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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, D06

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D6 AUTOMOTIVE THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 23, 2000 C h rysle r spells luxury....LHS T he C a n a d ia n -b u ilt L H S is a h ig h ly -sty liz e d v ersio n o f the C o n c o rd e , o ffe rin g m o re p o w er and e x tra v a g a n t lo o k s. P h y sica lly , th e L H S re ta in s m any o f the In tre p id /C o n c o rd e 's sty lin g cu es, b u t sp o rts a la rg e r g rille and gro u n d effec ts th a t m ak e th e o th e r LH c a rs lo o k lik e th e ir m issin g so m eth in g . U n d er the h o o d rem a in s the a ll-a lu m in u m 3 .5 -litre S O H C V 6 th a t p ro d u ce s 253 h o rse p o w e r co u p led to a fo u r-sp e e d au to m atic tra n sm issio n (.w ithout A u to S tic k ). I t's the sam e e n g in e fo u n d in the 300M and P ly m o u th P row ler. A long w ith the p o w er c o m es a load full o f stan d ard lu x u ry fe a tu re s, in c lu d in g c lim a te c o n tro l, le a th e r h id e s , p o w er e ig h t-w a y h e a te d d r iv e r 's and p a s s e n g e r's b u ck e t se ats, 17inch c a st-a lu m in u m w h ee ls, tra c tio n co ntro l an d a n in e -sp e a k e r In fin ity casse tte /C D so u n d sy stem . A s a nice retro to u ch , th e L H S 's ro u n d gau g es are trim m ed w ith c h ro m e rin g s, as is the sta n d ard c e n tre -d a sh -m o u n te d an alo g tim e p ie c e . F o r 2 0 0 0 , L H S rec eiv e s m an y o f th e sam e u p g rad e s as th e s p o r tie r 3 0 0 M , in c lu d in g rev ised re a r su sp e n sio n th a t red u c es noise, so m e ch ro m e in te rio r sw itc h es an d se v e ra l new co lo u rs. C h rysler's LH S m odel: luxury, by any other nam e W hen buying tires, be an in fo rm ed c o n su m e r Since automobile tire buying is not a daily occurrence in our lives, walking into a tire store can be somewhat unset tling. It's even worse when an attendant offers help and we don't have a clue where to start. If you ask youself these questions before you go to the store to buy tires, you'll be well-prepared for that helpful salesperson. 1. W hat is the make, model, and year o f your car? This information gives the dealer an idea o f what type of tire will perform the best and look the best on your car. 2. W hat is the brand name, model, size and type o f your current tires? Just look at the side o f your tires. If your cur rent tires did not come with the car when it was new, be sure to check all four tires and make sure they are the same. (For exam ple: Bridgestone, S471, P185.70HR13, blackwall.) 3. D o you like your current tires? Do you like the way your tires make your car feel and sound? Or how they make your car look? W hat would you like to change? M ake a list of the things you like and dislike about your current tires. 4. W hat do you want from your tires when you are driving? Do you want a soft, comfortable ride or do you want a tire that has been built to harness your sports car's capabilities? You may want both, but this is difficult to achieve. A tire that is designed for ride and comfort will not handle as crisply as a perfor mance tire. 5. W hat weather conditions do you normally drive in year around? Are the roads mostly dry (summer tires), or are they usually wet (all-season tires)? Do you ever drive in snow? 6. W here do you do your driving? Do you drive mostly around town? Then you probably don't need to spend extra money for a speed-related tire (unless your car came fitted with them). D o you drive frequently on gravel? Then there are certain tread designs you should avoid. 7. At what speeds do you normally travel? If you travel at higher speeds, or own a sports car, you may need a speedrelated tire. If your car came form the factory with speed-rated tires, it may be in your best interest to replace them with the same speed rating. This will give your car the same handling charac teristics to which you're accustomed. 8. How do you want your car to look? There are several "cosm etic" options for tires: Blackwall tires look good on m odem and m ore perfor mance-oriented cars. W hitewalls look good on many cars. Raised white letters and outline white letters are tw o more options. 9. W hat kind o f warranties do you want, or are available? Many manufac turers offer lim ited warranties which cover you for faulty workmanship and product defects. 10. How m uch do you want to spend? Once you know the answers to the first nine questions, you're ready to consider price. N o th in g standard H yundai is w ell-know n for loading up its cars with plenty o f standard fea tures and sticks to this them e w ith the Sonata. R edesigned last year, the attractive sedan com es in tw o m odels, the G L and G LS. T he base G L com es with air conditioning, pow er w indow s and door locks, audio system with cas sette player and rem ote trunk, hood and fuel door releases. Step up to the GLS and the list o f standard equipm ent grow s to include four-w heel disc brakes, a 100-w att audio system with C D player, th ic k er carp etin g , an upgraded interior and air filtration sys tem. L eather seats w ith pow er d riv er'sside controls and a pow er m oonroof are available as options, as are driver- and p assen g er sid e-im p act airbags and four-wheel disc brakes. Pow er for the G L is supplied by a 2.4-litre DO HC fo u r-cy lin der that pum ps out 149 horsepower. T he better-equipped GLS com es w ith a potent 2.5-litre DO HC V6 that puts out 163 horsepower. A four-speed autom atic transm ission is standard with either engine. Night driving not to be taken lightly According to Ontario accident statis tics, 46 per cent o f all traffic fatalities occur during hours o f darkness -- even though the number o f miles driven at night is significantly lower than during the day. The C anadian A utom obile Association suggests some tips that can help motorists be safer night drivers. Tip # 1: Look as far ahead as you can. If you can see an object that might pre sent a hazard, assume that it will, and slow down until you are absolutely cer tain it is not a hazard. Keep your wind shield clean. A windshield that is dirty inside or outside causes glare, decreasing visibility. W indshield wipers that leave streaks or chatter across the windshield also decrease visibility and should be replaced. Clean properly aligned head lights are also very important for identi fying hazards. Tip #2: Avoid over-driving your headlights. W hen an object becomes illuminated by your headlights, you should be driving slow enough to stop your car safely without hitting it. Tip #3: M ake sure other drivers can see you. Keep your tail-lights, turn sig nals, and brake lights clean and in good working order. It only takes a m oment to walk around the car to check these sys tems. H ave someone sit inside the car to operate the lights, brakes and turn sig nals. Or it's easy to check yourself in an enclosed area. Use your high beams, but don't forget to dim them for on-coming traffic or cars in front o f you. Tip #4: If a driver coming toward you is using high beams, flash your lights quickly with the dim m er switch. If the driver fails to dim the lights, look toward the right side o f your lane. This will keep you from being blinded by the other car's headlights. Tip #5: D on't drive tired. Fatigue diminishes responsiveness needed for safe night driving. If you have to drive tired, pull off the road and rest. NOW LEASE FOR ONLY PER MONTH 36 MONTH LEASE *4,795 Down Payment Plus `925 Freight and *350 Security Deposit PURCHASE FOR 48 MONTH FINANCING F e a tu re s fo r y o u r p e a c e m in d : · Remote K eyless E n try · Second G e n e ra tio n Dual A ir Bags · Sec u riLo c k TM A n ti-Theft System · Side Door Intrusion Beams · Anti-lock Brakes F e a tu re s fo r y o u r c o m fo rt: · Quad Bucket Seats · Dual Sliding Doors · 200hp V6 engine · Air Conditioning · Power Windows · Power Locks · Power Mirrors · AM/FM Stereo w ith Cassette · Tilt Steering · 4-Speed Automatic with Overdrive · Speed Control · Luggage Rack · Privacy Glass WE HAVE THE RIGHT LEASE PAYMENT FOR YOU Based on 4 .5 % annual interest rate ove r 36 months Monthly Oown Payment or Security Payment Equivalent Trade Deposit `299 '4,795 `350 5 358 *2,795 '425 `441 '0 `525 fr ._ht Due on 9 Signing '925 `6.369 `925 `4,503 `925 > 1.891 First Month's Payment Required. $0.08/km charge over 60,000 km for 36 months. S15.753.90 Optional Buyback. Applicable Taxes, Licence. Insurance and Administration Fees Extra. T h e 2000 W in d s ta r is the o n ly m in iva n to achieve a Five Star Safety Rating fo r d riv e r and fro n t passenger, six years in a r o w .f www.ford.ca/offers WISE BUYERS READ THE LEGAL COPY: *Lease a n ew 2000 W indstar LX, w ith left h a n d sliding door, utility an d co n v en ien ce g ro u p fro m Ford Credit to q u alifie d retail lessees, o n a p p ro v e d cred it. Total LX lease o b lig a tio n i; $15,559/S 15,683/$15,876. **1.9% p u rch ase fin an cin g o n n ew 2000 W in d star fo r a m axim um o f 48 m o n th s o n ap p ro v ed credit. E.g. $30,000 fin a n ced a t 1.9% a n n u a l p e rc e n ta g e r a te fo r 48 m o n th s, m o n th ly p ay m e n t is $649.52, cost of b o rro w in g is $1,176.96 an d to ta l to b e rep ay e d is $31,176.96. D ow n p ay m en t o r e q u iv alen t tr a d e m ay be req u ired . Financing o ffe r d o es n o t apply t o licence a n d in su ran ce fees. D ealer m ay sell o r le ase fo r less. Some c o n d itio n s apply. O ffers m ay ch a n g e w ith o u t n otice. Limited tim e offers. Offers are m utually exclusive. Offers cannot be com bined w ith an y oth er offers. See d e a le r fo r d etails. tT h e h ig h e st fro n ta l im p act ra tin g for b o th th e driver an d fro n t p assen g er in U.S. g o v e rn m e n t N ational H ighw ay Traffic S afety A d m in istratio n te stin g fo r vehicles w ith in 227 kg (500 lbs). T o ro n to FDA, P.O. Box 2000, O akville, O n ta rio L6J 5EA

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