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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, B05

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Wednesday, February 23, 2000 Oakville woman elected CFUWs nationalpresident THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 By Claudia D'Souza SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER * O akville's R oberta Brooks is the perfect choice to lead the Canadian F ed eratio n o f U niversity W om en (CFU W ) into the new m illennium . R ecently chosen as its president by m em bers from across the country, the well-liked, dow n-to-earth Brooks is a longtim e m em ber o f the O akville club and officially takes the reigns this A ugust. She was urged to run for the prestigious and challenging post by m any supporters and for Brooks, 60, the tim ing couldn't be better. "I had knee replacem ent surgery last fall," she says. "I couldn't have under taken this jo b otherw ise. T hey say things happen for a reason and I'm real ly thrilled. I never thought I'd have the opportunity to be president. It's excit ing and will be a great learning experi ence." A graduate o f the U niversity o f W estern O ntario, Brooks holds a BA in secretarial science and a diplom a in In teg rated O ffice S ystem s from Sheridan College. She taught business and com m erce for nine years and w orked as human resources adm inistra tive assistant before becoming secretary-treasurer o f the fam ily-ow ned business run by her husband, David. Brooks is well versed in the mandate and inner workings o f the CFUW. Prior to being chosen as its president, she cut her teeth as president o f the Oakville club from 1981 to 1982. At the provincial level, she held the position of O ntario Council Legislation chair from 1982 to 1985 and from 1988 to 1990, she was president - Ontario C ouncil. A t the national level, she served as vice-president, Ontario and Forw ard Planning chair from 1988 to 1990. She's been a m em ber o f several com m ittees and has also participated in the past three International Federation o f University W om en conferences as m inuting secretary. "The CFU W has been an integral part o f my life for 30 years and I've com e to realize what a strong and vital organization it is," she says. "I'm a real believer in consensus and I'm a good listener." D uring her upcom ing tw o-year tenure, Brooks faces several challenges including hosting the annual general meeting in G uelph this A ugust and the International Federation o f University W om en conference to be held in Ottaw a in 2001. The Timm ons-born wife and mother o f one lived in Brampton, London and Port Credit before settling in Oakville. She hasn't worked outside the home since the birth o f her daughter, M ary Claire Brooks-Keating, 27, but takes her v olunteer w ork very seriously. Besides the CFUW, she previously vol unteered with the Toronto Symphony for 20 years. "I'm a professional volunteer. For me, volunteering is more satisfying than working." Brooks heard about the CFU W one night while playing bridge with a few neighbors. "(The late) Jean M alcolm Smith, a form er O akville Citizen o f the Year and founder o f our club, actually got me involved," she recalls. "I ju st knew I wanted som ething more stim ulating and I found it. The club is for w omen who are looking for social interaction with people o f a like mind. It's a w ay o f making lasting friendships and n etw orking w ith women o f all ages from young mothers to the elderly." But the CFU W isn't solely about social interaction Brooks stresses. Founded in 1919, today the organi zation is made up o f 10,000 m em bers and 130 clubs across Canada. It's com mitted to the pursuit o f know ledge, the prom otion o f education, the im prove ment of the status o f women and human rights, and active participation in public affairs in a spirit o f co-operation and friendship. "I know three past presidents are behind her and she will do an excellent jo b ," attests Brook's cam paign m anag er, Joan B arber o f Oakville. "She's efficient and know ledgeable and a positive, cheerful person. Her ability to get along w ith people is a gift and an asset especially in a position like this. W e've been trying to get her to run for years. The future augers very well for the organization with R oberta at the helm ." Photo by Peter C. McCusker R oberta B rooks o f O ak ville is the new p resid en t o f th e C an ad ian F ederation o f U n iversity W om en. COMMUNITY UPDATE Family Worship Service, St. Simon's West River. Visitors welcome, free admis WEDNESDA Y FEBRUARY 23 sion. Merton existed at Bronte Road and Anglican Church, 1450 Litchfield, Trafalgar Oakville Historical Society hosts talk on south of Upper Middle, 4:30 p.m. New time, United Empire Loyalist Association, part of QEW from mid 1800s to early 1940s. Halton Regional Police Services Board new style. Integrated style of family wor Heritage Week. