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Oakville Beaver, 3 May 2000, A7

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Wednesday May 3, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A7 COMMENT U n itin g r ig h t n o t e a s y In the dodgy world of politics, pack aging more often than not transcends policy. And the slicker, the better. Those backroom wizards behind all politicians know if they can't put together a winnable package, they're dead. Today, the workers toiling behind the Canadian Alliance are frenetically at work trying to come up with what will be a winnable package. It's a little like putting together Mr. Potato Head - a little of this; a little of that. And what will it be? Will it be the western homophobic Bible-thumping anti-abortionist with a second language and a mean kick? Or will it be the backroom boy credited with designing the Nonsense Revolution, now glad-handing his way across the country with much of the same verve and intensity those newcomers to poverty now panhandle on the streets of Toronto. Or will it be Preston Manning, the man who has rein vented everything in life including himself? You have to hand it to those on the right: at least they offer their comrades a little entertainment for their money. Joe Clark's the guy I feel sorry for: how must it feel to be the contagious disease of the moment? Card-carrying Tories now falling over each other to sign up for anything other than a party headed by Clark, are on a mission: a perfect package. It sure isn't going to be Clark. These days, even the most ardent Tory just hangs his or her head about the fact his campaign is in disarray; frantic long time Conservatives are running from the Clark campaign in droves. But they have, as they say, moved on. They are in search mode. And now they have three choices - (Stockwell) Day, (Tom) Long and Manning. They like the energy of Stockwell Day, they like even more the fact he's actually been employed as a politician. But time and time again, even the hardiest of Tories find the personal views of Day difficult to take. When Day first announced his candidacy, he looked like the best kind of package - young, energetic, bilingual, reasonably articulate. But then he did what any backroom fella will tell you never to do - look foolish. Manning may never be the most IDIANE HART exciting guy around, let's face it, but at least he hasn't kick boxed on stage in a martial arts stage presentation, tried to worm his way by telephone into the hearts of Canadians (never have I been so grateful for an unlisted number as when I heard about Stockwell Day's telemarketing 905 scheme by tele phone) or joked about smoking dope. And we haven't even mentioned his H altonSearch.c\^n "Preparing childrenfor thefuture through academic excellence " All inclusive enriched, accelerated and challenging curriculum providing a solid foundation in the basics of language arts and mathematics and including science, geography, history, physical education, computer science, music, art and french. · Small class size · Full Multimedia Computer Resource Centre · Computers in each classroom · Music program · Good work habits and study skills taught · Education-related field trips · Up-to-date resources available in our library and classrooms · Gymnasium · Year-round extra-curricular activities offered · School newspaper · Parental involvement encouraged · Hot and healthy lunches · Before and after school supervision provided · Assessments arranged as necessary · Transportation available social conservatism. I hate to be the one to say it, but this Canadian Dan Quayle just isn't going anywhere. They may love him out west, but on the federal stage he'd be eaten up. But Tom Long is another matter altogether. The man is a master of packaging and if he has to squeeze himself into some tiny box that voters will buy, well he'll just do it...pron to! Already, long-standing Tories are looking more closely at a guy who again may not be the most exciting, (what is it about these wanna-be right wing politicos) but at least he's not likely to parade around kick boxing or giggle on nation al radio about Chretien's motto: HRDC (He Really Doesn't Care)...is that funny or what?????? As for the always-underrated Preston Manning, these are early days. Don't write him off yet. He is a man full of sur prise - really. He may be completely out of step with every one even in his own party, but he reminds me of a wily old fox....just out there in the bushes watching it all and waiting for his move. If there is one thing he's always got right (and Joe Clark, the poor guy, has most always got wrong) it's timing. Anyone who writes him out of the picture in this dance for the top job of the Canadian Alliance is a fool: he's smart and cagey and knows when to pounce. He will not be relegated to the sidelines too soon. Already I think he sees the writing on the wall, making pals with Tom Long and envisioning the perfect package: Long bringing all the lost Tory souls of Ontario into the Canadian Alliance with Manning as his right hand man. The Ontario backroom boy wedded to the western chameleon. See, I told you...the perfect package. Mr. Potato Head couldn't be easier. E le c tric a l c o m p a n y finds c o n v e rt Re: The Fri., April 21st, Oakville Beaver headline story: `Sithe power plant still faces opposition' Having attended Sithe's April 18th open house at OTHS, I walked in opposed to the project, and left in full support. Notwithstanding a polished presentation by a team of professionals who couldn't have been more knowledgeable, the venture Letters to the Editor simply makes sense. Given that electricity is first amongst equals regard ing essential commodities, and that both nuclear and fossil fuel power plants are environmental nightmares (including and, in particular, neighbouring Lakeview Generating Station), natural gas, as a proven technology, Setting bilingualism record straight Re: Psssssssssst... Oakville Beaver, Fri., April 21st, 2000 There is no need to keep quiet about the name change. We thank you for your editorial write-up. If I may, I would like to set the record straight. The new name is Canadians Against Bilingualism Injustice. The new logo is the weighted scale set against the stylized red maple leaf. The newsletter, which has been around for 23 years, has a new masthead and has been renamed Bilingualism Watch. , Would you please be good enough to correct our website address. It is (HYPERLINK "http://www.bilingualism.org"). The error was ours and is being corrected in our April newslet ter. The website was up and running