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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, C03

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Wednesday, February 23, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER C3 Dallas team hopes to make it to U.S. Nationals tournam ent, the last year my daughter played for W illowdale, the farthest we B ut that's ju st in hockey. w ent was to London, you know. We "W ith their rivalry in football, that ju st drove for tw o hours. w ould never happen dow n here," he B ut he pointed out that if in the said, laughing at the very thought o f it. Toronto to Hamilton corridor you may have 15-16,000 girls playing hockey, So w ho is this person behind the in the entire state o f Texas they may girls hockey renaissance in Dallas. have 4-5,000 kids, and that's including W ait a m inute he doesn't have a drawl. the boys which would comprise most T here is no accent. O f course not. o f that total. "I'm actually from Canada," he In Dallas, the Oakville-bound ban adm its, adding that he m oved from tam team has been culled from "a pool Toronto w here he lived for 25 years. o f about 80 girls in a metropolitan area "We m oved dow n here about two o f about four and a half million," said and a h alf years ago to Dallas and I've Manary. been pretty active in trying to prom ote Surely a case of, ah hem, Slim and grow girls hockey dow n here. I Pickens. have tw o daughters that play." On the other hand quality is not O ne o f them is on the D allas team necessarily dependent on quantity. com ing to O akville and she is, at 14 Case in point. W e've been having years o f age, already a veteran o f the som e fun with this story, but let's not Leaside and W illow dale girls hockey forget the U.S. does boast the Olympic leagues in Toronto and she is very cham pion gold medal w om en's hockey m uch looking forw ard to meeting up team. w ith som e o f her form er team m ates And these bantam girls from Dallas w ho will also be at the Oakville tour are serious about their hockey. They nament. are not entered in the top rep division M anary w as m oved to D allas by his here in O akville but neither are they com pany, System House. "I started up entered at the recreational level. a com puter leasing division for them ." It's also true that this team has a System H ouse was then bought up shot at making the U.S. national cham by M C I, the big phone com pany, and then passed off to ED S, the big com pionships! The team, he explained, has earned puter com pany ... a berth into the Rocky M ountain "T he w orld o f acquisitions," he District championships, in March, chuckled. which carries with it a berth to the U.S. A part from his day job, at the rink he's the team 's assistant coach, general Nationals in Troy, M ichigan in April. "So the girls have done pretty well. manager, and this spring he hopes to And I recognize that the level o f hock start up a girls hockey association, with ey here in the south may not be what it one o f the first tasks being to start up is in M ichigan, for example, or an U -19 girls team for the three gradu M innesota or the North East." ates o f the U -16 team w ho are in their All this has the team excited about final year o f eligibility. their tournam ent opener in Oakville H e's not the lone expatriate C anuck w hich happens to be against Buffalo, a dow n there. team from a rival U.S. district. "T here are actually five Canadian "We thought it was great to be play bom girls on crnr team. There are a ing a team from Buffalo because our couple from Saskatchew an, one from girls have a better than 50-50 chance O ttawa, one from M ontreal and then o f perhaps even winning the Rocky m y daughter." M ountain District," he said. A s in his case, m ost C anuck fam i "O ur big com petition's going to be lies are there through "w ork opportuni ties and transfers." from Colorado. W ith his w ife's sister living in "And w e've played a couple of Dallas and with the m ove there o f the team s that have played them Dallas Stars N H L team, he knew that (Colorado) and evidently w e're very even with them so it should be very the germ o f hockey had already been interesting." planted deep