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Oakville Beaver, 15 Mar 2000, C5

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Wednesday, March 15, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C5 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT THE GALA MILLENNIUM CONCERT of the St. Jude's Celebration of the Arts Concert Series Juno Award w in n er A lfie Z ap pacosta w ill perform at a special fun d-raising event on A pril 1st. ` An Evening in Italy' dinner/dance is sure to be a night to remember Juno Award w inner A lfie Z appacosta will per form at An E vening in Italy, a special fund-raising event for Ian A nderson H ouse (IA H ) on Saturday, April 1st at Le D om e Banquet Hall, 1173 North Service Rd. E. All proceeds from this dinner/dance will go to IAH, O ntario's first free-standing cancer hospice w hich provides free, quality palliative care in a hom e-like setting for residents o f H alton and Peel. Alfie Zappacosta w as bo m in Italy in 1953, but m oved to Toronto w ith his parents w hen he w as six m onths old. "He is a m ajor Canadian songw riter and m usi cal talent," explained M argaret A nderson, founder o f IAH. "H aving him perform at An E ven in g in Italy is a significant addition to w hat already prom ises to be a w onderful evening." Z appacosta's recording debut cam e in 1979 as a front man for the five-piece Toronto band Sur render. A tw o-tim e Juno Award w inner, the C ana dian singer has released over half-a-dozen albums in his successful 20-year career. His latest album , D ark S id ed J e w e l , is featured on his w ebsite at w w w .iam zappacosta.com . In ad dition, the po p u lar e n tertain er has appeared on stage as Che G uevara in the hit m usi cal E vita, as C hrist in Jesu s C h rist S u perstar, and in the lead role o f H air. Z ap p acosta, w ith his ad u lt contem porary sound, is best know n for his songs When I F a ll (In L ove A gain ) and N othing C o u ld S ta n d In Your Way as well as O verlo a d , w hich w as w ritten and perform ed exclusively for the soundtrack o f the film D irty D ancing. "We are pleased to m ake it possible for a world class talent like Alfie Zappacosta to perform at the fundraiser," says N ancy M ercanti o f B ot C on struction Lim ited, w hich is paying to bring Z ap pacosta to the Oakville event. Led by em cee D an Ferrone, guests at An E ven ing in Italy will start with drinks at 6:30 p.m. follow ed by dinner and wine at 7:30 p.m. D inner will include a c h e f's salad, rotini in rose sauce, breaded chicken in mushroom sauce, and a m ed ley o f vegetables plus pear helene for dessert and tea and coffee. A cash bar, plus dancing to Ideal Disc Jockey, runs from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. There will also be bal loon pops, prizes and surprises, including a m id night dessert table. Tickets are $50 per person, with a charitable receipt o f $20. Dress is informal. To order tickets, call M arg aret S um m erhayes at 849-5852 or D anielle O lscam p at 845-2696. Ian A nderson H ouse, a non-profit cancer hos pice established in honour o f the late Ian A nder son, provides quality palliative care for those who w ish to leave the hospital but cannot be cared for at home. T he six-bedroom facility is open to ter m inally ill adults age 16 and older, but also pro vides tw o-w eek respite stays to give families pro viding care in their hom es a m uch-needed break. IA H em phasizes quality o f life, independence and respect for the dignity o f its residents. Franz Joseph Haydn s The Creation Over 10 0 Performers! The John Laing Singers The Choir of St. Jude's Full Symphony Orchestra Janet Obermeyer, soprano Martin Houtman, tenor Michael Downie, bass Sunday, April 2, 2000 8 : 0 0 p .m . O akville C entre for the Perform ing Arts, Lakeshore at Navy, O akville T ick ets $ 1 8 ( $ 1 5 S e n io r/S tu d e n t) O T e le p h o n e ( 9 0 5 ) 8 1 5 - 2 0 2 1 Sponsored by The Oakville Beaver UR L O C A L SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS Did you know? We now feature direct links to local sports organizations. Surf through their sites and keep informed on team and/or player registration; tournam ents; fees; anything you need to know. If you represent a local sports organization and would like a free link listed on our site, please e-mail us at: neil@worldchat.com Please include your website address. a divisisa* of HaltonSearch.com D y o ^ fe j

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