A Test Site for Vita

Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, Classified, C05

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C lassified y O i 1 I1E/ /rU W LLLd!/ B lJ L d \\ Ltlx T he V O akville eaver mortgages, loans BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. HaltonSea C5 1993 CHEV Lumina. 2-door EURO . 6 cyl. loaded. Excel lent condition. 104,000 safety and em issions certified. $5700 obo. Call (905)631-8931_____________ CASH for scrap. Wanted Dead or Alive. 7-days. 24hr. Call (905)876-4594, Milton; (905)467-9484. Oakville. 1987 Mustang- good con dition, well m aintained, 166K, sunroof. P S. PB. PL. $1,450. obo. 639-8985 ASSUME lease A S A P -'99 S a b le L S , 4door, V6, 24valves, loaded. Will pay 1st month. (905)337-7567 Leave message * 199 8 A ccord, 4-dr, air, cruise, p/l, remote starter. Factory warranty. $19,800. firm. S e rio u s calls, (905)335-4974 CARS from $500. Govern ment seized & surplus. Sold locally. Call toll- free for listings. 1-888-3460700, Ext.N200 cars for sale The site your community clicks on! TO PLACE AN AD CALL 845-3824 OR 337-5610 FAX: 632-8165 MON. - FRI. 8:30 a.m. - 6p.m. -Real Estate 100-165 - Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-265 · Merchandise 300-375 - Auto 4 0 0 4 6 5 · Help Wanted 500-599 · Announcements 600-675 · Services 700-800 P R IV A T E S A L E Money Access - No credit investigation. Confidentiality. R EQ U IR ED TO B E A PPRO VED : R R S P or RIF, LIRA. $20,000 & up financing. Pension Plan from an ex-employer. W e act as consultants on your projects. C all T o ll Free: F a m ify lim p / CUM BERLAND VILLAGE 3270 P r o s p e c t S t. · 632-2601 N l T IQ U E ! Situated on a 100 x200' landscaped lot. 15 minutes south of Hamilton (outside Binbrook) 45 minutes to Missisauaa. solar, uga. This passive solar custom designed and built home has many ---benefits; 1 " " ; 1800 sq. ft., with cathedral ceilings, ceramic ,,v,flo" o r s , skylights, 23' balcony, large 2 car garage with workshop, walking distance to public school and much more. 1 -8 8 8 -6 5 7 -1 0 6 2 F a x :1 -8 8 8 7 0 3 -1 4 9 2 7 D ay s A W e e k apartments & flats for rent apartments & flats for rent 3 B e d ro o m s · 3 a p p lia n c e s s · E at-in Kit. B a sem en t · P la y g ro u n d · P a rk in g C onveniently located near schools and Burlington M all Area Shelter Canadian Properties L im ited REPRODUCTIONS 5210 Westbrook Rd., Binbrook, ON Antique farm primitives, trunks, tables, much more! Also, reproduction furniture. Beautifully finished with patina, distressing and unique staining. W E know where the jobs are! Trades and Computer T echnology! Industrial Electrician/ Mechanic; W om en in Trades; Con struction or Computer Technical; Software Spe cialist; Network Administra tor...! Courses start in Fe bruary/ March. Call The Centre, (905)333-3499 to join a free info session! 45 and o ve r? Unem plo yed ? Find out more about the no-fee course called Experience Works! Contact Donna (905)3333499 at the Centre for Skills Development and Training. Sponsored by Human Re sources Development Ca nada. COMPUTER Training. Don't know what you should take? The Centre offers many courses and certification programs. Find out what is new at our Free February info, sessions. C all (905)333-3499, Ext. 101 to register! 170 170 194 shared accommodation 310 articles for sale Asking $ 2 4 9 ,0 0 0 . B Y A P P O IN T M E N T O N L Y ( 905) 772-3646 2 storey house- Burlington. New kitchen, new ceramic floor, 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths (1-ensuite). A/C, gas fire Finished basement place, large pie shaped lot. Close to park and schools. $199,900. (905)332-8209 apartments & flats for rent B u r lin g t o n T o w e r s The Hotel Alternative FURNISHED CO RPO RATE SUITES · F u rn is h e d D e s ig n e r A p a rtm e n ts > F u lly E q u ip p e d K itch en s > M a g n ific e n t In d o o r P o o l » S a u n a & F itn e ss C e n tre 1285 Ontario St. : - House to share with 2 others, available im mediately, $500 inclusive. Call evenings (905)4651 0 1 1 .