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Oakville Beaver, 12 Apr 2000, C6

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Wednesday, April 12, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C6 f o a i i Q4J o m e n Q / n Acupuncture Lynne C. Ganong, B.Math, DAc. u sin e s Dem ystifying the ancient a rt of acupuncture B y K y m F u nnell ARE YOU IN PAIN? Lynne C. Ganong DO YOU SUFFER FROM HEALTH PROBLEMS THAT WON'T GO AWAY? Growing participation of women in the marketplace evident T he wedding vows o f W endy and James Petersen could have included -- besides the prom ise to love and h o n o r each other-- a vow to consult one another. T his Vancouver-based couple, who are both health-care professionals in their late 30s, see themselves as a team w hen it comes to m aking decisions, especially regarding their finances. T he Petersens' style o f team w ork reflects a grow ing trend am ong couples today, observes Sandra M etraux, Senior V ice-President o f M arketing at Investors Group. "W h at we're seeing today is th at m ost couples make decisions jointly w hen it comes to saving and investing," M etraux says. "It used to be that the husband typically took on the m ajor responsi bility for m anaging the family's finances, includ ing decisions on investm ents and retirem ent plan ning." She attributes the shift partly to the growing par ticipation o f w om en in the financial m arketplace. A recent G allup C anada survey conducted for Investors G roup found that, am ong couples, w om en are assum ing m ore powerful roles in financial decision-m aking. A lm ost 78% o f cou ples say the female p artn er has an equal role in m aking choices involving th eir finances. W hen asked if w om en are as knowledgeable as m en in m atters o f m oney and investing, 88% o f w om en and 86% o f m en agreed. T he study also revealed th at C anadian w om en are taking greater control o f th eir personal financial destinies - through increased enrollm ent in com pany pensions, RRSPs, and the purchasing o f financial products. In fact, nearly 70% o f w om en expect to be finan cially self-sufficient w hen they retire. "T h e financial services industry has long appreci ated th at wom en are key influencers in purchas ing decisions and, as inheritors o f wealth, they also have the responsibility for m anaging finances in their later years. T his survey gives us added insight into their increasing influence in financial decision-m aking," M etraux said. Source: Investors G roup/G allup C anada Survey 1998. For fin a n c ia l tips a n d in vestm en t inform a tio n v is it th e In vestors - Come to a FREE Acupuncture Clinic on FRIDAY, APRIL 28/00 Receive a FREE Acupuncture Treatment. Learn about Acupuncture and how it can help YOU. Call today to reserve an appointment. HEINEN NATUROPATHIC & WELLNESS CENTRE 461 North Service Rd. W . #B 27 (between Dorval & 4th Line) (905) 465-0191 w w w .naturopathic.ca D r. Cynthia Blair ,«*** 16 Years o f Health Care Experience with full Privileges at Oakville Hospital Full Range o f Services from Prim ary Health Care to Cosmetics · Full primary care, obstetrics · Collagen & Botox treatment · Hair removal by laser technique · Liposuction · Full range of skin care products & education ` Varicose Vein Treatment by laser, injection and mini-surgery 1060 Speers Rd. Suite 118 Oakville · 842-5533 professionally applied in your own home Flawless make-up for bride and attendants Picture perfectfor video and photography " Weddingproof'will last all day Enhancesfeatures without looking overdone CertifiedMake-up Artist since 1989 Stephanie boswell larkin (905) 827-9999 M any people shy away from the unknow n, espe cially if it consists o f tiny needles poking them in strange places. W ell, Lynne G anon g , A cupuncturist at the H einen N aturopathic & Wellness C entre wants to take the m ystery ou t o f this ancient Chinese m edicine. To offer people the chance to learn m ore about acupuncture, G anong holds free clinics once a m onth, usually on a Friday. She offers each ind i vidual one hour to familiarize themselves w ith the procedure and answers questions, like how acupuncture can help and how m any treatm ents it m ight take. She also offers one free session so you can experience the treatm ent yourself and see if acupuncture is really for you. T he m ajority o f people decide to return for subsequent visits. Each person responds differently, b u t m ost peo ple feel their condition improves greatly after five to ten visits. In sim ple term s, acupuncture is a Chinese form o f m edicine dating back 5000 to 7000 years. Eastern m edicine's theory is th at there are 12 m eridians connecting to various organs in our bodies, through