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Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2000, A2

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A2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 15, 2000 c o M E TO THE SOURCE n o% 4 $ m o n t/w or 2 0 0 0 Customer Cashback MARKET VALUE PRICING FOR OVER 7 YEARS T h e R e a lis tic P rice r h a r ca rs a n d Trucks a r e s e llin g fo r in r h e M a r k e t p l a c e Photo by Peter C. McCusker Halton Region Police Constables Roger Wilkie and Rob Lloyd show off recovered goods from breakins in the Falgarwood area. Police made burglaries a priority (C ontinued from p age A 1) Prices deariy displayed in all windows of new & used vehides. Shop 24 hours o doy on our lot. The entries were o f such concern to police, Wasser explained, that the investigation employed the full co-operation and expertise o f the entire Oakville Division. This included the Street Crime Unit which used officers in plain clothes and "old clothes" to haunt the Falgarwood area at night. This was done because officers determined that the suspect used the recreational paths in the area to prowl the neighbourhood, break into homes and then vanish once again. "We saturated the area. The whole Oakville force was working on this and there was joint co operation by the entire division," said Wasser. "It, was excellent work by everyone." A break in the case came when a detective sug gested to investigators that they check into a man known to police. They phoned and asked if they could speak to him at his home, but he said he would rather see them at the station. At the time, police had 15 footprint impressions taken from the scenes o f the crim es, said Wasser, and when the suspect cam e in for his interview he was w earing shoes identical to one o f the impres sions. "As soon as we saw the shoes we knew it was him," said Wasser. U nable to search the room the suspect w as rent ing at a Gainsborough address, police gained the ow ner's permission to poke around the rest o f the house. In the garage they found a Schwinn brand bicycle believed to be stolen. U nder interrogation, said Wasser, the man broke down and adm itted his crimes. Police recovered $10,000 in stolen item s includ ing televisions, cam eras and stereo equipment. Police remind homeowners to ensure that doors, windows etc. are secure before retiring for the evening. If any suspicious persons, vehicles or activity is noticed, contact police immediately. C ivic Scene FORD LINCOLN · Market Value Price INCLUDES FREIGHT 6 AIR TAX I, v*v PROTECTOR PLUS W ~ ANTI-THEFT H : NO NO ADMIN. FEES PDI CHARGE 570 TRAFALGAR ROAD, OAKVIUE ot the Q.E.W. . 8 4 4 - 3 2 7 3| "Love, and the care at Erin Mills Lodge, will keep us together." Erin M ills Lodge offers us a full range o f care levels on-site, fro m indepen dent living to personal care and long te rm care. That means w e can co ntin ue to be to g e th e r here w ith o u r friends, even if one o f us needs some extra care. That a b ility to be to g e th e r is so im p o rta n t to us, and it m ade our decision to m ove to Erin M ills Lodge an easy one. OR CA H o w t o R e a c h u s. General Inquiries Main Switchboard: (905) 845-3824 Classifieds: (905) 337-5610 Mail Us Hie Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4 Accounting Marion Worlidge Shirley Dye Lucy Janicki Lori Keller Real Estate Billing Sharon Rowiey Reception Helena Chartrand Web Editor: nalex@haltonsearch.com Advertising: montague@haltonsearch.com Web Site: www.oakvillebeaver.com Advertorial Editor Kym Funnel Ej ML LODQE # A Voted Mississauga's #1 Retirement Home Publisher Ian Oliver 337-5550 email: oliveri@haltonsearch.com Associate Publisher Neil Oliver 337-5550 email: neil@worldchat.com 337-5563 337-5564 ext 227 ext 265 ext 279 ext 289 Classified 337-5610 or FAX 337-5568 Classified M anager Teresa Dimock 337-5610 ext 241 Editorial__________ Switchboard 845-3824 + ext # FAX 337-5567 Editor Norm Alexander News Editor RodJertod Focus Editor Wilma Blokhuis E ntertainm ent Editor Carol Baldwin Sports Editor Norm Nelson News Reporter Howard Mozel 337-5551 337-5559 ext 250 -Mr. & Mrs. Gallop Resident since 1997 2132 Dundas St. W. Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2K7 Phone: (905) 823-6700 · Fax (905) 823-2410 W ed n esd a y , M arch 15th: O a k v i l l e 's C om m ittee of A djustm ent meets at 7 p.m. in the B ronte R oom at the O akville M u n i c i p a l B uilding, 1225 Trafalgar Rd. Thursday, M arch 16th: A public inform a tion m eeting regarding the pro posed t zoning am endm ent for 2331 Ninth Line is at 7 p.m. in the Trafalgar R oom at the O akville M u n i c i p a l Building. M o n d a y , M arch 20th: The Oakville Planning and Development Council meets at 7;30 p.m. in the C o u n c i l Cham bers o f the O a k v i l l e M u n i c i p a l Building. Tuesday, M arch 21st: The Halton Health and Social Services Com mittee meets at 9:30 a.m. in the Halton Room at regional head quarters, 1151 Bronte Rd. 845-3824 Real Estate Switchboard 845-3824 + ext # FAX 337-5594 Real Estate Sales & M arketing Rick Ribble ext 242 Allan Roshko ext 244 Jeanette Danyluk ext 270 Liz Grainger ext 270 Classified Representatives Lorraine Ojeda ext 224 Linda Clark ext 223 Production Switchboard 845-3824 + ext # FAX 337-5568 email: city@worldchat.com _ i H a l t o n L in e n O u t l e t LAURA ASHLEY Bedspreads (2 patterns) Reg. Now < V ) I I LAURA ASHLEY Assorted Blouson Valances Reg. $45.00 Now only blokhuis@haltonsearch.com Production M anager Mark Dills 337-5561 Retail Sales ext. 254 Switchboard 845-3824 + ext # FAX 337-5568 Director o f Advertising Kelly Montague Advertising M anag er Daniel Baird 337-5552 337-5572 baldwin@haltonsearch.com Production Co-ordinators Scott MacDonald ext 269 Joel Billinghurst ext 269 Manuel Garcia ext 269 Typesetting Barbara Tadman ext 270 O z TW in Full Queen King $125.99 $157.99 $205.99 $279.99 $39.99 $49.99 $59.99 $69.99 $7.99 Assorted Shower Curtains Reg. $39.99 - $79.99 Now only ext. 255 nnelson@haitonsearch.com Assorted Juvenile Sheet Sets T\vin and Full Size Licensed Merchandise Reg. $19.99-$39.99 ext 249 Circulation Switchboard 845-9742 ext 274 FAX 337-5532 Director o f Distribution Steve Crazier 337-5552 hmozel@haltonsearch.com Designer Sheet Separates 200 Thread Count Percale 100% Cotton Reg. Now Director o f F>hotography Reg Vertolli ext. 277 (Reprints ext. 292) Photographers Barrie Erskine ext. 277 Peter McCusker ext. 277 Christine Smyth ext. 252 Cartoonist/Creative Director Steve Nease ext. 263 Advertising Representatives Ron Dodorico ext 237 Shelley Brown ext 284 Bill Dodge ext 245 Emily Jossinet ext 286 Marilyn Mann ext 282 Rob Marini ext 236 Ray Speers ext 240 JeanWrigley ext 237 N orth News Sales lisa Caputi Gillian Waring M arketing Assistants Beth Classen Catherine Dorsey Irene Doseixo Susan Hall Evelyn McGregor Mary Tavares Linda Weir Diana Welch ext 278 ext 251 ext 270 ext 270 ext 270 ext 270 ext 270 ext 270 ext 270 ext 270 $39.99 Now only $59.99 Asst. Circulation M anager Trudy Reading 337-5573 District Representatives Scott Cottrell Peter Toomey Theresa Nielsen ValTyer Lori Freill Dan Pelletier ext 272 ext 264 ext 261 ext 281 ext 276 ext 275 Full Queen King T o $54.00 $74.00 $94.00 S e r v e $21.60 $29.60 $37.60 Y o u ! While Quantities Last! 2 L o c a t io n s * * * '-'v:^;;A C Administration Switchboard 845-3824 + ext # FAX 337-5566 O ffice M anag er Ten Casas 337-5555 Exec. Sec ./Health 8i Safety Maureen Cook Retail Billing/Acct. Receivable Elaine Barker 337-5562 OAKVILLE I N o rth S erv ice Rd.W . e e n D o r v a l D r iv e a n d 4 t h L in e ) Customer Service Lily Diamantino 845-9242 ext 283 Caroline Deveau 845-9242 ext 283 £ :S (9 0 5 ) 8 4 7 -2 2 7 4 M O N . - SAT. 10 A .M . - 6 P.M. S U N . 12 P M . - 5 P.M. Warehouse 427 Speers Rd. Unit 21 L6K3S8 W arehouse M anag er Andre Rrvard 844-0577 S T O N E Y CREEK .800 Q u e e n s to n Road c rtjs s f r o m E a s tg a te S q u a r e ) ^ (9 0 5 )5 6 0 -5 8 2 3 i M O N . - FRI. 10 A M . - 6 P.M. SAT. 9:30 - 5:30 P.M. SUN. 12 P.M. - 5:00 P.M /M lM c v n iE B e a v e r

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