______________________________ [7 1 3 7 1 7 ar Sale- No G S T Q E W /F O R D - 3 bedroom house, 3 baths, fireplace, parking, all inclusive, imme diate, $450./monthly (905)829-1439____________ B R O N T E H arbour pent house- Quiet, private, fur nished, equipped, many extras. Mature profession al. Short, long term. 8258355. j___ W ANTED: Easy going fe m ale to share downtown Burlington townhouse with female & 2 cats. $490/mo. A.s.a.p. (905)681-2601 M ILLCRO FT. Mature per son to share large executive home. Private ensuite, all facilities. $500/mo. inclusive. (905) 319-7987_________________ PLEASANT room in shared apartment, $360/mo., laun dry, equipped kitchen, near bus, North Burlington. Non-smoker. 335-6618. I C l l V J items under $100. or PST. Treat Yourself To A Great New Look at Super Savings. Sofa and Match ing Chair from $788. Loveseats from $448. Chairs from $199. Free Estimates. Senior's Discounts. Fields Quality Custom Upholster ing. Daily, 9am-9pm, (905)632-9090____________ SIT On It- Don't Sit In It! Replacem ent foam for cushions. Residential/ com mercial. Fields Upholstery, 9-9, 7 days/ week! 632-9090 CARPET - I have several 1,000 yds. of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon car pet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, 639-2902 C H E S T Free z er. $200. Children's Disney movies, $10/each. 336-1322 C H E S T E R F IE L D suitefloral. dusty rose & blues with four toss cushions to match. Rocker chair, solid blue, new condition. $500/both 637-4415 C O N T E N T of apartment, water bed , treadmill, etc. (905)634-4153____________ CO NTENTS of apartment sale- waterbed, treadmill, etc...Please call 634-4153 C O R N E R cabinet, solid oak, $1,500., solid walnut desk, $300., 3 seater 84" Alpine Autumn sofa, $450., wedding dress with veil, size 8, high neck. 331-6765 CORPORATE membership to Rattlesnake Point access to all Club Link golf courses. T ran sfer fee required to Club Link. Contact Gerry (905)46^6334 D/R table, 6 chairs, cen tury's, Chin Hau collection, top in Ash burl, ebony fin ish, $1,500. OBO, 905-3886552, Hamilton DININGROOM, Cherry, 13 piece Queen Anne, 8` dou ble pedestal table, 8 Chip pendale chairs, buffet/ hutch, never opened, cost $14,000 sacrifice, $5,000. 905-567-4042_____________ ENTERTAINMENT centre, black, solid oak , approx. 8X10. Custom made, room for large T V, $500 obo (905)315-8185____________ HU M ID IFIER , 4 gal. $48.; 13" G E colour TV with rem ote, closed caption, $130.; 26" Emerson monitor colour TV with remote, wood grain, $220. 681-9496___________ LIV IN G -R O O M Set. Two Europ ean Country Style Hardwood Fram e Arm chairs with neutrally upholstered seat and back - Brand New- $1,200/pair (paid over $2,-000). Match ing Cam el back sofa $900. (905)331-6589 LOVESEAT custom, floral, new, paid: $1200, asking $350; 2 solicLoak endtables, dishes, drapes, (905)3383428______________________ M C L E A R Y W a sh e r and dryer, 7 years old. White. Excellent condition. $325. can be delivered, call after 4pm 905-637-4193________ M O V IN G - Shuffleboard Table, like new, $1000. Larg e Solid P in e Desk $750. Heintzman Upright Grand Piano - $750. Call (416)606-1818.____________ O R IE N T A L rug- Brand new, never used. 6 x 9 , Rajahstan/ Heriz/ Camel. R e tail, $2,400. Asking, $1,695. 335-2199________ Everything N ew is O ld A g a in (905)- 692-3617 -Toronto OCW Niagara-^- OPEN Tues.