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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, A07

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Wednesdsay February 23, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A7 G> Road Closure By-law 2000-035 Closure o f Part o f Old Mill Road TAKE N O TICE THAT: 1. O A K V IL L E 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 NOTICE O F PU BLIC M EETINGS APPLICANT: Nuera Property M anagem ent Inc. OW NERS: C am bridge Shopping Centres Limited File Z. 1607.03 Please be advised that two public meetings will be held to discuss a proposed Z oning A m endm ent as subm itted by the above-noted applicant. The first meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Departm ent. A t this meeting, details o f the proposed am endment will be presented, and public concerns noted. This meeting will take place on Thursday, M arch 9, 2000 com m encing a t 7:00 p.m . in the Trafalgar R oom a t Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. The second meeting will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council, at which tim e a staff report and recom m enda tion will be considered. This public meeting will take place on Wednesday, A p ril 26, 2 0 0 0 com m encing a t 7:30p.m . in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals w ishing to attend these meetings and speak to this m atter are invited to do so. A summ ary o f the subject proposal and a key m ap may be found below. I f a person o r public body that files a notice o f appeal o f a decision in respect o f the proposed zoning am endment to the Ontario M unicipal B oard does not m ake oral submissions at a public meeting or does not m ake written submissions before the proposed zoning am endm ent is approved, the O ntario M unicipal Board may dismiss all or part o f the appeal. You may direct any written submissions and/or questions to David Nelson, Planner at the Town's Planning Services D epartm ent, Town o f Oakville, P.O. Box 3 1 0 ,1 2 2 5 Trafalgar Road, O akville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, E x t 3039, email address: dnelson@ town.oakville.on.ca. A copy o f the final staff report, including the proposed zoning am end ment, will be available for review in the C lerk's D epartm ent as o f M onday, A p ril 17, 2000 between the hours o f 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. M onday to Friday. Location -- The subject property is located on the south side o f Corn wall Road west o f the storm w ater m anagement facility which is approxi mately mid way between M aplegrove Drive and M orrison Road. x O fficial Plan -- The Official Plan ( IND. Figure A, Q.E.W. East Industrial D istrict) designates the subject lands as Light Industrial. Industrial uses are restricted to Light Industrial how ever specific O fficial Plan policies perm it up to 50% o f the lands on the south side o f Cornwall Road between M orrison Road and M aplegrove D rive to be used for offices subject to building height and floor area limitations. Zoning -- The site is currently zoned M l with a special provision providing regulations for industrial uses. These regulations relate to required yards, landscaping, building heights and the area o f w indow and door openings permitted on walls facing residential zones. Proposal/Background -- The applicant has submitted an application for a zoning am endm ent to perm it the land to be used for freestanding m edical office uses. The Zoning By-law currently permits office uses in conjunction with indus trial uses. The proposed building is a single storey building containing 10,000 sq. ft. THIRD LINE W yecroft Road to Upper M iddle Road Class Environmental Assessment Study NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Third Line is currently operating at or near capacity from Wyecroft Road to Kings College Drive / Abbeywood Drive and at the ramp terminals at the interchange with the QEW. The analysis o f existing and future travel demands indicates the need for additional roadway capacity on Third Line from Wyecroft Road to Upper Middle Road. In addition, the Ministry o f Transportation (MTO) has identified the need to upgrade the QEW / Third Line interchange in order to accommodate existing and projected traffic volumes. MTO is currently proceeding with the preliminary design o f the ultimate interchange o f Third Line at the QEW. Consequently, in order to address growing traffic congestion on Third Line and to enable co-ordination with MTO's design o f the QEW / Third Line interchange, the Town o f Oakville and MTO is carrying out a study o f Third Line from Wyecroft Road to Upper Middle Road (see Key Map) in accordance with the requirements o f the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The study is addressing the EA requirements for both Third Line and the interchange with the QEW. McCormick Rankin Corporation (MRC) has been retained to carry out the study. KEY MAP N ote: This proposal may be subject to changes or m odifications at the public m eeting on W ednesday, April 26, 2000. D ated at the Town o f O akville this 23rd day o f February, 2000. John Ghent, M anager Current Planning Section The Council o f the Corporation o f the Town o f O akville proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to Section 297 o f the M unicipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M .45, in order to stop up and close for all purposes part o f Old M ill Road legally described as: Firstly: Part o f O ld M ill Road by By-law 216285 being part o f Lots 13 and 14, Concession 3, S.D.S., Town o f Oakville, Regional M unicipality o f Halton, designated as Part 4 on Plan 20R -12296, being all o f PIN 24816-0083; Secondly: Part o f O ld Mill Road by By-law 216285 (formerly known as Sixth Line by unregistered M unicipal Plan 689) being part o f Lots 13 and 14, Concession 3, S.D .S., Town o f Oakville, Regional M unicipality o f Halton, designated as Parts 17 and 18 on Plan 2 0 R -11101, being part o f PIN 24816-0084. 