A Test Site for Vita

Oakville Star and Independent, 13 Jul 1928, p. 2

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v oice ; but th is atm osphere o f ju b ila tion le ft him feelin g dry and m eager. It was, as he told him self, too diarned prem ature. Charlie had his super stitions. " Y e s ; an d it's Hope, too," R anger declared'. " W e couldn't be fooled on that point," " Oh, y e s; it is certain ly H ope." M rs. R a n ger's voice trem bled with emotion. " H ow can w e ever thank you, Mr. -- ?" She hesitated, flushing fa in tly. She fe lt that she ou gh t to know his name, and y et she could n ot remember ever h aving heard her hus band use it. She com prom ised hastily A teasp oonful o f on " M r. Juarez." Gillett's Lye sprinkled " I 'm m igh ty glad to have the chance o f m eeting you, M t . Juarez." H igby in the Garbage. Can i e l d out his hand. " Y ou 've been the prevents flies breeding sole person to th row any ligh t on the puzzle." " That absurd h a t!" M rs, R anger Use Gillett's Lye for all C H A P T E R IX . smiled deprecatingly. " A n d yet you Cleaning and Disinfecting Juarez Charlie w as beginning to w ere righ t about it, M r. Juarez. It & -j B y does prove conclusively th at the pic feel oppressed and uneasy. Three M k y W iu b O N W o o d r o w ~ days had passed since the hat w as ture w as taken w ithin a day o r tw o, ilUUiTRATtO By taken ou t o f Ranger's car, and there doesn't it ? " U.W.< >*vn-ER.viE-ux>" They snapped her when she w asn't had been no succeeding developments. A gain and again he had explored the expectin g it, I guess," C harlie ex stra gg lin g neighborhood w here he plain ed; " an d she's laughing at her lived, searching each~ fence-pose and se lf in that sky-piece." " B ristow began tappin g on the arm h oarding f o r another o f those cabal To C harlie's relief R anger reminded B E G IN H E R E T O D A Y . o f his chair, but he w as as cool as istic communications, but w ithout suc him ju st then that he had not yet read L orin g R a n ger offers a hundred the letter. thousand dollars rew ard fo r th e re ever. " It looks as i f your usefulness cess. Femininity H e took it, ran over it perfun ctorily, On the fou rth morning as, a fte r an turn o f his m issing daughter, Hope, here is over,' he agreed. `I regret it. He is as&isted in his search by his ^at Y ou w ould have been a valuable other fruitless hunt, he brou gh t out and laid it back on the desk w ith ou t Do not get the false idea that fem i torney, E ustice H igby, and b y his life m an.' " the m otorcycle which R anger had in comment. ninity should be associated with long frien d , Juarez Charlie, adven " Speak a little low er," she cau- sisted on his accepting in order to " W ell, w hat do you th in k ?" R anger w eakness. A woman can be just as turer. tioned. fa cilta te his movements, and prepared w as grow in g a little im patient a t this strong in her fem ininity as a man Charlie tells L orin g that he feeJs " Thanks, I fo r g o t f o r the moment. to start fo r town, he had the air o f indirectness. can be in his m asculinity. And the certain H ope is held prisoner by a W ell, I le ft him then, and w ent up to a discredited prophet w ho has lost " Seems fa ir ly plain ," he said. " They vitality and buoyancy associated with frou p o f cridnals called the " Combine." I 've told you how I at honor even w ith himself. tell you, i f you leave $100,000 under a strong m uscles and firm tissues are an A m essage com es to R anger tellin g m y room. A s he drew up before the entrance railroad crossin g on the Lone Hill im portant factor in beauty culture. him to bu y a hat f o r Hope and leave tem pted to get aw ay and failed. A fter it at a specified place. F ran k Bryan that, I tried to get to B ristow again, to L orin g's office the outer guard to road at fou r o'clock tom orrow a fte r but he w ouldn't see me. So I turned whom he w as now a fam ilia r figure noon, you r daughter w ill be retu rn ed ; S u n b u rn ? Use Minarcf's, Lin im e n t. Is R anger's p rivate secretary. George K elsey is detained a t a pri to M orton." waved him along toward the the office and they w arn you that if you fa il, or vate sanatarium and he meets and " M orton?" she repeated in terroga with the jocu lar announcement that try to doublecross them in any w ay, Italian firm has presented Mus visits with a girl w ho closely resem tively. the boss had been ju st on the point you 'll never see her again. T h at' s solini with a handsome new autom o bles a nurse named Copley. Dr. B ris " Y es, the other house physician. o f sending ou t a general alarm fo r about all