A Test Site for Vita

Oakville Star and Independent, 13 Jul 1928, p. 4

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BRIGHT, BUSY BRONTE D r. M acM illan, o f the T oronto assist in the services, w hich are C on servatory o f M usic, w as in tow n purely evan gelistic. T h ey expect to on T u esday aftern oon to act as exam- com plete the cam paign in the coundner fo r a num ber o f m usic pupils, ty b y th e end o f July, w ho have been taking th eir v o ca l and R e v . D . H . M acLennan received piano lessons from M rs. F . G. Rus- the sad news on Tuesday of the tragsell, o f T o ro n to . This is the first ic death b y drow ning o f a young reltim e Bronte has been a lo c a l centre ative, Ronald Farr, o f Stratford, who fo r C onservatory exam inations, the lost his life w hen bathing in a pond pupils h eretofore being obliged to go near his h om e. M r. Farr is a cousin to the c ity . T h ose trying exam s on o f M r. M acLennan and the later asT u esday w e r e :-- M isses D . Crosby, sisted at her wedding tw o years a go. D . Gilliam, E . Stansbury, G . Osborne Several loca l telephones w ere afand E . P ell (P alerm o) all in v oca l fected b y M onday aftern poon 's storm , w ork ; M isses W . O sborne, B . Bray, N o. 8 line being ou t fo r several hours. V . Carpenter, J . Gilbert, M . Hanna, R e v . F . G . Farrill delivered a fine E thel A nderson, Jean Booth, B etty serm on in the United church on SunBray and D onna Joyce and B ob Han- day m orning. M em bers o f the conna. gregation are glad to know that M rs. The B ronte pupils w riting their en- F arrill is progressing favorably in trance exam inations at Oakville w ere the T oronto G eneral hospital, follow su ccessfu l in passing and they and jng an operation for appendicitis, and their teacher, Principal M iss M . E . tlia-t she m ay be able to be rem oved Currie, are receiv in g hearty congrat- SOon to her m other's hom e in the city u lations. These are E thel Anderson, for a j ew day's rest b efore com ing Eileen Flum erfelt, Thelm a Gilliam, h om e. M arion M cK inley, M ary F orrester N ext Sunday R ev . D. H . MacLenJoe C ow ley and Bert P ickard. nan w m ex ch an ge pulpits with R ev. A t a m eeting o f the teacheTS and Scholfield, o f Islington, the later o fficers o f the United church Sunday officiatin g at both Omagli and St. sch ool on M onday evening, it was de- L u ke's. cided to hold the annual picnic on . » . . _____ Saturday, July 2Sth, at LaSalle park. The transportation and sports com m ittees w ere appointed but other de tails w ere left fo r a later m eeting. M r. and M rs. James Patterson are T h e m em bers o f Bronte L . O . L . en joyin g a few. h olidays. have planned to join w ith the HamilM rs. Adams, o f T oronto, and M rs. ton and W en tw orth county lodges in c arnjc> o f Roland, M anitoba, are visa large Orange parade in H am ilton on w itli the M isses M cPherson, the 12th. Earlier in the year it had M iss Olive Leaver, o f T oronto, was been expected that the H alton lodges renew ing acquaintances -in M erton on would m eet at Oakville but this in- j^j-ijay. tention was later aban don ed. M iss A nnie Bird, o f T oronto, is The sm all seven-year old son o f Spellding her vacation at the hom e M r. R eese, professional h ock ey play- o f M r _ and Mrs Dan{ei Patterson, er o f New Y ork, and grand son o f M arshall A . R iggs, o f Ottawa, is M r. W ilson, o f Ham ilton, had a very holidaying at the hom e o f his parents, narrow escape from drowning at the jy r an[j M rs. J . A . R igg s, m outh o f the T w elve creek on TuesM iss P . M cCleary, our popular day evenin g. The lad, who is staying scijool teacher, has resigned to take with his m other and the other mem- a school in the H ornby district. Miss bers o f the fam ily at the · summer M cCleary w ill b e greatly m issed as hom e o f his grandfather, was pla> ing gjje was a]w ay S a w ining and capable on the pier near the lighthouse when helper in any com m unity w ork . On he fe ll into the w a te r . The scream s j^ e last day o f sch ool the m others o f o f his playm ates brou gh t several run- ^he neigh borh ood m et at the sch ool ning to the spot and A . N . M cDonald and presented Miss M cCleary w ith an j seized a buoy and threw it to the illum inated bed-room c lo c k . We ch ild . The latter, who had gone down wish Miss M cC lea ry 