in the heart o f Texas. H e's ju s t trying to help nurture it into, w e ll... som ething big. T he Dallas players are looking for w ard to their trip to a hockey hotbed. O ne thing for sure, to play girls "We thought there were an awful lot hockey deep in the heart o f Texas, o f benefits. First and foremost, a lot of the girls have never been out o f the travel is required. Texas is a big State, but you could U.S. We thought things like taking cross it m any tim es over and still not them to the hockey hall o f fame and exposing them to the Toronto, Oakville find a girls hockey gam e, so the Dallas girls rep team has had to m ake do. and southern Ontario region would be a real experience for them. "W hat w e've done locally, we end up playing either peew ee or bantam "A nd playing against some teams aged boys team s." that are undoubtedly better than them would give them a sense and a feeling A nd th ey've not done bad. · "I guess w e're probably 11-9 (wonand an appreciation o f w hat they have loss). to do to improve." N ot that he necessarily believes the T h at's w hy tournam ents are im por tant for this team , so they can get a results are a foregone conclusion; he true gauge o f where they stand against ju st doesn't know. girls o f their ow n age. "I don't think w e'll be embarrassed "L ast year, as an exam ple, w e w ent because w e've played some good girl to a tournam ent in H untington Beach, teams here in the U.S." C alifornia and to another tournam ent The team opens Saturday morning, in A lbuquerque, N ew M exico. We w ent to another tournam ent in 8:15 a.m. against Buffalo, takes on Colorado Springs." M ississauga at noon and completes its C ontrast that to the last year his round robin Sunday morning, 8:15 daughter played up in Canada. a.m. with a gam e against Oakville. A ll "G osh, if you w ant to go aw ay to a their gam es are at Oakville Ice Sports. (C o n tin u ed from p a g e D1) Burlington is next in OMHA playdowns team ex ceed the m ax im u m p en a lty m in u tes in a g am e), T h e O a k v ille R an gers trip le-A m id g et rep team h av e ad v an ced to the second ro u n d o f the O n tario M in o r th ey lo st th e ir a ssista n t co ach (w h o p ic k ed up a gam e m isco n d u c t and a g ro ss m isco n d u c t), an d th ey lo st fo u r H ockey A sso ciatio n (O M H A ) p lay d o w n s after d isp o sin g p lay ers co m p ared to on e fo r O ak v ille on the su sp en d ed a pesky H alton H u rrican es team 3-1 in a b est o f five list. op en in g ro u n d series. O ak v ille, h ow ever, soon fo u n d th e d e p le te d H alto n T h e R an g ers now face a B u rlin g to n squad w hich fin H ills team had p len ty o f life in them . ished fo u r p o in ts ah ead o f th em in the reg u la r season. T h ey cam e o ut fly in g w ith a g rea t d eterm in a tio n Stay p o sted for gam e tim es and places. w hile the h o st R an g ers seem ed o v er co n fid e n t an d less O ak v ille alm o st had th eir bro o m s o ut (fo r the sw eep) ag g ressiv e. in the op en in g ro u n d series only to have H alton H ills do A nd th ey alm o st g ot aw ay w ith it. the `clean u p ' h onours in the th ird gam e w hich w as O ak v ille cap tain J e ff B row n m an ag ed to sco re first in p lay ed la st W ednesday (Feb. 16) at O ak v ille A rena. the m id d le o f the seco n d p erio d on a feed fro m E ric D ow n tw o gam es in the series, it looked lik e `three M e lan d er an d M ike Z ujko. and o u t' fo r H alton H ills until they sh o ck ed O ak v ille H alto n an sw e re d q u ic k ly on a p o w erp la y an d a few w ith a goal w ith one second left in reg u la tio n tim e to tie m in u tes la ter O a k v ille 's E d F io re p u t in a seco n d from the gam e at 2-2, sending it into overtim e. B ryan M ills d u rin g an O ak v ille pow erplay. H alton then scored again ju s t o v er tw o m in u tes into T h is sen t th e team s to the d ressin g ro o m s fo r th e flo o d the ten m inute sudden death o v ertim e to clin ch the gam e w ith O ak v ille up by one. 3-2 an d send the series b ack to B ram p to n w ith O ak v ille H alto n cam e o u t stro n g d esp ite th e ir sh o rt b ench in now up o nly 2-1. T he fo u rth gam e, in