there is to it, so f a r as I bile. II D uce's foes, no doubt, hope he tow is the superintendent o f the in H e's a quiet, non-com m ittal sort o f a him. can see." w ill try to drive down main street in stitution. fellow . I didn't go into the whole G lum ly he pushed up the corridor H igby, m ore astute than the others, Venice. N O W GO ON W IT H T H E S T O R Y thing w ith h im ; ju st told him I 'd had and opened the office door; then stop realized th at be w as not g oin g to be A responsive shiver passed over her a fa llin g out with B ristow and resign ped short on the threshold and began led into expressin g his real opinion in THE P R O T E C T IV E A S S O C IA T IO N shoulders. i ed, but that when I attem pted to leave aw kw ardly to back away. the presence o f Mrs. Ranger, and tact of C anada " T here w as no use acting as i f I the place, I ' d been prevented. Inside, R anger and Eustace H igby, fu lly succeeded in gettin g her to leave E s t a b lis h e d 1907. hadn't taken it all in," Kelsey resum " He didn't show any surprise. H e'd the attorney, w ere in earnest discus w ith him. A s s e ts $289,157.00, su rp lu s to ed ; " and I didn't hesitate to express been primed. Just listened, and said p o lic y h o ld e r s o v e r $150,000.00 sion over a letter which H igby held (T o be continued.) TH E O K 1Y P U R E L Y CAN m yself. I w as leaving at once, I told now and then, ` I 'm sorry,' o r `T oo A D IA N C O M P A N Y issu ing' in his h a n d ; w hile over by the w indow h im ; didn't care to be hooked up with bad.' I didn't get his attitude at the S ick n e ss and A c c id e n t In s u r Need M ore Be S a id ? stood Mrs. R anger intently studying a n ce to M em b ers o f th e M a a bunch o f crooks. B ristow didn't time. M y idea then w as, that he w as so n ic F r a te r n ity E x c lu s iv e ly . a photograph. In July I go sailing bluster an y; ju st smiled in that mad too keen on his job to take sides. But A g e n ts in a ll p rin cip a l C ities and T o w n s The slight noise made by Charlie' s In a boat that needs bailing. In C anada. dening, superior w ay o f has and when |j gaine<, a clearer ligh t on him when e . e . G X tE A S o sr. j . a . r t il l e r . intrusion and his mumbled apologies I finished, condescended to explain, j final]y talked Bristow . P re s . & Gen. Mgrr. S ecy. A s s . M g r. M ln ard 's L in im e n t fo r In sect Bites. fo r blundering into a fam ily group _______ H ea d O ffic e : G R A N B Y , Que. He had been hum oring a lunatic h ej ,, He wi&s al, ready fo r all ready lo r me, and roused the three from their preoccu t a id ; m y experience should have didn't waste any time in la yin g his p ation ; and R anger, stepping quickly taught me the necessity o f som etim es, ca r(k on the table. over, cau gh t the r e l a t i n g Juarez by doing that. The^jfc.ry o f the stolen I It' s fo r your ow n sa k ^ th a t I hait'e the arm and ro«Hi_ jew els w as pure dementia, but inter i taken these restrictive m easures,' he " It's come, C h arlie!" His eyes w ere estin g as an exam ple o f unusual co - , sa-^ jn his best professional manner, shining. " Just as you said it would, herence. . . . |`I 'm not easily fooled, yet I confess I old boy. A photograph and the de " He made . p ^ |had no suspicions o f you. But your m and fo r money. Found them on my enough but it didn t sink m as he ex -1 v ;0j6n^ outbreak and the persistent desk when w e cam e back from lunch." P'Scted. I 'd heard the tw o o f them w av y OU have clung to your delusions He pulled Charlie across the room talk. There w asn't any m ak e-believe. j cave on]y one course open to me. Do to his wife. about it ; they w ere righ t down to vou rem em ber any great shock o r acci" M ary Lou, this is Charlie." bus'iness. A ctu al names and addresses ; ^ in y cu r life ? . She dragged her gaze from the w ere given and w ritten down. And t h e , saw where he w as heading, and snap-shot, and held the picture up fo r alleged patient w as allowed' to depart over him to see. free. _ _ " It's the hat all right." He tried " So I stood m y ground, and -blun tly! BCO U ndrel°*and" a th ief !V'T j u m p e d up to throw some enthusiasm into his told him th at I dion 't consider the fr&m m y ch a ir_ < o f course I see your my circum stances open to misinterpret®-1; game, D octor. I know too much fo r tion. ! m y health, and th erefore you are preI scribing a rest fo r me here under your eye.' " He looked at me w ithout m oving a I muscle, patient still, but a little stern. " ` In the la st fe w days,' he said, ` I ' ve gathered considerable in form a tion about your past life. Y