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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, C04

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C4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 23, 2000 Bailey racing at Copps Friday night H AM ILTO N SPECTATOR INDOOR G AM ES A T COPPS C O U S E V M FRIDAY N IG H T 6:30-6:40 (elementary school) event d ivision 4x1 lap bantam girls relay 4x1 lap bantam boys relay 300m senior girls 300m senior boys 6:40-7:05 (high school) 4x1 lap 4x1 lap 4x1 lap 4x1 lap 4x1 lap 10 4x1 lap (C o n tin u ed from p a g e C 1) C ontinued from page C6 540 hotel, restaurant ,0 S t& f0 U n d L O S T : gold bracelet on Saturd ay February 19th. A ppleby arena. R ew ard (905)639-6092__________ FOUND: Torti cat Tyandaga area, we call R uby 6377325 M M A im childcare available AFFORDABLE fulltime livein nannies available now. Hire a french nanny for summer. Call Sum m er Nannies Centre (905)7121510______________________ ECE registered, is your tod dler/ preschooler getting lost in the shuffle of a large daycare. Try quality home care. Meals/ crafts/ TLC but most of all more individual attention. (905)331-9147 EXPERIENCED home day care, recently moved to Headon Forest, has imme diate full/part time openings available. Variety of crafts/ activities for all ages. Refer ences, receipts. Deer Run/ Golden E a g le area. (905)335-5980_____________ MOTHER of three, 7-years experience, nutritious lunches, crafts has space available for toddler. Upper Middle/ 8th Line area. 8420489.______________________ W ATERD O W N - Childcare available in my home. Lov ing mother offering arts & crafts, story time, nutritional m eals and educational games. References avail able. 690-0388 I daycare wanted HELP!!! Mother of 4 child ren, ages 1 year through 7 years, requires assistance in my home, days, due to broken leg. P le a s e call (905)847-9777_____________ B A B Y S IT T E R (O akville only) needed, for 31/2 year old. W e e k d a y s except Thursday, 8:30- 12:30am. (905)844-7704, previous applicants please call again SSI hotel, restaurant m idget girls relay m idget boys relay ju n io r girls relay ju n io r boys relay senior girls relay senior boys relay 7 :1 0 -7 :2 0 ... O PEN IN G C ER EM O N IES 7 :30-8:25 (elite) 11 pole vault w om en's invitational 12 high jum p m en's invitational (high school) 13 1500m girls 14 1500m boys (police) 15 4x1 lap police w o m en 's relay 16 4x1 lap police m en's relay (masters) 17 mile m en's (elem entary) Elem entary schools com pete for M cD onald's Restaurants Elem entary Team cham pionship 18 4x1 lap senior girls 19 4x1 lap senior boys 20 TBA (high school) 21 4x400 lap senior boys senior girls 22 4x400 lap 8:30-9:10 (elite sections) 23 pole vault 24 long ju m p 25 500m 26 1500m (masters) 27 4x1 lap (elite sections) 28 500m 29 1500m "E very race th a t I 'm ru n nin g now , I 'm ju s t try in g to g et m y rhythm back, really, try in g to co n tro l m y speed and ju s t learn to relax again. T h a t's really w h at I 'm try in g to d o ," he to ld the B eaver. W hile he co n c ed e s th a t he "ex p ected to run faste r" in last m o n th 's E u ro p e an ja u n t, he said "I w as q u ite h appy w ith m y p erfo rm an ce , p e r se. "It ju s t is a slow p ro ce ss." I f the d efe n d in g O ly m p ic go ld m e d a list can attra c t m ore fo lk s to C o p p s C o liseu m , th at w o u ld really be a b o o st to a tru ly e x c itin g sport. To be sure, th e field ca n n o t be m istak e n fo r an O lym p ic or w o rld ch am p io n sh ip draw , but elite m eet d irec to r D ave Scott T hom as fro m G u elp h U n iv ersity term ed it "pretty g o o d , a c tu a lly " , an d b e tte r than the last few years. " We h av e so m e g o o d n atio n al team ath letes, a few in tern atio n als and a num ber o f O ly m p ic, C o m m o n w ealth and P an -A m v eteran s," said T hom as. B ailey w ill face " a lot o f g o o d C an ad ian g u y s" in c lu d ing T rev in o B etty and B rad M c Q u a ig ." F or any o n e at all in terested in track and field , or g etting th e ir kids in terested , th is can be a g reat m eet to take in the ex citem en t. LINE CO O K- experienced. Required full-time. Ask