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Oakville Beaver, 12 Apr 2000, Business, C3

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Wednesday April 12, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C3 Business To reach this section call 845-3824 Fax:337-5567 M a tta m y C orp. pres, in H all o f F a m e Peter Gilgan among three men inducted into Halton Business Hall of Fame By Claudia D'Souza SPECIAL TO THE BBEAVER Self-sufficiency, entrepreneurship, leadership and develop ment are words synonymous with Junior Achievement. At last Thursday night's Junior Achievement Governors' Dinner and 2nd annual Halton Business Hall of Fame Induction, three entrepreneurs were honoured for epitomizing these words. Established in 1999 with the support of the Region of Halton, the Halton Business Hall of Fame is a link between the junior Achievers of today, whose careers are just beginning, and those at the height of their success. The first inductee - Peter Gilgan, president of the Mattamy Corporation, has been dedicated to creating more livable envi ronments for more than 20 years. From his early beginnings as a custom homebuilder, Gilgan never forgot the importance of quality and craftsmanship. Over the years, Mattamy has grown to become the largest homebuilder in Canada, with more than 7,000 homes under its belt. Today, the firm's scope has widened to encompass land acquisition, community development, housing and parkland design and construction with an emphasis on "new urbanism" and the trademark "widelot" building technique. Gilgan's firm has also supported the community by spon soring numerous local recreational, cultural and educational projects. He is the campaign cabinet chair for the new YMCA of Oakville and co-chair of the Mayor's invitational United Way of Oakville softball tournament. For the past three years, Mattamy has been the builder of the Community Foundation of Oakville's Dream Home and has worked with other area builders to design and build the new Wellspring Cancer Support facility. The second inductees - Jobst and Waltraud Gellen - typify the Canadian success story. Arriving in Canada from Germany in 1956 with just $200 in their pockets, their company, MoldMasters, based in Georgetown, has gone on to be the most pro lific patent holders in Canada. Working for a plastics company in the early 1960s, Jobst developed the idea of creating a heating system to convey molten plastic from the injection molding machine nozzle directly to the cavity of an injected mold. When he presented the idea to his employer, he was told to "go out and do the work and let them do the thinking." With the supp®rt of Waltraud, he started Mold-Masters in 1963 from the basement of their home. He went from making small component and machine nozzles to his newly developed "hot runner technology." In a few years, he applied for a patent for innovative cassette cases and won a patent infringement suit waged against him by large companies like B.A.S.F. Over the years, Mold-Masters has grown from five employees to 900. Jobst was recognized as Man of the Year in 1977 by the Society of Plastics Industry. He Cont'd from Page C3 personals DONT you deserve to meet someone nice? C all Misty River Introductions, Burling ton's/ O akville's traditional matchmaker, 416-777-6302 I i h U I lost & found LOST: C ircu la r diam o nd earing. Possibly Mapleview Mall. Reward. 689-8398 GIRL'S pink baby G WatchThursday March 30th at the indoor soccer dom e. Reward. 829-1348___________ FOUND- young female kit ten. G re y ta b b y w ith ora n g e m a rk in g s . D e c la w e d . U p p e r M id d le / Walker's Line. 332-4599 received another award in 1997 by the Society of Engineers that acknowledged his significant contribution to the industry. The company makes notable contributions to the community through sponsoring local sports teams and recently, the Gellerts donated more than $150,000 to the Georgetown District Hospital. The philosophy of the final inductee, George William Line, can be described in four words: fairness enthusiasm, coopera tion and respect. He established himself as a top salesman and product manager in his 20's and in 1968, he began his career with the Canadian Tire Corporation opening his first store in Shawinigan, Quebec. Three years later, Line had tripled the vol ume of sales. In 1974, he relocated to Burlington opening a new store on Fairview Street. In October 1999, he opened Canada's largest Canadian Tire store and in just six months of operation, it became the second largest total volume store in the chain. He has become an icon within the company taking his original sales volume of $128,000 and seven employees to $30,000 mil lion and 235 employees. In 1998, he earned Canadian Tire's Award of