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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2000, A3

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Wednesdsay March 8, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 [ " W o o d R o o m i UNFINISHED FURNITURE Specializing in Solid O ak, Pine, Maple, Birch D E S K S&H U TC H E S ·D R ESS ER S & AR M O IR ES /VC RU N ITS /PLAINS RD. E \ · TV A RS TO O LS [ BURLINGTON 1 · B ·M IC R O W AVE S TA N D S H E S TS · H IG HC H AIR S I 6 8 1 - 6 0 7 5 1 ·TOY C · \ (n e x t to B in g o \C o n n e c tio n )^ ^ · TABLES & CHAIRS ·JELLY CUPBOARDS · MIRRORS & PANTRIES · CHINA CABINETS · ROCKING CHAIRS · SHELVES* WALL UNITS · CO FFEE & EN D TABLES H0URS:TUE., WEO., FRi. 10-5:30, THUR. 10-8 SAT. 9-4 CLOSED SUN-MON. M · MINWAX PRODUCTS · FINISHING SUPPLIES · HOMESTEAD HOUSE PAINT VOLVO OF OAKVILLE IM PACT-ABSORBING 3.9% LEASE/FINANCE RATE $ 4 9 9 -$ 5 9 9 m o n th Photo by Peter J. Thompson Fam ed can oeist Larry C ain (centre) appears to have his hands full with form er A rgo Dan Ferrone (left) and T iger C at C arl C oulter d uring the D ream -a-thon field hockey, fun draiser event Saturday at S t Thom as A quinas H igh School. 2 0 0 0 V olvo S 7 0 SE 36 m o n th s $4760 dow n paym ent 2 0 ,0 0 0 k ilo m e tre s p /y e a r P u rc h a s e a t e n d o f le a se : $ 2 0 ,4 8 1 .6 0 2 0 0 0 V olvo S 8 0 2 .9 36 m o n th s $5400 dow n paym ent 2 0 ,0 0 0 k ilo m e tre s p /y e a r P u rc h a s e a t e n d o f le a se : $ 2 8 ,3 4 9 .7 5 Rate expires March 31, 2000 or while stocks last. O.A.C. Taxes, freight, PDI and licence extra. Field hockey game a dream come true as $25,000. raised for special trips T he O akville Field H ockey C lu b 's First A nnual D ream -a-T hon on S aturday raised $25,000 tow ards sending term inally ill and physically handicapped ch il dren from O akville to a one-day w hirlw ind trip to D isney W orld in Florida this May. T he m oney w as raised through pledges to partici pants in the 12-hour field hockey m arathon at St. T hom as A quinas Secondary School, a silent auction and a p ancake breakfast served up by O akville K iw anis club m em bers and provided by the G olden G riddle. A total o f 168 item s, from donated cookbooks to a satellite dish w ere p art o f the silent auction. John P icone, fou n d er and caretaker o f the O akville Field H ockey C lub, contributed $ 1,000 in pledges from the staff o f St. T hom as A quinas and another $1,500 in pledges from St. Jam es Church. The 12-hour event included a celebrity m atch fea turing retired Toronto A rgonaut D an Ferrone, H am ilton T iger C at C arl Coulter, gold m edal O lym pic canoeist Larry Cain, O akville Field H ockey O lym pians Jean M ajo r (Los A ngeles, 1984) and Jim M acD ougall (M ontreal, 1976) and councillor K evin Flynn. D onations can still be m ade to the D ream s Take F light fund at any branch o f the C anadian Im perial B ank o f C om m erce, or cheques can be m ade to D ream s Take F light and m ailed to T he O akville Field H ockey C lub, 1243 W ood Place, O akville, Ont. L6L 2R4. V O LV O 770 Pacific Road (QEW & Bronte Road South) for life (9 0 5 ) 8 2 5 - 8 0 8 8 , 2 0 % OFF i \ membership i C s t 20 c .y« 2 0 Peo op ple le . ^ F*-pe I S t M o n tn r r c lo in N ow . V a l u e $5 5 . O f f e re x p ir e sA p ril I / O O . N o m i n a lf e e sm a y appty^ Sixteen Mile C reek Heritage Trail ready by July By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF Oakville's overw helm ingly success ful Heritage Trails Project is poised to expand this spring, providing even more attractions for nature lovers to enjoy. O ver the winter months, the Town has been gearing up for the project's 2000 construction program which will culm inate w ith the C anada D ay W eekend opening o f the Sixteen Mile C reek Trail from Centennial Square to L ion's Valley Park. `T h e enthusiasm o f the Heritage Trail Com m ittee is extremely high and the success o f the w ork to date a credit to everyone involved," said Parks and R ecreation D irector Bob Perkins. "Public reaction has been very positive and the Sixteen M ile C reek Trail open ing in July will undoubtedly be well received." Organizers have high hopes that the trails will act as an unbroken connection between north and south Oakville which is currently split in tw o by the Q EW and rail tracks. M ore than 100 kilom eters of sm aller existing neighbourhood trails will connect to the overall network. T he initial link o f the project, created last year, runs roughly from Skyvalley Crescent on the west side o f the Sixteen Mile Creek, into the creek valley and under the Smith-Triller Viaduct then up to N eyagaw a Boulevard. The Heritage Trails Project