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Oakville Beaver, 5 Apr 2000, D5

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Wednesday, April 5, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER USi =SURFACE r PREPARATION T R A C T O R T R A ILE R D R IV E R S Required by Canada Cartage System Limited Full/ Part Time Positions Available Your Choice HOUSECLEANER required to join our team. Paid train ing. Hourly wage. Own car an asset. Days only. Call (905)-336-1489___________ SELF motivated individuals (M /F) required for te m p o ra ry , e n e rg e tic o u td o o r work. Flexible hours. D.L. needed. 905-875-7665 F L O R A L A s s is ta n t- P arttime. Must be available to work evenings & weekends (O a k v ille ), C a ll G le n y s 905-842-7673_____________ DE TAILER / Prep required fo r busy c o llis io n centre. Terrace Ford Lincoln. Noreen 632-3556_____________ SEAMSTRESS/ Tailor, with experience, w anted. Must be sincere and committed. Call (905)847-6515________ GENERAL L a b o u re r required for swimming pool e xcavating com pany. Call (905)466-7736_____________ I telemarketers "Our vision is to be the global leader in providing the environm entally preferred total solution fo r surface preparation needs." T E C H N IC A L SYSTEMS C O O R D IN A TO R In this role, you will assist in th e d e v elo p m e n t, im plem entation, training anil d ocum entation o f cu rre n t m anagem ent systems (softw are-oriented). Working w ith ACAD d ocum en t m anagem ent softw are and Microsoft Office, you have a diplom a in technology an d /o r co m p u ter related program m ing skills. 2 -3 years' practical experience are also required. J C IT Y . Experienced Print Advertising Representative Required Class AZ License, Dangerous Goods City/ Highway- Rat Deck/ Vans Days/Nights - Some hand bombing required. Apply C anada C a rtag e System Ltd. 1561 T h e Q ueensw ay Toronto, O N M 8Z 1T8 or call fo r appointm ent (416)259-5454 arent M E T R O LA N D IN TE R M E D IA TE S A LES R EPR ESEN TA TIVE W e have an immediate opening for an experienced sales representative who is highly motivated and can achieve results! Be part of an award winning sales team with an attractive compensation package, including salary, comm ission, bonuses and gas allowance. PROJECT SCHEDULER Strong M icrosoft P roject 98, Word and Excel skills com plem ent your expertise in AutoCAD You are a strong com m unicator, fluent in both verbal and w ritten English. P lease fo rw a rd y o u r r e s u m e to ( 9 0 5 ) 3 1 9 - 7 8 8 1 . E-m ail at ssto d u ls@ b lastclean in g .co m COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES Need immediately in Oakville area. QUALIFICATIONS: Interested in education, fluent in English, good people skills, and flexibility. JOB DESCRIPTION: Speak to parents/students about education & book appointments for free evaluations. Full training provided. Flexible hours on Sat. & Sun. U L T R A M A T IC re q u ire s app ointm ent setters M on day to Friday, 5pm -10pm . $9/hr + bonus. Leads/train in g p ro v id e d . C a ll M rs. Young 333-1737 after 1pm. 2 o f C a n a d a 's le a d in g v e rtic a l p u b lic a tio n s re q u ire fu ll tim e e x p e rie n c e d a d v e rtis in g s a le s re p re s e n ta tiv e s . C o m p e n s a tio n in c lu d e s , c o m p e titiv e s a la ry , m ile a g e a n d c o m m is s io n p a c k a g e P le a s e fo rw a rd re s u m e to : Director of Advertising Y o u r resp o n sib ilities include: -servicing and growing existing accounts -prospecting for and acquiring new accounts -preparing formal written and visual presentation w w w .u sfilter.com ^ hair, beauty salon help H A IR S T Y L IS T & E sthetician required. Full or parttim e. Please call Haircraft (905)845-7671 Make an Impression. The Shoe Company seeks individuals who can fill our shoes at our Oakville and Mississauga stores. Fax resume to: Cheryl (905) 709-3045 IN STA LLER Entry level position for awning manufacturing com pany. Problem s olvin g a b ilitie s , fa m ilia r w ith constructio n to ols, clean d riving record, energetic, tid y ap pearance. M ail / or fax to: P.O. Box 878, Oakville L6J 5C5 or fax (905) 847-1059 at 4 6 7 S p e e rs R d O a k v ille , O N . L 6K 3 S 4 o r fa x (9 0 5 ) 3 3 7 -55 7 1 D e a d lin e fo r s u b m is s io n s is A p ril 15th Y o u r q u alifications include: -2 years + proven sales record -a keen desire to succeed and advance -the ability to manage several products concurrently -good communication, organization and team skills Academy for Mathematics & Science Accounts Payable Associate Required immediately for a fast paced, rapidly grow ing manufacturing company located in Mississauga. The successful applicant will have 3-5years of senior experience in A/P processing and authorized, G/L entries, intercompany transactions, inventory and standard costing exposure. Possessing a Business/ Accounting diploma while being eager to continue personal development w ill complete your qualifica tions. You must be motivated, detailed oriented, thor ough, accurate and have excellent communication skills. If qualified, please fax resume in confidence to the HR Manager at (905) 858-3386. STUDENTS WANTED DELIVERY CREW Wednesday,Friday After School Saturday 1 0 - 4 Must be 15 years of age or older If interested apply to: Reply in confidence to: Director of Advertising 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 no phone calls please M a n a g e rs in T ra in in g We are looking for outgoing, enthusiastic people with previous retail management experience. We offer a competitive compensation package and outstanding opportunities for advancement. Take your resume to the Oakville Town Centre II, (Dorval and the QEW) or Dundas and Winston Churchill, (3235 Dundas St. W.) or e-mail us at: ttracey@townshoes.com We th a n k a ll a p p lic a n ts ; how ever, o n ly those s e le cte d fo r an in te rv ie w w ill be contacted. Andre at HSP DIGITAL GRAPHICS Seeks people for the following positions: Digital Pre-Press · Airbrush Artist · Digital Printers. · T H E O A K V IL L E B E A V E R 8 4 4 -0 5 7 7 office-clerical office-clerical M j>UQ[ COMPANY M EN S ·W O M EN S · KIDS HALTON HELPING H A N DS Requires considerate Cleaning Help for the Burlington area. 1Ability to w ork w ith seniors & physically disabled. ' Reliable transportation required. Paid training and travel allowance. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Self-starter with good people skills, who would enjoy a challenge in a small corporate office, where a dayto-day 'seamless' operation is essential! You are highly motivated and always well organized. Minimum 5 years previous experience in a similar po sition Excellent communication skills, M icrosoft Word, Excel, Lotus 123, WordPerfect (on-off-site training in other other computer packages as required. Basic accounting ability. Excellent health/ dental benefits. Non-smoking envi ronment. Downtown Oakville location - Oakville Transit nearby Apply in writing. Include resume/references to: Select Energy] HtaUng A M r CornHrJoning he. J Fax resume to: (905)335-5379 7 5 -P E R S O N te c h n o lo g y c o m p a n y b a s e d in th e O akville C orporate C entre seeks Accounting Clerk to jo in our O p e ra tio n s D iv i sion and assist in daily fi nancial settlem ents for our custom ers. Please e-mail re s u m e s to : c a re e rs ® tcscan.com with subject of "A c c o u n tin g C le rk " No phone calls please.________ R A PIDLY grow ing electric motor & pum p repair shop is looking fo r self-starting, independent individuals to f ill th e fo llo w in g : E x p e ri e n c e d / T ra in e d W in d e r/ M e c h a n ic s A p p re n tic e W in d e r/ M e c h a n ic - S hop Hand/ Driver. Serious ap plicants only, please fax re s um e s ta tin g p o s itio n to: 905-639-9664 I office-clerical L ^ w iiiia s E c w , SA L E S R E P R E SE N T A T IV E We're Enbridge Services, an energy services business that is focused on ensuring that residential customers' needs are met through convenient and innovative products and superior customer service. We currently have opportunities in the Burlington and Oakville areas. You will primarily sell value-added HVAC products and services to existing and potential customers, as well as facilitate product promotion, installation and servicing while fostering strong customer relation ships. Ideally, you have experience in a sales role and you have, or plan to complete, HRAI certification for HVAC programs and design. Hours of work will fluctuate around the needs of customers, and may include evenings and weekends. We offer a competitive compensation package and an excellent benefits package. To find out more about joining our growing team, send your resume to: District Manager, 4361 