w ith a credit ed several selections to t'ie program, " est' Wlul wuom , . . , , . O F F IC E R S FO R T H IS Y E A R a m manner Srow n t0 manUoo,L C o « ln S .regret that the citizens had been so able score o f 3444, and the Runny 'in nx a a u u c i creditable \ j i « u i v « u > u to « v -themselves, . ______ ______, w as ir and to its skilful conductress, Corda to Oakville he engaged in the dairy ' in^0nyenieilced during. Us construc. m ede N o. 1 team, cam e third, their The follow in g officers w ere elected , W ard Buchner, who is a brilliant business fo r several years,, afUflr- ^ ^ sin ce_ but wag unavoidable fo r the OakviHe L acrosse club at the score being 3428. ... ________ annual m eeting held recen tly :-- In. the doubles there w ere thirty- violin ist. The Hungarian dance was wards being em ployed in the tannery ^ e" i g s u r e i ' them that the w ork of H on orary Presidents-- M . J. Butler, fou r entries', J . M cLaughlin and H . especially w ell executed, and in re- where he w orked until his last iU:> ® 3 % , ... C t r . o< T . r o ,, . ,, w i t h , s p o ,, e ,, the < ,, , old M , Z L Z ffl, D . O . Cam eron. score o f lo 9 o . J. Bell and W . Falls, meiuuy, m elodv " W h en you vou auu and I vounsr Tw enty-five years he mar. w iien i w ere eie young ' _ ago , . was , , tie d . T h e pavem ent w ould be thirty President-- D . H . M eikle. ried to Florence Eagle and lias-tiTyed fe , et . wide, ., . the ,, , , ent would o f T oronto, cam e secon d scoring 1515, M aggie" was very feelingly given. and departm Vice-president-- J o s . C arberry. from Beethoven in Oakville ever since. m eet the entire expense. and B ert Union and R . R obson, third, T w o m ovem ents Sec.-Treasurer-- J . K re s s. H e is survived b y his w i d o w , a their score being 1440. w ere played w ith fine ^cnique and ` E _.Tn ' o£ j In discussing the best m ethod of M anager-- J . H . Tu rn er. T here w ere tw enty-seven com pet- g0od expression, by G. H . Brymer, daughter M rs. . . . prev.enting the fill spreading and T rainer-- A . F laxm an . ^ by thg heayy singles; those winning violinist, M rs. L e o . Barnes, pianist, Niagara Falls . a n d t h r e ^ n s Doug- ^ E xecutive-- G . G oode, C . L ee, G. in g in the being-- 1st, R . K. M cGregor, Oak and L eo. Barnes, v iolin celloist. as* w 1 ie e , ,, . 'rains, a retaining w all w as suggestG . B oocock . Edna Read-Carrow, lyric soprano. Collingw ood. and H ^ and Fred at ^ ^ This, Mr. Sm ith said, had been T h e club w ill place a n interm ed ville, score 829; 2nd, N . Ceoice, T or from Toronto, a very popular artist home onto, score 827; 3rd, A . E . Ryan. tried in oth er places and w as found iate lacrosse team in the O .A .L . A . The pall-bearers w ere Frank Neave, in Oakville, "sustained her high . O akville, score 795. to be expensive and n ot satisfactory. this season . standard o f excellency, and charmed Charles Cramer, E d . Law rence, C . Fred Sharpe and Cecil ,H e said further that it w as estimather hearers w ith her beautiful v oice Johnston. Fred Sharpe and Cecil YOUNG TEA C H ER S AT o f exceptional com ,. xquisite M arker. Interment took place in ,ed that tw o thousand cu bic teet e f Small Advertisements * ... i j.-* * -- c r r« , ^ orv gravel ana stone w ould be rem oved H ! f S H S C H S . 5 L `N E X T W E f K qu ality . fro n f u ie roadway preparatory to PLEASE RETURN suug by the male The " Rosary paving and this would be thrown Som e time -- ag I ^ V U IV 0o . the undersigned Fifteen young teachers in training quartette, M essrs. Tuck, Chapman, W I L L G O T O ov e r the em bankm ent and m ight be loaned a Turnip drill w h ich has not from the College o f Education in Fell and Skoog, with Edna Readbeen retu rn ed. W ill the b orrow er L A B R A D O R A S A R T I S T su fficien t to hold it. If not, he adSargent, T oronto, w ho are specializing in agri kin dly return to W . J . Carrow taking the solo, w as a m ost vised placing boulders and planting culture, are com in g to the Oakville effectiv e num ber on the program . P alerm o. Miss Mary C. Byers, daughter o f w illow trees. The highw ay departFO R SA L E high sch ool fo r the next tw o weeks M iss L . M . McBain organist, and M r. and M rs. John Byers, Oakville, m ent w ill pave from N avy to W ilson Plants Glen , M ary Sterling, accom Straw berry -- ------. to observe m ethods, and .to teach Miss W ilm a -- -------- - panied w ill leave the middle o f this m onth streets to con n ect existing pavem ents, and Prem ier. A pply G W . Oughtred, fo r criticism . Th ey com e in groups . - their ugual symDathetic style. fo r Labrador