'ev ery success in I tw ice, was able to grasp the buoy and ]ler field of labor. i was thus drawn out o f the w ater. The com m itte e .in charge o f the A large num ber o f relatives and hom e and school garden party are to friends gathered at the home o f the be congratulated on their splendid late Captain Skelton on Saturday o f success, having been favored with last week to pay their last respects, splendid weather, excellent talent, when R ev . F. G. Farrill, assisted by and a good crow d . All seem ed to enR ev . P. W . Philpott, conducted an j 0y them selves and th e-com m ittee are im pressive funeral serv ice. M rs. A . pleased with the proceed s. Som e exE . Pickard presided at the organ and graduates of Merton academ y and sang that beautiful hymn " Beauti- now livin g an other com m unites, notfu l Isle of Som ew here" . The pall- iced at the garden party w e r e :-- Dr. . bearers w ere: E . Pickard, B . Pickard, and M rs. Laverne Speers, o f AncasW m . Joyce, J. H inton, H . Am brose ter; M rs. N ugget Sinclair, o f Zimand R . Graham (B u rlin g ton ). Inter- m erm an; M rs. H arry Bishop, of m en t was made in Greenw ood cem e- M ichigan; M rs. John Breckon, of tery B urlington. A ppleby; Miss Annie M cPherson, of Baseball fans are looking forw ard to T oron to; O rliff Speers, o f B uffalo, a good gam e on Saturday, when the D r. A . J . M acGillivray, Guelph, M ilton boys com e here for a fixture in an ex-school teach er at Merton, and the H alton League. The local team son, James, an ex-pupil o f Merton, is aim ing to duplicate last Saturday's and now a graduate o f T oronto Univictory in w hich Oakville was defeat- versity, w ere in town on Friday, but ed in a 7-5 score. w ere unable to rem ain for the garden The young ladies' softball team is party, due to play in Clarkson on Friday M isses Ruth and M arguereta Ingleevenin g of this w eek and in Oakville hart are hom e for their school vacan ext T uesday evenin g. tion. T h e W .M .S . m eeting o f the United M rs. A lbert Fryer, o f T oronto, is chu rch w ill be held on Thursday after- spending a few days with her s is te r ,' noon o f n ext w eek. M rs. N . A . P ea cock . You home* loving people The last few years have brought to town-dwellers many new conveniences and comforts. They are making town life particularly attractive to a large number o f home-lov ing people to whom city life with its higher cost o f living does not make sufficient ap peal. H om e-loving people are na tu rally stron g f o r the home ties, and fo r keeping up friends. L on g D istance en ables them to keep in touch w ith a w ide circle o f friends in the surrounding terri tory, and the low rates are an inducement to do so. Even where circumstances carry tow n-dwellers away, the recollection o f . the " hom e-tow n," o f friends and neighbours is always pres ent, and they look forw ard to talking with them, from tim e to time, by L on g D is tance. Be ready to begin Building a Home once weather is fine. Easy Terms and Money for Building. A. S. FORSTER Agent Oakville A dd enjoyment to your trip East or West, giving you a delightful break in your journey. Merton Matters C&B LINE ST E A M E R S E a ch W a y E v e r y N ig h t B e tw e e n Buffalo and Cleveland offer you unlimited facilities, including large, com fort able staterooms that insure a long night's refreshing sleep. Luxurious cabins, wide decks, excellent dining room service. Courteous attendants. A trip you will long remember. Connections at Cleveland for Lake Resorts, Detroit and Points West D a ily Service M ay 1st to N ov em b er 14th Leaving at 9:00 P. M.; Arriving at 7JO A . M. Ask your ticket agent or tourist agency for tickets via C & B Line. 855 New Low Fare $ 4 .5 0 #£$ R E A D S T A R FO R A LL T H E N EW S. Do not miss reading a page of the S t a r . L iv e news w ill be found on each. T h e S t a r covers both d is tric t and tow n thoroughly. ROUND C5Q TRIP Jl> O .O U A U T O S C A R R IE D $ 6 .5 0 A N D U P The Cleveland and Buffalo Transit Com pany Wharves: So. Michigan Ave. Bridge, Buffalo, N. Y. Trout and Salmon Await Anglers' Flies _ _ - - Palermo Pointers ----------------A church arm y crusade, under Capt. Banks, o f England, is m aking a tour o f the A nglican churches in the H alton deanery and yesterday (T h ursday) this group visited the v illa g e. A reception and service was