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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, C06

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 23 , 2000 W Y L D E W 00D GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 6198 Trafalgar Road A Private Golf Facility · 905-878-4848 HIRING FOR THE 2000 SEASON Appleby College, a coeducational independent school for students in Grade 7 to OAC in Oakville requires a fulltime 1C h efs · Short Order Cooks Bartenders · Food Servers G reensstaff · Starters · Club Storag e Personnel Interviews will be conducted on R E L IE F Superintendent. Burlington luxury highrise. W eekends and holidays. No experience necessary. Suitable for retiree or student. Fax: (905)849-9520 CLEANING Positions avail able in Oakville. Mon.- Fri., 7:30am- 11:30am. Vehicle required. F a x resume: (905)546-0747 (Hamilton) L IT T L E C a e s a r 's-- Now hiring part-time in-store help. Please apply at 1235 Fairview St., (Longo's Plaza) or call 905-637-3334 P A R T -T IM E - W e e k e n d Positions available. Cash ier/ Store Clerk. Self-serve Sunoco, 754 Bronte Rd. Oakville. Apply within. FULL-SERVICE Car Wash Attendant- Full and parttime. Apply in person: King Car Wash, 1448 Graham's Lane, Burlington.__________ LO O K IN G for work? Are ybu 16-24yrs. old? Out of work & sch oo l? W e can help! Call 681-1140________ E X P E R IE N C E D Screen Printer required. Call 8254223 | I telem arketers AMCAN CASTINGS LIMITED NORTH AMERICAN LEADER IN DIE CAST MANUFACTURING RETAIL SALES Mastermind Educational, toy stores famous for selec tion & customer service, looking for F/T and P/T sales staff for our store at Upper Oakville Shopping Centre, 8th Line and Upper Middle Road. We are looking for people from the neighborhood who enjoy children, quality toys and understand excellent cus tomer service and would like to join our team. Due to expansion and rapid growth, we have the requirement to fill the following entry-level position. COST ESTIMATOR The successful candidate must have the ability to read and understand complex mechanical blueprints, along with a strong attention to detail. A proficiency in computers (Word, Excel) along with previous experience in Die Cast ing and or Machining is preferred. Mechanical Engineering certificate/ diploma or engineering equivalent experience is required. Fluency in English and German is required. Amcan Castings Limited offers a competitve wage and benefit package. Qualified applicants should forward their resumes by Friday, March 3, 2000 to: AMCAN CASTINGS LIMITED P .O . Box 4 46 , LCD#1 H am ilton, Ont L8L 7X3 Attention D. Huber, Human Resources M anager or fax to (9 05) 527-91 50 G roundske eper The candidate will work with a team of groundskeeping staff to provide year round maintenance of the 59 acre campus. Responsibilities include maintaining the school's fields, flowerbeds parking areas, lakelront property and equipment. Some duties will include heavy lifting, chemical use and the operation of machinery. The successful candidate must have good interpersonal and organizational skills and be willing to work weekends early mornings and possible shift work during the winter. The ideal candidate will hold a Diploma in Horticultural Studies and two years groundskeeping experience. Reply with resume (no phone calls please) by March 3/00,to: S A T U R D A Y F E B R U A R Y 26, 2000 From 11am-4pm Please call Manager a t (905)338-7779, or drop resume oft a t Store. Industrial Distributor Position available for Warehouse/ Back-up Driver $9.50/hour (F/T) +benefits. Reliable, self-motivated, honest individual "G" license with clean driving record, required upon offer of employment. Fax, email or fill applications at: RETAIL SALES Full-time Sales Associates required in B u rlin g to n & O a k v ille for leading retailer. Candidate must be friendly, energetic and talented. Competitive pay, incentives and full benefits are offered. Fax res u m e in confidence: 5 1 9 -4 7 1 -6 6 6 1 J tfC R S .B . S IM P S O N G R O U P T e d Holden, HR Manager Mr. G. Ide, Asst. Mgr, Building Operations Appleby College, Oakville, Ont. L6K 3P1 Fax: (905) 845-9828 We thank everyone who applies lor their interest, however, only candidates selected lor interviews will be contacted. 