Excellence for outstanding performance. Over the years, Line has chaired the Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital Foundation, worked on committees for Burlington Art and Heritage, the Burlington Association for Community Living and the Burlington Bike-A-Thon. He also actively spon sors amateur sports and donates toys to local organizations. N O TIC E OF PUBLIC IN FO RM A TIO N C EN TR E #2 BACKGROUND Monarch Construction Limited, Mattamy Development Co. and Rickmar Holdings Limited are pleased to present the final drafts of the following undertakings. il B ronte C reek a n d G uild V illage Proposed Town of Oakville Official Plan Amendment and Secondary Plan A Secondary Plan has been prepared for a residential neighbourhood comprised of the lands lying west of Regional Road 25 (formerly Highway 25), east of the Bronte Creek Provincial Park, north of Upper Middle Road and south of Dundas Street. (See Map) ii) F o u rte e n M ile C reek M ain a n d W est B ran ch es S u b w a te rsh e d P la n 1 LOOK for your f COMPUCENTRE FLYER Fourteen Mile Creek Main and West Branches Subwatershed Plan has been carried out in accordance with approved procedures contained in the Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Sewage and Water Projects prepared by the Municipal Engineers Association, 1993. (See Map) The lands which will form part of the proposed Secondary Plan are currently designated Industrial, Commercial, Natural Area, Linear Open Space and Special Study Area in the Town of Oakville Official Plan, and for Industrial, Commercial and Open Space Uses, as well as Special Study Area (Palermo Major Transit Node) in the W est Oak Trails Employment Lands Secondary Plan. It is the intent of this undertaking to prepare a Secondary Plan providing for a variety of residential and related uses for these lands, and therefore to redesignate them to Residential, Commercial and Open Space uses as part of a comprehensive official plan amendment. Concurrently, a Subwatershed Plan has been completed. The primary purpose of this component undertaking is to determine areas of environmental sensitivity and develop appropriate management techniques and compatible land use form, which protects and enhances and natural environment. PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE This represents the second Public Information Centre for these projects, the first having been held on April 14,1999. An essential compo nent of the secondary plan process and the preparation of the subwatershed study is pub lic consultation. Members of the public wish ing further information regarding these studies should contact the undersigned. The public are invited to attend the developer-sponsored public information meeting as follows: Place: Richview Golf & Country Club Date: Tuesday, April 18,2000 Open House: 5:00-8:00 p.m. Purpose: To review the Secondary Plan and Subwatershed Plan Study Contact: Mr. Ron Scheckenberger Mr. John Bousfield B o u sfield , D a le-H arris, C u tle r & S m ith 3 Church Street, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M5E 1M2 Phone: (416 ) 947-9744 E-M ail: bdcs@ interlog.com TODAY'S Philips Engineering Ltd. 3215 N. Service Rd., Box 220, Burlington, ON L7R 3Y2 Phone: (905 ) 335-2353 E-Mail: rscheckenberger@ philipseng.com PAPER daycare available PART-TIME childcare avail able in Millcroft area. Stay at hom e mom. A ctivities, walks, lots of TLC. 905-3158957______________________ EXPER IE NC ED European hom e dayca re has lim ited f u ll/ p a r t-tim e p o s itio n s available in a clean loving environment. .Infants-age 5, 7am-5:30pm. Hot nourish ing meals, crafts, activities & lots of interaction. Rea s o n a b le ra te s , re c e ip ts a v a ila b le . R e fe re n c e s upon request. Please call Maria after 5:30. 827-8192 EXPERIENCED, hard-work ing, reliable, live-in Filipino nanny from overseas, seek ing e m p lo ye r to spon sor. Please call Lisa (416) 4 9 6 0562 EX P E R IE N C E D N a n n ie s/ housekeepers in Philippines seeking sponsors. No fee for sponsors. Call Georgina, (416)699-6931.____________ EXPANDING fam ily hopes you will share in raising our newborn. Live-in/ out, non s m o k in g , s o u th e a s t B u r lin g to n hom e. (9 0 5 ) 6 3 1 6091.