-Wed. Sat & Sun 10am-5pm or call for app't 1 -B E D R O O M , $755/mo. April; 2-Bedroom, $850/mo. Mar./Apr.; (+$30/car). Sun ken livingroom, eat-in kitch en. Quick Q E W a c ce ss, Guelph Line near New St., Burlington. 637-9725 5200 Lakeshore Rd., Bur lington. 2-Bedroom with magnificent view of lake! 681-7126 P ro fe s sio n a lly managed by L.T. Greenwin Property Management. D O W N TO W N , Burlington. 1.2&3 Bed roo m s freshly painted with new cabinetry, Immediate/ M ar.1st. W ell maintained, quiet building. Walk to shopping, Hospital, Lake. 637-0321____________ WOW! White Oaks. Luxury 2-bedroom + den, available immediately. Well- m ain tained com plex, full rec. facilities including indoor pool, sunken livingroom... some with fireplace! Call 815-1628__________________ "BROWNSTONE". Modern 3-level 1500sq.ft. 2-bdrm, 1-1/2 baths, fireplace, rec.room, summer terrace, C/A, appliances included. $133,900. Won't Last! Call 681-SELL (7355)__________ EA ST Burlington- 3 bed room, 1 1/2 bath, garage, 4 appliances. $127,500. No agents please. 634-2224 639 · 8583 M o n -F ri: 9 a m -7 p m S at.: 1 0 a m -5 p m Sun: lla m -5 p m w w w .o n tim .c o m · b to w e r s @ l a r a .o n .c a 310 articles for sale 400 1460 Ghent Avenue (at Brant Street) Freshly Painted, Cleaned & Carpeted LOFTS · STUDIOS · 1&2 BDRM SUITES · All 2-Bdrm. units with 2 full baths · Indoor pool & saunas · Appliances, A/C, utilities, cable incl. · Near GO, public transit, easy hwy. access COUNTERTOPS , mugs, glasses, humidifiers, pnnters. records, textbooks, computer books, treasure trove. TV's, Doors- int/ext, sliding/ bi-fold. Sew ma chines, ceiling fans, toys, turn., Great deals. Reuse Centre. 3335 N.Service, Burl. W/Th/F-12-8pm;Sat9-5pm; Sun-1-4pm. W E D D IN G D ress, Size 11/12 Cleaned and Boxed. Beautiful Bead w ork, V neck, long sleeve s, D etachable Train, Veil included & size 8 shoes. P a id $1,200 asking $600. obo. (905)878-0410 199 9 FO R D M ustang Cpnvertible,. Yellow, black top, black leather interior, CD M ach System , stan dard,A/C, 30,000 km. Very well taken care of. Excel lent condition. Oil changed a lw a y s with Synthetic. Asking $26,000 or best offer (905f333-9171 1994 CU TLA SS Supreme C o nvertible. W hite with W hite top. Fully loaded. Leather, CD player. 224,000 km. Certified. $6,000 obo. (905)878-0410 1999 CAVALIER Z24 Take over lease. 26,000km al lowed 72,000. $285.00/ month. Call (905)878-0410. I will pay the transfer fee 1993 Mazda 626ES (6Cyl.) serviced every 8km. 154K H W Y km, certified and em ission tested $8200 (905)847-6030_____________ 1988 Sierra 4X4, 305 V8 all power, custom cap, liner, visor, running boards, origi nal paint, great condition, 173K. $9900 (905)4652782 evenings C A R E E R M IN D E D An o p p o rtu n ity has a rise n fo r a M a rk e tin g A ge n t in the B u rlin g to n /O a k v ille are a. No se llin g in vo lve d , ju s t d a ily d eliveries to new a ccounts and e x is tin g custom ers W e Provide: ·Full Training 'F ie ld S u p p o rt ·A g uaran teed p e r y e a r in co m e at $ 3 0 K You Provide: ·Self-m otivation ` O rg a n iz a tio n ` C u s to m e r S e rv ic e ` Su itable V eh icle ` S to ra g e fo r sto ck The successful individual will build a long-term future and determine their own income level. For an information pack and application form________ WE specialize in Condo minium Sales. Linda D a vies Real Estate Ltd., Realtor, 333-4347, 827-7728 I L h l /commercial space B U R L IN G T O N S Q U A R E (9 0 5 )6 3 9 -4 6 7 7 Mon-Fri, 9am-7pm; Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm Inquire about our BRAND NEW, DELUXE BO O K shelf. $40. 3325734 after 5pm BOY'S dress suite- size 10, worn once, black, $50. 