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Oakville Star and Independent, 13 Jul 1928, p. 8

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LOCAL (OSS gl Knobs o f News well Reading. W o rth TO THE RATEPAYERS I OF OAKVILLE i I *? ; Dear Sir or M adam : -- On M onday next, the 16th inst', you are being requested as the result of a unanimous decree o f the T ow n Council o f O akville, to vote upon a by-law for aa fixed assessm ent o f the property o f the GENERAL TIR E and RU BBE R CO RPO RATIO N o f CANADA, LIM ITED, upon the condition that a daily average o f not less than forty men,-shall be em ployed during the continuance o f the term arranged. The fixed assessm ent is but one o f several inducem ents held ou t by the Tow n C ouncil to attract industries to O akville. It is the on ly concession that the Com pany has requested from the Council or people o f Oakville as a condition precedent to this m ost im portant industry locatin g h ere. It is a con cession that has been advertised by the tow n as w illing to be accorded to every and any industry settl ing th ere. The Com pany has had before it from tow ns elsew here many ad ditional advantages, such as free sites; large factories, already erect ed ; «p e c ia l tax exem ptions; bond guarantees and a com m unity bonus. The E xecu tive o f the Com pany believe, h ow ever, that granted the single con cession asked fo r that Oakville holds advantages o f accessability distribution, labor supply, as w ell as mid-way location between tw o great industries centres w hich w ill help m aterially in the devel opm ent o f bu sin ess. It is w ell to con sider w hat special advantages accrue to a town and it's people by having a su ccessfu l international m anufacturing m edium located in its industrial area. F irst o f all, it gives a steady em ploym ent to a considerable proportion o f the population. A factory em ploying 100 hands supports approxim ately 500 people directly and they are supported through the entire year. Indirectly nearly every one benefits to a greater o r less extent through the distribution o f a w eekly w age bill in all its channels and also through the purchasing departm ent o f the fa ctory o f the goods it needs in its operation. It is expected that th is com pany's w age bill w ill soon reach 512,000 a month, w hile its purchase bill w ill am ount w ith the developm ent o f the dem and fo r its produ ct. Clim atically, Canada is a difficu lt country to support a large population w ithout the aid o f large and diversive industrial establishm ents. As a m erely residential town, Oakville would be hard put to maintain its place, if dependent on res idential and visiting patronage o n ly . It m ust have industries to bridge the w inter m on th s. T h e m ost difficu lt problem for every non industrial tow n . It is advisable to con sider this point before all others. The advertisin g value, both at hom e and abroad as being the producing centre -of an internationally w ell advertised and w idely dis tributed com m ercial product, should appeal to the pride o f the citizens who have the w elfare o f their tow n at h eart. The stim ulation to business o f successful industries in a com munity is reflected in w ider retail sales, enlarged patronage o f cus tom ers, increased land and property values and an easier distribution o f both goods and m on ey. W e believe w e are not too optim istic in estimating that before Christmas the m erchants and people o f the town w ill preceive easily a distin ctly better tone to business if this industry is perm itted to engage in operation through a favorable v ote on the by-law w hich is now to be placed before you fo r your ap proval. Trusting that you w ill not only fa v or the application o f the com pany b y your o w n vote, but that you may also prevail upon your friends and neighbors to support the m easure, on behalf o f the com pany I have the h onor to remain, Yours very respectfully, ITS A BORIN HILL C L I M B E R -- Congratulations to su ccessfu l high sch ool entrance candidates. -- Straw berry pickin g is pretty well o v e r . The crop w as lig h t . -- Streetsville M asons contem plate the erection o f a new M asonic hall. -- Our farm ers are busy haying. The c ro p is better than had been expected. -- Civic holiday on M onday, August 6th. A t that tim e Oakville has m any sum m er v is ito rs . -- M rs. C . H . Cross and Miss Gladys C ross are on a trip to W in n ipeg. Th ey w ent from Sarnia to P ort A rthur by boat. -- R ev. W . W . Peck, M . A ., L . L .B ., o f T oronto, w ill preach in St. John's church next Sunday m orning and even in g. -- The annual garden party o f St. A n d rew 's church w ill be held on the P resby tery grounds, Oakville, on T uesday, July 17th. -- D eputy-reeve M oat has been ap pointed to the H alton M other's A llow ance board, and m ade secretary for the cou n ty. H e w ill be a good on e. -- Oakville Band w ill give an open air con cert at th e M unicipal cam p, I w est side, on Sunday aftern oon at tw o-th irty. Good program . V isit the tow n cam p. -- Edw in Stone, Evanstone, 111., and E gbert B . Lusk, o f Chicago, this w eek m otored to Oakville and are n ow visit ing w ith relatives. They made the trip in less than tw o d a y s . -- Quite a large num ber from Oak ville attended the Merton school gar den party last Friday evenin g. They rep ort a large attendance and an ex cellen t program . The proceeds, after all expenses, w ill be about eighty d o lla rs. -- T h e Oakville G irl Guides are en joy in g a w onderfu l tw o w eeks cam p in g experience a t Barrie. Their friends m otored them there last F ri day and several parents and friends have since visited them in cam p. Th ey report a. delightful location and every condition favorable. N U M ERO U S GARD EN P A R T IE S T H IS M O N TH J u s t tr y i t ! HOMF. drive this new Oldsm obile j yourself. T ry it out on the longest, steepest hill you know. Y ou 'll be thrilled at the way its smooth, even flow o f power carries you on, up and over -- without the slightest effort. F or its amazing ability to take any hill, or any number o f hills, w ith true, fine-car ease is one o f the principal reasons for its tremendous, country-w ide success. A nd this O ldsm obile w ill pass every perfor mance test you make w ith the same bril liant record. Its great new 55-h.p. engine provides speed, pick-up, power and stamina to fulfill every m otoring desire. A nd a new cylinder head o f General M otors Research design adds all the advantages o f high-com pression per formance, yet does not require the use o f special fuels. C Thousands o f buyers are choosing the Fine Car o f L ow Price fo r its beauty, luxury and style-- fo r its com fort, de pendability and handling ease fo r its excellence in every perform a^je-- and, especially, because it is a born hillclimber. o-7-7-asc 2-Door Sedan n i6 5 A T F A C T O R Y , O S H A W A . O N T A R IO Government T a xes and T ire E x t r a . G E N E R A L T IR E & R U B B E R CORPORATION OF CANADA LIM ITED James G. M errick, Secretary-Treasurer. 6=- General Melon* rm m deferred payment fieri . . GMAC . . affords you the simplest and most economical way of buying your Oldsmobile on tim e.' O ld sm o b ile TH E FINE CAR OP LO W PR IC E t= ! C O M M E R C IA L STU D EN TS P A SS Oakville High School Stu dents W ho Have Passed Their Examinations. The follow ing have qualified fo r a Commercial Diploma fo r tw oyears' w ork: Jean Crosby, Maisie Denning, Ethel Flaxman, Thelma Meyer, Ivy F IR E P U M P IN G D E M O N S T R A T IO N V IR T U E MOTORS LIM ITED On Friday evening last a La Franc fire pump was dem onstrated near the railw ay sta tion . W ater was taken from the hydrant at about forty pounds pressure and in creased by m ore than a hundred lbs. w hich would provide much better fire protection for the factory district. | A third booster pump has yet to be I tested and when our town authorities are satisfied which pump is best adapted for Oakville it w ill likely be purchased along with som e extra length o f hose. O A K V ILL E & BURLINGTON PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF C AN AD A, LIMITED There are quite a num ber of garden parties billed fo r this m onth and these festiv e events should be la