2. Pursuant to Section 300 o f the M unicipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M.45, before passing this by-law, Council or a Committee th ereo f will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by this by-law, provided that such person makes application in w riting to the undersigned on or before March 2 3 ,2 0 0 0 , at 4:30 p.m. This m atter will be heard at the Council m eeting o f April 3 ,2 0 0 0 , com mencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Copies o f Plans 2 0 R -12296 and 2 0 R -11101 are available for inspection at the office o f the M anager, Realty Services at the address shown below, by appointm ent by calling 845-6601, extension 3022 during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). 3. Maynard M illman, AACI Manager, Realty Services Legal D epartm ent The C orporation o f the Town o f Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Ontario OAKVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS APPLICANT: Courtwell Storage Place OWNERS: 1157658 Ontario Ltd/Windale Properties File Z.1501.14 Please be advised that two public meetings will be held to discuss a proposed Zoning Amendment as submitted by the above-noted applicant. The first meeting will be an information meeting hosted by the Planning Services Department. At this meeting, details of the proposed amendment will be presented, and public concerns noted. This meeting will take place on Wednesday, March, 8th, 2000 commencing at 7:00p.m. in the Trafalgar Room at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. The second meeting will be a public meeting hosted by Town Council, at which time a staff report and recommendation will be considered. This public meeting will take place on Wednesday, A pril 26th, 2000 com mencing at 7:30p.m . in the Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend these meetings and speak to this matter are invited to do so. A summary o f the subject proposal and a key map may be found below. If a person or public body that files a notice o f appeal o f a decision in respect o f the proposed zoning amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions before the proposed zoning amendment is approved, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part o f the appeal. You may direct any written submissions and/or questions to David Nelson, Planner at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town o f Oakville, P.O. Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON. L6J 5A6. Tel: 845-6601, Ext. 3039, email address: dnelson@town.oakville.on.ca. A copy o f the final staff report, including the proposed zoning amend ment, will be available for review in the Clerk's Department as o f Monday, A pril 17th, 2000 between the hours o f 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Location -- The subject property, consisting o f three parcels, is located on the north side o f Sherwood Heights Drive between Will Scarlett Drive and Winston Churchill Boulevard and has a municipal address o f 2892-2916 South Sheridan Way and 2913-2929 Sherwood Heights Drive. Official Plan -- The Official Plan ( IND. Figure A, Q.E.W. East Industrial District) designates the subject lands as Industrial Commercial and Arterial Commercial. The Industrial Commercial designation applies to the western portion o f the site known as 2913 and 2921 Sherwood Heights Drive and 2892-2916 South Sheridan Way. The Arterial Commercial designation applies to the eastern portion o f the site known as 2929 Sherwood Heights Drive Zoning -- The site is currently zoned M6 on the western portion and C3A on the eastern portion with a number o f special provisions regulating specific uses on the lands. Special Provision 457 o f the Zoning By-law permitted the total land to be divided into parcels smaller than the required total o f 2.4 ha provided that the use was office buildings. Proposal/Background -- The applicant has submitted an application for a zoning amendment to permit the three parcels o f land to be used independently o f one another for the uses currently permitted under Special Provision 274. These uses consist o f uses permitted under the M6 and C3 A zones in the Zoning By-law however the general range o f uses in each of those zones has been limited under Special Provision 274 as follows: M6:all M6 uses subject to modified yards, lot frontage, landscaped areas , floor area and building height. C3 A: banks, trust companies, hotels and motor hotels, restaurant and banquet facilities, automobile service stations and office uses Note: This proposal may be subject to changes or modifications at the public meeting on Wednesday, April 26, 2000. Dated at the Town o f Oakville this 23rd day o f February, 2000. John Ghent, Manager Current Planning Section Planning Services Department Public consultation is an important part o f this study. It is proposed to hold two public information centres: one in March 2000 to review the traffic analysis and alternatives, and one m spring 2000 to review the preferred alternative. The first public information centre has been arranged for: PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE Date: Time: Place: W ednesday, March 1, 2000 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Glen Abbey Recreational Centre - Community Room `C ' 1415 Third Line, Oakville The purpose of the first Public Information Centre is to review and receive public comments about the problem and opportunity being addressed and alternatives being considered including: the "do nothing" alternative, the widening o f Third Line and the interchange with the QEW. The information centre will be an informal drop-in centre where those who attend will be able to discuss the study with representatives o f the Town o f Oakville, MTO, and the consultants, and provide comments. Anyone with an interest in the study is invited to attend and participate. With the exception o f personal information, all comments will become part o f the public record. If you cannot attend and would like to provide comments, please forward them by March 17, 2000 to: Mr. Dan Cozzi, P. Eng. Town o f Oakville, Public Works Department 2274 Trafalgar Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6 Tel: (905) 845-6601 ext. 4424 Fax: (905) 338-4159 e-mail: dcozzi@ town.oakville.on.ca Ms. Leslie Scott McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2P8 Tel: (905) 823-8500 Fax: (905) 823-8503 e-mail: lscott@mrc.ca

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