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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, C07

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Wednesday, February 23, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER ARTS &ENTERTAINMENT New career launched at folk club C m usic will com e first. I'll get a melody in my m ind and I'll tape-record it right away, because ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR I'll forget it. Som etim es I'll see a book title, and I'll m ake a song out o f that." aro line W iles beg an p laying guitar W iles began sending her songs to publishers using a box fitted w ith elastic bands for in 1996, and although she met w ith som e suc strings. B ut thanks to her perseverance and the W hite O ak F olk C lub, she has a cess, she w anted more. A fter finding out about theper W hite O ak F olk Club, she decided that she'd real g u ita r now and will be one o f the guest take the plunge and perform on her own. A nd form ers at this w eekend's F reew h eelin ' F olk that w as the beginning o f a career that's been on B en efit fo r C F M U 93.3. the rise ev er since. "T h is is exciting. T his is m y dream ," says the "T he folk club w as a great place for m e to go O akville singer/songw riter. and start playing m y songs for people, ju st being W iles says her interest in playing the guitar on my ow n, not w ith a band. It takes a lot more began w ith a singing science teacher w hen she confidence," she says. "From there, they asked w as 11 years old. m e to do an extended set. A fellow from C FM U "H e w as like a hippie, and he w ould bring his (Jim M arino) heard m e and asked me to go on his g u itar in and lyric sh e ets...an d I w as really radio show. So, I played on his radio show live im pressed. A nd I thought, `I really w ant to play last May, and then he asked me to do the benefit guitar.' A nd I bugged and I bugged m y dad," she concert next Saturday." recalls. "F inally one E aster he took me to a m usic A ccording to W iles, C FM U taped the songs store and bought m e a really little guitar. A nd it she sang on the air last spring, and M arino has w as the best g ift I ever got." been giving them a lot o f air play recently to pro A nd her fingers continued to strum those m ote S aturday's live folk concert. strings, in a band as a teenager then as a solo A lthough W iles refers to her style as pop, she artist. It w as only after she got m arried and had children that her guitar got a bit o f a rest. But does adm it that m any o f her songs could fit into the folk category, especially when they feature now sh e's ready to do som e perform ing again, not only tp get back onto the entertainm ent scene ju st her and her guitar. "Folk has a w ide range, and som e o f my songs b ut also to prom ote the songs she has w ritten. are story songs, so they w ould fit into that cate "I 'm loo k ing at this as a part-tim e business for gory," she says, explaining that another couple o f now ," says the m other o f tw o w ho sings and w rites songs by ear. "I 'm being realistic. I 'm not gigs also developed out o f her perform ances with the local folk club, including an outdoor wedding ex pecting to be signed with a big label. I ju st last year. w ant to m ak e m usic a part o f my life. A nd if I can Now, W iles is concentrating on recording her do it p art-tim e, I'm happy w ith that." O v er the years, the singer/songw riter has con first CD , w hich she expects will be out in May, and on setting up live perform ances in local cof cen trated on professional developm ent, studying elem entary theory on her ow n, jo in in g the S ong fee houses. "I 'd ju st like to m ake my money w riters A ssociation o f C anada (SA C ), and read back," she quips, referring to the CD , w hich she plans to sell at her concerts. ing m any books on songw riting. T he fifth annual F reew heelin' F olk B enefit for T h e theory answ ered the w hys o f songw riting C F M U 93.3 on Saturday will also feature John for h er and added m eaning to the process. SAC P rince and a Piece o f the R ock, N ightsun, gave h er a chance to have her songs critiqued and K atherine W heatley, Don M cG eoch and T hom to netw ork. B ut the books, she says, especially son L aw rie at the K nights o f Colum bus Hall, those by S heila D avis, w ere a real inspiration. 1494 W allace Rd. D oors open at 6 p.m . The con "T w o years afterw ards, I still felt so strongly ab o ut read ing these books that I w rote her cert will begin at 6:30, and W iles will begin her (D avis) a little letter. A nd she w rote m e back a half-hour set o f original songs at 7. "I 'm the new kid on the block," she says with hand-w ritten note right aw ay and said, `T hank y o u '," says W iles. "She said she w as having a a laugh. "But th at's OK, then I can enjoy the rest d ifficult tim e w ith one chap ter in a book she was o f the night, because I get nervous." w riting, and my letter inspired h e r...S o that T ickets are $12 at the door or $10 in advance at N otes M usic Store, 35 L akeshore Rd. W., or by m ade m e feel really good." calling 842-7960. W iles has w ritten a b o u t 100 songs to date. O ne o f th o se so n g s w on h o n o u rab le m ention in A fter the concert, W iles plans to finish her CD and continue to seek out coffee houses where she the 1997 U n iso n g In tern atio n al S ongw riting C o m p etitio n , w h ich m eans her song, The M an can share her m usic w ith others. H er long-range plans include hiring another guitar player along T h a t I L o ve, p la ce d in the top 10% o f o ver w ith a bass player to accom pany her on live gigs. 3 ,0 0 0 en tries. S he selected that p articu la r song "I have to establish m yself on my ow n, then I fo r th e c o m p e titio n b ecau se, she says, she th o u g h t it co n ta in e d so m e o f th e b est lyrics that can have people accom pany m e," she says, s h e 's w ritten . explaining that playing alone at first allow s her to have creative control and to focus on her original "I d o n 't m ean to sound conceited, but I th o u g h t it w as clever. A nd I w orked really, really com positions. A nd she is quick to acknow ledge that her first hard on it," she says, adding that it will be one o f the 10 songs on her upcom ing CD . "I'm still very opportunity to do that w as at an open stage m eet p ro u d o f it." ing o f the W hite O ak F olk Club. Its next open stage m eeting will be held on D espite her prolific songw riting, W iles says Sunday, Feb. 27th at 7 p.m. in the O akville Rod she w orks hard at developing a song. I t's rarely the p ro d u ct o f a m om entary inspiration. and G un Club, 36 U pper M iddle Rd. E. (betw een "S o m etim es I'll get an idea and I'll ju st sit T rafalgar R oad and Sixth Line). d ow n and w rite it. B ut I alw ays go back and edit For m ore inform ation about the club or the benefit concert, call 842-7960. it, an d ed it it, and ed it it," she says. "O ften the By Carol Baldwin Photo by Barrie Erskine C aroline W iles has been playing guitar since she w as able to coax d ifferen t tones from a box strung with elastic bands. O n Saturday, the O akville sin ger/son gw riter w ill be on e o f h a lf a dozen entertainers w ho w ill sing at a benefit con cert for C FM U 93.3. uI ' m being realistic. Vm not expecting to be signed with a big label / ju st want to make music a part of my life. And if I can do it part-time, Vm happy with that DISTINCTIVE LADIES FASHIONS PEGGY'S mm * m ?pi?y Sail P R I C E SIS L A SCl H E DI E v e ry th in g M u s t G o - d o w n to th e b a re w a lls in c lu d in g ra c k s & fix tu re s UNBELIEVABLE A s s o rte d W in te r F a s h io n s Benefit concert features pianist, ensemble, choir C o m p o ser/p ia n ist G erry T ym stra w ill be giving a concert in St. Jo h n 's U nited C hurch at 7:30 p.m . on M arch 4 th in support o f Ian A nderson House. T ym stra, an O akville m usician, is a p ian ist w ith the ability to play by ear. C onsequently, he has com posed over 60 original tunes that, he says, he "hears in his head." He has tw o C D s to his credit, and one o f his claim s to fam e is that the Canadian S now birds aerial team flies to The R ed M aple Leaf, a song from T ym stra's G arden o f Eden CD . He refers to the m usic on that particular C D as "soothing, relaxing m usic." The en sem b le at T y m stra's O akville concert will consist o f seven m usicians playing keyboard, grand piano, base, guitar, violin, trum pet and drum s. Tym stra will also be accom pa nied by the Tem pest C hoir from St. Jo h n 's church. Tickets to the concert are available through the church at 262 Randall St. (845-0551) or by calling (416) 3781728. 179 8 24 S lacks, S k irts, V ests, S h irts , B lo u s e s , S w e a te rs INCREDIBLE D e s ig n e r up to F a s h io n s M \ J OFF WE RE MOVING...WATCH FOR GRAND OPENING SPECIALS T ra fa lg a r V illa g e , O a k v ille · 8 4 4 -5 3 6 1 7A% Luscious lips C o n t e s t s Congratulations to 1st - N e llie Tax, Winner of a Dozen Roses from 2 n d - S a n d ra K e n t, Winner of a $25 Dining Certificate, 3 rd - C h ristin a Pridm one, Winner of $10 in movie passes, for correctly identifying the following luscious lips! Thanks to the hundreds of readers who entered. The correct answers are revealed below. All prize vouchers will be mailed to the winners. Bonus Answer ON SELECTED FALL & WINTER CLEARANCE PLUS BIG SELECTION OF HOME DEC PRINTS ALREADY REDUCED BY *0 F F OUR ALREADY REDUCED PRICES. ENTIRE IN-STORE STOCK! VOGUE & BUTTERICK PATTERNS (of equal value or less, same brand) Ofler valid Feb.16-Mar 5/00. Not valid with any other discount oilers Sale in effect on selected in-stock merchandise from February 16-March 5, 2000, while quantities last. Additional 50 % discount will be taken off our prices already reduced by 50% off our regular prices. Look for the red sale tags. All sales final. BUY 1 GET 2 FREE! Answers: TOP ROW FROM LEFT: Lloyd Robertson, Geena Davis, Mike H arris, Goldie Hawn, Sonja Sm its, Hillary Clinton BOTTOM ROW FROM LEFT: Regis Philban, Mayor Mulvale, Don Cherry, Pamela Wallin, EMs, Marths Stewart OPEN SUNDAYS 12-5 140 Rebecca St. O A K V IL L E 844-7728

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