rgely at tended . This evenin g the firem en have their party in V ictoria hall and th ey n ev er fa il to have a b ig crow d . Then n ext T u esday the annual St. A n drew 's church party w ill b e held on the presbytery grou nd s. This is alw ays a b ig event. The O akville branch o f the Canad ian L egion has an aftern oon and even ing event on Saturday, July 21st, with m any special attractions. A nnually the Bronte firem en have an en joyable party w ith good pr0` gram . This event com es on Saturday evening, 21st inst. Send Perkins. On completing Arithmetic and Shorthand: S t. A ndrew 's church garden party Alice Thomas. on the P resbytery grounds on July 17. Promotion from junior t0 flenioi Canadian Legion garden party at comm ercial: V ictoria park on July 21. Elsie Anderson, Margaret Duncan, Doris Fleetham, Olive Grief I (Hist, and A rith .), Isabel Hughes , 1 V iolet Hall, Eileen Lofquist, Helen *TT? A i lSS j Naylor, Rhoda Pilgrim, Evelyn Pen man, Eileen Richards, Edith Smith, O A K V IL L E B O A R D O F Thelma Watt, Charles Brown, Fred I Mansfield, Cecil Saunders, C lifford E D U C A T IO N Wills (T ypew ritin g), Eddie HodkinI son, Isabel Gordon (Typew riting), T EN D ER S W AN TED T enders w ill be received by the ! William Simmons. undersigned up to 8 p .m . on Friday, The follow ing received speed July 20th, 1928, fo r the follow in g im diplomas-- 60 words per minute: provem ents to the H igh S ch ool: Jean Crosby, Maisie Denning, (a ) Painting exterior w oodw ork (2 coats b est lead and o i l ) . ' Ethel Flaxman, Thelma Meyer, Ivy (b ) In terior decoration o f specified I Perkins. room s (2 coats oil p a in t.) (c ) Painting sch ool fen ce. The follow ing received ElemenThe low est o r any tender n ot neces I tary Pitman certificates in .Short sarily a c c e p te d . hand: W M . BU SBY, Chairman P roperty Com . Fred Mansfield, Edith Smith, T enders w ill be receiv ed by the Elsie Anderson, V iolet Hall, Helen undersigned up to 8 p .m . on Friday, |Naylor, Margaret Duncan, Jean Ben July 20th, 1928, fo r the layin g o f | Johns-M anville duplex asbestos rigid nett, Eddie Hodkinson, Eileen Rich16 in . x 16 in . shingles on fro n t part 1ards, Melva Budd, William Simmons, o f H igh sch ool r o o f. I C lifford Wills. Cecil Saunders. Th e low est o r any tender not n eces sarily a ccep ted . W M . BU SBY, Chairman P roperty C om . -- The ou tlook fo r the L egion garden fete is v ery brigh t. A cra ck j m ilitary band, w ith ex-service m en's j parade, num erous n ovelty stalls, new i gam es w ith valuable p r iz e s ;» p ro fe s-i sional talen t fo r concert, w ith Ham il ton legion dance orch estra fo r the dance from 9 till m idnight. Further particulars o n b ills . H om e cooking, e t c ., m anaged by the D aughters of th e E m pire. This event is due July -21st. STAR " to distant frien d s. All the local and district news the " Always Be Careful Truck DriverX A .B .C , Tenders w ill be received by the undersigned up to 8 p .m . on Friday, July 20th, 1928, fo r quantity o f shingles necessary to re-roof the Cen tral P u blic sch ool with individual fir e p ro o f shingles laid 4 inches to the w eather, w eigh in g approxim ately 240 lb s . per square and g ivin g three fu ll thicknesses o f shingle ov er entire r o o f. W M . BUSBY, Chairm an P roperty Com . Accidents won't happen-- if all drivers are careful! The ABC of accident prevention-- ` A lw ays Be Careful" -- has been learned so well by drivers of over 600 Bell Telephone trucks and cars in Ontario and Quebec that accidents to these vehicles rarely occur. Thetelephone truck driver whom you see along street or-highway knows and follows carefully all the rules in his instruction book. One of these is shown plainly on th^back of his truck to warn others-- he always stops at railroad crossings. And no Bell Telephone truck has ever been involved in a level crossing accident! " In fact, .any mishaps of the road are so scarce in Bell Telephone circles that other vehicle-operating., organizations are studying and adopting the same successful safety-first principles.

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