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Oakville Star & Independent (Oakville, ON), 3 May 1929, p. 10

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M O PE N IN G BASEBALL GAM E The opening gam es o f the Halton baseball league w ill he played on 9 K n o b s o f N e w s w e l l W o r t h I Saturday, M ay 11th. M ilton team w ill be here to m eet 3 R e a d in g . | our loca l players and there w ill be the usual opening cerem onies. B ron te w ill p la y the same day at -- The big circu s w ill be in Oakville * g n Saturday afternoon n ext week, B u rlin gton. -- -- 3VTay 11th . -- The opening baseball game o f O A K V I L L E Y O U N G L A D Y W I L L I N S T R U C T IN A R T the H alton league w ill be played here on M ay U t h . T h is w eek M iss M ary Byers, o f -- D aylight saving tim e w ent into O akville, w as appointed to b e in e ffe ct in Oakville on Sunday. Y es, stru ctress o f A rt in H aver gal Cola few werei la te fo r ch u rch . legev T oron to, a fter th e summ er v a -- Frank Bray, o f T oronto, has been cation , T h is is quite an im portant . transferred to the Bank o f T oronto position and 'Miss B yers is being con gratulated on h er su ccess. Staff here, bein g on the ledger. T his sum m er M iss B yers w ill v isit -- M r. and M rs. C . N . Fish at Labrador and stay fo r a tim e a t som e tended the anniversary services o f 'o f th e G renfell M ission s. A t tall M ount H am ilton church last Sunday. !poin ts she w ill d o sk etch in g. -- M isses H usband, of T oronto, I spent the w eek-end in Oakville, the j P R E S B Y T E R IA N guests of the M isses K em p of A N N IV E R S A R Y S E R V IC E S Church street. T his year K nox church w ill hold -- K n ox chu rch L ad ies' A id society w ill h old an an n iversary banquet in anniversary services on Sunday and There the church h all on M onday evening, M onday, M ay 19th and 20th. M ay 20th, from six-thirty to eight w ill be appropriate Sabbath serv ices. T h en on M onday the good ladies of o' c lo c k , I 1 ' the chu rch have decided to h old a -- Miss W ilm a Lan gford o f the banquet instead of the usual con cert. Central sch ool staff, has been grant D inner w ill be served from six-thirty ed leave o f absen ce on accou n t o f to eight o ' c lo ck and there w ill be a illness and has returned to h er hom e prom inent sp ea k er. in Stratford. -- The L ions club w il hold a banquet LEADER BENNETT to-night (F riday) in the M urray house. W IL L SP E A K H E R E T he speaker w ill be A u brey Bond, of T oronto, and the su b ject " The Growth J u n e -22nd is P ro b ab ly Date for o f the E m pire" . Conservative P icnic T U R N IN G 4 T lA The young people T R IC K ." o f S t. Luke' s SL O C A L SO SS IP SOW BETTER SEEDS j S e e d G r a in --Oats, Rarley, Spring Wheat, Field Peas, Buckwheat. F ie ld S e e d s --Alfalfa. Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike, Sweet Clover and Hay Mixtures. G a r d e n S e e d s --All Varieties Sweet Corn, Peas Beans, Mangel Seed, Carrot, Cucumber. Beet, &c We have a special variety of Sweet Corn, ten days earlier than Golden Bantam, and fully as sweet, namely: --" Early Golden Sunshine" . We also have s special market Garden Carrot, namely:--"Corless," very sweet, tender and uniform size. church, Burlington, put on a clever com edy, "T u rn in g the trick " in St. Jude' s parish hall on Thursday even ing la st. The audience greatly en joyed the good acting b y the young Burlington pla yers. T h eir com edy w as chuck full o f clever and hum orous parts.-- OAKVILLE ONE DAY Sat., May 1 1i R a in o r S h in e 1 wm. c o u s e : < sl s o n s I S T R E E T S V IL L E , O N T A R IO = = Barnett Bros. C ircus Send the " S T A R ' to distant friends. and A ll the local district news ' A StfOVV OF S U PRE M E LY STUPENDOUS SURPRISES EVERY A C T A FEATURE and F.VBRY F E A T U R E A T H R IL L ! -- M r. and M rs. W . T . Sterling and fam ily, w ho spent the w inter in It h as been arranged that H on . F lorida, have returned to their hom e R . B . Bennett, Conservative leader, lakeshore w est, w here they w ill w ill address a picn ic in Oakville after spend the sum m er.' the close o f the house o f com m on s. The C onservatives o f tow n and -- M rs. J . A . Jew ett w as the guest speaker at a banquet o f the young district m et on Saturday evening to ladies' m ission circle o f W estm ount, launch plans fo r the gathering. The probable date is Saturday, Charlton U nited church, H am ilton, on Thursday evenin g. June 22nd. -- The Gray Coach bus com pany started this w eek to use the H am ilton radial station as their term inal in that c ity . Passengers, w ill be transferred there to other bus lin e s . I THE , 25 Fam ons Fu n n y C lo w Save *nd I n v e s t PR E-EM IN EN T PERFORM ERS ' ON E NOOW ------------ --" -·------------M ESSA G E OF T H E BLO SSO M S i _j MILE OF MAGNIFICENT PARADE DAILY DAY O F S H O ^ . j * H ow <joth it ch eer th e heart o f man j An orchard in the spring to scan ; 2 Pc -- G e o . C . Coote, M . P ., fo r