ou are, I find, an A ustralian, an actor born in Melbourne. Y ou r name is not Kelsey but H aw orth, James H aw orth.' " That w as a bit too thick, and I told him so. The devil listened to me quiet ly, never altering his expression. He w as the grave, kind m edical adviser. " `Y ou say, " W h at r o t !" and say it quite seriously,' he cam e back at m e; ERHAPS you have been buying supplies o f Toilet `fo r yours is a case o f dual personal Tissue on a basis of so many rolls for 25c. ity. Y ou started life as a youn g physi NURSES know, and doctors have If so, you have been getting value of a sort, but the big cian. Som ething occurred, a shock o f 15c. WHITE SWAN ROLL offers you a real value far some sort. Y ou r secondary personal declared there's nothing quite like Aspirin to relieve all sorts o f aches O ilie r , in excess of that. ity asserted itself, and you became an and pains, but be sure it is Aspirin p o p u la r actor. This continued fo r a time and T H E W H IT E S W A N TISSUE R O L L gives you 750 sheets o f the name Bayer should be on the EDDY TISSUES then the doctor personality reasserted the highest grade Tissue -- more than three times the quantity package, and on every tablet. Bayer contained in the average 5c. roll. is genuine, and the word genuine-- in its-alf and you cam e to this country. In red-- is on every box. You can't go neither o f theaa states is there any And the quality o£ W H IT E S W A N TISSUE is infinitely A treat in the Peppermint-flavored rem embrance o f the other. There may wrong if you will just look at the b o x : superior, snow-white, velvery soft, even in texture -- the roil Judge the quality of Green Tea by the colour of the brew whets poured Into your cup before cream Is added. The paler the colour the finer the Green Tea. Compare any other Green Tea with " SALADA" -- None can equal It In flavour, point, or clearness- Only 38c per |-lb. GREEN TEA on the bench, lookin g m ore bored and gloom ily abstracted than ever. The nurse crossed the lawn sw iftly, her fa c e darkening as she caught sigh t o f the tw o on the rustic eeat. " V e r n a !" she called. " V e r n a !" T here w as an anxiety borderin g on pandc in her harsh, unmodulated voice. The g irl did not respond at once. Then she started and looked about her, as i f she had ju st returned fro m a fa r country and the present surroundings were unfbm iliar. But at another, " V e r n a !" she rosoob ed ien tly and held out the note-book and pencil. " Look," she sa id ; " see all I 've w rit ten. H e," w ith a gesture tow ard K el sey, " gave me the book and pencil." " H ow nice." The nurse w as com pobed again. " N ow g v e them back to him d^ar, and come in the house, have a hat I w ant you to tr y on." Smt thefly with GtUETtt LYE W A i i o w e i ) UP; M rs piorc and Better Paper in this Wrapped I^pll W H ITE SWAN TISSUE P sugar-coated jacket and another in the Peppermint-flavored gum inside-- utmost value in long-lasting delight IS S U E No. 28-- '23 eventually occur---and I think I can help you in such a crisis-- a struggle between the tw o personalities, and it w ill then devolve upon you to decide w hich one you wish to retain, definite ly putting the other away. In the meantime, I feel it m y duty to keep you under observation.' " W hile he talked K elsey w as aware that the girl w as follow in g his n arra tive w ith alm ost feverish intentness, and he w ondered again at her selfcontrol. " C a re fu l!" he w arned quickly. " Mies Copley has com e out and is looking fo r you." He slouched back CO TTAGE 9 T h e finest T iss u e th at m on ey c a n b u y . 3000 sheets. itself completely u'rapped, assuring you a paper o f immaculate cleanness, a tissue that comes to your bath-room untouched and untainted. Say "W H IT E S W A N " to your dealer next time. Then you w ill get a quality tissue, a Toilet R oll that will serve as an indication o f your pride*in your bath room appointments. E D D Y 'S Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Canada) Indicating Bayer Manufacture. While It !· well known that Aspirin means Bayer rnanupublic aeainst imitations, the Tablets will be stamped with their " Bayes Cross" trade mark. " A real pood R o ll, fu ll w e ig h t. 700 sheets. O N LIW O N N e a t, h an d som e, com p act. H ig h e st g ra d e tis s u e . Serves tw o sh eets at a tim e , E .B . ED D Y tT o ile V T IS S U E S FINEST VALUES IN CANADA TH E C O ., L I M I T E D , H U L L , C A N A D A . r -p U R IT y BEST FOR A LL VOU K BAKING F C O U R Pies, Cakes, Buns and Bread = ' DOES ALL 1 OUR B A K IX G BEST

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