Harvester Road., Unit 2, Burlington, ON, L7L 5M4 ////////// gA FE TY C A R J? TELEPHONE SALES Are you: · Tired of not being rewarded for a job well done · W anting to earn a higher income · Looking fo r a new challenge · Motivated and goal driven · Able to start a new career im mediately If so, we are offering the opportunity fo r 2 people to join ou r successful team in ou r Burlington office. Our company is a leader in the field of Safety Training Videotapes and Training Manuals. We are offering: · A full tim e Telephone Sales role · Security under the um brella of an International Company · An opportunity to w ork w ith a well established client base · M ost im portantly, the infrastructure to guarantee success So, if this sounds like you, call Ed Aasman at (905) 631-6070 to discuss the position further. help wanted U N IV E R S IT Y P o o l S e rv ice is busier than ever. We are looking for motivated in d iv id u a ls fo r o u r s e rv ic e crews, and office staff. Ex perie nce is not necessary but preferred. Forward re su m e to: 4 8 1 -1 4 N o rth S ervice Rd. W ., O akville. O n. L6M 2V6, Fax: (905) 827-4535._________________ W A N T E D : E x p e rie n c e d D riv e r / D e liv e ry P e rson needed for residential furni tu re d e liv e ry c o m p a n y . Heavy lifting involved, neat appearance a must. Knowl edge of Golden Horseshoe help fu l. Persons app lyin g need to show d riv e r's a b s tra c t. F ax re s u m e to (905)631-8999_____________ C O M E B o o g ie w ith us! Fred Astaire Dance Studio n e e d s 25 e n th u s ia s tic , attractive people to train to become Dance Instructors. No experience necessary!. W e train, good pay +many benefits including expense paid trips. C all between 2pm -6pm (905)842-3797 , 225 L a k e s h o re R d .E . Oakville. A R E you B u rlin g to n 's #1 Telemarketer, if so join our team! Two full-time people re q u ire d . G re a t h o u rly w age, plus bonuses, plus benefits. No cold callin g / leads provided. Computer skills a must. Professional o ffic e a tm o s p h e re . C a ll Rick 905-331-0112________ LA N D S C A P IN G com pany requires: C rew C hief with 3-5years experience.; Also re q u ire d s e v e ra l C re w m e m b e rs fo r g e n e ra l g ro u n d s m a in te n a n c e . Leave m essage (24hr re s p o n s e ). C a ll 9 0 5 -3 3 6 3 6 0 3 , o r fa x re s u m e to: 905-336-7285_____________ L A D IE S & M en's L o c k e r Room Attendants required p a rt-tim e o r fu ll-tim e . E x p e rie n c e an a s s e t, h o w e v e r, we w ill tra in to develop required skills. Shift w o rk in clude s weekends. A p p ly at: C e d a r S p rin g s Health. Racquet & Sports C lu b . 9 6 0 C u m b e rla n d Ave.. Burlington Call Nancy or Pam (905)844-0252 or fax: (905) 844-5656 Environmental Services Ltd. is a progressive entrepreneurial company that specializes in environmental industrial products. We currently require 3 GENERAL MANUFACTURING LABOURERS. If you are interested in becoming part of the "Can-Ross Team" please FAX your resume attention Steve Miller... (905) 847-7175 The Oakville Beaver, Box# 6256 467 Speers Rd., Oakville ON L6K 3S4 Administrator/Coordinator · · · · · · · · · · · · · A leading distributor of industrial equipment requires the services of an organized, assertive and pro active individual who works well under pressure. Dtrttes-indticteT administrative services, order desk, implementation of marketing strategies and working closely with the Sales & Service Team. Computer skills required: WORD, EXCEL and ACCESS. Lot Person / Detailer Required FULL-TIME. Duties to include cleaning and detailing new and used vehicles and general lot maintenance. Drivers license required. Neat, punctual, self-motivated people please deliver resume in per son to Philip M itchell o r Brian Licach, at: P/T Legal Secretary Exp'd in residential real estate. Join lively office with flexible hours. Send resume, in strict confidence, to: HAXEU SMITH LAW OFFICES 467 Speers, 2nd Fir Oakville L6K3S4 MATURE Retail store clerk wanted. Part Time. Apply B ox # 2 0 9 8 T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r, 467 S p e e rs Rd, Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 or fax 905-632-1738 A Professional Sales Opportunity... Ennisclare Interiors, an expanding, visionary retail marketer of fine furniture & related services, has an im m ediate op p o rtu n ity lo r experienced