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Oakville Star and Independent, 13 Jul 1928, p. 5

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1 Professional Direetopy § | CONSULT T H B 3E OOLUMWS OOfW SAN TLY. = ^ 4 , = A g r ic u ltu r a l R W H EN YOU REQUIRE a IV e *'f ) I C S C H ^ iiiiiiiiin iiiiiiiiiii!iiin c 3 m iiiiiiiiM iiiin iiiiiiiia iN iiiiiin iiiiiiiin iiiin Y m ir J tin iiiiiiiiim in n iin iio Dp. W e cop y the follow in g from the P icton Gazette, ·which speaks fo r it- Lum ber, Building Supplies, P lasters Cem ent, W in d o w Sash, EtcIf you are buying rough or dressed Lumber, Flooring, Siding, Inter ior Trim , W odor Felt Shingles, W ood or Metal Lath, Sash, Doors, Plaster material such as Hard Walls, Plaster, Lime, Cement and Plaster Paris. Gyproa and R ocboard, the two Boards that are s« We have them in stock and can prom pt self: Mr. A. P. M acVannel for the past Barrister, S olicitor seventeen years, A g r ic u lt u r a l R epre eo r. Colborne and Reynold* St*. N otary, efo^ sentative o f the County o f Prince Office: Celborne St. Oakville Edward, has received notice o f his OAKVILLE transfer, effective July 1st, to Halton County, at Milton. " Few men in the county are m ore & Robinson w idely known than Mr. M acVannel, B a rrister*, Sellottar*, Notarlee, etc. w ho during his nineteen years at his Ears, BAR, NQ8E. AMD THROAT New Davis Block over Bank at , w ork in Prince Edw ard has been Commerce SPECIALIST j brought closely in touch with the PSona Adel. 7788 Colborne 8 t . Phene 798. Money to I* a n on Farm and Rail- farm ers o f every locality o f the county dentlal Properties in Oakville and and during these years it has ever vicinity at lo v a it rates, or If yon been his aim to give every possible, have any money to invest In first mortgages, we can pla'co It safely for assistance in forw arding the farm ing interests o f the county. M!r. M ac you. Vannel is a native o f St. M ary's, O nt., O ikville phon»||281 - r - 5.J TRAFAL&A.R and is a graduate o f the 1906 B.S.A. class o f the O.A.C. G uelph. A year was spent at the W iscon sin A gricu l Notary Public tural College at Madison, W is., where Real Estate he obtained the degree o f M aster o f insurance r 8--8 a.m . Money to Loan the Scien ce o f Agriculture. A fter a Office Hours J 1-- 8 p .m . If you have any money to Invest, I few months in Cereal investigation ^ 7-- 8 p .m . can placa It safety t n first mortgage, w ork under the U .S . Dept, o f A gricu l Office: Dundae'fitreet, Oakville at good Interest. ture, Mr. M acVannel returned to Can PHONB I t Formerly occupied by Dr. Lusk ada as D istrict Representative o f Lanark County. In March, 1909, he Sc came to P icton as this D istrict's re DOMINION A ONTARIO LAND 8UR presentative; a position which he has since filled with credit to h im self and VEYOR8, CIVIL ENGINEERS V E T E R I N A R Y SURGEON Town Planing-- Municipal Engineering advantage to the farm ing interests o f TRAFALGAR Oakville Phone 434 r 2 James J. TicKay Ernest G. McKay |the county. During Mr. M acVannel's Hamilton 72 James S t. N. term here, the Rural Sch ool Fairs and H om e Garden Contests, etc., have flou rish ed; Breeders Clubs have been form ed ; war on pests esp ecially the LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN corn borer has been w aged; exhibits at the R oyal W inter Fair have brought CONSTRUCTION P rince Edw ard into the lim elight and Pruning of Shade and Fruit TreeB a a m ost im portant event w as the mak Specialty. ing o f Prince Edward County a tuber CELLARS EXCAVATED Shrubs, Perennials and Roses. CEMENT BLOCKS SUPPLIED culin tested county. These are only a TELEPHONES Oakville 6 6 7 ). Toronto HU. 3338J. Phone 484. Kerr St., Oakville- few