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Oakville Star and Independent, 13 Jul 1928, p. 1

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p r- O A.s 8D ITO H . foicstkk $ 2.00 A Y E A R 2.50 TO TH EU N ITE STATES O AK VILLE, ONTARIO, F R ID A Y . JU LY 13, 1928 1 F I V E C * M 5 PER C n c Y Vol 4 3 No 48 Encourage N ew Industries P ro p e rty O w n e rs to V ote on T ax Ex em p tio n on M onday ENTRANCE E X A M IN A T IO N S H ONOURS: Board H as Offer for School B ap tists W ant ta Buy the Old B U Y S R Y R IE R E S ID E N C E A m e rican B u y s B e a u tifu l " Ed g e m e re " -- W il l L iv e H ere Bright Y ou n g M an Drowns Noel A lle n W a s B ath in g in M uskoka A rm ou r, E velyn L a k e -- B rilia n t S c h o la r Faath erston s Pro p e rty for Beaucham p, Elsie A goodly num ber o f our residents Binnie, Jean Church Purposes. w ill recall with w hat pride they w atch Sincere sorrow was aroused on Mon T here is a general and w ell grounded B row n, A lfre d ed the erection o f the beautiful lake- day when the sad new s spread feelin g am ong O akvillians that the B ullied, A rth u r The m em bers ;>*-ssent at the board shore residence o f James Ryrie about throughout tow n and district that N oel Burtenshaw , P eter prosperity o f tow n depends largely o£ education meeting on Tuesday even- a score of years a go. It was among Allen, o f Dundas street, Trafalgar, and C ob bett, R u by upon the su ccess o f our present indus ing w ere A . S. Forster, chairman, the first o f the large estates east o f ! an outstanding student and graduate D aubney, M argaret tries and the acquiring m ore fa c to r ie s . I Canon D. R . Smith, A lf. H illmer, W m . town. During those years it has been 0 f our high sch ool, had been drowned D olphin, L eon e A larger w eekly pay sheet means m ore |Busby, E . W in z e r .W . B. Shipley, Mrs. one o f the show places o f our district, 1on Sunday near Port Carling in Mus D uncan, A lvin m oney fo r ev eryon e. And the m ore E lliott, H azel ,T . W . Slean. !anti ea ch year the grounds seem ed to k ok a. He was in his eighteenth year, residents w e have the lighter the tax F arr, E m ily | The resignation of Miss G. B. Alton ; look a little better and m ore closely re- and the younger son o f M r. and Mrs. rate w ill be on each individual. H eath, H arry was received and accepted. No sue- sem ble the well-kept estates of old Frank A llen. Fe.\ sad incidents creatOn M onday the qualified ratepayers H opkins, Jack cessor has y et been named. (E ngland. ed such general regret or aroused such w ill v ote on the granting o f a fixed as H opkins, Phyllis | A ccounts totalling $1191.37 w ere con- i F ollow in g the death of M rs. Ryrie deep sym pathy. sessm ent to tw o indu stries. T h e one In glehart, K enneth ' sidered and ordered to be p a id . the property w as offered fo r sale and W ith the o b ject o f taking up forestry is th e G eneral T ire and R u bber Co., a K elley, R oy M rs. Slean moved, Canon Smith on W ednesday cam e the announce- w ork at the T oronto U niversity this su ccessor to the R oy al Oak T ire com M acG regor Ann I seconded, that tl>9 board confirm the m ent that T . R . Jarvis had com pleted autumn the young man with character pany, pledged to em ploy forty hands, M annell, L aw rence |teachers* appointments already m ade, the sale o f the estate to L . A . De istic en ergy accepted a position with and th e other is the M etal D evices, M arshall, A lexa n der i Carried. Graff, o f Schenectady, N .Y . The price a M uskoka h otel for the summ er and L im ited, a n ew com pany prom ising to M eyer, Jean | M r. Busby reported having received is reported to exceed a hundred thou- only began his duties last w eek . On e rect a substantial fa cto ry building Staples, A u d rey from the Hom e Misison Board o f the sand. S u n d a y afternoon he went fo r a dip b y and also to em p loy a m inim um o f W elch , N orm an Baptist Convention of Ontario and M r. R y rie's estate is fam ous as one h im self and failin g to return at supper W yndham , Jack forty h an ds. Q uebec, an offer of $5,000 for the o f the m ost beautiful and interesting tim e search o f the w oods and shore B