Sales Professionals. Successful candidates w ill possess an in-depth un derstanding of fine furniture products, manufacturers and related services, as well, they w ill have interior decorating/ design skills and the ability to offer our customers the assistance they requires both in our showroom and in their home when required. Also, they must have the ability to work positively and harmoni ously within a cohesive and dynamic team of sales professionals. We offer an aggressive, lead producing marketing and advertising program as well as a compensation and benefit program that exceeds industry standards. If you are interested in pursuing this exciting oppor tunity, forward your resume with a covering letter to the address shown below. (All resumes will be treated with complete confidentiality.) M r. R. Bigg, General Manager Please forward resume to: F airview N issan 3497 Fairview St., Burlington J u lie A scah 2751 C o ven try R oad O akville, ON L6H 5V 9 Fax: (905) 829-1842 Maclean's R eEXCELLENCE DEALER Of DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Required at our head office in Burlington. This position reports to the VP ot Human Resources, and supports 5 managers. The role requires someone who is customer service oriented, multi-tasking, able to prioritize and strong PC skills. Preference will be given to bilingual candidates and candidates with a HR background, must have a minimum of 5-7 years experience. Please forward resume to: D. MacMillan; McLean's "Dealer of Excellence" FAIRVIEW, NISSAN Offers an exceptional opportunity for an NORTH AMERICA'S MOST DYNAMIC CHAIN o f salons requires Experienced AUTOMOTIVE SALES PROFESSIONAL We provide unlimited potential with the areas largest volume Nissan dealer for talented team players. Neat, punctual, self-motivaled people please call s*- HAIRSTYLISTS ;v IN OAKVILLE AND BURLINGTON W e o ffe r g re a t c o m m is s io n s ; c a re e r advancement throughout North America; flexible w ork hours and a solid benefit program. Brian or Phil at (905) 681-2162 O AKVILLE based cleaning c o m p a n y re q u ire s O ffic e co-ordinator, Mon-Fri, 9am3pm. Tem porary position p o ssibility leading to per m an e n t fu ll-tim e . R ig h t candidate will be self-motiv ated, good ty p in g sk ills , e x c e lle n t pho ne m anner. S end re s u m e w ith han d written cover letter to: 3206 V ic to ria S treet., O akville, L6L-5R2___________________ OFFICE Assistant required fo r e n g in e e rin g firm . G e n e ra l o ffic e d u tie s in clude reception , typing, c le ric a l. E x c e lle n t c om m u nicatio n s k ills and Word Perfect proficiency re quired. Reply to Halsall As sociates Limited, 5205 Har vester Road, Unit 4A, Burlingti to (9 '905)333-3903 O P TO M E TR IST A ssista nt wanted. $12/hr. Optical ex p e rie nce an asset. 32-40 h o u rs a w e ek. L o c a tio n w e st end M is s is s a u g a . Send resume to: P.O. Box 4 2 3 3 , c /o M is s is s a u g a News, 3145 Wolfedale Rd., Mississauga, ON L5C 3A9 M AJOR Financial Institution seeking part-tim e Adm inis tra to rs and U n derw riters. M ust be a va ila b le fo r fu ll time hours if needed. Mort gage background an asset, But not a necessity. Please fax resume 905-523-4083 R EC E PTIO N IS T/ H ostess fo r p a rt-tim e w e e k e n d s , 1 2 :3 0 p m -5 :3 0 p m in th e O akville area. P lease fax resume to 905-469-0616 PERSO N Frida y required by north Burlington compa ny. 4-hours daily. Fax resume to: (905)332-7748. MATURE Retail store clerk wanted. Part Time. Apply B o x #2 0 9 8 T h e O a k v ille B e aver, 467 S p e e rs Rd, Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 sales help & agents P A R T -T IM E S a le s h e lp wanting to work weekends. Selling lawn fu rn itu re and sheds. Suitable for retired person. Salary plus comm. Call Ren's Feed. 905-257-4611 SE LF m otivated sales ori e n te d g e n e ra l in s u ra n c e c o m m e rc ia l p ro d u c e r fo r W e s t end o ffic e . P le a s e s e n d re s u m e to : 1011 Upper Middle Rd. East, Box 86011 Oakville ON L6H 5V6 SODEXHO MARRIOTT SERVICES 3350 South Service Rd, Burlington, ON, L7N 3M6 TO ARRANGE FOR AN INTERVIEW, PLEASE CALL KYM: (905) 849-8808 Fax: 905-681-3021 Only candidates selected will be nolilied. Ennisclare Interiors 1075 North Service Rd. W ,, U nit 22 Oakville, ON L6M 2G2 Attendant Service Worker Joyce Scott Non-Profit Homes Inc. needs persons with