for Head Chef: Sonom a County W ine Bar, 3135 Han/ester Road, Burlington, 905-333-9463 NEW York Frie s needs Manager for Oakville Place Mall. Apply within between 2pm-8:30pm. L IV E -IN Nanny for Ju n e. Newborn ex perience. Training, References, Nonsmoker. Must like cats. Legal only. 905-337-3646 A F F O R D A B L E full-time live-in nannies available now. Hire a french nanny for summer. Call Summer Nannies Centre905-7121510 545 teaching opportunities 545 teaching opportunities DRIVER Wanted- to trans port 12yr old to & from School, near OTMH to Ford Dr/ Upper Middle. Open to flexible schedule, eg. Mor nings only, or somedays only. (905)842-6413 TIME FOR TYKES requires an ECE For interview, please call (905 ) 842-4800 Previous applicants need not apply A S S IS TA N T Teacher re quired for maternity leave starting mid March. May lead to full-time job. Send resume to: Happy Beginnings D aycare, 561 Wedgewood Dr., Burling ton, Ont L7L 4J1 or Fax: 631-9226. Q U A L IF IE D E .C .E or equivalent Teacher for be fore & after school program. Excellent benefits & salary. Also, Supply Staff required immediately for childcare centre in Oakville. Contact Elizabeth 847-3077 , domestic help available 1 A-1 Cleaning. Reasonable rates. Excellent references. Phone 637-6974. 1 0 0 % Quality Pro Painters = 100% satisfaction guar anteed. Interior/ exterior. (905)277-1793 or (416)793-3339 I I painting & decorating M O N EY Prob lem s? G a r n ishees? Too many pay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 555 moving & storage LOST & FOUND Unbeaten string hits 15 games The Oakville Hornets atom BB rep team have run their unbeaten string to 15 games. Feb. 12: Oakville salvaged a 2-2 tie in Oshawa in what was not their best effort of the year. Oakville was down 1-0 before scoring two to take a shortlived lead. Monique Kahnert scored on a shot that was redirected by an Oshawa defender past a startled goalie. Melissa Snedden also banked one in off a defender's leg, assisted by Kaitlyn Wheeler. Feb. 13: Oakville blew a 2-0 third period lead but rallied with four goals in the last seven min utes to bury Leaside 6-2. Goals were scored by Sarah Grigor (2), Tenille Clarke, Kaitlyn Wheeler, Roxanne Johnson and Traci Galbraith. Assists went to Kaitlyn W heeler (2), Megan Wanless, Stephanie Secord, Sarah Grigor and Taylor Laughlin. Feb. 5: the Hornets doubled Scarborough Sharks 4-2. Goals were scored by Megan Wanless (2), Melissa Snedden and Erin Mitzel. Assists went to Monique Kahnert (2), Melissa Snedden, Sarah Grigor and Taylor Laughlin. Feb. 4: the Hornets scored three first period goals en route to a 5-1 win over the Mississauga Chiefs, their shutout spoiled in the dying minutes of the game. Five different snipers contributed to the scoring -- Tenille Clarke, Traci Galbraith, Sarah Grigor, Brittany Court and Melissa Snedden. Assists went to Galbraith (2), Roxanne Johnson,, Brittany Court, Sarah Grigor, Bianca Mirabelii, Megan Wanless and Monique Kahnert. EXPERIENCED clean hard working European ladies available for cleaning your home, office, restaurant the way you would like it done! Very reasonable rates, Ref erences. 905-639-7175. personals RELO CATO R S: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional m overs, truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. PRO Movers. Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777 549 janitorial services U O J EXPERIENCED persons to clean recreational facility in Oakville, 5 days per week 6am - 2 pm, also 9am - 12 pm Saturday and Sunday. 632-4957 S U C C E S S F U L ? A ccom plished? Attractive? Is that special someone the only thin missing. Misty River In troductions, TO's traditional m atchm aker, (416)7776302 SAKHO, Spiritual medium, s p e cializ es in reuniting loved ones, remove nega tivity, total protection, luch, business , etc. 416-7853499 550 domestic help wanted P IA N O Lesso n s in your home with experienced pro fessional. (05)639-4331 be fore 2pm or please leave message I daycare available EX PER IENC ED Childcare provider has spaces avail able. Nutritious m eals, crafts. Receipts. Headon Forest area. Call 336-0864 *9 years 'Fun & safe home dayca re. *Hot m eals & hugs. *Tuck