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Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, d5

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Wednesdsay March 1, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 Business Brian Hanna joining O'Connor MacLeod O 'Connor M acLeod LLP, O akville's largest law fian , plans to m erge practices this M ay with long-tim e local legal p rac titio n e r B rian J. Hanna. T he announcem ent, w hich w as m ade M onday, cem ents m erger negotiations w hich began several m onths ago and w ere recently finalized. "I am very excited about joining w ith the lawyers o f O 'C onnor M acL eod LLP," said Hanna. "It will provide m e w ith an opportunity to ensure all my clients will have their legal needs m et at a local O akville firm ." Jarvis S heridan, M an ag in g P artn er o f O 'C onnor M acLeod LLP, said he is looking for ward to H anna's legal expertise and com m unity spirit. "Brian H anna has been a very well respected legal practitioner in the tow n o f O akville for over 25 years and he and his w ife Julia are . known contributors to both business and com munity events here in O akville," said Sheridan. "We w elcom ed the opportunity o f having Brian join us." O 'C onnor M acLeod L L P is a full service law firm, located at 700 K err St. It w as established in 1991 with the m erger betw een the firm s of O 'C onnor Leitch H ays and M acL eod, Knox, Watts. Until M ay 29th, H anna will continue to pracif the best · Find the RIGHT job! · Learn about Career Training Options Career Choices and Business Opportunities jo b £ ca reer Fair Presented by The Burlington Post, The Oakville Beaver and The Milton Champion Brian H anna w ill be jo in in g the law firm of O 'C onnor M acL eod L L P at the end o f May tice at 303 Robinson St. in dow ntow n Oakville. A fter that, his new firm will have 12 lawyers in six departm ents covering everything from Civil litigation and real estate to corporate/com m er cial/securities and family law. { H anna, w ho started his O akville practice is 1975, specializes in com m ercial and residential real estate plus corporate com m ercial law. He has been involved with the L ion's Club of Oakville, the O akville Hum ane Society and the O akville Public Library Endow m ent Fund. His w ife Julia is proprietor o f Paradiso Restaurant. Thursday, April 13, 2000. · 9:30 - 7:30pm Holiday Inn Express, Oakville For m ore in fo rm atio n contact The Classified Sales Dept. (905) 632-4440 or 337-5610. ___________________ Fax: (905) 632-8165___________________ F i n d T h e R IG H T J O B C l o s e T o H o m e ! Oakville Place nam es new marketing manager Oakville Place g en e ral m an ag er, C arol H yam s, has an n o u n c ed the ap p o in tm e n t o f R honda R ichm ond to the position o f m arketing director for O akville Place. R honda replaces Nancy Field. R ich m ond jo in e d C a m b rid g e S hop p in g C entres in February 1996, first w ith a position at Bayshore S hopping C entre in N epean. W hile in the O ttaw a region, R honda also volunteered with the Civic H ospital. In M arch 1998, R honda accepted the position o f m arketing coordinator for L ynden Park M all in Brantford and w as prom oted to m arketing director in D ecem ber 1998. W hile in B rantford, she jo in ed the m arketing com m ittee for the B ran tfo rd R eg io n C h am b er o f C om m erce. R ichm ond w ill obtain a m arketing certificate from A lgonquin C ollege this spring. R ichm ond is subm itting one o f the cam paigns she developed to the International Council of Shopping C entres (IC SC ) for the M aple L eaf Award. The cam paign, Real Faces -- Real Life features w ell-recognized B rantford residents in the advertising cam paign for Lynden Park M all. R ichm ond lists reading, sailing, shopping, and theatre, am ong her hobbies. Open Your Doors to Business The Oakville Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee is pleased to announce the 2000-2001 edition of the Oakville Visitor's Guide. (> \ u \ m V i S * A O $ f g U j <i t! -v # . Ford C an ada main sponsor of SM ARTRISK Ford Canada has entered into a tw o-year alliance with SMARTRISK, an organization dedi cated to eliminating predictable and preventable injuries am ong Canadian youth. Accidental injuries are the leading cause o f death among the four-million young people in Canada between the ages o f 14 and 24. SM ARTRISK president and CEO Dr. Robert Conn, founder and form er pediatric heart surgeon, explains SM ARTRISK does not try to prevent young people from taking risks. Rather, it encour ages them to