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Oakville Beaver, 9 Apr 2000, A25

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Sunday, April 9, 2000 Oakville Beaver Weekend 25 A to m A A (Continued from page 24) CBnoe and rugby clubs hold open houses next weekend The Oakville-based Bu rloak Canoe Club, which settled for a bronze medal last season after two consecutive gold at the national club champi onships, is hosting its open house next weekend, Saturday and Sunday (A pril 15/16), 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Despite Olympic gold medalists and many current elite international athletes in the fold, don't be intimidated. It's also very much a grass roots, community oriented group. New this year is Dragon Boat Racing. They'll offer it to club mem bers and to outside groups interested in accessing the club's equipment and expertise. C all the club at 338-8287. Garrett Ince, Justin W ilson-Kirby and Kevin Lee who each had goals. Assists were from Brett Thompson, M illigan, Mark Kingston and Joel Brooks. The series opened with O akville on the wrong end of a 7-6 overtime shootout. The lead went back and forth, with the Rangers scoring the equalizer late in the third, but to no avail, as Caledon replied in sudden death overtime. Goals for Oakville were from Justin W ilson-Kirby (2), Michael Scholz (2), Andrew Amodeo and Brett Thompson. Assists were from M ichael Lorenz (3), A li Robitaille (2), Matt Riddell (2), Fraser M illigan, Jam ie Beaver and Kevin Lee. Every team has a backbone of support -- from those on the front lines to others behind the scenes. Most prominent on the front lines is head coach Bob Lee whose stately pres ence behind the bench has influenced the players to be themselves and to be their best. His unwavering commitment to fair and descent hockey playing w ill be with the boys a long time (whether they w ill be conscious of this or not). Also on the front lines: assistant coach Dom inic Amodeo whose passion for the game became a motivation for the players to perform; team manager and interim assistant coach Nancy Brooks for under taking the often under-rated task of orga nizing and communicating whatever was in the players' best interests and for lend ing a calming influence on the bench; and trainer Dave Bandy for his professional and genuine care of the boys' physical and sometimes emotional well-being. Thank you Dom inic, Nancy and Dave. The atom A A Rangers are also grateful for the gracious help of the rest of their backbone -- their sponsors. The Oakville-based Crusaders rugby club, last season, had its top team reach the provincial championship in the top division before finally being bested by the Irish Canadians. But don't let that intimidate you. The Crusaders run a huge slate of programs with teams for virtually all ages and levels, for both male and female. Registration w ill be held next Saturday (A p ril 15) from 10 a.m. onwards. Meanwhile the club's top three sides are hosting exhibition action this Saturday (A p ril 8) against some teams from Michigan with the thirds on at noon, seconds at 1:30 p.m. and first-fifteen at 3 p.m. Come out and take a look. Gatquatic Divers in weekend meets The Gatquatic Divers competed in a meet in London last week end, picking up 13 medals, including several by Oakville competi tors. Here are the results for the Oakville divers: C H ELSEA LEGGAT (level 3, Girls U-12): 2nd on 1-metre board; RACHEL PED RO S (level 3, Girls 12-13): 1st on 1-metre board) M ELISSA MELIA (level 3, Girls 12-13): 2nd on 1-metre board) JEN N IFE R C O PPEN (level 3, Girls 12-13): 7th on 1-metre board) KELLY GOOD (level 3, Girls 14-15): 5th on 1-metre board) KATIE QUINLAN (level 2, Girls 12-13): 4th on 1-metre board); 3rd on 3-metre board. ESTH ER FRANCOEUR (level 1, Girls over-16): 2nd on 1-metre board; 5th on 3-metre board) Earlier, the Gatquatic Divers, which are based in Oakville and Burlington, hosted their own meet at Centennial Pool in Burlington. The hosts finished second