good personal skills, who are physically fit and have a desire to support adults with physical disabil ities. Employment is P/T and must be available on weekends. Training is provided and successful can didates will be subject to a Criminal Reference Check. DATA ENTRY CLERK Self-starter who would enjoy a challenge in a small corporate office. You are highly motivated and well organized. Minimum 3-5 years previous experience in a similar position, good communication skills, verbal & written, computer skills- Microsoft Word, Excel, Lotus 123, WordPerfect (on-site training lor our trans portation package) Excellent health/dental benefits, non-smoking envi ronment, downtown Oakville location - Oakville Transit nearby Apply in writing, include resume/references to: No phone calls pleaseI Large Oakville Autom otive dealership requires 515 skilled & technical help skilled & technical help Fax resume to: (905) 878-6449 o r contact (905) 878-6722 7 J q jO i L E A SH OME. Tiger Lease Inc. is looking for hard working people who strive lor excellence. Now hiring: ·T ru ck Mechanics · 3rd year Apprentices · Service Writers · Parts Personnel Position available at following locations. Benefits and pension plan available. Please fax resume to: 519-634-5052 ATTN: Mike Bolender Automotive detailer & Lot person Permanent full-time. Wages w ill depend on experi ence. The company offers great working environment and benefits. If you have experience and/ or are a dedicated hard working individual, send your resume to box 6259, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, L6K3S4 hospital, medical, dental hospital, medical, dental ik NEW Faces W anted-Kids/ Teens, all age s/ sizes for fashion/ hair shows, movie extra s, cata lo g w ork, TV. $20-90/hr. (905)-336-5455 SILK Screener required for bottle decorating. In-house facility for manufacturer re q u ire s fle x ib le , d e p e n d able, quality concious per son. Experience preferred. Full Time. Apply in person: Truso Limited, Unit 2, 2416 Wyecroft Road, Oakville. S A LES Position, part-time, downtown Oakville. Ladies W ear store, 2 days/ week. S uit m ature, enthusiastic, fashion minded person who enjoys people. $9/hr.+ com m is s io n . C a ll P a ul (905)845-2031, days. CLEANER, part-time, every other weekend. 6-hrs each Sat & Sun. Luxury condo. Lakeshore Rd., East B ur lington. Must live within 15 m in drive from building/ on call for emergency. Fax re sume: 416-255-1146. M ICROFILM Service. O ak v ille c o m p a n y re q u ire s general labour, full & parttim e days. $ 7 .75/hr. plus benefits. Fax resume/ letter to : (9 0 5 )8 2 5 -1 3 3 8 ; C a ll (905)825-1166____________ S U P E R IN T E N D E N T , e x perienced, 80 unit seniors b u ild in g , e x c e lle n t s c h e d u le , b e n e fits a n d rem u neration. 2-bedroom a p a rtm e n t in c lu d e d . R e ferences required . Fax resume: (905)873-8378 SP R IN G fe v e r! F u ll-tim e positions- w ork no nights, no w e e k e n d s . R e lia b le , m ature. B e nefits/ tra in in g / tra n s p o r ta tio n p ro v id e d . D.L. required. C all M olly Maid, 905-681-7484_______ T E LE M A R K E T E R S and S a le s D e a le rs N e e d e d . (Sales dealers sign up for free one week only). Work fro m ho m e . F u ll o r p a rttime. CaD Avon, (905)336-0477 BICYCLE assem bly- 510S i 6./hr. Piece work. Bur lin g to n / O a k v ille / M is s is s a u g a . F lu e n t E n g lis h . P re v io u s e x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . C a ll J a s o n 416 809-9736 or 519-942-3113 FOR The Oakville Beaver, Box# 6256 467 Speers Rd., Oakville ON L6K 3S4 FAST SERVICE, 535 CUSTOMER SERVICE & OFFICE ASSISTANT This Oakville based company is looking for a flexible, highly energetic, self-motivated reliable person to work on a fulltime/ part-time basis assisting the Cus tomer Service department. Initially 24 hours a week, with days and hours flexible. Duties include Customer Order Entry, Filing, Mailings, Handling Office Phone, Communication with Sales Force. Ideal background incls computer skills (Excel/Word), and positive atti tude in working in a small corporate sales office. Forward resume/ details to: Box 6260, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 535 FAX YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS TO On Call Coordinator for Oakville Nursing Agency Required to respond to all calls received after office