conducted by R e v . D . H . M acLen nan at St. L u ke's church, and dur in g the aftern oon m em bers o f the party called on various m em bers of St. Luke's con gregation . Supper was served to the visitors at the rectory at six o 'clbck and tw o even ing serv ices fo llo w e d . On Friday m orning Captain Banks and his p a ity partook o f holy com m union and continued on their m arch, to visit M ilton and later G eorgetow n and A c ton . The opening service o f the itin erary was held at St. L u ke's church, Burlington, on Tuesday, and on W ed nesday the party le ft for N elson to carry out a sim ilar day's program . The men w alk the w hole w ay and ca rry several m usical instrum ents to j Drumquin Doings Garden parties are am ong the evening outings, L ook for Bethel p o s te r s. H elen Cam pbell and Alm a Burns, students o f M iss Peddie, w ere both su ccessfu l in their entrance exam s. Bethel church folks spent an en joy able day at Eldorado park one day last w eek. P . D. Salter, one o f R ennie's seed buyers, is surveyin g the country as to seed p rosp ects. j B R O N T E 7; O A K V I L L E 5 ith winter snows dispersing rapidly and ice dissolving in to lakes and streams; w ith the rising of sap and budding of trees, m em ories of anglers awaken pic turing streams where one w ould wish to fish, days " W hen even the deep blue heavens look glad, And gladness breathes from the blossom ing grou nd." W or mvtzx? oge& jws A t Bronte o n Saturday afternoon test, the hom e team defeated Oak ville by the score 7-5. The gam e was v ery fast, and afforded plenty o f ex citem ent fo r the sp ecta tors. League Stan d in g W on . Lost. 5 3 Burlington ................. M ilton ......................... 4 3 Oakville ..................... 4 4 Bronte ...................... 2 5 P.C. .625 .571 .500 .2S6 T h e waters of N ov a Scotia, N ew Brunswick, Q uebec and Ontario have all their devoted follow ers waiting for the ice to disappear. Theae anglers are always ea~er to tr y n ew fishing grounds, and theywill have new waters this year, according to W m . Barber Haynes, writing in " O utdoor L ife and P er.ea ticn ." T h e latest bid for t'-.e fav cr of the sportsm an is the evening of part of th at fam ous Lal.r.on river, the Restigouehe, to any cportsman w ho can pay a sum for a day's fishing. H eretofore, it has 1 : con im possible for an ybody to Lsh the Restigouehe unless he rented fishing water for a term of several years. N ov/ the province has made it possible for men in ordinary circum stances to pu t up m oney enough for the realization of anglers' dreams-- a w eek's fish ing for the salm on of the R estigouche in N ew Brunswick. ' the N orth Am erican continent is m ore richly endow ed w ith fish and game. T h e innum erable rivers, streams, lakes and great stretches of forest offer an alm ost bewilder ing selection to the m an planning a hunting, fishing or canoeing trip. T h e trou t season in Q uebec prov ince is from M ay 1 t o Septem ber 30 for speckled trou t, and from D ecem ber 2 t o O ctober 14 for the lake trou t. O ntario' s m ost celebrated trou t T he season for salm on in N ew em braces rivers and Brunswick is from M ay 24-- cou n try September 30. In the Restigouehe streams north of Lake Superior R iver and its tributaries, such w hose names m any anglers are fishing is permissible from A pril 1 already fam iliar w ith. In this sec to August 15 on ly; the lim it is tion special bungalow cam ps are 30 per week. T h e salm on season in at y ou r service, operated b y the N ov a Scotia is from February 1 Canadian P acific R ailw ay, th ey afford every advantage of an ou t to August 31. Q uebec' s trout streams are m any door life ju st slightly lightening and widespread, and are easily th e hardships especially for those reached m aking them deservedly w ho wish to have greater com forts popular bo'th w ith Canadian and than a tent and cam p outfit T h e season here opens Am erican fishermen. Satisfying affords. sport is to be had in the streams M a y 1. D istant fields are always in the Lake E dw ard district north green, and distant streams appear of Q uebec C ity. T h e P rovin ce of m ore green, while pools grow Quebec has a wealth of attractions darker as im agination j~5-"turcs for the sportsm an. N o portion of fishing days in spring.

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