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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2000, A4

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A4 THE OAKVILLE .BEAVER Wednesday March 8, 2000 Occupancy 3 Things rate of shelter All Firearm Owners shows need for Need to Know such a facility about the Firearms Act By Wilma Blokhuis OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF After little more than a month in operation, The Lighthouse Shelter has proven there is a need for emergency housing in Oakville. Since it w ent into operation in January, the shelter has assisted 31 clients, male and female, and currently has five in residence, said M aj. Ray Braddock o f the O akville Salvation Army on Thursday. "W e've helped three single women in their 30s, and the rest were younger males aged about 19 to 28. `T h e y 've come to us for various rea sons and problems, having been passed on to us by Halton Region (social ser vices) as being in need of temporary shelter. M any o f them have gone back to their families, or have moved out o f town. A lot o f the people who cam e to the shelter have a history o f problems with their families which needed to be worked out." Others come because o f financial need. "W e've already had people coming here to minimum rate jobs from other areas, and they need emergency shelter because they have to get first and last m onths' rent together," said Braddock. B raddock rem em bers one man found him self to be homeless after fire destroyed his apartment. A nother "has been with us since the shelter began operating," said Braddock o f Bob Denholm, a clean-cut polite 18-year-old who serves as the facility's handyman. The teen, who has not lived with a parent since age 11 and has had minor brushes with the court system, is taking steps to improve his A licence for you (a hunting licence won' t do) You need a Firearms Act Licence or valid FAC to possess and register your firearms. A registration certificate for each of your firearms -- (t'l'D } NOT VERIFIED !<M?Ris!rteii4 m t 8.5. Rtfitbai ArmC*. 3 Remember to safely store your firearm. Photo by Peter C. McCusker S a lv a tio n A rm y C o m m issio n e r N o rm a n H o w e, A d e lin a U rb a n sk i C om m issionm er o f Social & C om m unity S ervices fo r the R egion o f H alton and O akville M ayor A nn M ulvale check out p laque m ark ing the op en ing o f T he Lighthouse shelter. Valentine's Day, Feb. 14th. life by doing volunteer w ork as well as "Right now, w e've got the m om en helping out around the shelter. "H e's tum and the will, so w e can 't let this been helping us move furniture," said p roject fall through the crack s," Braddock. The Lighthouse is temporarily locat Braddock said at the time. "It w ould be too hard to get it going again." ed, to M arch 31st, at a century-old T he opening was attended by a num hom e with 11 bedroom s and three kitchens at 10 Old M ill Rd,, the form er ber o f its residents. `T h is is hom e for now," said one of location o f Grace House. (This group them, proud to show his clean, tidy hom e for adults coping with mental room to visitors, w hich included repre health issues has moved into a new sentatives from the Salvation Army, location on Cornwall Road.) Town o f Oakville, Region o f Halton, Shortly after the end o f this month, and supportive neighbours from the the building will be dem olished to make C h artw ell R esidents way for a new seniors' housing devel T rafalgar Association. opment. The Salvation Arm y is handling the Braddock is confident a new loca day-to-day operation and adm inistra tion will be found in time. tion o f the shelter. "We have a good lead," says The Oakville United Way has pro Braddock. "I think w e'll have a new vided a truck to m ove furniture into the place by April 1st." Because the shelter is housed in a house. A local realtor found rent-free space to store donations and furniture. temporary location, the Salvation Arm y H owever, "there will always be a is treating its first few m onths o f opera need" for m ore household items and tion as a pilot project, "ju st to see exact clothing, said Braddock. "W e could ly w hat the need is," said Braddock. The Lighthouse is one o f five em er have people com ing here without any clothes, so w e w ant to have a closet full gency shelters opened by the Salvation o f clothing available." A rm y during a snow storm on For more inform ation, application form s and assistance filling themout, call or visit our W eb site at www.cfc-ccaf.gc.ca 1 800 731-4000 Featuring Wood California and Plantation Shutters Firearm safety is everyone's concern. C a n a d a Now is the time to get your licence! REGION OF HALTON NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING Proposed Amendment RQ21A to the Official Plan for the Region of Halton The Council of the Regional Municipality of Halton, through its Planning and Public Works Committee, is holding a Public Meeting to provide interested individuals an opportunity to comment on proposed Halton Region Official Plan Amendment RQ21A. Meeting Date: Meeting Time: Meeting Place: Wednesday March 22,2000 9:30 A.M. Halton Room Halton Regional Centre 1151 Bronte Road Oakville ON L6M3L1 --M 3 -- L In-hom e C o n s u lta tio n and P ro fe ssio n a l In s ta lla tio n Includ e d W V S E H N U E T T I T A E N R S S I N D O W S B Y r LO O K ! · LEVOLOR · HUNTER DOUGLAS (905) 8 2 7 - 1 8 7 6 FOR To Get More Information: Proposed Amendment RQ21A may be viewed at the Office of the Regional Clerk, between 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. weekdays, or a copy may be obtained by calling Susan O'Brien. Ext 7180 at one of the numbers below. Those wishing to address the Committee are requested to telephone the Regional Clerk, Joan Eaglesham, at Ext 7237, prior to Wednesday, Man* 15,1999,4:30 P.M. The Purpose of the Amendment: The purpose is to permit an 18-hole golf course, practice range and club house. The subject site area of this amendment is approximately 63 ha and is located west of Regional Road 3 (Trafalgar Road), north of Regional Road 6 (Britannia Road). The property is legally described as Part Lots 7 and 8, Concession VII, Town of Milton. Note: If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, you must make a written request to the Regional Clerk at the address noted above. If a person or public body files a notice of appeal pertaining to a decision of the Regional Municipality of Halton in respect of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, and does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submission to the Regional Municipality of Halton before the proposed Official Plan Amendment is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. · Party Packagers "Chainwide Celebration" f c a a iiiM B M 4 Pa* e F1yer in x "* , Today's m To phone the Region of Halton from: Aldershot Acton Georgetown Burlington, Oakville, Milton (905) 639-4540 (519)853-0501 (905) 878-8113 (905) 825-6161 Web Site: www.region.halton.on.ca Legislated Notice has been provided to those neighbours affected by the proposal, as required under The Planning Act. This is provided for any other interested parties. Oakville Beaver m delivered to select homes m h d ite m e a r c h '. c m M e e tin g Y o u r N e e d s · More for health, education and children · Tax cuts ·Continuing to build a more innovative economy To find o u t h o w this b u d g e t w ill b e n e fit y o u a n d y o u r fam ily , call 1 800 O - C A N A D A (1 800 622-6232) T T Y : 1 800 465-7735 M o n d a y to F r id a y 8 a .m . to 10 p .m . E S T . W e e k e n d s 9 a .m . to 5 p .m . E S T . or visit our Web site at w w w .fin.gc.ca C an ad a

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