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Oakville Beaver, 8 Mar 2000, C7

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Wednesday, March 8, 2000 TH E O A K V IL L E BEA VER C7 B e s t W h e e l s · O a k v i l l e Mazda 626hauls five in comfort (Continued from page C8) Ya say your old car's so flimsy they have to set the car wash on delicate before you go through? Well, cheer up. Altlm a: "Best Entry Midsize Car In Initial Quality In the U.S., 3 out o f the last 4 years."' - J.D. Power and Associates <BE» of torque) as it does in the MPV. The Duratec is a Ford piece and one o f the best en g in es F O M O C O produces. Flexibility to soar into the high revs when m erging w ith traffic or sticking exactly at 3000 rpm on highw ay cruise make this engine stand out. T he higher rear d eck for 2000 makes for 14.2 cu. ft. o f trunk space that is larger than com parative makes like A ccord or Camry. The interior is 97.1 cu. ft. spot on Camry. Inside the 626 is a pleasant place to be, beginning with keyless entry available on all three 626 models. A nice touch is the standard overhead integrated sunglasses holder. T he trans mission console houses tw o cupholders with sw ing-up doors. T he rear seat arm rest, that is stan dard on all m odels, has tw o cupholders and a storage com partm ent for things like the G am eB oy and extra batteries. T he overall im pression, thanks to the tw o-tone color schem e, m akes the car feel richer. O ne thing that has stayed the same is the oscillating "swing vents" that are a M azda exclusive and have made many becom e repeat buyers ju st for this feature alone. Safety begins with de-pow ered air bags at the front and optional side airbags. ABS is optional on the tw o LX m odels and standard on ES-V 6 while traction control is available on the ESV6. Like the M azda M iata, and no doubt intended by the engineers, is the way the steering feels so positive but also quick and light at the sam e time. T hat's partially due to an im proved pow er rack-and-pinion steering sys tem, but I think the stiffer chassis with M acP h erso n struts (d ig itally en g i neered to optim ize road holding) is w here the 626 has im proved the most. It isn't overly "pointy" like som e of the V8 front-drive cars on the m arket these days nor does it have a dead on centre feel you can get with front dri vers. M azda is also fam ous for its w ar ranty o f three years or 60,000 km on every part o f the car except those sub je ct to norm al w ear like brake linings. And in an era when the governm ent sniffs before renew ing your licence, selected em ission control com ponents are w arranted for eig h t years or 128,000 km s - fleet buyers please note. C onsidering its F ord ow nership and liberal use o f parts, the 626 also fills an odd void in Ford's Canadian lineup. If you want a com pact to midsize Ford with a V6, the Contour and M ystique are no longer offered, leaving the big ger Taurus the only option. This makes a car like the M azda 626 a happy alternative, especially for those who w ant a little sporting zip as part of the purchase price. So the M azda 626 has a lot to recom m end itself to those thinking about a "domestic" car with the. build quality o f an im port with the room to haul five in comfort. " 2 