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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2000, A1

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T h E sQ LA TUNEUPS hra$4 4 t^ rts Beaver `Ridgets' win hoops title Sports WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8,2000 52 Page* Mercedes-Benz I V 1 - ^ O elim rM att I ICTiWPCwramOTHrarifC I ! l(cpniY e *822-4211 A Metroland Publication Vol. 38 No. 29 75 Cento (plus GST) M a n 's fa ced s la s h e d in k n ife a tta c k A 23-year-old man suffered serious face lacerations follow ing an alterca tion with three assailants outside an O akville coffee shop early M onday morning. A cco rd ing to H alton R egional Police, the incident took place around 1:30 a.m . w hen a m an becam e em broiled in an argum ent w ith three m en in a coffee shop at 1289 M arlborough Court. W hen he left the store the three men follow ed him outside and caught up w ith him in the parking lot. A fter a physical altercation w ith one suspect, the victim ended up on the ground where all the suspects kicked him. One suspect used a utility knife to slash the victim across the face and head. All three suspects then fled. W itnesses called police and as the victim w as taken to hospital by am bu lance, a search o f the area by officers and a police dog proved unsuccessful. The victim w as treated and released. T he first assailant is described as a black m ale, betw een five-feet 10-inch es to six-feet tall, w eighing 160 to 175 pounds, with black hair in tight braids with a lean and thin build. He was wearing a green dow n-filled jacket, orange t-shirt, baggy pants, black Nike running shoes with a w hite logo. He left the scene on either a light coloured m ountain bike or a g irl's silver "Supercycle" bicycle. T he second suspect is described as a black male, 19 to 20 years old wearing a nylon, Spandex toque. The third suspect is a black male. In v estig ato rs are asking anyone with inform ation as to the suspects' identities to call 825-4747 ext. 2215 or Crim e Stoppers at 825-8477. Power failures could be J) catastrophic for refinery (( Councillor wants back-up power after two outages By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF ow n C ouncil is raising a stink about O ntario H ydro's failure to provide a backup pow er source to the Petro-C anada refinery. Tw ice o v er the last six months, w est Oakville has expe rienced m ajo r p o w er o utages w hich, acco rd in g to W ard 1 councillor K evin F lynn, have been more than m ere inconve niences to residences and busi nesses. `T h e sudden lack o f pow er to a refining facility such as the Petro-Canada plant in Bronte can be catastrophic," said Flynn, who is also ch air of the K e v in F ly n n : reliable E n v ironm ental A dvisory back-up pow er Com m ittee to Petro Canada. needed for refinery "The risk o f such a situation can be m itigated by the provision o f a reliable back-up pow er supply that im m ediately is tripped by the lack o f pow er from the regular source." Pow er to the refinery is supplied from a feed provided by the O ntario H ydro sub-station on Bronte Road. W hile Flynn characterized the pow er outages to Petro Can as "dangerous and unnecessary," he said refinery staff T SWEET SENSATIONS: The weather has been absolutely perfect for producing maple syrup at Bronte Creek Provincial Park. Bill Nankivell and daughter Nessie check out a pail of sap during the park's Maple Syrup Festival on Saturday. For more, see Focus. ( S e e `P o w e r ' p a g e A 5 ) Development delayed after long-term care component questioned By Howard Mozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF If using a zoning am endment to throw light on the plight o f local long-term care patients ruffles a few feathers, says Kathy Graham, then so be it. On M onday night the Ward 2 councillor said she would not apologize for delaying approval o f a north Oakville subdivision in her bid to draw attention to patients at O akville-T rafalgar M em orial H ospital (OTM H) who will soon need to find alter nate accommodations. The issue was a holdover from Feb. 28th when Council first considered an Official Plan (OP) amendment and a zoning amend ment by Hamount Investments Limited to build 68 detached dwellings, a 133-bed long-term care facility and a church south of Dundas Street and east o f Postridge Drive. Hamount has made arrangements to sell the long-term care facility to Central Park Lodges, which must have the place opera tional by