as of April 24th, 2000. On our site you will learn a lot about Canada and our stand on national "unity." is the way to go. That the proposed Sithe plant abuts the Joshua Creek residential community is unfortunate. However, resi dents moved in fully cog nizant that the area bounded by Winston Churchill, Royal Windsor, Southdown, and the lake was zoned industri al. Providing Sithe meets provincial environmental stipulations, the plant will conform to prevailing land use. Can anything more be expected from a commercial operation? It begs the question whether the Town of Oakville should have approved housing in such close proximity to land which, historically, has been zoned for industrial use. Sithe appears to be bend ing over backwards to reduce the intrusiveness of its facili ty with enhanced siting, landscaping, and technical modifications. If the plant, and others powered by natur al gas, can bring about the eventual shutdown of coal/nuclear facilities, then it deserves our support if for no other reason than the greater good. I'm reminded of the approach taken with children who suffer mishaps. By sug gesting the situation could have been much worse, their upset is alleviated. I shudder to think what could have been built on the land acquired by Sithe had they not come along. OPEN HOUSE S atu rd ay , M ay 6 · 1 0 a m -lp m For more information or to book a tour call (905) 855-0563 1884 Lakeshore Road West, Mississauga, ON G> O A K V IL L E 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION FOR: R.F.I.-1-2000 FOR THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE'S REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPPLY/ DELIVERY/INSTALLATION OF ORACLE SERVERS The Town of Oakville's Information Technology Department is soliciting "Request for Information" from firms who can potentially fulfill the Town o f Oakville's needs for Oracle Servers. A general information package and response envelopes may be obtained from the Town of Oakville's Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville; telephone (905) 845-6601, Ext. 3086. "Request for Information" responses will be reviewed, whereupon a final list of potential bidders will be produced. A potential subsequent proposal call may be prepared inviting only those bidders appearing on the final list o f bidders. Peter Pellier Ronald P. Leitch President, CABI PAUL J. H E N D E R SO N Barrister and So l ic it o r "Request for Information" responses must be received in the "Request for Information" envelope, sealed and returned to the attention o f the Purchasing Department, Town o f Oakville up to the deadline for receipt. NOTE: FAX SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED f l e a m s ffieally %ome %iue. Is Pleased To A n n o u n c e T h e R e lo c a t io n Deadline for receipt o f Request for Information will be no later than 12:00 noon, Monday, May 29, 2000. Late submissions will not be accepted. R.J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P.Mgr. Director, Purchasing and Office Services Of H is Law P ra c tic e To 233 R o b i n s o n St r e e t , Strategic Land Use Options Study For Lands North of Dundas Street Public Information Meeting No. 4 O a k v il l e , O n t a r io L6J 4Z5 "Concientious, knowledgeable & courteous. Their workmanship was professional a n d the finished product has delighted us. " - T elephone F a c s i m il e (905) 842-8600 (905) 842-4774 a satisfied clien t Visit our showroom: V 'B a t h s' Tuts, thru Fri 9-5:30, Sat. 9-4, Closed Sun. &Mon. t E f f e c t iv e M a y 4380 South Service Rd.Unit II 23r d ., 2000 In preparation for future urban development on the lands located north o f Dundas Street [Regional Road 5] within the Town of Oakville and City o f Burlington [east of Bronte Creek], the Town of Oakville together with the City o f Burlington are undertak ing a Strategic Land Use Options Study. . The purpose of the study is to undertake a general review o f the subject area as a precursor to the preparation o f any individual secondary plan(s) and to set out broad strategies for the implementation o f the ultimate land use plan. In addition to establishing the secondary planning areas, consideration will also be given to the operations o f Highway No 407, phasing policies including trigger mechanisms, servicing and drainage. The firm o f Hemson Consulting Ltd. together with BA Group (transportation), MacViro (engineering) and W. Scott Morgan (retail) is about to complete Phase Three of the study. The fourth in a series o f public information meetings will be held on May 18, 2000 7:30 PM at Town Hall (Oakville and Trafalgar Rooms) to inform the public of the results of the Phase Three program [analysis o f preferred option], continue discussions on this study and to obtain any public comment on this last phase prior to the final report being brought to Council for consideration. Should you have any questions or wish to provide the study team with any related information on the subject area, please contact Robert H. Thun, Planner at (905) 845-6601 ext. 3029. Dated at the Town of Oakville, this 3rd day of May, 2000. I H jui (between Walken Line I Appleby Line) 905 - 639-8409 Halton Regional Police Service ^ Host To Benefit all merchandise Thursday, May 4, Friday May 5 and Saturday May 6 20% off MRBETTE 349 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville 905-845-6201 STORE HOURS Mon., Tues., Wed 9:30 a m · 6:00 p.m,, H u s , & Fri. 9:30 a.m. · 9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:30a m - 5:30pm.,Sunday 1:00p.m.-5:00p m Lynne Gough, MCIP, RPP, M anager, Long Range Planning Section Planning Services Department, Town o f Oakville C o u n c il & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e M e e t in g s | Monday, May 8,2000 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 9,2000 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room Saturday May 6, 2000 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm Join members o f the Halton Regional Police and the staff o f the Nickels Restaurant at 2345 Trafalgar RcL, Oakville 257-9888 In a Special Event to Aid the Athletes o f the Ontario Special Olympics Your chance to win a fabulous prize or $100 Gift Certificate Monday, May 15,2000 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. j i Tuesday, May 23,2000 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room C o u n c i l & C o m m itte e T o u c h t o n e P h o n e L in e 815-5959 | Enjoy a FabulousMealand Support our SpecialAthletes! 1225 TR A F A L G A R ROAD · OAKVILLE, ONTARIO · L6J 5A6

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