to serve w ith the Inter- j The w ater and light com m ission C larkson . Phone 59-W . ____ o f three, each group rem aining for A t the conclusion o f the program , national G renfell association, having Was asked to place stron ger lights on T he ch oice o f Oakville the tw o days. ALFALFA SEED Men's club entertained their volunteered as a travelling artist, the bridge. for this A lfalfa seed fo r sale,, clean and sch ool by the departm ent She is an h onor graduate o f the Onguests to supper in Lush hall. A long discu ssion follow ed ov er plum p. A pp ly F .' A ` llen, Dundas purpose, is an evidence o f its high ^ a rio C ollege o f A rt. H er head- the paving of streets. P etitions standing in educational circles. h igh w ay. ,quarters w ill be at St. Anthony, the w ere presented asking that Randal, M R S . S A R A H M I T C H E L L I TO RENT m ost northern point o f N ew found- M acDonald, and Stew art streets be F ront apartm ent, furnished and paved this sea son . The estim ated G IR L GUIDE D D P ftP M T A fter a lingering illness, the death lIan^> an(i she w ill cov er those parts h eated . P ossession M ay 1st. Apoccu rred at her hom e on the Dundas ,° f Labrador within the con fin es o f cost w as $24,500, 35% o f this expense ply to W m . B u sby. »L UCl iiuiiiv, ___ _____ ~ the activities o f the m ission . Miss to be borne by the tow n and 65% by highw ay, N elson, o f Sarah Elizabeth the activities FOR SA LE an experienced w elfare the property ow n ers. w idow o f Richard MitByers *s T w o sow s w ith 10 pigs each ; also A t the last m eeting o f the Girl Fothergill, w orker, canoeist and sw im m er. Last R eeve M oat and Coun. S cott felt A pply Guides, M rs. H olstein cow and c a lf. Faith Robinson, w ho ch ell. The deceased was in her 85th year she w as coun sellor at CamP that Dundas the annual expenditure for E rn est K ay, L ister Farm, has been the popular captain o f No. year, and had been a resident o f t us W apom eo, Algonquin Park, She ` streets and sidew alks should be h ig h w a y . 2 C o ., w as presented w ith agold district all her life, belonging to one holds a life-saving certificate. . »---- ii!-- Hiotwfr lim ited to $20,000 per annum . o f the oldeist fam ilies o f the d istrict. W ANTED guide pin and a beautiful bouquet. A ft§r m uch discussion, it w as de She was well-known and highly belov- ' Cook-general or m aid to assist in The presentations w ere made by cided to pave the streets m entioned; E L E C T fam ily o f three adults; referen ces re R O T A R I A N S ed by all who knew h er. B eing a quired. M rs. Bell, W a tson avenue. H elen Ince and H elen Slater. m em ber o f Nelson United church, she i T H E I R O F F I C E R S also to put gutter and curbing on M rs. R obinson has been appointed ____________ Second street. The con tra ct w as was, when able, an active w orker FOR SA LE leader o f the n ew ly organized comA t the m eeting o f th e R otary club W n to the K ing Pavem ent Comin the church and its organizations. A quantity o f raspberry canes, Qne dallgM er, M rs. o n ` M'onday evening J . G ra n t' R y rie |Pany and the w ork w ill be proceeded $16.00 a h un dred; also Irish Cobbler pany o f R angers, w ith a m em bership - -- o f tw en ty. The R angers m eet each , S h e ^ o£ Hornby> and w as elected p r e s i d e n t o f th e club l o r ,w ith at on ce. p ota toes. P h on e 429. W A S 5»rcK FO R SEVERAL M ON TH S^ Nov. 5th-- W i l l P a v e T h r e e SVmLT.Z H R tM EN TA TIO N P A N S IE S FO R S A L E Tuesday evening at se\en-thirty n | , i ', 3 gons J oh a F Mitchell, o f Tor- 'the - year . H e w ill assum e ! Taxes in Three Instalm ents The coun cil taxes paid in stead o f tw o as stalm ent w ill decided to have the three instalm ents in form erly, the first inbe due July 5th, and Choice large pansies in b loom ; all colors at A L . W A R D 'S _____ One door north o f Alum inum Factory, D undas S treet. 3t ASPARAGUS PLANTS A bout 2,000 good asparagus plants ready fo r planting. A pply to D . M c D erm ott, or phone 86 . B R IC K H O U SE FOR OR RENT SALE G ood B rick H ou se fo r sale o r rent on L o t 98 by 145 ft . d eep . Quantity o f fru it trees and b erry bushes on property. A pp ly to R . W . MacNeil, D ouglas aven ue. RASPBERRY CANES the Scou t h ut. A serv ice fo r the dedication o f the colors o f the Girl Guides w ill be held In S t. J u d e s A n glican church on T uesday evening next, May 7th, at seven o 'c lo ck . Parents and friends of the girls are invited to attend. T h e R angers w ill hold a dance at the hom e o f M rs. J . M . Chisholm, on Dundas street on Friday, May 