Sunday, April 9, 2000 TH E O A K V IL L E BEA V ER 5 B lended c h o ir m ay jo in ecum enical E aster service (Continued from page 3) Church choir and the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir (and she also wants to be known as the mother of Stephen Sitarski, concert master and interim artistic advisor for the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra), w ill be among the voices that w ill fill St. Andrew's auditorium on Wednesday, April 12th with the well-known music written by George Frederick Handel over 250 years ago. " We just have about a half-dozen from our own choir and the rest are people whom we have garnered from everywhere else," says Sitarski, explaining that a letter was sent out to a number of churches in January and the choristers began streaming in short ly after that. " We had about 20 at our first meeting on January 29th. And they spread WINNER BEST INTERIOR DESIGNER the word." This blended choir was the brainchild of Diana Isherwood, director of the youth choir at St. Andrew's, but Isherwood soon passed the ball to Sitarski who has been car rying it ever since. And it's easy to understand Isherwood's choice when you see Sitarski open a binder chock-full of singers' biographies, atten dance sheets, printed flyers, schedules, tick et prices, phone numbers, seating plans, etc., all organized in such a way that any piece of information can be extracted at a moment's notice. Charles Demuynck, director of the Oakville Chamber Orchestra (O CO), is conducting this special choir for the Easter Messiah concert. The choristers w ill be accompanied by the OCO along with a 9 7 , 9 8 & 99 "We' re expecting anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000people. The Kiwanis will be serving breakfast afterwards. This is major." harpsichord player, a trumpet player and well-known organist Ian Sadler. The members of this choir are working so well together that they are already being recruited for the special ecumenical Easter service scheduled to take place at 6:20 a.m. on Easter Sunday in Coronation Park. " W e're expecting anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 people. The Kiwanis w ill be serv ing breakfast afterwards. This is major," says Sitarski of the outdoor Easter service, adding that many choir members have been asking if the Messiah performance w ill become an annual event. " I know Mr. Demuynck would like to do it again, but do some other piece and use the same chorus to do another big work, rather than the Messi ah again." Tickets for this special choir's first per formance of Handel's Messiah on April 12th at 8 p.m. are $20 each and are avail able by calling Sitarski at 842-9123. " If anyone wants a ticket, they'd better get it soon," she warns. " Don't wait. If you wait until the end, you won't have a ticket." Proceeds from this concert, after expens es, w ill go to Jubilee 2000 Initiative o f Canadian Churches, an ecumenical endeavour designed to alleviate the suffer ing of the poor in Third World countries. SAVE iu pio3 0 % a m ilte ii Q y n te ti o t S D e c c r n tin c f E-mail Address: Website: Phone/Fax 8 2 . 9 -- £k$A Q W I N N E R B E S T I N T E R I O R D E S I G N E R ' 9 7 , 9 8 & 99 F org A li I n te r io r Y ou M u st S ee A c o m p lete h o m e o f cu sto m m a d e w ro u g h t iron a n d f i n e f u r n itu r e b u ilt ex clu sively to su it. LECTION OF D BUNKS. · NO PAYMENTS · NO INTEREST FO R 1 YEAR -- t h e ----------------------S le e p F a c t o r y 0.A.C SEE STORE FOR DETAILS Factory Outlet Q E W Factory O utlet Q E W Ul S Q -J z Ul z F A IR V IE W r S T R E E T ST . < / > -i " CD m Mf -J CL a. _ 5 S P E E R S R D . o Q s III Ul * -i N E W < cc 5 2111 DUNWIN DR. MISSISSAUGA, ON. 606 RIVERMEDE RD CONCORD, ON. < 9 0 5 -8 2 0 -9 4 6 1 Mon., foes., Wed. 10-8, H u * , F A 10-8, Sat 10-8, Sul 12-5 pm 9 0 5 -7 6 1 -1 1 6 7 N i t j Hwy 17 401 l-nrad. · · · · FREELayaway Disposal of old mattress available We accept all forms of payment Senior Citizen Discount Please visit our website at · · · · We make any size of mattress Delivery and set-up available Over 25,000 sq. ft. of factory Financing Available 4 9 0 S p e e rs R o ad , OAKVILLE 8 4 2 - 3 3 6 8 Phone Orders Accepted 4 4 6 0 F a irv ie w S t., BURLINGTON 6 8 1 - 9 0 2 0 lehind McDonald's J Please visit our website at SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY FOR OVER 21 YEARS Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10-6 p.m.Jhurs.-Fri. 10-9 p.m., Saturday 9-6 p.m., Sunday 11-5 p.m Remember, we are the factory.