out of the eight clubs and picked up 16 medals, including several by Oakville competitors. Here are the results for the Oakville competitors. CH ELSEA LEGGAT (level 3, Girls U-12): 1st on 1-metre board; M ELISSA MELIA (level 3, Girls 12-13): 1st on 1-metre board. Of special note, it was her first formal competition!) JEN N IFER McCOPPEN (level 3, Girls 12-13): 8th on 1-metre board) KELLY GOOD (level 3, Girls 14-15): 6th on 1-metre board) EST H ER FRANCOEUR (level 1, Girls over-16): 2nd on 1-metre board; 3rd on 3-metre board). ARROWSMITH SCHOOL Providing a solution fo r learning disabilities Does y o u r child h a v e difficulty w ith · D y sle x ia · R e a d in g · W riting · M athem atics · Rem em b erin g · U n d e rstan d in g · A .D .D . Arrowsmith School invites you to attend one o f its WEDNESDAY EVENING OPEN HOUSES from 5:00 p.m. to 8:30 pm on · April 12»h, 2000 · May 17th, 2000 · June 14th, 2000 Arrowsmith School has been achieving success strengthening weak learning capacities for over tw enty years. For further information, please contact HaltonSeardi.c\^n . . j u t f 'f r c t i c k r t u m y ! .A ARROWSMITH SCHOOL 1216 Yonge Street, Suite 102 Toronto Ontario M4T 1W1 (opposite the Summerhill subway station) Phone: (4 1 6 ) 9 6 3 - 4 9 6 2 F ax: (4 1 6 ) 9 6 3 - 5 0 1 7 W e b : w w w .a rro w s m ith s c h o o l.o rg GIGANTIC rr- O akville M inor Summer H ockey L eague May - August Schedule Including " vacation week" to assist with holiday planning. O O O O O Non-contact 14-game schedule No weekends or Fridays Prime time evening games Games on brand new Olympic size River Oaks surface O Balancing o f teams O Divisions for boys & girls ages 5-15 O Trophies & awards O Certified officials O Coaching & sponsorship positions available O No fundraising 2000 IN T R E P ID ES 23L Pkg. A re you betw een 6 & 16 yrs o f ag e? (a s _ o fA u £ .J 3 1 )____ R E G IST E R O N W EDNESDAY, A P R IL 12 4:30-5:30 P.M AT R IV E R OAKS C O M M U N IT Y C E N T R E O R PHONE (905)510-1447 T h is is n o t affiliated w ith the M O H A #179978 · Power roof, power seat · ABS · CD · Keyless entry · Alum inum wheels A staff with several years of coaching, officiating & league administration experience guarantees a well-organized & quality league for your child. 2000 4&0 FOOTBALL REGISTRATION S a tu rda y A pril 15th 9 a m - 1 p> m Birth Certificate and Health Can Jard Required GOT THE ITCH TO PLAY? n . It' s awesome!! Come On Down and Place Your Order Today! paym ents include all taxes, adm in, fees, freight! etc. $5,000 cash or trade, paym ents based on Royal y Back Finance Program. All rebates plus coupons, plus incentives have been included. f A $50 fundraising 'r t e p e n c B ig r ) commitment is required. a l l e q u ip m e n t GOLF AN D COUNTRY CLUB One o f the BEST 27 Hole Championship g olf courses in the area. · Excellent Range & Practice Facility 'Teaching · Putting Green · Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner open 7 days Carlisle G & C. 523 Carlisle Rd. Carlisle, Ont. LOR 1H0 a g e ere SUPPLIED EXCEPT FOOTWEAR W E WILL NQT BE UNDERSOLD! U REGISTER EARLY L O C A T I O N: E q u ip m e n t C e n tr e (behind Nelson High School) (M K V E L ED Q O G EG H R V S IE RJEP 646 4th Line, Speers Road, Oakville w Q.E.W. Speers Rd. 845-4211 w w w .o a k v ille d o d g e .c o m & 5 $ <5 Tel: 90 5-689-8820 1-8 00-661-4343 F a x:905-689-2249 SENIOR DISCOUNTS BURLINGTON MINOR FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION 1 Mot^u^Monijn2^>efor^®^m^^^^TMn'beronji^CANEF^rou|K>fCompames For more information check out our website at www.ieaguelineup.com/burlington or 657-2055 Nothing improves homework like improved reading skills. If your child is struggling with homework, it could be a reading or comprehension problem. Sylvan can help. w w w .e d u c a te .c o m 1155 N o rth S e rv ic e Rd. W., U nit #7, O a k ville (905) 4 6 9-644 0 54 V illag e C en tre P lace, M is s is s a u g a (9 0 5 ) 566-9111

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