17th. The annual church service o f the Rangers, Girl G aides and Brow nies w ill be held on Sunday, May 26th, in S t. John's U nited chu rch . H. E. M O O R E 'S F U N E R A L W AS LARGELY ATTENDED Edw ard and Morley a t h o m e ; 'o f t ic e a t t J ie fir st o f J u ly . . ^ sisters, M rs. Jane P ettit,! j B L i G rout is secretary ag®in and M rs ch a ri0tte Pettit, iand A G- H om stead is treasu rer. J . street, Burlington. M . W a lla ce is sergeant-at-arm s. The funeral took place this (W e d -, The otheT o f£icers w ill b e elected | w ill be 50% o f the w h ole; the second nesday) afternoon to Nelson United at a m eting this m on th . ,o r 25% w ill be payable Sept. 5th, church cem etery, and w as largely | m m * and the rem aining 25% on N ov . 5th. attended. R e v .' R . H . Som erville , AND BETTER ,, ! In default o f paym ent a penalty o f condu cted th e serv ices. · O. D. E. HELD ATTENDED B R ID G E , LARGELY C O M IN G ,2 ^0 f 1 1 be, addf fo r the fl" t tw " · [m onths and 5% fo r arrears beyon d . ,, that period . No dougt you are aware that the , A n ^ made to c o lle c t real, h onest to goodness circu s is the greatest entertainm ent o f all a m u se-1* " " ° / f due and the clerk w as inm ents--ithe on e branch o f am usem ent IStTM cted tot, n otlfy a11 property ° TM s that requires no cen s o rs . A v isit to | w ho ar+ ? fthre® years o r m ore in al" . i rears that unless paym ent is made, the circus is a day o f en joym en t fo r ... . . . . , ' .. ... ,, , ;the property w ill be sold fo r ta xes. the o ld and th e young-- it is a day · A tten tion w as called to the unsatisthat the kiddies (always rem em ber and fa ctory condition o f the building by t" o Mder r ks n ever fo r g e t. B arnett la w . Coun. Stansbury w as asked Brothers tiir e-ring circu s and trained anim al show *, bigger and better this l*° aTM e for his com m ittee to m eet year than ever, w ill pitch their m a m - P ' ° ' Cameron acting tow n solicitor, .. x i aa d have llim fram e a by-law to be m oth tents on Oakville fair ground .... .. .. n . . ,, .... .validated by the Ontario railw ay for on e day on ly, Saturday, M ay 11th. !board The grand street parade w ill pass I ` .. ' .. . , . A lonzo W ayner, garbage collector through th e principal streets of I . . Oakville on the day o f the exhibition. |^as given an increase in w ages from R ain o r shine-- tw o perform an ces-- $25 per w eek to $30. doors open a t 1 and 7 p .m . P erform -j A fter a bill o f $137.50 for repairs ances o n e hour la ter under ou r mam- t0 the police ca r w as presented, the m oth w aterproof ten ts. F ree exhlbi-1 , , . . ' tion on th e sh ow ground im m ediately councl1 decided to place an insurance after the parade. ^ o c o v e r all risk s. V iking and Latham Raspberry Canes, grow n from certified stock and guaranteed disease f r e e . Strong- j The funeral o f the late H arry E . est canes and h eaviest croppers M oore, w ho died on Thursday April kn ow n . Get started in th ese n e w 1 . , , ,, , ' , raspberries. G eo. Laver, Phone 148, . " ' P , e from S t - Andrew s C ook sville. ' : K - c - Church on Saturday morning, and w as largely attended by friends SE E D S FOR SA LE and business associates o f m any A lfalfa, R ed C lover, A lsike, T im o: y ea rs. R e v . Father Savage con thy seed, Sw eet Clover, $2.00 b u s. ducted m a ss. The pall-bearers w ere Seed grains-- Oats, Barley, Peas, W . A . Ferrah, G eorge Cornwall, A . G oose W h ea t. Garden seeds-- Beans, Peas, Sw eet A . Aiken, W m . Busby, T . C . H agaCorn, Carrot, B eet, Cucum ber, e tc . man, A lfred H illm er, Peter K elley, L ight am ber H on ey, p er lb . 1 0 c., and L . V . C ote. In attendance w ere W hite C lover H oney, p er lb . 13% c ., num erous form er residents and old B arley, b u s . 85c. friends o f M r. M oore. Interm ent W M . COUSE & SONS, took place in S t. M ary's cem etery. Streetsv ille. * M rs. Ryland N ew , lakeshore east, opened her attractive hom e fo r the annual bridge and tea o f the W hite Oak Chapter, I . O . D . E ., on Satur day aftern oon . The event was a great success, socia lly and financially, ov er a hundred ladies being presen t. The h ostess and m em bers o f the ord er received the guests and M rs. W . A . Chisholm presided at the teatable . ^ The prize-winners w ere: -- A uction bridge, M rs. H . P . -G rout; contract, Miss H am bly, a guest o f M rs. Stead; consolation, M rs. Reginald H ore; lu cky num ber, M rs. Dean W ilk e s. The proceeds w ill be used in the w elfare w ork o f the so c ie ty . *

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