3210 Mainway, Burlington L7M1A5, Fax 335-4915 email: hr@sbsimpson.com Office Position/ Customer Service F u ll-tim e p o sitio n a v ailab le in O akville. D u ties in clu d e: re ce p tio n , p h o n e s, com p u te r , a c c o u n tin g e x p e rie n c e a n a sse t. C a n d id a te m u st h ave p lea sa n t telephone m an n e r, stro n g o rg a n iz atio n al skills and able to w o rk in a fast paced environm ent. We appreciate the interest of all applicants and advise only those selected for an interview will be contacted. AMCAN ENDORSES THE PRINCIPLES OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY M A C H IN IS T T O O L M A K E R required E s ta b lis h e d O a k v ille c o m p a n y re q u ire s fu ll-tim e / p a rt-tim e M ach in ist/T o o lm ake r. C onventional lathes & m ills. Bright, clean environm ent, good wages & benefits. ¥ NEW STORE OPENINGS 01 Fax r e su m e to: (905) 842-8689 IM M EDIATE WORK AVAILABLE Ultramatic requires mature, flexible individuals to set appointments for growing team of consultants. Guar anteed $9.00/hr. + bonus, leads & training provided. Mon-Fri., 5pm-10pm. Call Mrs. Crane after 1pm or Sat. 10am-1pm 333-1737. / s a le s help & a g en ts G e n t i v a HEALTH SERVICES Formerly Olsten Health Services OAKVILLE NISSAN has openings for the following positions RNs/RPNs Exciting Opportunities >RN's private duty for child at school and night shifts - Brampton · RPNs for private duty case Halton Hills · Visiting Nursing Woodbridge area · Visting Nursing Halton Region · Other opportunities available! Candidates will enjoy stable hours, benefits, educational opportunities. Ask about our retention bonuses! Fax resu m es to S usan Ash 905-896-8353 M ANPOW ER has openings for If you are in terested in jo in in g a W inning team , while building a retail career w ith Canada's leading m ass m erch an t th e n you will be in terested in finding o u t m ore ab o u t the o p p o rtu n ities Zellers is offering a t it's new stores located at Square One and E rin Mills Town C entre. Qualified candidates will benefit from Z ellers' com m itm en t to train in g and developm ent, plus a highly com petitive salary, incentives and benefits package. We are looking for en thusiastic individuals w ho welcom e com m itm en t and apply th eir interpersonal skills in a challenging and exciting w ork en v iro n m en t. Applications are presently being accepted for th e following (PT/FT) positions: · GENERAL LABOURERS $9.50 - $10.50/ hr Burlington & Milton HAIRSTYLIST required for busy Burlington salon. Hourly/ commission. Phone 905-335-9050_____________ HAIRSTYLIST required for Aveda salon in Hamilton. Fax resume to the Manager at 905-383-7770 Fa x re s u m e to 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -0 2 0 8 · ELECTRICAL GENERAL LABOUR $ 14.50 / hr Burlington - P O S S IB IL IT Y O F G O IN G P E R M Fax resume to (905)-336-5727 office-clerical 525 o ffice-clerical · 2 Experienced Sales Reps · Lot / Detail Person · Full & P/T Receptionist Fax 905-827-2349, or call 905-827-1177 MODULAR Telephone In te rfa c e L im ited , is We offer competitive wages, comprehensive benefits, free training, referral bonuses 4 more! MILTON LUMBER YARD has F/T positions ranging from $10-$17hr. Wanted: Experienced AZ DRIVERS for local deliveries to construction sites. No tarps, no Handbombing. MILLING MACHINE OPERATOR for Oakville machine shop. Call one of the largest authorized distributors of NORTEL Networks systems to medium and large businesses. We currently have an immediate opening for an: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK The successful