333-9801_________________ B O Y 'S ski's & polesQuantum, Rossignol QS757 Jr. Excellent condition, $55. 632-2101_________________ DOUBLE side by side um brella stroller, hardly used. Kolcraft $50. 681-2530 DOWNHILL Ski equipment, mens, complete set, used 3 times. $100. 336-2505 ENERGY fitness Appleby Line take over my membership $40. (905)336-2784 EUROPEAN almond Kitchen cupboards $100 obo (905)319-8234 Or (905)336-7544____________ EVENFLO childs carseat, Hunter green, Like new. $60 (905)336-6559 FILTER Queen with pow ered rug attachment & all tools. $100. 845-6238 F R ID G E & Stove- white, good running condition. $300/pair. (905)331-9008 OAK desk 4 drawers, 58 x 30. $50. 332-5734 after 5pm_______________________ P U L L -O U T sofa, queen size m attress. Plaid, suitable for cottage $75 (905)639-1966____________ W A S H E R - Inglis, good running condition. $45. (905)331-9008____________ W H IT E Students Desk with 2 draw ers. $35 (905)842-7364. P H : I -8 7 7 -3 2 5 -4 7 6 6 e x t # 7 3 8 Q U A L IT Y L E A D HAND ( A u t o m o t iv e ) Leading Supplier of Stamping & Assemblies IS09002/QS9000 Production Facility Oakville area. Reporting to the Quality Manager IN D U S T R IA L Unit for lease 2200' New offices . Oakville. Reasonable rent 828-7544 or 844-5182 INEXPENSIVE warehouse space for lease. 18,000 sq.ft. or less; also, 2,100. Truck level access. Radiant heating, sprinklered. Oak ville. Jo e Luyk, (905)8457597 3 3 6 -0 0 1 5 or 336-0016: Tyandaga Terrace, Burling ton. Freshly decorated 2bedrooms, Feb./Mar. Lowrise building, Garden like setting. Private landscaped patios._____________________ C A N A D IA N A . Quiet, well m aintained lakefront building. V ery spacio us 1&2-bedroom availa b le March/April, 5220 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington. (905)632-5486____________ CENTRAL Burlington avail. April 1. Fresh paint, near G O , park, schools. Free parking, big 2 bedroom apts., 2043 Prospect St. No dogs. $726 Sen io rs discount. (905)637-3988 B U R L IN G T O N Dow n town. Wellington Place, 478 Pearl Street. Newly deco rated 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartm ents with sce n ic views. 632-1643___________ G E O R G IA N Apartm ents. Mar./Apr./May 1.2&3 Bed rooms. Heat/ hydro includ ed. Parking Extra. (No pets) Burlington, 639-0456. M-F: 9am-4pm & 6:30-8pm REFURBISH EDApartm ents Downtown Burlington. Eliza b e th Manor. 477 Eliza b e th Stre et. 1.2&3 Bedroom Apartments with sp e cta cu la r view . 6349374______________________ 1 bedroom apartm ent in house, Palmer area. Avail able March 1st. Please call 332-5321__________________ 1 bedroom- April 1st. No pets, references. Sp e ers Rd. & Kerr area. 842-2153 2 bedroom basement apart ment. North Burlington, non-smoker, no pets $695/mo inclusive. A va ila b le M arch 1st. (905)336-8678_____________ BURUNGTON Mall- 2 bed room ground floor, 4 a p pliances, $820/mo. 6325690. Albert M cDonagh Ltd., Realtor BURLINGTON. 2-bedroom in quiet 6-plex, Ghent Ave. H eat, parking. $670/mo. Immediate. Call 335-6510. BURLINGTON; new, bright, spacious 1-bedroom near lake. Se p a rate entrance. Professional non-smoker. $650/ inclusive. (905)6346194______________________ O NE bedroom apartment suitable for single or pro fessio n al couple. F ir e place, oak spiral staircase. Country setting. $1,500. Application with references before showing. Call Mark Mallalieu, Commonwealth Real Estate Service Corpo ration. Private line. (905) 876-0633 CARDEN A P A R TM E N TS Includes 9 6" ceilings, Jacuzzi, double vanity sinks +more! AVAILABLE MARCH 1ST A LD ER SH O T bright, spa cious 2-bedroom, 2 bath room basement apartment. Laundry, parking, no pets, non-smoker, $700/mo. March 1st. 631-6650 leave message.