spring 2001 as part o f its provincial licence awarded under the Nursing Home Act. (The firm was awarded the long-term care beds in 1998.) At the time, Graham wanted to find out whether this site might provide the answer to the hospital's long-term care patients' prayers. As an interim measure until permanent long-term care sites are open in Oakville, Extendicare and OTM H signed a three-year lease to house long-term care residents on the hospital's fifth floor. T his expires September 2000* O T M H and anxious fami lies have been waiting years for the province to green-light the old Oakville Trafalgar High School (OTHS) as a long-term care site. With Central Park set to open its facility in early 2001, G raham said a short extension of the Extendicare lease could finally bring some stability and peace o f mind to the res idents and families. (S e e `D e v e lo p m e n t' p a g e A 2 ) C o u n c illo r K a th y G ra h a m : no apologies Rizzuti dinner proceeds to j Cancer Society, O TM H ! The annual John R izzuti D inner C ancer G ala w ill be held at L eD om e B an qu et H all on the N orth Service Rd. on Sat. M arch 25th. G etting into the sp irit o f the event are: (1 to r) A ngelo R izzuti Jr., B rian E vans, C arole T hom pson, Peggy Porter, Verna D algleish and Joan G ibb. Photo by Peter C. McCusker The Ninth Annual John Rizzuti D inner Gala fundraiser is set for M arch 25th at the Le Dome Banquet Hall. Since its inception, the annual event has raised m ore than $500,000 divided between the Canadian Cancer Society (ticket sales) and silent auction funds, which are given to the Oakville Trafalgar M emorial Hospital 3-Centre N ursing Unit. The dinner is held in honour o f Le D om e Banquet hall ow ner A ngelo Rizzuti's father John Rizzuti and his father-inlaw John Lopez. Both men passed away from cancer within a year during 1991-92 and their families have organized the annual fundraiser to help the fight against cancer. The families donate all o f the food and services for a fivecourse dinner. Joan Gibb, local Cancer Society volunteer for m ore than 30 years, is am azed by the com m itm ent by the Rizzuti and Lopez families. "In all my years o f volunteering with the Cancer Society, as well as several other charitable organizations, I have never experienced the generosity and caring as given and shown by the Rizzuti and Lopez families these past nine years," she said. "W ho else, where else, will you attend a dinner dance gala with 500 people attending, which includes a five-course meal served in a beautiful room and the adm inistration costs are nil? No where." The evening begins at 6:15 p.m. with cocktails and a silent auction. Dinner follows at 7:30 p.m. C ost is $75 per ticket. A $50 tax receipt is given for each ticket purchased. For tickets, call the Canadian Cancer Society at 845-5231. | | | | I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Editorials.,,,..,..... Focus.......................................... B1 Entertainment............................ B4 Business......................................B6 Sports......................................... C1 Classified....................................C3 Automotive................................. C8 Fashion....................................... D1 Spaaarf S ^e m n e iD ts Partial delivery: Ennisclaire Interiors, BiWay, Good Life, Exit Realty, Cashway, Acorn Flower, Party Packagers Canadian Publications Mail Product Agreement #435-201 Film Festival screening The W ednesday Film Festival continues its W inter 2000 run tonight with M ansfield Park. The screenings take place every . second W ednesday at 7 p.m. at the Fam ous P layers C inem as in the . O akville Town Centre I, located at D orval and the QEW. Tickets are avail. able at the door starting at 6:30 p.m. ! JJ 2 0 0 0 M , CHRYSLER NEON 2 2 D 2.0L 16 valve, 132hp) engine, t 4-wheel fully independent suspension, tilt, full console O R LEASE FOR O R WE CA t-'Vfc- a u to air, A M /F M /ca ssette, w /c e n tr e armrest, 60/40 split, dual ext. mirrors w / driver's side m anual remote, :in ted glass, child protection rear door locks, next generation dual airbags. f PeterWats°n i| I N V E S T M E N T S ||y 'S i FINANCING Hus freight taxes & license. up to 60 mths. J Z D 3 .o y / m t h RETIREMENT PLANNING SPECIALISTS F r e e C o n s u lta tio n 8 4 2 -2 1 0 0 f t t o C Watson g CF.R, R -F P _ | 48 mths. 25.200 kms. fyr. iiiiM 175 W yecroft R oad, Oakville 8 4 5 -6 6 5 3

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