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Oakville Star and Independent, 13 Jul 1928, p. 7

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ST. VITUS DANCE A Trouble That Usually A ttacks j Y ou n g Children. St. Vitus dance is the name gen erally given to a disease described by m edical men as chorea. This trouble usually attacks young chil dren, though older people may be afflicted with it. The most com m on sym ptom s are a tw itching of the face ~and limbs. As the disease progresses the twitching takes the form of spasms, in which the jerk in g motion may be confined to the face or all the lim bs may be affected. Frequently the patient is unable to hold anything in the hands or w alk steadily. In 'severe cases the speech is often af fected. The disease is due to debility of the nerves and relief com es through an enriched blood supply. Dr. W illiam s' Pink Pills have been most successful in reaching this trou ble through their specific action on the blood, which it enriches and puri fies. The follow in g instance proves the value o f Dr. W illiam s' Pink Pills in this trouble. Mrs. Thom as Bowen, Bath, Ont., sa y s :-- " Dr. W illiam s' Pink Pills have been in use in my fam ily for years and always with good results. I believe they saved the life o f my on ly son. At ten years o f age he grew very nervous and the trouble developed into St.. Vitus dance. His legs and arm s would jerk and twitch, then his speech was affected, and his condition was pitiable. Just then there came to me a little book telling of Dr. W illiam s' Pink Pills and I de cided to give them to him. By the time two boxes w ere used there was an Im provement in his condition and by the tim e six boxes m ore were taken all traces o f the trouble had disappeared, and he was w ell and strong. I have also given the pills to my grow in g girls, and I know of no better strengthening m edicine. I may ad 1 that the same applies to grown-ups as well." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. W illiam s' M edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Barbless Hooks Popular RED HOT JULY DAYS Classified Advertisement HARD ON THE BABY B BABY c h ic k ; July-- the month o f oppressive heat; red-hot days and sw eltering nights; is extrem ely hard on 'little ones. Diarrhoea, dysentery, colic and chol era infantum carry off thousands of precious little lives every summer. The m other must be constantly on her guard jto prevent these troubles, o r If they com e on suddenly to fight them. No other m edicine is of such aid to mothers during the hot summer as Is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the bow els and stomach, and an occasional dose given to the well child w ill prevent sum m er com plaint, or if the trouble does com e on suddenly w ill banish it. The Tablets are sold by M edicine dealers or by mail at 25c a box from The Dr. W il liams' M edicine Co., Brockville, Ont. a b y c h ic k s -- w e. h a tc h f o u r v a rieties, p rice s 10c up. W e w ill h ave 60,000 fo r J u ly and A u g u st. W rite f o r fr e e c a ta log u e. A. H. S w itzer. G ran ton , O ntario. t t l e UNDERW OOD TYPEL iW R IT E R . needed in e v e r y hom e--* sen t f o r y o u r a p p rov a l. P a y a fe w d o l la rs m o n th ly . F o r p a r tic u la rs w r ite U n d erw ood , 135 V ic t o r ia S treet, T o r o n to .- The Peace Pact and the Dominions ' Cows Give More Milk Leonard Stein In London Tim e and T ide: The treaty proposed by Mr. K ellogg raises issues fundam entally affecting the relations betw een the Empire and foreign Pow ers. If the resolutions o f the last Im perial Con ference have any meaning, It is pre em inently a treaty w hich calls for concerted action b y the Governm ents of the Em pire as a w hole. A different procedure might in practice lead to much the same results, but it would have far-reaching and em barrassing im plications. Production o f the average cow has increased 1333 pounds o f milk and 4S pounds butterfat the past eight years, J. B. Parker, dairy husbandman of United States D epartm ent of A gricul ture, is reported a saying in the Bos ton News Bureau, a leading financial daily. The average cow Is now pro ducing 4,500 pounds o f milk. Ex amination of m ore than 100,000 yearly records showed that in any breed the larger cow is the better producer. -- -- -- If the w orst com es to the worst, o f course, that Irish m em ber o f the Bremen's crew can settle down in New Y ork and becom e a policem an. Read som ething in the papers last evening about the ` `H ickm an murder case." The name has a fam iliar ring, but darned if we can place it! Have a Heart W e look at it this w ay: A fter drill ing down through several layers o f cream, rouge, pow der and what-not, The record catches of fish at such re-entering its native element the flsh j i the poor little mosquito deserves popular outdoor resorts as the Nipigon contracts a fungus growth on the at- those few drops o f blood R iver Bungalow Camp, the M cGregor fected portion and died as a result. W etting the hands lessens the ill Business has outgrown the feelin g Lake D istrict reached from East Tem effect. that there is som ething to fear in pleton on the Canadian Pacific line The barbless hook requires little near Ottawa, and Devils Gap Bunga- m ore skill than the older variety as campaign years.