School area. 639-6055__________________ M ATURE, responsible woman w/staff and 20-yrs experience in daycare has immediate spaces available for your child(ren) 6 month 5 years, in my home. 6am6pm. Large in/outdoor play area. Brant/ P la in s Rd. area. 631-9257 I music, dancing & dramatic instr. Found Something? Place your "Found" ad FREE of charge. m en's -invitational m en's invitational m en's invitational w om en's invitational m en's relay w om en's invitational m en's invitational WANTED: live-in help wee kends only (Oakville area). Experienced careg iver w/references for 76 year old lady with limited mobility. Dr. Richman, 849-1133. BU SY fam ily requires general help with upkeep of house. No heavy work. $10/h. R efe ren ce s required. (905)631-0877 H O US E K E E P E R / Nanny, live out, before/ after school daycare for 10&7-yr olds. During day housekeeping. Ideal for someone good w/ kids and likes to clean. Must have car. East Oak ville (Ford/ Devon). Great working hours. 905-2577846 696 lost & found L IV E -IN /O U T Nanny housekeeper. Experienced for 9 &5yrs. Upper Middle/ Grovsenor. D.L. Preferred, starting M arch.20. (905)403-3929_________________ L IV E -IN nanny/ ho usek eep er required immediately for 2 boys, 3 and 7. Millcroft area. Drivers license a plus. Non-smoker. (905)336-7592_____________ L IV E -IN nanny for Ju ly start. A great opportunity for the right person. Must have infant experience. References please. (905) 337-9446 LOST: Watch with 4 rings, Friday Feb. 18, Bronte GO drop-off area. Enorm ous sentimental value. Sizable reward. (905)847-5333 F O U N D : Black cat Drury Lane & Fairview area. W e call Chris. Please call 6377325______________________ LO S T - Shoebag- at Bu r lington Curling Club or parking lot. Lost of Thurs day noon, call 905-6375967 9:45-10:30 (elite sprints) 30 50m hurdles w om en's invitational 31 50m hurdles m en's invitational 32 50m in v itatio n al w o m e n 's heats (to final #37) 33 50m invitational m en's heats (to final #38) (high school) 34 50m 35 50m (masters) 36 50m (masters) 37 50m 38 50m Burlington 632-4440 Oakville 845-3824 Flamborough 689-2232 Fax: 632-8165 Oakville Sports Scene The Oakville Crusaders Rugby Club has several upcoming clinics for coaches and referees. If interested, jot these dates on your calendar. COACHING: Level 1, Saturday, February 26; skills and safety, Saturday, March 4; Level 2, Sat/Sun March 25/26. REFEREEING: Level 1, March 27; Level 1, April 17. Becoming a community coach or ref is a great way to keep in shape. If you are a former player or new to the sport and would like to learn more, call Chris Clark at (416) 346-8006. The bugs are ironed out and we're on-line. If you are, too, and you want to get hold of the Oakville Beaver sports department, contact us a t ... nnelson@haltonsearch.com. If not, reports can be faxed to 337-5567 or dropped off at 467 Speers Rd. General Meeting Deaths HAMM: Olive "Peggy" - (Member of St. Cuthbert's ACW and Altar Guild, Oakville Curling Club, with Oak ville Transit and Assistant Commissioner Girl Guides) Peacefully on Saturday February 19, 2000 at the Al lendale Nursing Home, Milton with her family present. Peggy (Little) Hamm, beloved wife of Peter Hamm. Dear mother of Susan and her husband Jonn, Michael and his wife Gail and Jeff and his wife Lynne. Sister of David Little and Francis Wood, the late Ruby O'Neil and Gladys Russell. Loving grandmother of Amy, Christine, Shannon, Meagan, Krystal and Korey. Visi tation at Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville from 2-4 & ?-9pm Mon day. Funeral service 1pm Tuesday in the Kopriva Taylor Chapel. Those who wish may make donations to the Alzheimers Society. SMITH, Sadie (Former member of Club 91 and The Eastern Star). On Saturday February 19, 2000 at Oak ville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Sadie (Heath) in her 105th year. Beloved wife of the late Victor Gordon Smith. Funeral service 1pm Wednesday February 23, 2000 (Today) at St. Jude's Anglican Church, Oakville (William at^Thomas Sts.) Cremation. In lieu of flowers those who wish may make memorial contributions to St. Jude's Anglican Church. Arrangements entrusted to Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, Oakville. girls invitational boys invitational m en's invitational w o m en 's final m en's final M A IN E L E M E N T A R Y S C H O O L C O M P E T IT IO N : runs Thursday, Feb. 24, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. M AIN S E C O N D A R Y S C H O O L C O M P E T IT IO N : runs Friday, Feb. 25, 9 a.m . to 5 p.m. The Family Place is holding it's Annual General Meeting at Heritage Glen Public School, O akville. M arch 22, 2000 at 7:30pm. For more information call 905-469-0888. Open House H o p e d a le M o n te s s o ri School OPEN HOUSE ·1 6 0 W illia m s S t., O a k v ille (T h o m a s S t. C a m p u s ) S a f., F e b ru a ry 2 6 , 1 0 a m - 1 pm We are now accepting registration for September 2000. Limited spaces available. Ages 2-1/2 to 6 years. For information call 338-5247 W ALTON, M ild re d M a ry "S u s a n " (1910-2000) Peacefully at Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlington on February 16, 2000, Mrs. Susan Walton of Oakville. Beloved mother of Darrell Backstorm of Nova Scotia, Moonyeen Cormack and Barbara Ann Musgnung of Burlington, Robert, Phillip and William Walton. Will be sadly missed by her many grandchildren and great grandchildren. At Su san's request, cremation has taken place. A Celebration of Life service will be held on Sunday, March 5, 2000 at 2:30 P.M. at St. George's Anglican Church on Guelph Line. If desired, in lieu of flo w ers, donations to the B reast Cancer Research and Education Fund may be made by contacting the J . Scott Early Funeral Home (905) 878-2669. Computer Courses COMPUTER COURSES FOR ADULTS STAR T ANY TIME! WINDOW S 98, O FFIC E 97(WORD, EX CEL, A C C ESS, PO W ERPO INT) PUBLISHER,IN TERN ET, Plus a new course in WEB PAGE DESIGN Also, FINISH YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Academic subjects in Math, English, and Business CALL: 845-7542 Adult Education Centre White Oaks Secondary School South Campus In Memoriam BUCCINO, Ronald (Ronnie). In loving memory of a dear husband and father who entered into eternal rest on February 22, 1998. G o d s a w y o u g e ttin g tired, A cure was n o t to be, So he p u t h is a rm s a ro u n d you, A n d w hispered, "C om e with me. ` Your gentle h e a rt sto p p e d beating, Y ou r b u s y h an ds a t rest. A lth o u g h o u r h earts a re saddened, W e know , H e o n ly takes the best. Forever in our hearts Dolores, Janet, Jennifer & Stephen Deaths COOLING, Christopher - Peacefully after a coura geous battle with leukemia on February 20, 2000 at the age of 17. Cherished and much loved son of Scott and Paulette. Dear grandson of Murray and Betty Cooling and Bob and Mollie Kirkpatrick. Chris will be sadly missed by is aunts, uncles, cousins and many friends. A special thanks to all the doctors, nurses and support staff at McMaster Hospital for their excellent care and support. Family and friends will be received at the Ward Funeral Home 'Oakville Chapel', 109 Reynolds St., 905-844-3221, on Tuesday from 12-4 p.m. and 6-9 p.m. and Wednesday from 12-4 p.m. A Funeral Mass will be held on Thursday at St. An drew's Church, 47 Reynolds St. at 2:30 p.m. The fami ly would appreciate donations made to the Leukemia Research Fund of Canada or McMaster Children's Hospital, in lieu of flowers. Photo by Peter J. Thompson Blades leading scorer M ike Tarantino (#11) celebrates a goal with his team m ates. Unfortunately, the Blades d idn 't score enough o f them over the w eekend, dropping three gam es to even their series with G eorgetow n at 3-3. Blades lose three straight on weekend (C o n tin u e d from p a g e C 1) Prayers Prayer to St. Jude Say this prayer 9 times a day on the eighth day your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. "May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glori fied, loved, and preserved through out the world. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the helpless pray for us. Amen." Publication must be promised V.A.G. SUNDAY Oakville w as in tough from the start as the Raiders pulled out a clo se 6-5 victory. Georgetown opened the scoring under a m inute into the gam e, and from there, it w as a struggle for the Blades. Both B lad e s' goalie M att C ollaton and Raiders' goalie Jeff H ladysh, despite the 11 com bined goals, m ade som e spectacular saves, keep ing both their clubs in the game. Scoring for O akville w as M ike L ukajic (2), Brian M ills, M ike Gardner, and M arc Pinizzotto. A ssists w ere from M ike T arantino (3), Bob Jaggard, Stu M acC rim m on, Jason Sajko, D ave Burt, and M ike N agai. G eorgetow n's scorers w ere Stace Page (3), Mike Knoepfli (2) and Joe Tenute. A ssists w ere from S cott M acD o n ald (2), Brydon Butterw orth, K noepfli, Tenute and Tristan Fairbam. SATURDAY A tighter contest saw the R aiders close the series to 3-2 with a 4-2 hom e win over Oakville. G eorgetown scored four straight goals in this game, spanning from halfw ay through the first period, to the end o f the second period. "We finished strong," said B lades' coach Jay Anderson, who com m ented on his team 's play in the third period. They got to w ithin two, but could not get any closer. B lades' goalie M att C ollaton m ade 34 saves in a losing cause. O akville's offence cam e from Chris Knighton and Chris Pethick. Helpers were from Pethick, Dave Burt, Knighton and Marc Pinizzotto. G eorgetown had goals from Scott M acDonald (2), Jeff Seeds and M ike Knoepfli. Assists came from Ryan Fairbarn (3), Stace Page (2), Tristan Fairbam , Knoepfli and Todd Meehan. FRIDAY W ith the Blades com ing into the gam e with a 3-0 series lead, the Raiders turned the tables and played a great gam e, w inning 8-5, and forcing the series to go at least one m ore game. The Blades fell behind and were forced to com e back. A t one point, they did, but they could not hold on to the lead, and the Raiders took over. Even though the goal totals are high, one can not take aw ay the stellar play o f B lades' goalie M att Collaton. H e kept his team in the game at many different times. If it had not been for him, the score could have been m uch different. The Blades had goals from M ike Lukajic (2), Jason Sajko, Bob Jaggard and M ike Tarantino. A ssists were from Tarantino (3), M ike Nagai (2), Lukajic, Jaggard, Stu M acCrim m on and Derek Klowak. G eo rg eto w n 's goal scorers w ere Scott M acD onald (3), Joe Tenute (3), Jeff Seeds and M ike Knoepfli. A ssists cam e from Ryan Fairbam (3), Stace Page (2), Seeds (2), Brydon Butterworth, Tristan Fairbam , Knoepfli, Tenute and Bill Fetherston. Volunteers The Canadian National Institute for the Blind Ontario Division C N IB H alto n / Peel D istrict n eeds yo u r assistance. V olunteers N eeded for: D is tr ic t B o a r d a n d C o m m itte e s Funeral Directors O A K V IE W The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) is accepting applications for appointment to the District Board and Committees in the Halton/ Peel District. FUNERAL HOME O u r fa m ily serving y o u r fam ily We are seeking individuals with energy, enthusiasm, a commitment to enhancing services for others who are blind, visually impaired and deafblind. If you have experience or an interest in marketing, public awareness or fundraising, the CNIB Halton/ Peel can offer you with an opportunity to apply your talents and be rewarded with selfsatisfaction and personal growth. Members will be selected from our client population, community groups and neighbourhoods reflecting the diverse ethnic, cultural and demographics of our community. All appointments to the Board or committees will be for a two year period with a time commitment of up to 8 hours per month. To apply, please submit a letter with your name, address and telephone number, along with a brief description of why you would like to participate by March 27th, 2000 to the following address: 56 LA K ESH O R E R O A D W EST O A K V IL L E F u n e ra l D ire c to rs Don Clarke ·Gregory Sidora ·Tina Quenneville ·John Murphy 842-2252 Family Services Alcoholics Anonymous If yo u d rin k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If y o u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! United Way of Peel Region NOMINATING COMMITTEE, CNIB Halton/ Peel 151 City Centre Drive, Suite 201 Mississauga, ON, L5B1M7 or Fax to: (905)275-7710 (4 1 6 ) 4 8 7 -5 5 9 1 (9 0 5 ) 6 3 1 - 8 7 8 4

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