consider their actions and make deci sions that will avoid preventable accidents and injuries. It aims at the positive side, showing how taking risks in the smartest way possible can enable people to live life to the fullest. As the exclusive automotive sponsor o f SM AR TRISK, Ford of Canada provides: · Core funding to the organization to help sustain programs dedicated to revolutionizing the way Canadians assess and navigate risk in their lives; · Sponsorship o f the H ERO ESTM cross-country safety education road show, which last year stopped in 21 cities from September to December. For the first quarter o f 2000, the show is to visit 16 commu nities and put on 71 performances aimed at reaching an estimated 21,000 students, the HEROESTM tour -- 80% booked in 2000 with requests for dates into 2001 -- includes a multimedia presentation and young injury survivors who speak to students about how being injured has affected their lives. · Donation o f a new Ford F-800 medium duty truck to support the HEROESTM program; · Local sponsorship opportunities to its dealer ships in order to bring SM ARTRISK's life-saving messages to more communities than ever before. The sponsorship complements Ford o f Canada's purchase last year, o f a majority position in Young Drivers o f Canada, the nation's leading driver edu cation company. Young Drivers and SMARTRISK support Ford o f Canada's corporate citizenship efforts, which are currently focused around youth, with an emphasis on education and injury preven tion. 2 0 0 0 - 2 0 0 1 Publishing April 2000, this guide will help to promote Oakville and bring tourist dollar to your business. Call: 845-6613 Put your advertising message directly into the hands of local residents as well as the extended tourist market and boost the business coming through your door. O AK VILLE CHAM BER of COMMERCE Jor ci/ltA e c/etail'i call: /^ O a k v il l e B eaver 845-3824 Fax: 337-5568 TO RUN O I N I THIS RAGE CALL NOW! ZE N 0N in UK contract Z E N o N E n viro n m e n ta l Inc. (TSE: Z E N , Z E N .A ) U .K . office has w on an order, valued at o v er $3-m illion, to sup p ly Z E N O N ' s Z e e W e e d ® m em brane te c h n o lo g y fo r a m u n i c i p a l M 8 -S8 M 1992 REGAL GRAND SPORT** , Loaded. Red/Grey. 1994 CAVALIER 2-DR. Blue! , . USED VEHICLES W e buy used cars and vans for cash. W e take your trade. W e w ill consign yo ur ca r or van. USED VEHICLES Most cars and vans, certified and clean air, financing on the spot incl. 12 mth, 12 kilos powertrain warranty. W e're willing to deal to m ake the car or van & deal right for you. sew age p lan t in the U n ite d K i n g d o m . 1992 REGAL GRAND SPORT. Loaded. White/Grey. OVER 40 USED VEHICLES T O C H O O S E FROM! 1994 CAVALIER 2-DR. _ Maroon! OVER 40 USED VEHICLES T O C H O O S E FROM! C o n stru ctio n o f the new p la n t will b egin la ter th is y e a r and w ill b e o p e ra tional in 2001. O nce c o m p le t ed, the p la n t w ill s e rv ic e a c o m m u n ity of 40,000 people. "W e're very p ro u d to an n o u n c e th a t ZENON has p e n e tra te d one o f the la rg e st m a rk e ts in the w orld fo r w ater treatm en t," sta t ed Dr. A nd rew B enedek, c h a ir m an an d c h ie f e x e c u tiv e o f fi cer. "In less than a y e a r sin c e signing a lic en c ing a g re e m e n t w ith th e PU R A C G roup, a d iv is io n o f A n g lia n W ater, and o p en in g our new est office in the U .K ., w e have been able to s u c c e ssfu lly e n te r the b u r g eo n in g U .K . m arket. KYLIE'S VANS &1 0 « 827-0777 1 KYLIE'S VANS W&Z 627-0777 1 KYUE'S VANS 827-0777 I KYUE'S VANS 827-0777 1991 FORD PROBE Auto. $4 3 5 FROM! HONDA PRELUDE 167,000 km. USED VEHICLES From $ 1 5 0 + taxes a m onth. Tough credit. W illin g to reinstate credit. H a v e an incom e. M o st approved. E FROM! USED VEHICLES From $ 2 2 a d a y + taxes + in s u ra n c e , 2 5 yrs. & over. Vans $ 3 9 a d a y + taxes + insurance. 1989 FORD PROBE Auto. OVER 40 USED VEHICLES T O CHi 1988 PRELUDE Excellent condition! OVER 40 USED VEHICLES T O Cl KYLIE'S VANS E gftS E 827-0777 1 KYLIE'S VANS !SiWi 827-0777 1 KYLIE'S VANS £R!Sg£ 827-0777 1 KYLIE'S VANS SJJftSS' 827-0777 Advertise Your Pre-Ownedb^ar or Truck 1994 TRANSPORT Lovely van! 7-passenger. OVER 40 USED VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM! 1996 DODGE RAM SLT Loaded. Deluxe interior, air, automatic, coloured bumpers, sport wheels. 0VTR 40 USED VEHICLES T( CHOOSE FROM! Here For Only KYUE'S VANS 827-0777 1 KYUE'S VANS S'SSSS 827-0777 Call Rick or A I-a t-® 4 5 - 3 8 2 4

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