__________________ LOWER level of house, suit mature business person. 2bedrooms, parking. $825/ mo. O akville. (905)3379032 I rentals ANTIQUES wanted- furni ture, glass china, silver, jewelry, clocks, watches, paintings, old photos, canes, Be st cash! (905)-522-4727 F U R N IT U R E and china wanted, highest prices paid from one piece to whole house. Premium paid for antiques. Call us first! Norm or Heather. (905)703-1107 ANTIQUES, China Want ed* Sing er Portab les... Doulton, Moorcroft, Beswick, Watches, dolls, es tates, Collectibles. John/ Tracy (905)-331-2477 A N T IQ U E S & Pain tings Wanted- Furniture, Glass, China, etc. Addison radios, E sta te s purchased. Karl (905)681-6939 Burlington. I pets, supplies Requirem ents: Practical experience in the QS9000 environment. Su pervisory experience, able to perform independently as well as in a team structure. CMM experience (or willing to learn), proficient with GDT. Please reply to: The Oakville Beaver, Box#6238,467 Speers Rd., Oakville L6K 3S4 S H A R E D office sp ace available. Pro fessio n a l building in Milton. Photo copier, fax, kitchen and parking available. $350./ month. Call 905-876-0258 I franchises ALDERSHOT. Exclusive 2bedroom, 1.5 baths, 4 ap pliances, fireplace, C/A, fenced private patio/ gar den, $885/ mo. April 1st 634-4695__________________ O A K V IL L E - 3-Bedrooms available March 1st. 4 ap pliances. H opedale Mall area. Lakeshore Management, (905)876-3336 G U E L P H Line/ Q E W . 3bdrm townhouse condo, 11/2 baths, 5 appliances. C/ A, fireplace, garage, near GO. QEW $1100/mo. + util ities. A p r.1st. T rafalg ar Prop erty M anagem ent, Warren Hill, 338-1130. MUTUAL FUND MARKETING & ADMINISTRATION ASSISTANT Brokerage specializing in financial planning, mutual funds, segregated funds and group retirement programmes, requires a full-time, mature, reliable, intelligent mar keting and administrative assistant. · Mutual Funds License and experience required. · Must know: Windows, Microsoft Word & Excel & Maximizer. · Must know mutual fund administrative procedures and compliance requirements. · Must have some post secondary education. State salary expectations, experience, and long term employment goals. NIAGARA'S Premier lawncare and property m ain tenance company expand ing to Oakville/Burlington. We are seeking individuals to explore this exciting fran chise opportunity. 1-80068-4628 mornings.________ mortgage, loans TTTT F U R N IS H E D Luxury! 1-3 Bdrm C orporate Condos Homes. 6 appliances, TV, V C R , stereo, 1-3 baths, health centre, security. D aily, W ee k ly, Monthly. From $1295-2795 month. Visa, MasterCard, AmEx. Call 681-RENT (7368) L/M 2 bedroom, separate en trance, kitchen. Hydro and TV cable included. Close to school and bus. $750/ mo. (905)335-1393 M ON EY A ccess- Private Financial A ssistance, re quired to be approved $20,000 and up financing, R.R.S.P., Lira, Rif, Pension fund from Ex-employer. Call now toll free; 1-888-6571062, Toll Free Fax 1-888703-1492, W e act as con sultants on your projects. 7 days per week. 3-Bdrm 2-Level Townhomes 2418Glenwood School Dr., Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. Available Immediately Call 639-9212 2 bedroom, 3 level "Brownstone" near Mapleview. fin ished basement. F/P, C/A, 5 appliances. $1100/mo+. (905)333-5998____________ JA C K R u ssell puppy- 3 moths old, $150. P le a se call (905)689-2302 Please send resumes to: Retirement Benefits Insurance Agency Ltd. 2200 Speers Road, Oakville, ON, L6L 2X8 Fax: 905-847-9791 email: bpatterson@bigwave.ca S P A C IO U S 1 bedroom basem ent apartm ent, seperate entrance, monitored security system, large kitchen/family room. C/vac, A/C fridge and stove. No laundry. No pets. Nonsmoker, singles only, please, available March 7. $795 inclusive (905)8498451 (River Oaks)_________ BASEMENT bachelor, separate entrance, parking, A/C, cable. Guelph./Brant. Non-smoker, no pets. For March 15th-April 1st, $595 inclusive (905)319-1467 S P A C IO U S basem ent apartment near Burlington Mall. Fireplace, laundry, parking, cable. Nonsmoker. No pets. $750/mo. (905)-681-0457___________ DOWNTOWN Burlington. 