candidate will be responsible for all aspects of accounts payable management including Purchase Orders, returns (RMA's), invoices, credits, tax, etc. Negotiation skills and ability to work with deadlines while coordinating with others in the Finan cia l department are essential. Experience in Busi ness Vision and Microsoft office skills are an asset. To apply, send or fax a resume and covering letter to the attention of Sandra Beatty at: BURLINGTON BOWL requires F/T personnel for entry position in SALES & MARKETING Strongjtnowledge of 10 pin bowling an asset. Must have outgoing personality & ability to work with minimal supervision. Call for appt 681-2727 ParaA4£D H O M E HEALTH CA R E GENERAL LAROURER to help assemble lumber orders. Please call Kathy @ (905 ) 844-3062 LA ND SCA PE contracting company requires foremen and labourers. Sound knowledge of hard and soft landscape installations, equipment operating, car pentry, experience in gen eral construction/ renova tions an asset. Good driv ing record; clean, neat ap pearance, Independant & team player. Paramount Landscape Contractors fax: (905)-690-Q612____________ SPECIALTY Tire company requires reliable, hard working S e rvic e T ech n i cian & Production Workers. Career oriented opportuni ty. Competitive wages w/ bonus opportunities. No experience necessarycompany trains. Good ba sic m echanical aptitude/ follow instructions accu rately. Send resume- Box6244, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers, Oakville. L6K-3S4 SPEEDY Auto and Window G lass requires- Full-time G la ss Installer for Burlin gton/ Oakville area. Mini mum experience required. Apply: Sp e ed y Auto and Window Glass, 1201 Fair view St., Burlington (Maple Ave) or fax 905-632-8005 ELECTRICIANS and 3rd to 5th yr Apprentices required immediately. For Interior office renovations in Westend GTA. Leave message 416-469-0974_____________ M AINTENANCE Mechanic with electrical background. Must have own tools, good driving record and be able to work on your own. Call (905)875-1150____________ "CLASS-A" Mechanic re quired for busy Oakville company. Must have own tools. Call Harry 844-1520 I office-clerical Staff who are client focused and enjoy working in a community setting. · HCA, HSW II & III, PSW, certificates preferred, however consideration will be given to those with personal experience as caregivers (905) 693-9663 o r 1-877-517-7335 M ETRO LA N D IN T ER M ED IA T E S A L E S R E P R E S E N T A T IV E W e have an im mediate opening for an ex perienced sales representative who is highly motivated and can a ch ieve results! Customer Service Representatives (daytime availability) Restocking (early morning and overnight) Restaurant Personnel Please apply in p erso n a t S quare One and E rin Mills Town C entre application booths. Modular Telephone Interface Ltd., 1 - 333 Wyecroft Road, Oakville, On, L6K 2H2 fax 905-338-5446 We thank all interested in MTI. Only those candi dates who qualifty for interviews will be contacted. FREE - 2 DAY TRAINING COURSE D e n ta l call (905)-847-1025 or fax to (905)-847-1038 We are an equal opportunity employer Assistant Needed for progressive Oak. family practice for maternity leave. Must be HARP certified, self motivated to perform outstanding, quality dentistry. Must be will ing to work with our highly motivated hygiene dept., dentist and administration staff. New grads welcome. Call 7am-3:30pmto arrange an interview, Dr. Dailyde's office at (905) 844-4445 Zellers has an employment equity program and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including women, aboriginal people, visible minorities and people with disabilities. Y o u r qualifications include: -2 years + proven sales record -a keen desire to su cceed and ad vance -the ability to m anage several products concurrently -good com munication, organization and team skills TransCanada Energy ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Career opportunity in