0 0 0 M axim a GXE: Car o f th e Year Award W inne r fo r B est New Fam ily Car" (more than $25,000) "2000 M axim a SE: Car o f the Year Award W inne r fo r Best New Sports Sedan " A u t o m o b il e J o u r n a l is t s A s s o c ia t io n o f C a n a d a 2000 ALJIMA GXE 2000 MAXIMA GXE H I SPRING SAVINGS AT Accredited Test & Repair Facility · 155-HP 2.4-litre engine · 100-watt AM/FM/CD audio system · 4-speed automatic transmission · Air conditioning · Remote keyless entry system with panic alarm · Dual airbags · Power windows, mirrors, door locks, trunk release, and more... · 222-HP 3.0-litre V6 engine · Automatic transmission · 6-speaker 120-watt AM/FM/CD with cassette audio system · Automatic dimatfrcontrol air conditioning · Anti-theft system 1Heated power driver's seat · Remote entry system, and more... get meineke MORE THAN JUST MUFFLERS 2.8* LOW OR LEASE RATES OR special cash purchase price get new low lease rate of or financing `21,498 2.8% financing s3 6 8 /m o . for 48 months with $4,500 down BRAKE SPECIAL FRONT d is c s W DRUM S F ro m * W [ Includes new shoes or pads, repack wheel bearings, resurface drums & rotors a n d inspect entire system . M etallic pads included. Must present coupon. Expires M ar. 14/00. MOST CARS u ru I r m m lI rro m I SAW I # REAR The Nissan Enjoy the Savings Event is Back. " Canada's fa vo u rite Im p o rt VS SUV 7 years ru n n in g "" M AIN TEN AN CE CH ECK-UP · Check brakes & adjust . · Check exhaust for leaks · · Change oil & filter , (up to 5 litres Quaker State 10W30). Check anti-freeze strength , · Check cooling system Rotate tires Check steering £ Check levels & lights \ Check tune-up & b e lt ^ Sen/ice battery E x p ire s terminals 28 95 2000 PATHFINDER Mar. 14/00. TUNE-UP Includes new spark plugs, check all tune-up components, set up & adiust engine, & service battery. With finance rates available from 2.8%f. You save up to $2,830.68, see how: $30,000 financed* A c y l . *49.95 6 cyl. *69.95 8 cyl. *79.95 ^ / 1 U Y J ^ SOME s VANS EXTRA Mu ust prese nt c o u p o n at tim e o f e stim ate. Expires M ar. 14/00. m u it l e r F ro m< # > # -* 9 5 Installed · I n id iiid iiy u iid . rip cd , , Fits m any cars. Pipes, c la m p s & h ang ers extra. J E xpire s M ar. 14/00. 39 Y a le " T LOb C onT8 filte r We will: · Change your oil (up to 5 litres ol 10W30 Quaker State) & filter -lubricate front end · Check air pressure · all levels under hood · filters I L lj _____ £ ^ ^ 9 5 Must P,esent cw poa M ost Expires M ar. 14/00. C a rs Available with: · 170-HP 3.3-litre V6 engine · 4-speed automatic transmission ' · 6-speaker 100-watt AM/FM/CD with cassette audio system · Air conditioning · 16" alloy wheels · Remote keyless entry system · Power windows, door locks, power-heated mirrors, and more... At 8.6% typical bank rate as of Feb. 29, 2000 At 2.8% special Nissan rate $4,143.12 $2,762.08 $ 1 , 3 1 2 .4 4 $ 8 7 4 .9 6 SAFETY CHECKS | | | 0 I I I | Ontario Government Inspection. Any work required tor safety check over the value ot $150 + taxes, performed by this location, safety check is no charge. Must present coupon at time of ourchase Expires Mar 14/00. *29 TA X $ 16 2 .8* financing get OR SEE YOUR DEALERSHIP FOR GREAT LOW LEASE RATES AND SPECIAL PRICING YOU SAVE $2,830.68 $1,887.12 95 m ost c a rs