-- John J. Raskob. low Camp at Kenora, are being m o s tly : it holds the fighting fish almost as made with barbless hooks. These 'surely, although it may be removed permit all but the largest fish being without difficulty. It has becom e freed painlessly and returned unin widely popular, and Is especially jured to the water, som e fish being adaptable to fiy fishing for bass, trout undoubtedly caught two or three times and salmon. in a season. The barbless hook was Invented The barbless hook, In which a bend som e years ago by a man named in the wire near the point similar to W illiam s in Ohio, his model having a kink m a ^hairpin takes the place j a bend sloping away from the point of the sharp barb, does not injure the that caused considerable damage in hooked fish, and enables it to be re being extricated. This idea was taken moved to the water, som etim es with up six years ago by the late Sm iling" HE F i r e s t o n e out even touching with the hands. Bill Jamieson, well-known Chicago Gum-Dipped Contact, explains Ozark Ripley, well- fishing tackle expert and veteran fish T i r e 8 hold the known sporting writer, causes often erman, who reduced the angle o f the longest m ile a g e m ore injury than the hook itself. The bend so that it was a slight kink and protective mucus covering o f the skin did much to isotTuIariz:? the new hurecords. Y o u get is rem oved In handling, and soon a ft e r 1mane hook. L ow er right-- Tht barbless hooks. Ozark Ripley is trying them out on the French R iver in the other pictures. Baby Loves A Bath With Cuticura Tili»nd and Soothing to Tender Soap A Lovely Skin of Soft* Smooth Texture Soft, glowing color and velvet smooth ness are the skin's reflections of " blood health " within. TRU-BLOOD, the pleasant - to - tik* blood tonic, by acting directly on the blood and driving out impurities, corrects the underlying causes of skin affections and gives natural color and beauty to the complexion. When taking TRTJ-3L00D uss Fuckley's OINTMENT as an external treat ment. This magic Ointment does wonder* in correcting skin blemishes, in softening and beautifying the skin. Read what these csers say. O ce writes: "TraBlood is working marvels with me." Another says: " I recommead Tru-Blood to ray ceishboni and they fend it better than any preparation they *----------A Game For Rainy Days A Japanese fan race is a fine game tor Edna and Jean to play on rainy Says. The fans are used to fan a three-inch square o f tissue paper to wards the goals. Place tw o books on the floor about a fo o t apart an dcall that the goal. Then mark two start ing places six feet from the goals measuring it with the yardstick, and place the pieces of tissue paper on the starting line. W hen the word is given each one tries to fan his paper through the goal first. T Musca domestica, otherwise known I as the house fly. T im e for " B ig Bill' Thom pson to The house fly, children, Is easily : ourn all the school histories that say If w om en w ere allow ed by their dom esticated and makes an e x ce lle n t! Lindbergh wasn't the first man to fly husbands to have a sound understand pet in the pantry. across the ooean. How ever, the house fly has a habit ing o f fam ily finances they would be the stabilizers and even supporters o f wandering out o f the house at o f the fam ilies o f to-day, declares times. Frequently it Is captured by Mrs. W illiam Laim beer, financial edi the municipal fly catcher and the tor of " D elineator" in the current issue owner is hailed into court. For this of the monthly. Men have no right reason, you should not delay in put to n eglect to consult their w ives on ting up your screen windows. Of course, when fly fanciers g o on matters concerning their financial standing in the opinion o f this finan picnics, they prefer to take their own " TJy H u th Brittain flies w ith them. They can easily be cial expert. " I think," declares this expert, " the transported in a ja r of jam or a men are taking a responsibility they bucket o f salad. The first open-air convention o f have no right to assume, when they refuse to share financial problem s witu flies has been announced for Aug. 1. their w ives. W om en are brave crea Flies w ill be there fro mall parts' of tures. They may not look ahead any the country. Efforts are now being made to too much, and it takes a blood p ro ducing curb to bring them to a halt, secure the attendance o f as many but they are undaunted. I know that baldheaded men as possible at this were w om en to-day to acquire a sound event, so that the flies may go roller financial know ledge they would be the skating. There Is even som e talk o f holding fam ily stabilizer, and in many cases a " Be Kind to Flies" W eek. the supporter." Advising a w om an who had Been left her husband's money without the F jrst Knut-- "I told her there was a