hours. WE NEED: · Exceptional customer & communication skills · Needed for every 3rd weekend & 1 evening call per week. · When on call required to pickup & deliver books on a daily basis. SERVICE PERSONNEL G ro w in g S p e cia lty Tire Co. · Permanent Position · Reliable - Provide References · Good Hands on Aptitude · Shop & Customer Site Work · "G" License Min. Good Record · Competitive Wages w/bonus opportunities · Will Train Resume to Box 6261, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 FA X: 632-8165 Fax resum e (905)-338-5616 506 professional 506 professional Full-time Position Addictions Counsellor Halton Recovery House is a non-profit long-term residential treatment facility for men. The ideal candidate will have the tollowino: · Certified addictions counsellor or equivalent · 3-5 years exp. in individual and group work · extensive knowledge of relapse prevention, discharge planning and community resources. · ability to work in a team concept environment · valid driver's license Resumes to be submitted by April 14th, 2000 to: BILINGUAL POSITIONS ENGLISH / FRENCH Our clients, Burlington & Oakville based Leasing companies, require a BILINGUAL RECEPTIONIST (Oak.) and a BILINGUAL CLIENT SERVICES REP. (Burl.). Previous experience and computer skills a must. RN/RPN required part-time scheduled shifts in Oakville retirement home.Please send resume to: Trafalgar Lodge, 299 Randall St. Oakville L6J 6B4 Fax: 905-842-8410 PART-TIME Dental Recep tio n is t/ A ssista nt required for growing Dental Practice in Oakville. Must be willing to work in a team environ ment. Interpersonal skills an asset. Dentrix computer e x p e rie n c e p re fe rre d . P le a s e fa x re s u m e 9 0 5 849-1989__________________ H C A /P C A re q u ire d parttim e/ casual fo r luxury re tire m e n t re s id e n c e in dow ntow n O a kville . M ust be a v a ila b le a ll s h ifts in cluding weekends. Fax re sum e to E la in e at (905)338-7117____________ RN required pa rt-tim e fo r o ra l s u rg e ry p ra c tic e . E x p e rie n c e .n e c e s s a ry . Please call (905)333-5601 DENTAL Hygienist required (p a rt-tim e ) fo r p le a s a n t fam ily practice in Oakville. Fax resume to 416-247-2753 £000m Industrial/C om m ercial E lectrical contractor se rv ic in g M ilto n /O a kv ille. B u rlin g to n an d M is s is s a u g a h a s im m e d ia te o p e n in g s a v a ila b le f ( t r J o u r n e y m a n a n d s e n io r a p p re n tic es. C o m p e titive w ages, com pany benefits + + . Call 905-876-2519 F ax 905-876-3903 Please forward your resume to: ATHAY SERVICES Fax: (905) 338-1225 · E-mail: athay@idirect.com IwoRkJfiVJ A pply N o w ; Join O u r Team This Summ er W e are H irin g fo r S e rv e r and Lin e C o o k Positions E x pe rien ce W e lc o m e - Training P rovided Find out about EMMA'S SCHOLARSHIP SI000 to be awarded towards your College or University Tuition! HALTON RECOVERY HOUSE General Delivery Hornby, ON L0P1E0 Attention: Chairperson, Human Resources Committee general help wanted S8-S 12/H O U R. S tu d e n ts w ith c a r fo r d e liv e rie s evenings & weekends. Gas allow ance, ca ll 905 -84 73548, email: d^jsome® iprimus.ca £l PRODUCTION PROCESSORS G row ing S pe cia lty R u b b e r Mfg. · Responsible, Team Player · Permanent Position · Reasonable Mechanical Aptitude · Competitive Wages w/Bonus Opportunities Busy Dental Office located in Oakville has the following F/T or Maternity leave position available: sales help & agents DENTAL RECEPTIONIST/ ASSISTANT experience necessary, Computer skills an asset. Fax resume: (905)842-6296 or call Liz (905)842-8485 Vehicle Sales Clerk Our fast paced & award winning dealership requires the services of an energetic individual to handle the administrative functions for our vehicle sales. Book keeping background a must, previous exp. in dealer ship accounting will be an asset. LIG H T P a c k a g e rs / W a re house positions a v ailab le im m e d ia te ly . O a k v ille . S 10/hr. Call (905)333-2692 · Will Train Resume w/references to Box 6262, Oakville Beaver, 467, Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont L6K 3S4 A p p ly In Person Emma's Back Porch 2084 Old Lakeshore Rd. BuHington, ON Applications always accepted G e m in i F o rd L in c o ln S ales L td. Please fax brief resume to (905) 578-7141 or email:bobb@cgocable.net

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