______________________ F IL IP IN O N a nny (liv e -in ) a v a ila b le . No fe e to e m ployer. P lease ca ll Am ah In te r n a tio n a l. (4 1 6 )2 2 1 3303______________________ NANNY for 17 mos old boy, part-time or full-time. Refer ences. C a ll a fte r 6pm (905)319-1059 Deaths DAUDZ, DAUDZ LA IM E S ! FORGET, Mary (nee Konoplicky) - Peacefully on Saturday, April 8, 2000 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in her 75th year. Beloved wife of Julien. Loving mother of Barbara (husband Douglas Banks), Jeannette (husband Tony Piotto), and Danny (wife Mari Carmen). Predeceased by her son Andrew. Cherished grandmother of: Chris, Mike, Jason, Darryl, Leandra, Amy, Ruth, Megan and Mario. She was also a great-grandmother to W illiam , Mickey, Leah and Jimmy. Family received friends at the Oakview Funeral Home, 56 Lakeshore Road West (one block east of Kerr) Oakville, on Monday from 7-9PM and Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9PM. A Funeral Mass will be held at St. James Parish, 231 Morden Road (Oakville) on Wednesday (Tcday), A pril 12, 2000 at 1:00PM. Internment Trafalgar Lawn Cemetery. Donations can be made to the Kidney Foundation or to the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Renal Unit, 327 Reynolds Street, Oakville, L6J 3L7 Deaths PRITC H AR D , John S tu a rt - Born March 14, 1916; Passed away peacefully on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 0.T.M .H after a lengthy illness. Beloved husband of 60 years to Elizabeth (Betty), loving father of Peter (Tina), Gregory (Barbara) and the late Barry. Dear Granpa of Andy (Christine) and Scott (Vesna). Greal-Granpa of Courtney, Mateja and Delaney. He will be sadly missed by his sister Betty Jurgenson. Visitation will be held on Thursday from 6-9 P.M. at Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds Street, Oakville (905)844-3221. Private family service Friday. In lieu of flowers donations to O.T.M.H. would be greatly appreciated. Thank you to all the caregivers at Churchill Place, O.T.M.H. and Paramed. Their support and kindness are most appreciated VALDA ADLERS B e s t w is h e s o n y o u r 6 0 th B ir th d a y ! PLUMBING Repairs, New In s ta lla tio n s , a lte ra tio n s . B a s e m e n t d ra in s , b a th rooms, drywall, framing, til ing. No J o b T o o S m a ll. Frank, 639-3874.__________ v / | u | handyman D E C K S & F e n ce s. R e crooms, bath, kitchen, d ry wall and stucco. C e ram ic tiling, painting & papering. 681-0426 ENROL IMMEDIATELY 15 Mos. to 6 Years Professional, qualified staff. Complete educa tional daycare experi ence incl: computers. 6:30am-6:00pm. Transportation avail. O P P O R T U N IT Y fo r n u rs in g s tu d e n t or p e rs o n in h e a lth c a re fie ld fo r light duties for a senior lady with illness. Hours: 11pm-7am, M onday-F rida y, in private hom e. Located downtown Oakville. (905)849-9832 InM em oriam s t KJ9{§, Sharron (DateIn loving memory of my wife and the mother of our two children, who left us so sadly last year on April 11th, 1999. It only seems like yesterday you were there with us sharing in our lives. We all faced many challenges this past year but we were guided by your spirit. We miss you so much but we understand now, you can can no longer be with us. Tim and Kian want to tell you "we love you all (he way until the end of the universe". O a k v iew Deaths CLAUS, STEWART JOHNSON - (K o re a n W a r V e te ra n ) a t P e te rb o ro u g h R e g io n a l H e a lth C e n tre o n W e d n e s d a y , J a n u a ry 5, 2 0 0 0 . B e lo v e d h u s b a n d o f B a rb a ra a n d h e r f a m ily . A ls o s u r v iv e d b y tw o g ra n d c h ild re n , h is fa m ily in O a k v ille a n d tw o b ro th e rs , W illia m o f M a rm o ra , D a v id o f E n n is m o re . A M e m o ria l S e rv ic e w ill b e h e ld a t R o y a l C a n a d ia n L e g io n , L a ke fie ld , o n S a t u r d a y , A p r il 1 5 th a t 2 : 0 0 p m . R e c e p t io n t o f o llo w . A r r a n g e m e n t s e n tr u s te d to th e H E N D R E N F U N E R A L H O M E , L a k e fie ld . (7 0 5 -6 5 2 -3 3 5 5 ). FU N ERA L H O M E *##*######* CONNIE Grinbergs, Regis tere d M assage T herapist, n o w a c c e p tin g a p p o in t m ents. C all (905)691-0121 (Milton). _________ 100% Quality Pro Painters100% s a tis fa c tio n g u a r anteed. In te rio r. E xterior. (905)277-1793 or 416-7933339 I painting & decorating ACADEM Y Preschool 3049 Guelph Line (at Hwy.#5) 335-0515, 335-1234 W W Lj % daycare wanted FUN & Loving caregiver for three children in our Headon F orest hom e. 3 d ays/ week. Car essential, references. 332-7047 after 6pm M A T U R E C a re g iv e r re quired for 2 boys (6 & 3) in our home. 80/hrs a month. Days & evenings. Car required. 416-336-8264 Im R E SP O N S IB LE , fun care giver required fo r 2 school aged girls, permanent parttime, 2 days/ week- Tues. & T h u rs .. 1 :30pm - 9:30pm , N o n -s m o k e r. O w n c a r or drivers license. References please. C entral Burlington. (905)639-6237____________ S T . M a rk 's s tu d e n t 7 -y r. old boy requires before/ af ter school care & his sister requires care all morning & after school. 332-4051. S H A R E yo u r n a n n y o r in your home for 2 sweet girl's age 3 & 4. Chisolm School area/ Charnwood. Call Liz 849-8787_________________ W A N T E D lo v in g c a re fo r girls 8&5. 