LIGHT TRUCKS &! ON EXHAUST WORK Meineke w ill pay the taxes on m o st cars ! & lig h t trucks. W arranty w o rk excluded.. E x p ire s M ar. 1 4 /0 0 . J I M ust present coupon at tim e of estimate. | Not to be com bined w ith any other coupon. Financing available on all Altimas, Maximas and Pathfinders. Catch the savings before they're a ll gone a t www.smile-event.com A (N IS S A N ] D R IV E N . Discount Mufflers Quality Undercar Specialists meineke O a k v ille 5 01 S p e e rs R d . U n it # 2 ... 3 4 2 ~ 9 9 7 7 `· Jext t o B u d d 's I m p o r t e d C a r s ) OAKVILLE NISSAN 1450 Speers Rd., Oakville l t d . 827-1177 F R E E U n d e r c a r I n s p e c t io n & E s t im a t e N a t io n w id e L if e t im e G u a r a n t ee s O PEN M O N . · FRI. 8 A M -6 PM SATURDAY 8 AM -4 PM M U S T P R E S E N T C O U P O N F O R A L L S P E C IA L S N O T T O B E C O M B IN E D W I T H A N Y O T H E R O F F E R W A R R A N TY W O R K EXCLUD ED Smart people always read the rrne print. And they always wear their seat belts. Umited-time offer on 2000 Altima GXE (T4RG70AE00), (model shown with optional alloy wheels): 2000 Maxima GXE (U4RG7OCK00 CK10) 4Smonth lease: 7.8% ALP. down payment or equivalent trade o f $4,500. 2000 Pathfinders. Maxima lease based on maxmum o f 96.000 km with excess km charged at SO.OS/hm. All otters are OXC.. and exclude destination and delivery (Attima S915. Maxima S966). license, insurance and taxes. *2.8% financing available on Altimas. based on S23.798 MSRP. Maximas and Pathfinders tor terms up to 36 months. *Financing examples: $30,000 at 2.8% per annum equals $869.79 per month for 36 months COB is $1.3 12.44 for an obligation total o f S31.312.44 S30.000 at 8.6% per annum equals $948.42 per month for 36 months. COB s S4.143.12 for an obligation total o t 34.143.12. **$20.000 at 2.8% per annum equals S579.86 per month for 36 months. COB is S874.96 for an obligation total of S20.874.96. $20,000 at 8.6% equals $632.28 per month for 36 months. COB Is $2,762.08 for an obligation total o t $22,762.08. See your Nissan Dealership for details. fThe Nissan Altima was rfte highest ranked entry mid-sited c i J.D. Power and Associates 1996-97 and 1999 U.S. Initial Quality Studies 2 . " 1999 study based on a total o t 41.004 consumer responses indicating owner reported problems dunng the first 90 days o t ownership. ttB a s ed on Compusearch data. Janu 1993 to December 1999. D m *n and the Nissan logo are Ni k - ___________________ O p«n ndoys 10-5^ lomotive s u p e r s t o r e ** 48 no limit OfTC 1996 Chev Blazer Blocks ^ 1997 Saturn K 2 50k, spoiler, leather, CD, m oon rool, loaded 1998 Ford Explorer Sport · m itv '* ` W hite , 85,181 km s, po w e r d oor ilo c k s , cru ise control, le a th e r * TM T s e a ts , air, C D . a lloy 1997 Pontiac Sunfire 46k, a llo y w h e e ls, a ir cond itio n in g , tilt, s p o ile r Auto, air conditioning, alloy wheels, pow er windows, 4x4w d, power door Our Frio* *11.900 Priw 1998 Volvo V70 4 0 4 1 5 km s . le a th e r se a ts , a llo y | w h e e ls , p o w e r w in d o w s , pow e r d o o r lo c k s , c ru is e c o n tro l 1998 Ford Escort 2X2 in n « W in W hite, po w e r locks, cruise, alloy w hee ls, a ir cond itioning, tilt, 53K 1998 Ford Contour SPT Blue, 30k, p. tockiwindows, cruise, alloys, air