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Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2000, C6

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C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 15, 2000 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Photo by Barrie Er S u san A p p le w h a ite, le ft, (D orol C hris R agonetti (C ass), Jen n ifer ] (Ellen), and V ince C arlin (John ) rehe fo r Any W ednesday , a ron u com edy/farce that w ill op en at 8 p.r the O akville C entre for the P erfori A rts on M arch 23rd. At I NEW Location Oakville Trafalgar High School · ColourStudio * Drawing · ·Pottery` Video* for kids 5-14+ years old Taught by highly skilled artisans, Sheridan and University trained graduates. Julyl0-Augustl2 For more information contact Barbara Eadie at 905-845-8070 *Art >Creativity · Pride *Joy * Confidence Growth · Fun · M AR CHJS Maple Syrup M O NTH Weekends and March Break (to F n d a v ,M a U PARKS Bronte Creek Any Wednesday, `a farce with a twist,' opens next Thursday By C arol B aldw in ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR 10:00 am - 4:00 Pm Horsedraw n w agon rides, pancake house, gift store, logging theatre, candy shanty, syrup trail, maple sugar dem onstrations, costum ed interpreters and tours o f the tum -of-the-century farm house. D uring the w eek, education program s are available. Please call to reserve a program . Located betw een O akville and B urlington, north o f the Q.E.W ., exit 109 (B urloak D rive). (905)827-6911. Girl Guide Day March 25 «ig Brother Day *I!?Ck. ^ iuTe s o r I D Cards must be shown at gate. Scout/Guide, little brother/ , uttle sisters get in for $j. March 18 A! ny W ednesday is not only w hen you receive The Oakville Beaver and w hat T G IF enthusiasts refer to as "hum p day," it's the nam e o f the next .p lay to be featured in the O akville D ram a Series at the O akville C entre for the Perform ing Arts. A nd, according to the artistic director o f W est E nd S tu dio T heatre (W.E.S.T.), it's the only com edy the D ram a Series is offering this season. "It borders on farce - rom antic com edy/farce. It is a farce scenario, but it turns," says Yo M ustafa, adding that, unlike m ost farces, it does have a bit o f tw ist to it. "T his is the reason why I liked it. I liked the w ay it e n d e d ...It ends Read the news, book a cruiseP in a very nice w a y ...P e o "It ends in a very ple get w hat they d eserv e...S o m e tim es good nice way...People things do happen to good get what they people, and it's nice." deserve...Some Any Wednesday is a play w ith a sim ple cast o f times good things four but the plot, apparent do happen to good ly, is anything b u t sim ple. people and itfs nice.* It involves a m illionaire businessm an w ho sets up his young m istress in the executive suite. H ow ever, as in all farces, an m isunder standing ensues that causes num erous com plications. In this case the b u sin essm an 's w ife m istakes his m istress for the w ife o f her h u sb an d 's client. Tw o o f the four actors in this com edy are new to the stage, says M ustafa, creating an unique but pleasant envi ronm ent at rehearsals. "It's a very happy w orking place. People are looking forw ard to com ing to rehearsals. T h ey 're w orking very, very w ell together," he says. "I think it's going to be fun." N o t w anting to give too m uch o f the p lo t away, M ustafa quickly turns his thoughts to next season, reveal ing that W .E.S.T. has already secured the rights for Oliver, a story that centres around children. A nd a cast involving m any young people fits rig h t into the artistic d irecto r's plans since W .E.S.T. has been offering acting w orkshops fo r children o v er the past y ear and is running a dram a cam p this sum m er. C onsequently, M ustafa w ill have a large pool o f young actors to choose from w hen he begins auditions for Oliver. In the m eantim e, Any Wednesday w ill open at the O akville C entre for the P erform ing A rts on Thursday, M arch 23rd at 8 p.m . and w ill continue M arch 24th, 25th, 29th, 30th, 31st and A pril 1st. Tickets are $ 16 and are available by visiting or calling the O akville C entre box office at 130 N avy St., 815-2021, w eekdays from noon to 5 p.m ., S aturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. or tw o hours prio r to perform ances. F or inform ation on W .E.S.T., call 845-W E S T (9378). PSYCHIC EXPO C A N A D A 'S B E S T LIV E R E A D E R S IN C B E P IB tE BO O K S A M A Z IN G C R Y S T A L S FR EE L E C T U R E S D E M O S & PR IZES Friday Saturday Sunday 12-10 pm 11-10 pm 11-7 pm (A d m is s io n * £ $ ^ ^ ^ G O O D ALL WEEKEND ' 0 March 17, 18,19 HAMILTON CONVENTION CENTRE 115 King St. W. Hamilton, ON 2 5 th Annual Looking fo r a w in te r escape? Look no fu rth e r th a n COGECO@Home high speed In te rn e t access over cable. Go o n lin e and read new spapers fro m all over th e w o rld . Get expert advice on finances, sports and m ore. You can even boo k yo u r w in te r vacation. W ith th e easy-to-use custom brow ser fin d in g w h a t you w a n t is a breeze. COGECO@Home. It's th e w in te r break everyone can use. Give yourself a winter break Sa _ on LaWa TO R O N TO MODEL RAILWAY SHOW M arch 18th & 19th, 2 0 0 0 FREE P A R K IN G $100 SATURDAY 11 am to 5 pm 10 am SUNDAY to 5 pm for only $39.95* a month. f / jr w r A r j ir n TORONTO CONGRESS CENTRE 650 D ix o n Road, T o ro n to , O n tario A dm ission Prices Include G .S.T. H om e High speed Internet access over cable Available at Adults $9 00 Seniors s6 °° (5 Children 6-14 5 & Under *4°° FREE 0 RadioShack. C t f 1-877-8-A T H O M E 1m www.cogeco.ca/home F a m ily R a te Persons-Not More Than 2 Adults) *25°° 60.000 SQUARE FEET OF EXHIBITS FEATURING Operating Layouts, A ll Scales, Videos, Demonstrations, Live Steam, Collectable old trains, 150 vendor tables and m uch more. C S p o n s o r e d b y T O R O N T O «St Y O R K D IV IS IO N O F a n a d i a n R a il r o a d H is t o r ic a l A s s o c ia t io n *Cable modem rental $10/m onth credited for COGECO Cable customers. Regular price of $49.95/month for non-basic cable customers ($39.95/month and $10/m onth cable modem rental). Standard installation charge of $149.95 for laptop computers and non-basic cable customers. Not available in all areas. Some restrictions may apply. Additional charges will apply for non-standard installations.

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