1 bedroom, A/C. $875/mo. Utilities included. Available M arch 1st. C a ll Forbes (416)420-3952 or (905)842-9275 FU RN ISH ED Condo: Bur lington. Executive with lake view. 2-bedrooms, 2 baths, 5 appliances, balcony, C/A, pool. Imm ediate. $1200/ mo.+ hydro. L.Davies R.E., (905)333-4347 The Town o f Oakville, w ith a population o f 140,000, is a high-profile, fast-growing community in the Greater Toronto Area. O A K w ash stand, $325. Men's cherry dresser w/mirror, $300, plus m ore... (905)637-5429, after 6pm. RECREATION ASSISTANT Enthusiastic and driven to succeed, you have what it takes to assist the Recreation Supervisor in preparing, organ izing and administering operating camp and March break programs. Among your responsibilities are preparing brochures, schedules and registration information, ordering necessary supplies, and organizing facility requirements to^ensure the smooth operation of the programs. Your minimum of 2 years of experience in supervising children's programs or summer camp administration is backed by a post-secondary degree/diploma in Recreation or a related discipline. High Five training is preferred. To be considered for this 6-month temporary position, applicants must include a point-form attachment with their resumes, demonstrating how their skills and experience correspond to each of the qualifications and accountabilities of the job. W e invite you to forward your resume, by March 8, 2000, to the Human Resources Department, The 1 new spacious bedroom bungalow basement apart ment. Seperate entrance, QEW / Guelph. Quite resi dential forest area. Single or couple; non-smoking; no pets; parking; shared back yard; $800/mo -4-utility. Phone (905)335-1635 WANTED: 1 or 2 bedroom apartment May 1st for ma ture married couple in Olde Oakville. On or near lake preferably in older home. 845-4611 FRESHLY Painted 3 bed room townhouse m aiso nettes. 1 parking. Available March/ Apr.. Starting $850/ mo.+ utilities. North Burlington. (905)319-9104 WAITING list now open for an opportunity to live in 3bedroom Townhouse. G a rage, large backyard, 2 ap pliances. Only $794/mo. + utilities. To find out more about co-operative living attend our Orientation Evening , Mar.7th, 7pm, R S V P by Mar.2nd. C a v e ndish Co-operative Homes. (905)335-0280____________ TO W N H O U S E on ravine, close to Sheridan College, over 2000 sq.ft. Spacious room, 2 gas fireplaces. Walk out to fenced garden, garage, parking for 3 cars. A vailab le imm ediately. $1695/mo. Carolyn Lofquist, A ssoc. Broker, Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp. (905)842-7000 BURLINGTON: Apr 1st: 2bedroom from $895.06/ mo.+ utilities. 3-bedroom, from $999.60/mo.+ utilities. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Parklike setting. 333-1190. BURLINGTO N-LUXURY 3 6 4 bedroom townhouses with family room and 3 ap pliances. 1300 & 1600 sq.ft. plus basement, fenced in backyard; $1100 & $1200 plus utilities., parking $40. (905)639-0950 C O M P A Q Contura 486 notebook. Includes Wind ows 95 and Microsoft Word. Excellent for W ord P ro cessing. $500. 319-6652 New & He-conamonea appliances * Commercial Washers & Dryers F R ID G E , 2-door; Sto ve, 30"; Automatic/ Portable Washer, Dryer. Reasonable. Under w arranty. Call (905)549-1911_____________ S E LLIN G 4 tires Blivcak 19575 R14, barely used one winter. $50/Ea. (905)466-4536____________ S H E E R S - Bought from Se ars 4mos. ago. 107in width x 83in. long. $200. 