B ram pton on F rid ay (Feb. 18) the th ird b u t O ak v ille w as ab le to h old th em o ff an d ev en had the sam e p lo t d ev elo p m en t w ith O ak v ille again n u rs w hen th ey p u lle d th e ir g o alie n ear the en d o f the th ird , O ak v ille sto o d firm b u t ju s t as th e b u zz er w as ab o u t to ing a late gam e 2-1 lead. so u n d the O ak v ille victory, th e H u rric an e s sco red w ith B ut th is tim e the R an g ers w ere able to ro ll up th eir sleev es and au th o r a m ore fav o u rab le en d in g . In stead o f on e seco n d le ft on the clo ck to sen d th e gam e in to o v e r co u g h in g up the eq u alizer, they w ere able to take a tim e, settin g up th e ir o v ertim e w inner. B ack to th e e a rlie r m e n tio n e d 6 -4 w in, O ak v ille a s sis slig h tly early co llectiv e sigh o f re lie f w hen they scored ta n t cap tain C h ris R id d ell had th e h at tric k w h ile R yan an em p ty n etter w ith 24 seco n d s le ft to ice the 3-1 w in. G ow , M ike E nns and G e o ff C u rtis each p ick ed up a sin G eo ff C u rtis scored the goal, his seco n d o f the gam e. gle m arker. A ssists w ent to B ryan M ills (4 ), R id d ell, C u rtis o pened the sco rin g in the first p erio d on a nice C urtis, E nns, J e ff B ro w n , an d E ric M elander. sh o t th at w as set up by E ric M elander. H alton H ills an sw ered in the second b u t O a k v ille 's E ric M elan d er cap italized on a g o alm o u th scrum at the en d o f the second, from Ryan G ow and M ike C ap ald o , to O a k v il l e M in o r S u m m e r H o c k e y L e a g u e send O ak v ille in to the d ressin g ro o m up 2-1. May - August Schedule A fter the flood, both team s cam e out strong. P lay w as Including " vacation week" to assist with holiday planning. fierce and p en alties few b u t no goals w ere sco red and O Non-contact O Divisions for boys w ith ju s t o v er a m inute rem ain in g H alton p u lled th eir O 14-game schedule & girls ages 5-15 g o alie to set up the ex citin g finish. O No weekends or Fridays O Trophies & awards G o alten d er N ick B all w as o u tstan d in g in n et for O Certified officials O Prime time evening games O Games on brand new Olympic O Coaching & sponsorship O akville. positions available 8 sizejliver Oaks surface A nd he w as co m p lem en ted by a team th at cam e out O No fundraising O Balancing of teams stro n g and n ever let up. A pplications available at Rtvex O aks, G le n A bbey, M ainway & A ppleby C o lleg e arenas. T he sam e co u ld n 't be said o f his team m ates in the F o r in fo r m a t io n o r t o r e c e iv e a n a p p lic a tio n % above 3-2 o v ertim e loss, a gam e in w hich they have been (905) 510-1447 g u ilty o f being a tad o v erco n fid en t. This is not affiliated with the M O H A B u t you alm o st co u ld n 't blam e them . A sta ff w ith se ve ra l years of co a chin g , o ffic ia tin g & le ague a d m in is tra tio n experience guarantees a w e ll-o rg a n ize d & q u a lity le a g u e fo r y o u r c h ild . T h a t's b ecause, in the p rev io u s o u tin g (in g am e tw o Registration: Sunday. March 5th. 1:30-3 p.m . at River Oaks Community Centre on S unday F eb. 13), h o st H alton H ills lost m uch m ore th an th e ir second co n secu tiv e gam e, by a 6 -4 v erd ict, to go dow n 2-0 in the series. T h ey lo st th eir head co ach (w ho had to serve a one-g am e su sp en sio n for h av in g his Close OMHAseries with Hespeler The Oakville Rangers minor atom A rep team are in the midst of a close Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) playoff series with Hespeler which is tied 1-1 ... Feb. 12: Oakville played a great game in the opener, outshooting Hespeler 19-15, but unfortunately they shouldered a tough 3-2 loss. Matt Andrews and Joey Cicchini had the goals. Assists went to Brett Chandler, Patrick Channing and Matt Downer. Feb. 13: Oakville travelled to Hespeler the following day and won 3-2 in overtime. Patrick Channing was the overtime hero, assisted by Taylor Hodgkinson and Jamie McKeown. Also scoring for Oakville were Tyson Theaker and Joey Cicchini. Additional assists went to Theaker, Matt Grigg, Spencer Jenkin and Marco Rodrigues. Oakville had