is a part nership betw een the Com m unity Foundation o f Oakville (CFO), which initiated the effort, the CFO Trails Com mittee, which will finance the ini tiative, and the O akville 2000 M illennium Committee. The Town will build the trails then maintain them in perpetuity. On the Sixteen M ile Creek Trail, which will be fully signed, four informa tion pavilions and display columns will be installed. Two trails guides will be created, one covering the area from the lake to the Q EW and concentrating on Oakville's historical heritage. The sec ond, covering Upper Middle Road to Lion's Valley Park, will focus on natural history and early European settlement in the valley. The Oakville Heritage Trails website can also be accessed at www.oakvilletrails.com. The aim o f the project is to join together O akville's four compass points by linking the tow n's three major northsouth ravines w ith the existing Waterfront and Larry Cain Trails along with trails already established in the north. Linking Oakville's harbours, lakefront and heritage districts, the system will feature informative plaques so that all those who avail themselves o f the trails can learn more about the area's his tory (aboriginal settlements, mills, etc.) and its natural wonders. Hikers in the valley can find a 100foot bridge from which salmon can be seen during their autumn run and suck ers in the springtime. Deer, coyote, opossum, raccoon and other wildlife are likewise glimpsed on a regular basis. W hen the Sixteen Mile Creek is com pleted, the Bronte and Joshua Creek Trails will becom e the Trails Com mittee's focus. According to Perkins, negotiations are under way with Queen's Park to secure a long-term lease for the woodlot east o f the Ford plant know n as Wildflower Woods. Talks have also be held with Canadian National Railway regarding a trail connection under the railway bridge spanning Joshua Creek. The upcoming Rebecca Street Bridge (due for completion by fall 2001) will provide a "major connection" on the Bronte Creek Trail, said Perkins. The municipal trail which follows the west side o f the creek to Rebecca is already in place. our childrens classes focus on creating a positive environment to promote development in self-esteem, | confidence and concentration, l while establishing a safe and [ contro||ed practice area with | 100% supervision. Try our classes for 4 to 6 year or our 7 to 13 year olds. Ask about our NEW teen program, as well as our adult pi ^ 220 Lakeshone Road, E. 905616-0326 &4T&-661 & M a r c **B r e a 95 DODGE NEON 4 dr. Automatic! Air Conditioned! Only 88.000 K's! Black & Beautiful! Low mileaoe. air conditioned, automatic Neons under $7,000 are non-existent anywhere but right here! This is the one! '93 PONTIAC ASUNA 4 dr., automatic, AM/FM cass. & much more!! The "much more" is low, low one owner K's. all original bright red paint, "as new" condition, full certification & clean air passed. Quite a value eh? *92 ACURA VIGOR No option missing! Leather and slider too! Black & Beautiful! Brand new. This gorgeous luxury import sells for around $40,000. Our "as brand new." '96 CHEVY BLAZER LS 4X4 4-dr. Absolutely fully loaded! Only 44.000 K's! Running Board package! Burgundy - A Knockout! The description may even be an understatement! Don't delay! '95 CHEVY CAMARO Z-28 Fully, fully loaded!! T-Tqps Too! Fire Engine Red!! Nice low K's! 1A True Showstopper! You get all of the above plus a ridiculously low off season price!! Some package eh? '94 SAAB 900S 4 door hatch, air, ABS, p.w., p. locks, p. mir rors, heated seats, 5 spd. and best of all! Only 75,000 km. Hurry it won t last!! 98 FORD RANGER SPLASH V6 Engine!! Automatic!! Air cond! Only 30.000. one owner kms!! Black!! Beautiful!! Enough said?! Don't delay. 1997 LEXUS LX450 Fully, fully, fully loaded!! Only 55.000 km! Showroom fresh!! This is surely the "flagship of the Lexus fleet", and sells brand new for close to $100,000. '94 CHRYSLER CONCORDE LXI 4-dr., V6 auto., AM/FM stereo cass., air, cruise, tilt, p/w, p/1, p/seat, mags. NOTHING MISSING! The LXi model is the `lo p of the line," the car radiates the extreme care it has always had and we've sure priced it to * sell fast! 5| '94 DODGE RAM VAN X-TEND LE 8 cyl., auto., 8 pass, seating, Infinity stereo, front and rear heat, air. Keyless entry and much, much more. It's the only one like it!! Don't delay. Full price only $ 13,995 o r, Full price only *16,900 Full price only *47,500 Tirm Full price only *9,900 w Full price only s 13,995 E o Dodge O ot/geTruths CHRYSLER m m i E d o d ge c h r y s lb * , j w 646 4th Line, Speers Road, O akville w w w .o a k v ille d o d g e .c o m Speers Rd. 845-4211 & 8 I

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