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Oakville Beaver, 1 Mar 2000, b4

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B4~' THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, March 1, 2000 )little Caesars Pizza 1 Medium Pizza UNLIMITED TOPPINGS plus tax Father and son share Leap Day birthdays By Wilma Blokhuis BEAVER FOCUS EDITOR D ouglas Sanderson shares a special bond with his son Charlie. Both o f them are `L eapies.' They celebrated their birthdays yester day, Feb. 29th. "Charlie had his second birth day," joked Sanderson, w hose son turned eight yesterday. B om in 1992, Charlie cam e a day late, making him a second generation Leap Year baby. Sanderson, the second youngest o f seven, was bom on schedule in I960, and has seen 10 birthdays - `L ea p ies' alw ays jo k e ab o u t celeb ratin g their birthdays every four years, w henever Feb. 29th show s up on the calendar. Both o f them were born at O akville T rafalg ar M em orial Hospital. O ther years, `L eap ies' cele brate on Feb. 28th, and last year Sanderson organized a huge skat ing party at Ice Sports. "W e had about 60 people com e, som e from M an ito b a and E n g lan d ," he reflects. This year it was a quiet cele bration at home. His seven-yearold daughter M egan had her ton sils rem oved last w eek, "and we have a 12-w eek old baby, A ngie." H ow ever, adds S an d erso n , "I bought C h arlie a G am e Boy, som ething h e's alw ays w anted." There are an estim ated four m illion `L eapies' w orldw ide, and 21,000 in Canada. N ot only do father and son share the sam e birthday - both attended M aple G rove School, "and sat in the sam e classroom s. I w as there for the school's 100th anniversary, and C harlie was there for its 125th." L eap Year occurs every four years to correct a glitch in the earth's rotation around the sun, as decreed by Pope G regory X III in 1582. T he 365-day calendar is off about one-quarter o f a day annual ly, hence the four-year adjustm ent to keep statutory holidays in line w ith the seasons. T he actual time it takes Earth to circle the sun is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 m inutes and 4 6 seconds. T he glitch was first discovered in 46 BC by Julius Caesar, how ever his solution o f adding 10 days to the then 355-day year did not solve the problem , as the cal endar continued to slip backw ards by one-quarter o f a day annually. G regory's solution w as to im m e diately drop 10 days from O ctober 1582 and ruled, in order to keep the calendar on schedule, that a century year m ust be divisible by 4 00 to be a leap year. Thus, the first leap century year was 1600. T he year 2000 is only the sec ond century leap year, and the first to fall at the beginning o f a new millennium . H ow ever, no calen dar produced to date has ever identified Feb. 29th as L eap Day. T he H onour Society o f Leap D ay B abies w ould like to see the day officially recognized, sim ilar to Valentines Day and G roundhog Day. For m ore inform ation, visit the g ro u p 's w eb site at: http://w w w .leapdaybabies.com - With file s fro m Torstar Network 2ND MEDIUM $ 5.99+TAX 2441 Lakeshore Road w e s t (B ro n te Village Mall) 827 -7 7 7 8 511 Maple Grove Road (Maple Grove Village) 84 2-1 1 1 4 Photo by Peter C. McCusker D ouglas Sanderson and son C harlie were both born on Feb. 29th at O akville Trafalgar M em orial H ospital, and both attended M aple G rove School. h e a rt & soul. (if y o u r s c o u l d u s e a b i t o f a j u m p s t a r t , g e t p l u g g e d in ) Women's Centre breakfast to launch T he W om en's Centre will host a breakfast on M arch 8th to celebrate International W om en's Day and to launch the cam paign kick-off o f the World M arch o f Women 2000 to be held this fall. T he breakfast will be held at the Tow ne Restaurant, 467 Speers Rd., 8 to 9:30 a.m. C ost is $7. Bev LeFrancois, executive director o f the Halton Rape Crisis Centre, will speak about W omen Taking Action for Change. This march will be supported by hundreds of Canadian w om en's groups, churches, students and labour groups, w ho will be participating in this event dem anding international action to achieve equality and justice for women. The world M arch o f Women 2000 represents an international collection o f 3,000 w om en's organiza tions from 143 countries in protesting poverty and violence in w om en's life, and promises to be the largest w om en's dem onstration in history. This M arch was initiated by the Federation des femm es du Q uebec (Quebec Federation o f Women) following the success o f the 1995 W omen's M arch in that province and the 1996 National W om en's M arch for Bread and Roses in Canada. A ccording to som e h istorians, International W om en's Day traces its roots to labour strikes by fem ale textile w orkers held on M arch 8th in both 1857 and 1908 to protest poor w orking conditions and low pay in New York City. Since then, the w om en's m ovem ent has been instrum ental in im proving w orking conditions and recognizing fundam ental rights, including for exam ple, the right to vote. Alberta, Saskatchew an and M anitoba becam e