given up a 2-0 lead with Hespeler scoring two goals in 41 seconds in the third period. TRI-COUNTY The Rangers made it two in a row in their Tri-County play downs with a 9-0 win in Ancaster Feb. 9. Alexander Proksch earned the shutout. Todd Woodman was the star of the game, scoring a hat-trick (three goals). Other goal scorers were Matt Andrews (2), Sean Blaesing, Patrick Channing, Joey Cicchini and Matt Downer. Adding assists were Cicchini (2), Channing, Taylor Hodgkinson, Spencer Jenkin, Jamie McKeown and Marco Rodrigues. £080* BALL HOCKEY R EG ISTR A TIO N * Full Size Arena · All-Star Games · Trophies & Awards* Team & Individual Entries · And More! Space Limited Call: (9 0 5 ) 469-9123 w w w .p la y e r sb a llh o c k e y .c o m m r 1 # \ 1 MacLean will ref The Oakville Hornets Girls Hockey Association is hosting their fourth annual hockey tournament this weekend (Friday, Feb. 25 to Sunday, Feb. 27). It's a huge one, with about 1400 players on about 90 teams -- including 30 Oakville Hornets teams -- compet ing in 15 different divisions, both house league and rep. Age groups include tyke through to interme diate with Canlan Ice Sports Oakville being the main venue for the weekend. Ice Sports and Maplegrove Arenas will jointly host the finals of all divisions Sunday afternoon and early evening. A special fea ture again this year will be a skills competition, spon sored by the Toronto Maple Leafs, which will be held on Friday, 7:15 p.m., at Ice Sports, Rink 3. Also Oakville's Ron MacLean, of Hockey Night in Canada fame, will ref a Friday novice BB game, 1:15 p.m. at Ice Sports. Admission is free. For more info, call 847-1400. 24" WIDTH BATH TOWEL G> C o u n c il O A K V IL L E & S t a n d in g C o m m it t e e 845-6601 36" w id t h BATH SHEET M e e t in g s Monday, February 28,2000 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Monday, March 6,2000 Council Meeting Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 29,2000 Community Services Committee 7:30 p.m. - Oakville Room Administrative Services Comm. 7:30 p.m. - Bronte Room s/27*1 # 1 Im p e rfe cts 3" # 1 Im p e rfe c ts Monday, March 20,2000 Planning & Development Council Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. 30" W ID T ? J U M B O M T UT O W E L HAND TOWELS "CLASSIC COLLECTION" Polyester Fibre Filled 3/JA88 * 1 Im perfects r # 1 I m p e rfe cts C o u n c i l & C o m m it t e e T o u c h t o n e P h o n e L in e 815-5959 T H E C O R P O R A T IO N O F TH E TOW N O F OA K V ILLE P R O P O SA L FO R M EETING ROOM FURNISH ING S A N D C A FE TE R IA FU RN ISH IN G S P R O P O SA L N U M B E R PR O P-15-2000 SEA L E D PR O PO SA L S for the above will be received by the Purchasing D epartm ent, on or before 12:00 P.M., local tim e on M ONDAY, M ARCH 6, 2000 A ddress: 1225 T rafalgar Road, O akville, or by mail to P.O. Box 310, Oakville. O ntario, L6J 5A 6. T elephone (905) 338-4197. S pecifications, P roposal form s and Proposal envelopes are available at the office o f the undersigned. T he C orporation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and the lowest or highest as the case may be will not necessarily be accepted. R. J. C oum oyer, C .I.M ., P. Mgr. D irector, P urchasing & O ffice Services 2 7" WIDTH BATH TOWEL BUY ONE GET 2ND AT FACE CLOTHS STANDARD · QUEEN · KING # 1 Im p e rfe c ts FOUR QUALITIES TO CHOOSE FROM .88 Im p e rfe cts F e a th e r & D o w n Duvets and Feather Beds 15% OFF HAMILTON ST. JACOBS OUTLET M ALI I 2 5 B e n ja m in Rd Waterloo, ON Huge Assortment of Duvet Covers Available HURRY IN! Sale Ends Feb. 29/00 PROUDLY CANADIAN ^ 341 O tta w a S t . N. (a t Barton) (905) 5 4 9 -3 0 5 6 HOU RS: Mon. - D im . 9-5. fri. 9 9, Sal. 9-5. Sun. 12-4 (519) 7 4 6 -9 1 8 6 H OU RS: Mon. Fri. 9:30-9, Sal. 8:30-4, Sun. 12-5 lambubge. TOWEL & BEDDING CA M B R ID G E 64 Grand Ave S. (S o u th w o rk s M a ll) C O O K STO W H Cookslown Mfr's Outlet Mall (Hwy. 89 S 400) MILL OUTLET 1225 TRAFALGAR R O A D · OAKVILLE, O N T A R IO · L6J 5A6 (519) 6 2 2 -5 5 4 2 HOU RS: (705) 4 5 8 -2 4 4 2 H OU RS: Mon. - Wed- 9:30-6. Thun. I Fri. 9:30-8, Sol. 9-6, Sun. I I S Mon - Fri. 10-9, Sot. t Sun. 9 6. Holiday, 9-6

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