oth tax exem ptions extend for ten ! P A S S Featherstone school building, $2,000 to country places in the province. T h ere was m ade by the sta ff and guests o f years an d there are no oth er con ces- j A n d erson , E th el b e paid in cash, the balance to be cov- are sixteen acres o f land, on the lake the h otel. There was no result until sions granted b y the tow n . B en tley, A u d rey, ered by m ortgage. front im m ediately east o f H . C. C ox's Monday when his body was found in F or years it has been the p olicy o f B en tley , B ern ice Mr. H illm er moved, Canon Smith estate about a m ile east o f the town about fou r feet o f water and fifteen the tow n to grant tax exem ption, and B lan ch ard, G eorge Seconded, that the offer be accepted, o f O akville. feet from the sh ore. There was n o th ere appears no reason w hy the pro B rau n , E lea n or providing the towu council w ill ·not The house is o f E nglish tpye and of witness o f the last scene to say ju st p erty ow n ers should n ot w illingly and B urns, E lva take over the property. Carried. the best con stru ction . Instead o f the cause o f the fatality. C am pbell, H elen eagerly v o te this custom ary light M r. Busby was instructed to consult nails, w ooden pegs w ere used in conH is father and his brother, Carr, Y von n e fav or to both these in du stries. M r. Chisholm as to legality o f proceed- structing the gatew ay, Gerald, w ent to the scene on M onday C ow ley, Joe P roperty ow ners alone v ote and any ure, and a copy o f the resolution to be T h e grounds are a show -place o f and on Tuesday evening returned with D aw son. Isabel person m ay v o te in as m any w ards as sent to the council. beauty, having the sm ooth and culti- th rem ains w hich w ere taken to T u ck 's D oyle, Catherine he or she m ay ow n property in . There Tenders w ill be asked for doing in- vated look often associated w ith Eng- undertaking p a rlors. I D oyle, Sarah are a g oodly num ber who do. A tw o side and outside painting at the lish country places dating back hunThe funeral was on W ednesday F orrester, M ary third m aojrity o f those voting is high school, and fo 'p a in tin g the fen ce, dreds of years. afternoon w ith service in St. Jude's F lu m erfelt, Eileen necessary to carry the by-law s. The j tftn , ro nccept any the grounds are s to n e Japanese church in O a k v ill^ ^ lie ii hundreds o f G arrard, Phyllis -- polls w ill be open from nine o 'c lo ck in i tender advisable. lanterns and m any oth er unique out- friends G illiam . Thelm a w ere present. R ev . Mr. the m orning until six in the evening, M r. J. B . O. K em p addressed the door decorations im por& d from the Thom pson, o f Erindale, g av e a sym G reensides, H azel daylight tim e. board on the m atter o f shingling the east. H utchin son , Edythe pathetic address, eu logizin g the bright Such by-law s have nearly always re- [ high sch ool r o o f. This offer was acThere is a Japanese bridge, several young life o f one who loved to obtain Jenkins, W illiam ceived the assen t o f the ratepayers, 1 Lou is, P eter cepted and a portion o f the roof w ill charm ing pools, a w indm ill on the lake k n ow ledge. Interm ent follow ed in St. but con fid een ce on v otin g day m ay ' K ent, M ary be covered with duplex asbestos rigid front and at least tw o old-fashioned Jude's cem etery. The pallbearers cause disaster, and it w ould be regre-1 M acD onald, D oris shingles, on motion o f M r. Busby and stone breastw ork w ells. T here are w ere E w art H all, M aurice Lunau, table should not both these factories : M acG regor, M argaret M r. Shipley. many w onderful varieties o f flow ers Bruce R oot, G eo. Galbraith, R oyden receiv e the alm ost unanim ous favor- | M acK in ley, M arion Tenders w ill be called for shingling and covered tree-arch es. and M ow bray M cM urray. able v ote. E very supporter o f indus- ! M cM urray, R ita the central sch ool w ith firep roof rag Mr. DeGraff, is a retired contractor N oel Allen w as a young man who tries should vote and w ork fo r the suc M illar, R ob ert or asbestos single shingles, to weigh o f Schenectady. He has a w ife and a had stood out prom inently as a