M c - , T o see f a i r blossom s on the tree. Leod, Alberta, was a week-end v i s i t o r Sw eet prom ises o f fruit to be! w ith h is m other, M rs. C . W . C oate. ,O b, may no hurricane arise M r. Coote usually visits here s e v - | T o shake the boughs in tu de su ip u se, eral times during each session . And tear the blossom s from their home IB efore the full fruition com e. -- The infant daughter o f M r. and ' w do^ it cheer the soul o f man M rs. Wm. M cCraney died in the > e garden o£ God' s W o rd to sca n ; Sick Children's hospital in T oronto JH .g pr01Tiis 3e, like blossom s fair, on T u esday. The child w as born on |Are w aiting for us eVer there; April 12th but contracted a severe I Qh may n0 storm s 0f doubt o r fear coW -- The high sch ool cadets w ill have their annual inspection W ednesday, May 29th, and their annual church parade o n the first Sunday in June. This y ea r they w ill attend service at St. John' s U nited chu rch . D estroy these m essages o f cheer, But m ay they in each life increase The fruits o f love, and joy , an d peace. % -- W in n ifred D avison ' --. , « » . . » ---I hA LT C ?N C O U N T Y L E A G U E BASEBALL SCHEDULE BIGGER AND - Y O U R money will not be idle while awaiting perma nent investment, if you deposit it in a Savings Account in the Bank of Montreal. Interest is paid on all Savings Deposits. BETTER Three Rings Chock Full of Sensational Surprises. All Going on at One Time. ADMISSION Children 30c. Adults 60c. T a x P a id . BANK OF MONTREAL E s ta b lis h e d l8 l7 ---Mrs.- Perry, w ife o f R e v . W . C. ' Perrv o f the A .M .E . Church, w ho S E A S O N O P E N S A T B U R L I N G T O N has 'b e e n in H alifax fo r som e' A N D O A K V I L L E O N M A Y . 11TH m onths, caring fo r her mother, The Halton county baseball league w hose leath occu rred recently, is. ( w ith h er tw o children, expected to 1" !11 ° 1>an 011 Saturday, May 11, with arrive in Oakville this w eek. ! M ilton 01t O akville, and Bronte a^Burlin g to n . There w ill be the usual cere -- M iss K athleen Drake, a trainer m onies, and with fine weaither there o f kindergarten teachers in Japan, 1should be a large crow d a t the openand w ho has been hom e on a year s |jng g a m es. T h e gam es at Milton, furlough, visited R ev . and M rs. J . Burlington and Bronte w ill staa't at H . M cBain on Saturday,. M iss 3 o 'clo ck sharp, and at O akville at Drake w as a m em ber o f their c o n g r e -[2 .30 standard tim e, as Oakville is on gation w hen stationed at D un n ville. daylight - saving tim e . W hen the --W. D. D rewry, for many y e a r s ' schedule is com pleted the fir st and head m iller w ith the A shbury a n d , secon d team s wiU » la>' o£f- with hom e Son's mill, is building a grist m ill on ,an<1 home Sam es- and a' *hir<1 Same if Dundas street near the C. N . R . necessary. The w inners o f this station. W ork has begun on the IeaSue ' vin lhn « nter the next rou n d foundation and he expects to begin |The follow in g is the schedule fo r the business early in the fa ll. season. j May 11th-- M ilton -- M rs. W . H . Tuck. Miss M. W ard, B ron fe B u rlln gton . at O akville; Show Lo c a te d on Fair G rounds. IN V E S T O R S \ Y 7 E believe we have something TM which will appeal to the careful investor--the man who makes his dollars work for him. Full particulars mailed free on request. No obligation whatever. H U G H ES , W OOD & C O M PA N Y | STOCK BROKERS H am ilton Trust Bldg:. 5 7 Queen St. W . t Toronto, Ont. I M iss E . C rosley and M iss Belle R o b - 1 M a y is t h -- Oakville at IMilton; inson w ere in M ilton on Tuesday at- Burlington at B ronte, tending the m eeting o f the coun ty j May 25th-- Milton at B u rlin gton ; executive o f the W . C . T . U . . An in- Bronte , a t O akville. vitation from A cton to hold the counJune 1st Burlington at M ilton ; ty convention there on June 5th, w as Oakville at Bronte a ccep ted . j j Une Sth-- M ilton at B ronte; Oak ville a t Burlington. i June 15th-- Bronte at IMilton; Bur E V E N IN G W IT H M U S IC IA N S lington a t Oak villa. 1 June 22nd-- Milton at O akville; A t St. John's Y oung P eople' s meet- Bronte a t Burlington. ing A lb ert W ilco x gave a sketch o f j Une 29th-- Oakville at M ilton; Burthe life o f Chopin, and M arion Archi- lington a t B ron te, BRANT S T R EET -- FEW FEET NORTH OF bald played aCljopin selection . Ja s. 1 July 6th-- Milton at Burlington; HICHWAY M cA skill gave a sketch o f H andel B ron te-a t O akville, July ly 13th 13th-- Burlington and Irw en Fell sang " L argo" by that Ju at M ilton; Oakville at B ronte. com p oser. Gordon Slater related in BEST OF SERVICE July 20th--IMilton at B ron te; Oak cidents in the life o f R osa Bonheur ville at Burlington. and Ted Ashbury o f the Indian poet July 27th-- B ronte at M ilton; Bur ! WELCOME TO CANADIAN AND AMERICAN ess, Pauline. Johnson. lington a t O akville. i TOURISTS when motoring through DINE AT THE PARADISE CA FE Advertise in The " Star'

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