Oakville fo r a dynam ic and energetic individual in our m arketing departm ent RAM ADA INN Oakville Our newly renovated hotel is currently seeking hospi tality professionals to fill the following positions: & CONVENTION CENTRE C L L B L IN C C O R P O R A T I O N Reply in confidence to: Director of Advertising 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, Ontario L 6 K 3S4 no phone calls please JOB FAIR GLEN ABBEY GOLF CLUB 1333 Dorval Drive Oakville, ON E xcellent in te rp e rs o n a l, so ftw a re skills, 3 y rs o f a p p li c a b l e e x p e r ie n c e is p r e ferred. W e offer a n o u tstan d in g w o rk en v iro n m e n t, s a la ry c o m m e n s u ra te w ith e x p . a n d e x c e lle n t b e n e f it p a c k a g e . Please fax resum e to: Linda W ainew right at (905) 842-3393 or linda_w ainew right@ transcanada.com · Housekeeping Supervisor · P/T Night Auditor · Weekend breakfast Cook Please submit resumes to: Attn: Human Resources, 360 Oakville Place Dr., Oakville, On L6H 6K8 or Fax (905)-845-9450 RN MANAGER for busy medical clinic, Oakville. Previous family practice experience preferred. Venipuncture and computer expeirence an asset. Fax resumes to: G. Evans, LEADING FOOD SERVICE COMPANY requires exp. staff Saturday, February 26 lOtfO a.m. to 2.-00 p.m. W e a re c u r re n tly lo o k in g fo r e n th u s ia s tic peo p le to fill se a so n a l p a r t tim e /fu ll tim e ro les in th e fo llo w in g p o sitio n s : Asst. Pinsetter M echanic Mechanical aptitude necessary Experience an asset · $8.75/hour · Shiftwork · Training Provided · Benefits Available Turf Maintenance Golf Services Food & Beverage Service S taff Kitchen Help Building Maintenance A dministrative Assistance If y o u a re u n a b le to a tte n d p le a s e fax y o u r r e s u m e w ith a co v er le tte r to : M ER C HA ND IS ER wanted to service Greeting Card departments for greeting card company in Oakville area. 15-20 hrs/wk, flexible. Must have good command of English. Call Miss Watts, 1-800-268-2187, Thursday, 9am-12:30pm_____________ FULL-time positions in Drycleaning plant for Counter person- "tagging, bagging, customer service experi ence and Shirt Finisher/ P resse r. Good wages/ medical benefits. Call 905338-9695. Experienced only! K IT C H E N A ssistant re quired for childcare centre in East Burlington. This part-time position requires lifting and on-going physi cal activity. Please contact the Director by phone 905634-3141 or fax 905-6349850______________________ E X P E R IE N C E D H u n te r / Ju m p e r Groom /Exercise Rider: for a top "A * show barn. Hours must be flexible. Accommodation could be arranged. Non smoking environment. Call (905) 466-4421 or fax resume to (905)827-6333 P A R T-TIM E Maintenance person required for Maplev iew Shopping Centre. Must be available to work days, evenings, weekends. Please drop off resume at Mapleview Customer Serv ice^_______________________ RELIABLE, person needed part-time 8:30am-1pm, Mon-Fri. Mucking stalls, turning horses out, etc. North Burlington. Experi ence preferred but npt re quired. Call Regina, 905319-0451_________________ GLENASHTON Daycare, in Oakville requires an EC A G radu ate or person with childcare exp. to work in our infant room. Position avail able March 6th, starting sal ary $8.50/hr. P le a s e call (905)338-9019____________ LO O K IN G for a change? W ork no nights and no weekends. R eliable, ma ture, full-time positions. Benefits/ training/ transpor tation provided. D.L. re quired. Call Molly Maid, 905-681-7484_____________ PERSON with experience in food service, sandwiches preparation (deli), catering set-up and services. Experience an asset but will train. Must be friendly, fast and a team player. Fax resume to:(905)825-6138 R E S ID E N T IA L cleaners needed to join our team. D ays only. W ill train. Hourly w age plus travel time. Car an asset. Call Denise or Jenn, (905)3361489______________________ AU D IO B O O K Connection requires energetic Part-time A ssistant with love of books. Drivers license re quired. So m e daytime hours. Apply #6-596 Plains Rd.E., Burlington.