necessary knowledge of what to d o ' f 00i in every fam ily." Second DittoBaby specialists agree nowadays, with it, Mrs. Laim beer says, " Entirely j "W hat did she say?" " She asked if I that during the first six months, babie3 outside o f the husband's mistake iu ^ad been an only child." must have three ounces o f fluid per failing to teach his w ife som ething pound o f body w eight daily. An *:ight about financial matters, there are M in ard 's L in im e n t heals cuts, bruises. pound baby, for instance, needs twan- many lessons to be learned. First, ty-four ounces o f fluid. Later on the that the house behind the Invesment rule is two ounces or fluid per p ou n i to be tfought must be of absolute of body weight. The amount of fluid honesty and integrity. Second, that absorbed by a breast fed baby Is best determ ined by weighing him before where the w ife knows nothing about and after feeding for the whole day; m aking investm ents, the life Insurance and It is easily calculated for the bot should have been put into an incom a tle fed one. Then make up any de paying policy administered by some ficiency with water. 0 >T `U "V «' well-known Trust Company. Third, Giving baby sufficient water often that a second life insurance policy PHILLIPS' relieves his feverish, crying, upset and restless spells. If It doesn't, give him should have been maintained for a , few drops o f Fletcher's Castoria. funeral and living expenses until the For these and other ills o f babies and estate was settled. Fourth, that no For Trouble® children such aa colic, cholera, man can lead a married life and pre due to Acid DIGESTION diarrhea, gas on stomach and bowels, tend he's single in regard to financial constipation, sour stomach, los3 of m atters." h ea rtb u rn Bleep. underweight, etc., leading headache O A SES -n a u s e a ^ physicians say there's nothing so ef Progress of Civilization fective. It is purely vegetable-- the recipe is on the wrapper-- and millions A kiss used to tell whether or not of mothers have depended on it in she loved you. Just a tasteless doss of Phillips over thirty years of ever increasing Now-a-days it m erely tells you use. It regulates baby's bowels, Milk of Magnesia in water. That is whether she sm okes Camels or Lucky makes him sleep and eat right, enables an alkali, effective, yet harmless. It him to get full nourishm ent from his Strikes. food, so he increases in weight as he has been the standard antacid for 50 he should. W ith each package you Efficiency in the Henhouse years am ong physicians everywhere. get a Look on M otherhood worth its Sign lamped on Chatham-London One spoonful will neutralize at once weight in gold. road: many times Its volume in acid. It is Just a word of caution. Look for EGGS the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher on the right way, the quick, pleasant and Fresh Laid in Cartons. the package so you'll be sure to get efficient way to kill the excess acid. the genuine. The forty cent bottles E v e r y Home Needs M in ard 's Lin im en t The stomach becom es sweet, the pain contain thirty-five doses. A New Place for Our Wives Wild Animals W e Have Met H ow M ucliW atep Should B aby G et? ^Fam ous Authority's " R ule m ore for the m oney because F i r e s t o n e builds in extra m iles w ith special p r o c e s s e s , in c lu d in g G u m -D ip p in g -- and the scientifically de signed T ire T re a d . T h e l a r g e s t b u s, tru ck and taxicab fleets who dem and m i l e a g e use Fire stone G um -D ipped Tires. See your nearest F i r e s t o n e Dealer-- he will save you m oney and servo you better. Always put a Firestone steam* melded, leak-proof tube in your Firestone tire. have ever used.`! Still another writes: "I cannot praise it enough. A3 sen# aa I live I will cevc* be without Tru-Blood." You will »mg its praises, too Go to any good dru*gi<t for these pnyrea " Buckley's" products-- am! acquire Ine a l a That Charms" . fite B i^ Tones the Blood ^ fjg*. Clears theSkin TRU-bloOD 0 Tennis. A fter a brisk game of tennis prevent stiffness by using M i n a r d ' s. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED Hamilton, Ontario. Ilr e ito n e B uilds th e O nly GUM -DIPPED TIRES Stomach departs, You are happy again in five minutes Don' t depend on crudo methods, Em ploy the best w ay yet evolved in all the years o f searching. That is Phillips' Milk o f Magnesia. Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' M ilk of Magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids. Each bottle contains full direc tions-- any drugstore. Sou GOULD NOT WORK FOR MONTHS Restored to H ealth by Lydia E. P inkham ' s Vegetable Com pound Port Elgin, N. B .-- "F or three montha, I was nervous and weak with ·tired feelings and could not do my work. A friend ad vised me to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and I have got good re sults from it and recommend it to o th e r s ." --- Lila. T a y lo r , Port El gin, N. B. This dependable medicine is sold by druggets every where. IS S U E No. 28-- '28

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