which energy flows. T he energy m ust flow sm oothly and consistently for you to rem ain in good health. If the energy is blocked or unbalanced, disease or illness result. T he role o f the acupuncturist is to stim ulate the energy through use o f very tiny, sterile, dispos able needles. W hen the needles are placed in the acupuncture points, they help rebalance the ener gy in the body and the meridians. "A cupuncture has a very calm ing effect," says Ganong. "It affects the physical, em otional and spiritual well-being o f a person." This explains one o f the results which is to reduce stress and anxiety. A few o f the other com m on uses for acupuncture are to treat addictions (alcohol, sm oking and drug problem s), w eight loss, headaches, frozen shoulder, stiff neck, low back pain, bad knees, arthritis, organ disorders and female disorders (PMS, or m igraines), colds, sinus disorders and allergies. T his tim e o f year is an excellent tim e to receive acupuncture treatm ents to greatly reduce allergy sym ptom s for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. G anong welcomes anyone who is curious to come to the H einen N aturopathic and Wellness C entre on Friday, April 28 for the next free clin ic to have any questions or concerns addressed. Call for a free treatm ent or for more inform ation at (905) 465-0191. G roup w eb site at w w w .investorsgroup.com (N C ) Kathryn S. Naumetz L L .B . COLLEEN Sales PICKETT Representative S<zte& O b je c tiv e Your hom e sold for I n t r o c fm s i n j j ` J ^ e n tr a ^ s W tic lc lir tf* G o w F o r m a l T tA J C & d o s n s 2 63 C h u r c h Stre e t » (9 0 5 ) 845-2241 Kathryn Naumetz is a well respected lawyer in the Town o f Oakville, who has lived here since 1983. Kathryn went to The University o f British Columbia, and graduated from law in the spring o f 1980. In 1983, Kathryn came to Ontario where she took the Bar Admission Course and was admitted to the Bar o f Ontario in April 1984. In 1984, she went to work with Doug McConachie in Oakville, where she practised a great deal o f family law. Within six moths, Mr. McConachie retired and Kathiyn started her own practice in Oakville. She has had her practice since the fall o f 1984. Presently, Kathryns office is located in the heart o f downtown Oakville. Kathtyn specializes primarily in 90% family law including; Cohabitation Agreements, Marriage Contracts, Separation Agreements, divorces and custody, child support, spousal support, and property division issues. The other 10%consists o f real estate, estates, wills, and power o f attorneys. In law school, Kathiyn stated that she found family law her favourite subject, and especially enjoyed it when she was articling. Kathiyn asserts she enjoys family law with the following exception: "I've had phone calls from prospective clients charged with child abuse who wished to be represented and I turned them down on a matter o f principle," says Kathryn emphatically. Kathryn Naumetz is a warm hearted lawyet, who gives her clients close, individual attention. She has brought to Oakville not only an experienced lawyer, but also a friend. A c < 9 8 % -1 0 0 % o f list price in 30 DAYS or less Call Me For Your M arket Evaluation C all Oakville's #1* N eg o tia to r RE^ M RC almfome. TM *338-9000 ^ Spring Ahec to D aylight Savings 3 46 Lakeshore Rd. E X P IR Y D A T E A P R IL 22X 000 A L L GOWNS 10% OFF 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -2 0 0 2 L ook in g at length for a G reat M ortgage? Look no further. At Canada Trust, you can focus quickly on any one o f our great mortgage options... For m ore inform ation, call: 5.45 % interest rate* CashBack programs Home equity line of credit at rates as low as PR IM E 75 day Rate Guarantee on Transfer or Re-Sale Purchase 1Year Rate Cap on builder purchase, on approval Call me for an in-home pre-approval or consultation I can help you makeyour mortgage decisions crystal dead * R ate Advantage M ortgage introductory rate. A sk for complete details. Rate s u b je a to change w ith o u t notice. Everything from everyday meals to special occasions id corporate events. Dll receive the same personal touch. Call for a consultation. Bronte Centre Pharmacy Serving Bronte fo r over the last 12 years w ith personal and friendly service. M a rie - G a ir e M a s s o u d Pharmacist/ Owner Petra Edwards Manager, Residential Mortgages 905-469-0811 (voice mail) B r in g in th i s a d f o r a 1 5 % d is c o u n t o n s e le c te d ite m s . 78 Jones Street, Bronte (south of Lakeshore) N cc © W j E Great rates. Flexible options. Personal service. n CanadaTrust 47-2823 847-0002 F R E E D E L IV E R Y ! & S LAKESHORE^

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