__________ Job #1: Reception/Office Duties Job #2: Order Entry/Cust. Service Full Tim e Days. Hourly plus benefits. P le a sa n t phone m anner and Accpac/ Sp read sh eet experience an asset. Ch eck www.controlchem.com S E N D R E S U M E S A S A P TO: · Sous Chefs · Food preps · Service staff M -F, days only full & part-tim e N o weekends Benefit pkg., Incentive programs. Great starling pay. Fax to: N o w H irin g F u lltim e K IT C H E N HELP P le a s e fax re s u m e to (905)331-6621 P O S IT IO N S of B usp e rso n s, Host/ H o s te s s a n d L in e Cooks- f u ll/ p a r t - t im e . Available im m e d ia te ly fo r fignt individual w ith stro n g sense o f te a m c o n c e p t. M u st h a v e e xp e rien ce. C all n o w . Q .B . S p o rts E a te ry , 4 4 6 0 F a irv ie w (A p p le b y Ln). or call- 9 0 5 - 6 3 7 - 9 7 9 7 ControlChem Canada Ltd 5275 John Lucas Dr., Burlington, ON L7L 6A8 Fax: (905) 319-0438 Food Service Director Fax: (905) 844-2035 For Appointment: Call Rob 681-2727 Fax Resume and Cover Letter to (90 5)6 81-3 83 5 MCI M edical Clinics Inc. 905-632-1332 Burlington, Hamilton, Mississauga locations EASTERBROOK S Restau rant's now hiring part-time/ full-time for Spring & Sum mer. Apply in person, 694 Spring Garden Rd. (across from R B G headquarters), or ·2431 New St. at Guelph Line.______________________ LA Felicita Cafe Experience person required to make deli-trays and kitchen help. Italian Cuisine Must have ex perien ce. P le a s e call :(905)822-9922 or fax (905)822-9604, Attention: Jo e 416-440-2797 A C C O U N T IN G C L E R K Receptionist/ Office Asst. Organized, detail ori ented person required P/T for busy office. Knowledge of Word, Excel & shipping a definite asset. Please fax resume to: Required full-time for busy car dealership. Strong reconciliation skills required. Must enjoy collections. Please drop off resume and handwritten cover letter to: Attention: L. Neville C L U B L IN C C O R P O R A T I O N JOB FAIR G reystone G olf Club R attlesnake P o in t G olf Clublink G reystone G olf Club Entrepreneurial M anager The Apartment Database Company Results-oriented Manager to develop & market specialized database. 3 yrs exp. in entrepreneurial environment. Expertise in Word, Excel & Access. Contact Bill Barber, Tel: 319-2524 Fax 319-2528 www.dereklobo.com R E C E P T IO N IS T / CDABy te dental com puter at least 2yrs experience. Po sition im m ediate, som e evenings/ Saturdays. Fax 905-897-1384 B U R L IN G T O N T O Y O T A (1993) INC. 1249 Guelph Line Burlington, or Fax: (905) 335-4048 D E A L E RO f Madeaift * 1 A S S IS T A N T / Prep Cook, part-time evenings, 3-6 nights/ week. Experience required. Downtown Bur lington. Buonasera Restau rant, Anthony, (905)6398511 PR IVATE Club in M issis sauga requires Banquet & Restaurant S e rve rs and Bu spersons, full & parttime. Experience preferred but not necessary. Please reply to: Box 4194, c/o Mis sissaug a News, 3145 Wolfedale Rd., Mississau ga, ON L5C 3A9 9689 Dublin Line Milton ON Saturday, February 26 lOMO a.m. to 2.-00 p.m. We are cu rren tly looking for en thusiastic people to fill seasonal p art tim e/full tim e roles in th e follow ing positions: CHEM SYSTEMS (905) 336-9443 Turf Equipment Operators Golf Services Food & Beverage Service Staff Kitchen Help If you are unable to atte n d please fax your resum e w ith cover letter to: Courier/Brokers with own car required by A.I.S. Couriers to sort & deliver postal products in Oakville area. $1500/mo. Receptionist/ Sales Required for busy Optical Retail Show room. Well groomed, fluent English, retail experience an asset. H A L T O N Fax: (905) 875-3435 M eray M otors Mercedes-Benz ALSO: Part-time positions, 5am-8am, to sort parcels. $10/hr. Phone 2pm-6pm Please call Jill: ( 905 ) 849-6400 A D M IN IST R A TIV E Assis