pupil cess o f the by-law s. P ickard, B ert 240 pounds to the square, and the pro- daughter and is expected to take up at pu blic sch ool and as a student at P u ck ett, P e g g y A reverse vote w ould record an opperty com m ittee to advertise for tend- residence in Oakville about August 1st, our high sch ool. H e had an insatiable R illey, Jim position to industries and would mean ( ers for laying the sh in gles. and w ill live there all year rou n d . desire for know ledge, the ability to Sargant, D avid a real setback to the tow n . A drain at the back c f the W estw ood R . A . Larmour, general freigh t grasp it readily and the capacity to re Sham , E ileen N ow ladies and gentlem en, carry sch ool seem ed to be a cause o f con- agent of the C .P .R . in M ontreal, has tain what he learned. For the five Shain, D onald both by-law s. tention and the board and coun cil w lli recently bought property in Oakville years o f his high sch ool course he Speers, Jean probably have to equally bear the bur- on K ing street, w here he intends to put w alked daily the greater part of each Steed, E dith I den . up a fine house. H is sister, M rs. Mil- year from his hom e five m iles aw ay to W a lla ce, Jack C O M P L E T E D P IE R W O R K M rs. Slean moved, M r. W in zer sec- ler, is a friend of the D eGraffs and it sch ool and w as ever punctual. He W eb b , M aurice O U T F IT R E M O V E D B Y T U G onded, that letters o f condolence be is through her that they becam e ac- was an outstanding student and the W h ita ker, A m y forw arded to M r. and M rs. E . O. quaintpd w ith Oakville and were so idol o f his teachers and his school W ilson , John A tug arrived in the harbor on Mon- 1 e ^ q r o T A T " T aylor in the death o f their daughter, |charm ed that they decided to buy m ates. day and took the R ussell Construction M rs. L . Fitzsim m ons, and to Mr. and property and live here. K iller, E dm und H e com peted in oratorical contests outfit back to T oron to. _______ ___________ The three candidates takin g the M rs . Frank A llen in the drow ning o f and was always found am ong the prize Th e com pany has com pleted the h igh est m arks in Oakville cen tre th eir son, N oel, a pupil o f the Oakville w in ners. H is popularity was not con W IL L C U T H IL L S A T B O Y N E w ork on ou r w est pier, h aving built I w e r e : high sch ool. fined to the sch ool. H e w as known and sunk in position about tw o bun-1 Ph yllis H opkins w ith great fa v or by a w ide circle o f C ounty L e ts C o n tra ct fo r One N e a r dred and eigh t fe e t o f pier eighteen j M arga ret D aubney friends ou tside. P re sb yte ria n Church fe e t w id e at the base and tw elv e feet J Law rence M annell H A M M O N D -- O'G O R M A N on to p . A t the county coun cil m eeting Wm. The D om inion governm ent has been HAS B EEN MADE HAMMOND-- ST E W A R T S t. C ecilia's Church, T oronto, was K ing, o f Oakville, was aw arded the generous w ith O akville this year, and A J U S T I C E O F T H E P E A C E the scen e o f a pretty'w edd ing on Mon con tra ct fo r straightening the road even at that considerable w ork is yet T h ere was a pertty church w edding day m orning, when Mary Helen, and cutting down the hill betw een the n ecessary on our w harves. A lbert T . Harris, low er middle road, daughter o f Mr. and M rs. John Omagh Presbyterian church and the in T oron to last W ednesday, when |Miss R eta Stewart, on ly daughter o f has received notification fronj the O'Gorman, becam e the bride o f H arold Boyne corn er. BORN A ttorney G eneral's Departm ent, T oron J . Ham mond, son o f M r. and M rs. M . ) in addition to straightening the : ^ r' a M rs. W . Stewart, was marM cC L E A R Y -- At the Alexandra W ing, to, o f his appointm ent as a Justice o f O . H am m ond. R ev . J . P . T r a c y r o a d one o f the bridges w ill have to rietl Artllui' W illiam H am m ond, o f W estern hospital, T oronto, on July the P eace fo r H alton . The O rder in officia te d . The bride, w ho was given i be m oved a short distance. M r. K ing O akville, son o f the late Mr. and M rs. ' 7th, 1928, to Mr. and Mrs. Miilton Council to this e ffe ct w as approved by in m arriage