conditioning, spoiler, tilt 1997 Mercury Vffloger w r-6 cyl.. green, air conditioning, alloy i - H » w heels' P°we< w indows, autom atic, * c '- is e control, tilt | Our P ik e * 1 4 .9 0 0 1 · 4»SP 1 'P r k o ' rl', c i* J 1997 Oldsmobile Aurora 51k, cruise control, air conditioning, CD, m oonroof f 1998 Mazda Protege SE W hite, 39k, alloy w heels, .m o o n ro o f, spoiler a 1999 Ford E350 Diesel *fc. C ube van, w hite , 8 cyl., 35,680 SjTSvkms, A M /F M /cassette, anti-lock B r a k e s , auto m atic 1995 Chevrolet SBverodo Auto, black, 8 cyl., PU. extended . cab, leather seats, air, alloy wheels, C . 4x4 wheel drive, CD player, box liner I ._?!* Our Price *11.900 sport (m im e 1998 Fort Explorer Lid Purple, 64k, loaded, leath, auto 1998 Fort Explorer XLT White/grey, leather, mn 1998 Fort Explorer White, leather, moon, loaded 1997 Fort Explorer Greer, 72k, leather, loaded 1997 Fort Explorer XLT Green, 64k. PW, PL, air, auto 1997 Fort Explorer XLT Black, V6. loaded 1997 Fort Explorer XLT Power windows, power locks, 4x4, air, auto 19% Fort Explorer Ltd Black, feather, moon, 89k, ltd 1996 Jeep Gr. Cherokee White, 53k, V8, loaded 1996 Fort Explorer XLT Green Grey, V6, loaded 1996 GMC Jimmy SLT White, 68k. loaded, leather. 4x4 1996 Chevrolet Blazer Gold, 6 cyl air. alloy, 4x4 wheel drive, loaded, cruise 1995 GMC Truck Suburban White, 8 cyl,, 49,990kms, 4x4, cruise, fit, air. auto. 1994 Chevrolet Blazer LT Auto. Slack, Ittir. 4x4, p I, cruise, tilt. air. alloy $26,900 S3,900 $24,900 $25,900 $21,900 $20,900 $18,900 $23,900 $21,900 $19,900 $22,900 $16,900 $24,900 $14,900 1997 Minify 130 Taupe, 75k, loaded, leather 1997 Lincoln Continental Grey, 47k loaded, leather 1997 Cadillac STS Black, leather, moonroof 1996 BMW 328i 58k, air, auto, traction 1995 Lincoln Continental Black, 62,166kms. p, windows, leather, air, moonroof 1994 Jaguar Vdp White. 6 cyl.. feather. CD, moonroof, 92k 1993 Cadillac Seville STS Auto green. 8 cyl., 69.184kms, CD. alloy, moonroof, Ithr, air 1993 Jaguar XJ6 Green, loaded, leather 1992 BMW 735IL Green, power locks, cruise, moonroof, air. loaded 1989 Jaguar XJS Grey, V6. loaded 1989 Jaguar XJSGren, 66k, V12 $23,900 $23,300 $27,900 $29,900 $17,900 $19,900 $18,900 $14,900 $18,900 $13,900 $23,900 PASSENGER VANS 1998 .Mercury Villager GS Blue, 46k, auto, pwr. grp, 1998 Fort Windstar GL Green. 53k. power windows, power locks, auto, air 1997 Mercury Villager Green, 6 cyl., air, alloy, power windows, cruise, hit 1997 Mercury Villager GS Green. 41k auto, air, pwr. grp 1996 Fort Windstar GL Blue, auto, air, PW. PL 61k $21,900 $18,900 $14,900 $21.900 $15,900 1996 VW Jetta Tree Black 95k. air. 5 spd. 1996 Volvo 960 Silver. 86k auto. air. leather, moonroof 1996 Volvo 850 GLT Green, 72k, loaded, leather roof 1996 Volvo 850 GLT White, loaded, leather, roof $14,900 $22,900 $21,900 $21,900 TRUCKS 1998 Fort F150 XLT Tan, great work truck 1998 Fort F150PW.PL, 47k, black 1998 Fort F150 XL Tan, 82k. auto, air, reg. cab 1997 Fort F150 XL While, auto, air, alloys 1996 Fort F150 XL Green, air, reg. cab, 5 speed 1995 Ford F150 XL Auto, white, 8 cyl, 4x4, air, alloy, box liner, cruise, tilt $19,900 $18,900 $15,900 $13,900 $11,900 $11,900 | SPORTS CARS 1998 Fort Escnl ZX2 White, cruise, air. power windows loaded 1997 Pontiac Suntire