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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, C02

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C2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 23,2000 Preteen curlers rock on at annual Timbits Bonspiel T he O akville L ittle R ockers preteen curlers hosted 32 rinks from all across Southern O ntario, including team s from N obleton, B ram pton, Toronto, and Fergus, at the 3rd A nnual Tim bits Bonspiel, last Saturday. T hese potential future O lym pians p articip ated in parallel tw o-gam e draw s, w ith O akville C urling Club rinks com ing out on top in both events. Wes Johnson's rink (with vice Scott M anderson, second A.J. Johnson and lead Colleen Burnett) defeated Taylor G abel from N orth Halton in their first gam e and then defeated R obert G ilberry's Burlington rink in the after noon game. In the second draw , L aura M anderson skipped her O akville rink (with vice M elissa M cAuley, second A m berle Bocsy and lead Erik Bocsy) to victory, as well, w ith w ins over Kiersten B jem o o f D undas Valley and Scott M anson o f Bram pton. Both w inning team s received indi vidual trophies and will have their nam es engraved on the Tim bits plaque, w hich hangs in the O akville C urling Club. These curlers also had first choice from the prize table, w ith all the curlers getting a prize. The m ost anticipated prizes o f the B onspiel w ere the participant draw prizes. T hanks to the support o f the O ak v ille b ranch o f R oyal T rust, B rittany G ray o f the B urlington Curling Club, and Sean Paul Kearns o f the Bayview C urling Club now have $30 `L eo ' accounts to open at their local R oyal B ank o r R oyal T rust branch. D avid W alker and H olly M adill, both from the O akville C urling Club, received gift certificates redeem able at G oldline C urling Supplies, and thanks to R aleigh Industries, A ndrew M arshall o f the B urlington C urling Club and M ichelle Kott o f the High Park Curling Club are the proud ow ners o f brand new Raleigh T ra c k e r' bicycles. "By all accounts, the bonspiel was a trem en d o u s success," com m ented Little R ock Coordinator G ord Parker. `T h a n k s to all the volunteers who w orked hard to m ake it happen, and to the com m unity sponsors, especially Tim H ortons, w hose support m ade this com petition possible." Photo by Peter J. Thompson Lean on m e. This O akville H ornets gam e last w eek end at Ice Sports featured a 3-1 victory by the atom -B H ornets team (w h ite jersey ) over the C oldw ater C apitals. T he H ornets host a huge 90team tourney Friday through Sunday. Photos by Peter J. Thompson TO P PHOTO: Skip M arcus G auer surveys his shot as team m ates C arson Gales (bandana) and D avid Josefik prepare to sweep. BO TTO M PHOTO: Skip Kathleen H oulahan shouts out orders to her team m ates, Sean W alsh (left) and Erik Bocsy. Hockey: Texas style By Norm Nelson BEAVER SPORTS EDITOR E verything isn't big in Texas, as it turns out. You w ant big. Try this w eekend's girls hockey tournam ent being hosted in O akville by the O akville H ornets girls hockey league. R unning F riday through Sunday, and headquar tered out o f Ice Sports O akville, it boasts 1400 girls on 90 Jeam s com peting in 15 divisions including rep and house league. Including one team all the w ay from ... D allas, com peting in the bantam `B B ' rep category. T h at's got to be worth a call dow n to Texas, and let the publisher pay the big phone bill. A nd sure enough, the friendly chap on the other end o f the phone -- a one G ord M anary -- concedes that girls hockey is not exactly as big as som e o f the ranches they got dow n thar. In fact, he concedes, that som etim es Texas and O klahom a pal up and send a com bined team to the R ocky M ountain D istrict playdow ns (com prised o f eight states) for girls hockey. "U nder out district rules that is allow ed. B ecause if th e re's not a girls team in a particular centre, they w ill allow that girl to play in the closest centre that does have a team -- even if it is out o f State." A nd th at's the case w ith his ow n team , w here one o f the team m em bers m akes the drive into D allas from O klahom a City. B ut that happens only in hockey, he stressed. (See 'Dallas' page D3) Sign up for Kinsmen spring minor softball The Kinsmen Minor Softball League will be holding their Final Registration for the upcoming 2000 season on Saturday, February 26, 2000, from league this Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at White Oaks North Secondary 1981-1994 and boys bom between 1982-1994 at a School. fee of only $50 per registrant. For info contact The League is open to girls bom between Mark Webber at 905-845-9676. Dreams Take Flight! In Oakville there are more than 100 terminally ill and mentally and physically challenged children. Help make a dream come true for each of these youngsters by supporting the efforts of the Oakville Field Hockey Club as they raise funds for "Air Canada's - Dreams Take Flight." O ne day last spring an Air Canada jet departed for Florida. For the terminally ill children on board, it was the beginning of a dream come true. A once in a lifetime journey to Disney World for a whole day. Help make this dream a realty for children in our community. The cost of such an adventure is enormous. And though much is donated pilots, planes and admission, the cost to send each child is more than $1,000. On Saturday, March 4th The Oakville Field Hockey Club will be holding a Dream-a-Thon: A 12-hour marathon of indoor field hockey to raise money for the Dreams Take Flight project. This will take place at St. Thomas Aquinas High School from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m . There will be a Silent Auction through the day. Anyone interested in contributing to this worthy cause is asked to contact: Breaking Community Mews Contests with a chance to WIN! ·D in in g - C e r tifta le it P m z f x t c k a p & E m ffic k flfr Special Promotions & money saving opportunities Vinnie Di'Rollo - 847-1843 or John Picone - 827-4850 Help the dreams of these children to take flight. ofhc@cgocable.net w w w .cgocable.net/~ofhc Simply forward the following information to: duboakvilldieaver.com Name: Mail to: 467 Speers Road Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 1NV 1DI AT A i-- i c z d A irC anada a Address: Phone: _ r \ / i WtKUVtt! U v i IIc e-mail: Fax: 337-5568 Fklb Hockey C u b , Do you currently a subscribe to the Oakville Beaver? Y N Email: oakads@haltonsearch.com Email addresses remain confidential to The Oakville Beaver and will not be sold or distributed. T he Oakville Beaver

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