338-3828_________________ S U P E R Nintendo with 9 games. $75. 825-1435 S U P E R sale- Maytag fridge/stove, baby crib, desk chair, coffee table & end tables, lawnmower. (905) 681-9173 Apts & Townhomes Near Waterfront! Large suites. Freshly painted & carpeted with new windows and baths. No pets. A ll The Advantages of Condo Living 1-BDRM + DEN & 2-BDRM SUITES w/solarium! Rec. fac., 24-hr security & more. Conveniently in the Mapleview area! le w Fridge & Stove $1,283./set 319-8484 2033 Mount Forest., Burl F R E E E stim ate s... Got wobbly ch airs...w e ak springs... tired looking wood fin is h e s? W e do it all! Custom wood refinishing/ furniture repairs. Fields Custom Furniture, 9-9, daily! 632-9090___________ 11 piece dining room set. Solid cherry, double ped estal table, mint condition. $4,000. obo 829-1851 Corporation of the Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, P.O. Box 310, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 5A6. Fax: (905) 338-4425. No agencies, please. Personal information for this application is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter M45 (as amended). We thank all candidates fo r 480 M aple Ave. Burlington (905) 6 3 9 -5 0 7 9 D O W N TO W N O akville: Large 3-bedroom suite, 2 baths... Mostly seniors. M a r .1st. $1300/mo. (905)842-5815____________ LARGE 2 bedroom- close to lake, Guelph Line/New St. area. M ar.1st. $760/ mo.+ hydro. No dogs. (905)634-0865____________ O A K V IL L E . 199 Queen M ary D rive near all am enities. 2-bedroom suites available Feb./Mar. Utilities included. (905)844-9006____________ O A K V IL L E . 2-bedroom apartment, triplex bldg. All amenities, laundry, imme diate. From $925/mo+ elec tricity. Parking available. (905)845-9088 Trafalgar Heights Very large Bachelor & 2-bdrm suites in well maintained bldgs. Private, landscaped courtyard. Bicycle and jogging paths nearby. Close to schools & professional services. Easy access to QEW & 403. = 4 1 6 -3 9 0 -6 2 7 9 » <3> O A K V I LLE th e ir interest, however, o n ly those applicants selected fo r an in tervie w w ill be contacted. The Town is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity Employer. I houses for rent 3 BEDROO M Brick Bunga low. Double garage. $1,100 monthly. West Oak ville. Available NOW. Call 825-2901__________________ HOMES to rent w/option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of home with little or nothing down! Ja y Nelligan, Sales Rep, (905)639-5258 Re/Max Escarpment Realty Inc., Realtor_______________ D O W N T O W N Bronte, 3bedroom house, residential or com m ercial. New ly renovated. $1200/mo.+ utilities. Immediate. (905) 847-3564_________________ FOR rent, new 3 bedroom, large eat-in kitchen open to fam ily room. Incl. 5 ap pliances. Immed. occupan cy. $1700 p/m. P en n y Cates, sales rep. RE/MAX Aboutowne R e a lty Corp. (905)338-9000_____________ 4 -L E V E L backsplit on Reynolds Ave. 3-bedrooms, firep lace, C/A, parking. March possession. $1300/ mo.+ utilities. C-Carl for de tails! C arl Lazar, S a le s Rep., Re/max Escarpment R e a lty Inc., R ealtor, (905)575-5478_____________ U N IQ U E R esid en ce with sep arate Studio. 3-Bed rooms, 2 full baths, fire place, eat-in kitchen, laundryroom. very large drive way. P riv ate treed back yard. Walk to Fairvew GO. Mar. 1st. $1200/mo.+ hydro. (905)528-7520 A P P L IA N C E S includes washer, dryer, fridge, stove, small freezer, microwave oven $800 inclusive obo (905)336-3969____________ CLEANING out the garage? s»!l those items that are cluttering, fax at 905-6328165, or call 632-4440 BED King plush mattress & box, new in plastic, warran ty, cost $1500., sacrifice $625. 