tant- Entry level. Duties in clude: reception, order en try, clerical. Computer ex perience in Word, Excel, Outlook, graphics programs required. Further training available. Submit resume: Turf Management Systems, Inc. 2399 Royal Windsor Dr. Mississauga, Ont L5J 1K9 FA X : 905-823-4594 email: karenmarlatt@weedman.com SERVICE Representativepart-time evening position includes general office du ties and customer followup. Pleasant phone skills required. Please call Peter between 10am-4pm at 905632-6333 ext-2 BOOKKEEPER/ Office Help Mature person required full time for data entry in small office in Oakville. Varied du ties, A/P, A/R, Payroll, filing, Bookkeeping and Computer experience required. Fax resume to: (905)339-3421 RECEPTIONIST/ Secretary needed in the QEW / W in ston Churchill area. Full time position with investm ent counsel firm requiring excellent telephone and computer skills. Hours 8-4pm. Fax resumes to: (905)855-2355 CUSTOMER Service: Highly motivated, organized, Mac experien ce preferred, mature person needed 94pm, Monday-Friday, start now. Fax resume to: (905) 825-9911. W E are looking for a R ecep tionist / Person Friday. Please fax resume to: (905)890-1964 SERVICE A D V IS O R We are looking for an energetic professional. Experience in ADP computer system. Full time position. Company benefits. Apply in confidence by lax to: Dan Burnside (905) 276-3221 c d p lu s.c o m One of Canada's fastest growing new & used music retailers, is currently hiring to fill the position of STORE MANAGER for our Burlington location. Fax resume to: (905) 629-0414 Attn: Allan Mamaril C O M E Bo o g ie with usl Fred Astaire Dance Studio needs 25 enthusiastic, at tractive people to train to become Dance Instructors. No experience necessary!. W e train- Good pay +many benefits including expense paid trips. Call between 1pm-6pm (905)-842-3797, 225 Lakeshore Rd.E. Oak ville P U G M IL L Operator- full time. $10./hr +bonus, aver age wage $13./hr. Must be self motivated. Jo b invol ves physical effort lifting 50lb bags continuously. Able to follow clay recipes and meet deadlines. Apply in person: Pottery Supply House Ltd., 1120 Speers., Oakville, L6L 2X4__________ 300 South Service Rd., W. Oakville Fax- 905- 844-8890 Fnd the RIGHT employee! Promote your Career & /or Career Trailing Options, Business & Franchise Opportunities etc / ? A D U L T CARRIERS W A N T E D !! to d eliver the B urlington Post door to d o o r in east en d Burlington. G as allowance. Please call 632-0588 Catharine, Ext. 294 or Ryan, Ext. 299 Thursday, April 13 H o l i d a y Inn E x p r e s s , O a k v i l l e ^ L M A R y KAy. Ct O Systems xcMenct HELP WANTED · Workers with Flexible Hours ·Seniors ·Homemakers ·Students ` Retired or Sem i Retired X X X X X PHARMACY Assistant- P/ T- required for weekends. P le a s e apply: Shopp ers Drug Mart, 520 Kerr St., Oakville. P A R T -T IM E G a s Bar Attendents needed. Own transportation required. Apply with resume: Esso, corner of Bronte Rd & Speers, Oakville.__________ HELP wanted for Hunter/ Jumper show stable. Needs workers for mornings, 8am12noon to muck out stalls 5 days per w eek. Ask for Heather (905)466-4421 To Deliver The Oakville Beaver Door to Door (Good Exercise while you earn extra money) A verage route size is 40 H ou ses Delivery: Tuesday, W e d n e sd a y and Friday to finish by 6 pm R NOME raHEALTHCARE A Ie d D R A K E · O a k v ille t A VON uTBisidi'ss Skills CANAC* Delivery: W e ek en d to finish by 10 am S u n d a y P ap e rs Delivered to your house Tuesday, W e d n e sd ay, Friday & Satu rd ay by 3pm If In te re s te d P le a s e C all 8 4 5 -9 7 4 2 FA SH IO N Career- Here's your opportunity to join one of Canada's leading fash ion companies! Free infor mation evening seating is limited, 50 Northshore Blvd.E., Lasalle Pavillion, Burlington, Thurs., Feb.24, 2000, 7pm-8:30pm W en»y's ©MANPOWER £s K i r " (905) 632-4440or337-5610

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