Coupe White 46.011kms. alloy, air. spoiler 1994 Fort Probe GT 94k, auto, power group 1997 Chev Cavalier Convertible fled, 19k auto, PW, air 1997 Fort Probe GT Sack, 70k, 5 spd, PW, T/C, air 1997 Dodge Avenger Green, auto, air V6 1988 Che* Corvette Whtetlue, glass top 1996 Fort Mustang Blue, 72k PW, PL. air, auto 1996 Chev Impala SS Green, V8, auto, air 1994 Chev Cavalier Convertible White, PW. PL $12,900 $11,900 $9,900 $16,900 $17,900 $18,900 $17,900 $14,900 $22,900 $9,900 ECONOMY CARS 1998 Mercury Mystique LS Cherry, 43K, auto, air, pwr $13,900 1998 Fort Contour SE Black, 48k. air. pwr. group, alloys $13,900 1998 Mercury Mystique GS Taupe, 31k, low km vehicle $12,900 1998 Mercury Mystique Burgundy, 49k, loaded $13,400 1997 Oodge Neon Spot 52 887kms air. tilt, cruise, alloy wheels, spoiler, red $9,900 1997 Mercury Mystique GS White, air, auto $9,900 1997 Fort Contour GL Blue. 59k, auto, air, 4 cyl. $11,900 1997 Fort Escort LX Wagon Auto, tan. 53.684kms. cruise, t i t air. alloy, roof rack $11,900 1997 Saturn Sc2 Coupe Black, 68,314kms, p. windows/locks, hit, CD, alloy, spoiler, air $12,900 1997 Fort Escort LX Wagon Tan, 53k, auto, air, pwr. grp $11,900 1997 Oodge Neon Sport Red, 52k air, hit cruise, alloys, spoiler $9,900 1997 Saturn SC2 Black 68k, power windows, tilt power locks, CO, alloy, spoiler, air $12,900 1996 Pontiac Grand AM SE 87k. auto, air V6 $11,900 1996 Fort Contour GL Green. 75k PW, PL, cruise $8,800 1995 Fort Escort 65k, red, 4 cyl. $8,900 CARGOS & CUBES 1999 Font Cube E3S0 While, 36k. 210 choose, 16 box 1997 Dodge Cargo Van Auto, white, 8 cyl., 59.604kms, p. steeing, p. brakes 1996 Fort Cube Diesal White. 8 cyl, automatic, air 1995 GMC Top Kick While, 72k, 221t box. 6 spd. diese 1995 Chevrolet Cube Diesal White, 8 cyl, automatic 1995 Chev Astro C/V White, 95k 6 cyl $31,900 $15,900 $19,900 $33,900 $20,900 $12,900 MID SIZE CARS 1997 Chrysler Cirrus LXI Brown, 49k, 6 cyl. loaded. 1997 Fort Taums LX Blue, 70k power group, auto, air 1997 Mercury Cougar XR7 White, auto, air, loaded 1996 Fort Contour GL 75k, greeapw, pi 1995 Buick Riviera Tan, 94k, loaded, leather 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix 71k black, loaded, 1990 Pontiac Grand Prix STE White, 75,853kms. Ithr . alloy, moonroof. auto, loaded $14,900 $12,900 $15,900 $8,800 $15,900 $11,900 $9,900 IMPORTS & EUROPEAN 1999 Nissan Maxima SE Black, 28k. leather, moon 1998 Volvo V70 Wagon Blue, leather, air. loaded 1997 Mazda 626 LX 47k, air cond. PW. PL 1997 Volvo 850 GLT 53k, loaded, auto. 1996 Saab 9000 Aero B lx k 63k, auto, loaded 1996 Mazda 626 LX V6. air. loaded 1996 Saab 9000 COE 43k, blue, leather, moon $27,900 $27,900 $13,900 $25,900 $23,900 $14,900 $24,900 LUXURY CARS 1998 Lincoln Towncar Auto, silver, 67.755kms, Ithr. cruise, tilt. air. alloy, moonroof 1997 Lincoln Mark 8 LSC Black 84k. leather, alloys $33,900 $24,900 MANY MORE MAKES ^ & MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! * *7.9% Financing available, no limit for 48 months, 0AC. Call dealer for details. Lease prices quoted are from 36-48 months, $0 down 0AC, call dealer for details. Custom leases available, call for your customized quotation. Kilometres are approx. Prices subject to change, offer good "till March 12,2000. 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