905-567-9459 BED- Queen iron canopy bed, orthopedic mattress/ box, new, unused, cost $1200., sell $490. 905-5674042______________________ B E D S , New- Complete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete with frame. Free Delivery. (905)6819496______________________ BE D R O O M Suite - teak, queen size bed with night tables, 9 drawer dresser plus tallboy. Asking $500. Call (905)825-8480. BUG 'd by big phone bills? $10/mo. extends your local calling area. Talk forever.... whenever! Share the long distance saving between friends. Ability Tel, since 1994. (905)842-3738, (905)631-8202____________ C A R P E T S , Hundreds of Colours/ styles, Including "Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R for $319. includes un derpad/ installation. 905S I 0-0589. T r illiu i^ HEALTH CENTRE Job a i 844-2646/845-0987 Park Property Mgmt. O A K V ILLE. Q E W / Trafalgar. Large, clean 1-bed room from $779/mo.; 3bedroom from $959/mo. Parking included. W e ll m aintained building. (905)338-2276 TR A F A LG AR/Upper Middle- Larg e furnished ro o m / e x e c u tiv e home, extras inclusive, re sponsible individual. $450 Call (905) 338-5956. C U M B ER LA N D / New St.. Burlington. Bright furnished room. C able, parking, kitchen/ laundry privileges. Non-smoker. $375/mo. (905)333-4300____________ U P PE R Middle/ 8th Line clo se to all am enities &Sheridan College. Quiet home. $100/ weekly. P erfect for student or working person. Nonsmoker. 842-8271 S O U T H Burlington- near am enities. $400/mo includes cable, laundry and kitchen facilities. Parking. Non-smoker. Immediate. (905)632-0884 ir Take advantage o f this chance to discuss current and future employment opportunities and see fo r yourself the kind o f difference Trillium Health Centre is making in the communities it served. Saturday, February 26, 2000 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Auditorium, M ississauga site 100 Queensway West, Mississauga (Hurontario St. & Queensway West) Full and part-time Nursing, Allied Health and Clerical positions exist in the following areas: TALLEST BUILDING IN OAKVILLE! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors trom $689.* 1-Bdrm trom $779.* Spacious and well maintained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Nellie: (905) 845-9502 Northshore Towers 1&2 BEDROOM APTS. Avail. Apr./May $725.-$850. +parking Utilities incl · No Pets Quiet Building 1 Advanced Cardiac Services Rehabilitation Services 1 Critical Care ' Em ergency Neurosurgery Medicine Orthopaedics Surgery Diane, 9am-7pm "(2% disc, included) LA K EFR O N T Burlington! Large 1 & 2-bedroom avail able March/ April 1st. 2338 Lakeshore Rd., (905)6818938 S P A C IO U S 1.2&3 B e d rooms. F re s h ly painted, bright. Com petitive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo cation. (905)333-9846. Noon-8pm Temp, positions available in Dietary and other Hospital Support areas. 6 8 1 -1 3 0 7 · Burl. 75 Stew art: Bach elor, M ar.1st; 2-bedroom, A p r.1st. N ear downtown Oakville/ Q EW . Well-main tained clean building. Call (905)344-4294_____________ 2-B E D R O O M A p art ments $790. (Utilities in cluded). 2386 New St. at Guelph Line. Rental Office Open 11-8pm. 639-5761 Please bring a resume fo r on-the-spot interviews fo r qualified candidates. For more information, call our Recruitment Centre at (416) 521-4060 Free Parking Refreshments ATTRA CTIVE Townhouse in Meadowvale, clean, 15 minutes from the airport at G len Erin and Derry Rd. Furnished room and share use of house with S .W .F , Parking spot, Non-smoker, FEM ALES O N LY $500/month + portion of util ities. (905) 814-8787

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