the first provinces to grant w om en the vote in provincial elections in 1916. They gained that sam e right in British Colum bia and O ntario the follow ing year, follow ed by N ova Scotia in 1918. N ew Brunsw ick follow ed in 1919, and Prince Edw ard Island in 1922. A ll w om en over 25 gained the right to vote in N ew foundland in 1925. Q uebec finally granted this right to w om en in 1940. All w om en over 21 were granted to vote federal ly in 1918, after that right had already been granted to w om en w ho w ere close relatives o f arm ed forces personnel the previous year. For inform ation, call the W om en's C entre at 8475520. /Chartwell Church \2 2 8 Chartwell, Oakville, ON .March 4, 2000 - - Coffee @ 5:00 Gathering @ ! Asking & listen in g to Cod th ro u g h m usic, d ra m a & te a c h in g from th e Bible. Dream s Take Flight! T he F ollow in g is a L ist o f Item s and O p p ortu n ities W aiting for Your Bid at THE OAKVILLE FIELD HOCKEY CLUB'S DREAM-A-TH0N SILENTAUCTION at St. Thomas Aquinas High School Saturday, March 4th - 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 2 Toronto Maple Leaf Playoff Tkts. Kelmat Graphic Designs We wiH pay _ _ Chocolate Bundt Cake Ashley Bissonnette PAINTINGS & PRINTS (all items are framed) 2 Saturday Tickets to the Bell Canadian Open <m *M . Sailing School Instruction Bronte Harbour Yacht Club Royal Canadian Golf Assoc. Flynn Produce Co. Millennium Ties Maynard's "Barn Swallows" Limited Edition Signed by Roger Tor)' Peterson Gail Picone »'-6«5»f Toronto Raptors Tickets |-Pc. Non-Stick T-Fal Kitchen Set ·w sS a n a d ia n Tire - Kerr St. Bottle of Champagne, Bucket & Chocolate Truffles Carlson Wagonlit Travel Hopedale Mall "Game Plan" signed by John Newby Sid's Trophies you to reach your goal. Single Control Tub-Shower Valve Lansing Buildall Hearts Aglow Candle Holder Party Lite 3 Framed Oil Paintings Phyliss Luckett - Adidas Windbreaker Evening Gown LJ Group Ltd. ·Oakville Sports Excellence, Hopedale Wall Sconces: 6-piece Fruit Mother & Daughter De Falco Design "Fall Colours - Bronte Harbour" signed by Michael Hitchcox Concept Galleries & PlaksPrints Clairol Gift Basket Michael Bennett 10-speed Electric Mixer True Value Hardware Complete Satellite Dish System , 'r Polaroid Instant JoyCam & Two Film Packs Black's Cameras - Hopedale "Picnic in the Park" & "Ducks Crossing" signed by Frances Tyrrell Bronte Harbour Fine Arts Do it for your health, Do it for yourself! Let Argus Medical Diet Clinic help you achieve your weight loss goals. With the right foods, you can change your body from fat absorbing to Calorie Burning! I Bell Expressvu Cptn. John Picone Burlington Airpark AirTour of Oakville for 3 GIFT CERTIFICATES (ranging from $25 to $200) Pomodoro Ristorante Monte Carlo Inn Philthy McNasty's Bar & Grill Lick's La Costa Caz's Fish and Chips The Barn Markets Bucci Hair Boutique Heinen Naturopathic & Wellness Ctre. Glen Abbey Framing & Fine Art Accommodation: Monte Carlo Inn Mara's L'Escape - Mini Facial Electrolysis by Connie Tan in the Wild The Sanctuary Premier Day Spa Omega Steak & Seafood House World Bistro Nail Studio - Deluxe Manicure Kelsey's Ferrone Fitness Centre Waltherglas Fruit Bowl Skyway Jewellers - Hopedale Sweatershirt, Cap & Scarf Brewers Retail Inc. An Afternoon Sailing Lake Ontario Richard Bissonnette Bronte Harbour Yacht Club 10" Compound Saw The Home Depot Canada Piano Lessons for the Beginner 10 half-hour lessons John Picone Beatles Poster Mr. & Mrs. Scott Madden Patio Dinnerware Set Sue Salvatore PROGRAM S P E C I A L -! receive $100 cashback! _ Rossignol Turtle Bag (Hockey Bag on Wheels!) Corbetts Sports Stationery Supplies The Business Depot Ltd. 30-cup Coffee Maker Zellers - Hopedale Picnic Basket & Cocktail Set Mr. & Mrs. Joe Madden Cleamet Cell Phone Vince Poloniato Cleamet Bathing Suit Watch Us Grow 1 4 Months $2501 J If you reach your 4 month goal1 i : , VCR with On-Screen Display The Brick Portable CD/Radio/Cass. Stereo *Future Shop Future Shop Super Nintendo Game: Battletoads Double Dragon Gabriel DiRollo ' 5 Internet Access Kits One-Night Accommodation Country Inn Gift Baskets: Gourmet Salsa/Condiments Peter's Peppers SOME SPECIAL NOTES: Payment for items may be made by cash, cheque or VISA. · Items will be in THREE groups closing at 2:00 3:00 & 4:00 pm The O AKVILLE FIELD HOCKEY CLUB is overwhelmed at the support received for the Dream-a-Thon, and deeply grateful for the generous spirit o f all who have contributed to the Silent Auction. Thank you! Golf Shirts - KLM Logo Northwest Airlines Inc. 2 Tkts. to Comedy Night at The Oakville Centre for Performing Arts : CHWO Radio ARGUS MEDICAL New Balance Running Shoes The Running Company Reebok Golf Shirts Greg Norman Golf Shirt Targus Top-Loading Notebook Carrying Case Mary DeFreitas Weight Loss & m Counselling Services 581 Argus Rd. Suite 202, Oakville Box of Tueros Cigars R.J.R. 1967 Centennial Mint Coin Set Framed & Sealed John Picone Sr. Suede Jacket Decorative Floral Wreath Bronte Florist 1965 Mint Coin Set Frank Russo T he Oakville B eaver media sponsor c lin ic 338-7227

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