3-4 days/ week. N on-sm oker, R eceipts re quired. Sixth Line & Upper Middle. (905)849-3859 ^ paralegal services PRO M overs. S h ort/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24h rs .. 7 -d a y s /w k . H o m e / business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777 I moving & storage M O N E Y P ro b le m s ? G a r n is h e e s ? T o o m any p a y m ents? O ptio n s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6 3 1 0600 KAY: Karl Edmund - On Monday April 10, 2000 at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in his 90th year. Karl beloved husband of the late Norma. Dear father of Robert and his wife Jessie and the late Carol Graham. Loved grandfather of Emily, Shauna, Kim, Leigh and the late Douglas. Great grandfather of Alexis. Dear brother of Harold, and the late Marjorie and Arthur. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 pm. Thursday. A memorial service will be held Fri day at 1 pm in the chapel. Cremation. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society. Sadly missed 6y your Husband " Ken and your sons Tim & ` Kian. Funderal Directors O a k v ie w . FUNERAL H O M E Our family serving your family A lco ho lics A nonym ous If you drink, th at's your business If you w ant to quit, That's Ours! (4 1 6 ) 48 7 -5 5 9 1 (905) 6 3 1 -8 7 8 4 CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, com fort ers, bed co-ordinates, fab rics, ta b le / c h a ir a c c e ssories. C all Sherry, 6346706. gardening landscaping A E R A T IO N , $35 o r 2 neig h b o rs fo r $60. R ototilling also a vailab le. (905) 3 3 2 -7 0 5 3 o r 6 3 1 7159. Seniors discount. ERION, Mary Aileen Wilson (of Hamilton) - On Saturday, April 8, 2000 in her 95th year. Wife of the late Del Erion. Loved companion of Wm. "Bill* Lockley of Hamilton. Predeceased by her brothers, Frederick and his wife Olive, H.A. Larry" and his wife Dorothy, and J. Douglas, all of Oakville. Sister-in-Law of Mabel Wilson. Dear aunt of Juanita Cronin (of Mississauga), Gail Wilson (of Carcross, Yukon), Douglas G. Wilson, Carol Gall and their families, and the late John Wilson. A private funeral was held at the Oakview Funeral home in Oakville, on Monday, April 10, 2000. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Halton-Wentworth Alzheimer Foundation, 1685 Main Street, West, Suite 206, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S1G5 O a k v ie w McCABE, S e a n C h a rle s - In lo v e a n d m e m o ry o f o u r s o n , b ro th e r a n d fa th e r, w h o p a s s e d a w a y A p ril 13, 1 9 8 7 . D e a r S e a n , A lt h o u g h m a n y y e a r s h a v e p a s s e d , o u r m e m o rie s o f y o u w ill a lw a y s la s t, s o m u c h h a s h a p p e n e d y o u c o u ld n o t s h a r e , b u t in o u r h e a r ts y o u a r e a lw a y s th e r e . W e w ill a lw a y s c h e r is h y o u r g i f t o f lif e f o r u s , f o r o u r tw o g r a n d c h ild r e n w ill a lw a y s k n o w a n d tru s t. Y o u w ill a lw a y s b e s tr o n g in o u r h e a rts , lo v e d re m e m b e re d a n d m is s e d . M o m , D a d , D e b b ie a n d S h a n n o n a n d c h ild re n . 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral D irectors · D o n C la rk e ·G re g o ry S id o ra ·T in a Q u e n n e v ille ·J o h n M u rp h y 842-2252 FUN ERAL H O M E A V A IL A B L E to w alk your dog. 1hr./day. Mon-Fri,. Ap pleby Line to D o w ntow n Burlington area. Call 6 3 7 1329._____________________ PET lover w anted fo r o c cassional pet sitting in my hom e, C o ro n a tio n P a rk a re a . Ide a l fo r s e n io rs . 825-2638. H A T O M USIC te a ch e rs nee d e d especially in Guitar, Piano, Vocal, etc Experience an a s s e t. but not necessary. Training will be p ro v id e d . C a ll/ le a v e message 905-634-8633 I daycare available L IC E N S E D , C P R c e r ti fie d . N o n -s m o k in g , p ark setting, monthly activity cal endar, 2 years plus. Lynne (905)842-6478.____________ R E LIA B LE Daycare avail able full/ part-time, 7 years e x p e rie n c e . R e fe re n c e s available. Headon Forest/ H e adon Rd. ( 9 0 5 ) 3 3 2 7870. M O T H E R S H e lp e r re q u ire d 3 d a y s p e r w e ek Help with 4 mo. old and 18 m o. o ld a n d h o u s e h o ld chores. (905)257-7508. M O TH ER S h e lp e r/ nanny needed part-tim e, pay de pended on exsperience. call 3 3 9 -8 8 4 2 _________________ NANNY need for 8 year old in my home. Mon-Friday be fore/ after school. Good sal a ry base d on 40 h w eek. R e s p o n s ib le . m a tu re person. D L /car p referred, r e fe re n c e s , lig h t h o u s e k e e p in g a n d m e a l p re p . (905)469-1035 CO F A I R 2 0 0 0 Hol i day Inn Ex pr es s , Oakvi ll e

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