o f the things that have occu rred during M r. M acVannel's 19 years as R epresentative here. As Secretary and also as Past President o f the Pr. Ed. A gricultural Society, Mr. M ac Vannel has been active in that line as w ell as assisting in all other farm or ganizations." D IR E C T O R On Friday evening last, Mr. M ac V annel was tendered a banquet by the OF F U N E R A L SERVICE different agricultural organizations o f Honor Graduate Ontario College Graduate* of the county at the Parish house, Picton. Embalming. when over 200 guests w ere present to Ontario College of B&ijalmlng. Dunn S t ., Phone 63, Oakville. P. G. Renouard, College Embalming, do him honor. N . Y. Qualified by the Government. N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Phone 438. Dunn S t., next to Newo. G. B. Chisholm W . A lec. Chisholm Douglas Douglas Dr. H. R. M iller much talked o f the-se days ly take eare of your wants. We also have a planing mill in connection with our lumber ya n k , and can assure you of prompt sirviae oa any mill work you require. Dr. E v a R . F isH e r Physician and Surgeon Let us quote you our priaes on quality mill work, a trial ordet will convince you that our prices are right and the workmanship the best. W e deliver anywhere. w. S D A V IS Dr. W .M . W ilk in so n Blakelock Brothers Randal Sfcraai --B ast of Temperance Hall. Phones 73 and 214. M a cK a y M aeK ay Jno. A . Johnstone COAL WOOD F R E D C A H R .F .R .H .S. W. Teaming of Every Description J. HAWKES JNO. E. FORD Yards and Office at C. N. R. STATION at. H - tuck S. S. Hussell Ftii\eral D ir e c to r E m b a lm e r Phone 85 COKE W S. OAYIS ICE C. F. 00TY Deeofatop Painting Pap«rh.anging Tinting Glazing s. OSMAN P hone Complete Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, China, Cut Glass, Games, Toys, Books, Stationery Fancy Goods, Etc. 801. O a k v ille . COLLECTIONS 35 W e handle co le ctio n s only. years' experience speaks for itself. K e lly & A ik en CO LLECTORS Orangeville and Owen Sound. R ef. Standard Bank o f Canada. W.BUSBY JEWELER IN TH E E ST A T E o f R obert L . Em erson, Retired Farm er, receased. TH E CREDITORS o f R ob ert L . Em erson, late o f the Tow n o f O akville, \ in the County o f Halton, Retired | Farm er, deceased, w ho died on or [ about the eleventh day o f M arch, 1928 \and all others having claim s against I his estate are hereby n otified to send by post prepaid or oth erw ise to de liver to W . A . Chisholm , Oakville Ontario, Solicitor fo r the undersigned E xecu tor o f the last w ill and testa m ent o f R obert L . Em erson, deceased, on or before the 21st day o f July, 1928 th eir nam es, addresses, descriptions and fu ll particulars o f their claim s and the nature o f the secu rities, if I any, held by them, and that im m ediat e ly a fter the 21st day o f July, 1928, the execu tor w ill proceed to distribute the estate o f the said deceased am ongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard on ly to the' claim s o f w hich the exeuctor shall then have n o tic e . D A T E D this Tw entieth day o f June, 1928, D AVID EVANS, R . R . I, A lton, Ont., E xecutor, by W . A . CHISHOLM, Oak ville, Ontario, his S olicitor. DAVIS & DOTY LUMBER YAR D PLAITING M ILL BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Factory and Office:-- Nc-rth of G-.T.R. Station I Doors, Sash, Flooring1 , Shingles, Lath, Wallkoards and Siding*, dement, Plaster and Se^rer Pise. PALERMO GARAGE who HEPiiB v m m of a n nines General Hardware l and Builders' Supplies McGregor Hardware Co. AG EN TS FOB HUDSON, ESSEX, DURANT AND STAR CARS Sedans, Coaches and Touring Cars LATEST MODELS GALBRAITH &TURNER Phone 8 9 r 2

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