by her father, was daint -1 w ill do that w ork also, W . R . H am m ond, in W esley United M cCleary, o f O akville, Ontario, (nee the lieutenant governor on June 27th. ily dressed in pow der blue ensem ble, I M otorists w ill rejoice at the decision chu rch . The R ev . J . D . Fitzpatrick M yrtle Dalton, B u rlin gton), the gift M r. H arris w as born in Bristol, Eng- with m ohair hat to m atch, and carried 1to cut this hill, as the w inding road, officiated. The bride w as given in m arriage by of a son . I land, is m arried and has on e boy at a bouquet o f corn flow ers, lily o f the w ith its sharp turns, was regarded as tending O akville public sch ool. In valley and yellow r o s e s . H er only at one o f the w orst in H alton. The w ork h er father, and sh e w ore a dainty gow n o f w hite satin and la c e . H er politics he is a C onservative and in tendant w as h er sister, D orothy, dress w ill be gone on w ith at o c n e . S M A L L A D V E R T IS E M E N T S religion an A nglican being a m em ber ed in rosew ood georgette, with large T hen on M onday Deputy M inister lon g w hite veil, delicately em broider Jo f the ch oir at S t . Jude's ch u rch . He hat to m atch, and- carried a bouquet Smith, o f the highw ay departm ent; ed, w as arranged sim ply w ith clusters F O R .R E N T Owen Seymour, G eo. H illm er, M .P .P ., R eev e M orden, o f orange blossom s and she carried a is a m em ber o f Oakville M asonic o f B u tterfly roses. A partm ent ovei; B y er's Drug Store. L odge, the Canadian F oresters, t^ie o f Plattsburg, N . Y ., acted as best and m em bers o f Trafalgar council, as bouquet o f w hite - roses and baby's A ll conveniences. Jno. R . B yers. Miss May K em p, cousin o f |W h ite Oak S ocial Club, the Oakville m an. w ell as engineers, held a conferen ce b rea th . A fter the cerem ony a wedding at the Featherstone hill and flats north the bride, was bridesm aid, gow ned in I Law n B ow lin g club and a com m issionblue goergette with blue m ohair hat [ er o f the T rafalgar public u tilities. breakfast was served at the hom e o f o f B oy n e. P R O P E R T Y FO R S A L E T h e highw ay departm ent contem and carried pink roses and baby's the bride's parents, Parkside Drive, I During the late w ar he w ent overL ot on R eb ecca street, near Chisholm street, 80 feet frontage and 104 ! seas as a sergean t w ith the 220th Bat- to the im m ediate fa m ilies. Later M r. plate putting dow n a provincial pave breath. fe e t deep, w ith sm all c o tta g e . O berm eyer, 81 Barton S t ., H am ilton. LO ST OR S T O L E N M rs. I talion Y ork R angers and after being East, for a time the 3rd R eserve at ; W est Sandling w as detailed as a staff sergeant w ith the C .A .M .C . fo r spec^u ty _ H e was inTmn<ied home in W hite, black and tan F ox Hound, February 1918. M r. H arris is at an sw erin g to " C olonel" . Rew ard for present em ployed as o ffic e and sales after"Ju ly 16 ttnw in \ e h pr^ ecu !ed Samje " anage,r * ith ` he D om inion W ine E . Belyea, R .R . No 2, O akville, phone j G row er s branch o f the Canadian 208 r 3. i ' W ineries, Lim ited i and M rs. H am m ond le ft to spend th eir h oneym oon at Bungalow Camp, F ren ch R iv er. On their return they w ill live in D etroit. This w edding is o f real interest to Oakville and district people because the parents o f the g room are known to m any here and his father w as a native o f the tow n lin e com m unity east o f O akville. ; > m en t on the secon d line and when do in g so m ay straighten the road at this point. Should this be done the highw ay w ill dip. dow n into the flats instead of w inding around th e, top o f the h ill. B oth routes are being considered Dy the departm ent and their engineers, and one plan w ill be decided upon w ithout m uch delay. The groom was supported by his brother, K enneth L . Ham m ond, o f Oakville. David Stew art and H arlyn H am m ond acted as ush ers. Clarence Brush sang " A t D aw ning" , and Bruce Madden played the w edding m usic. A fter a reception at Grey Gables, the couple left by m otor for R och ester and on their return w ill live in Oak ville . i ,

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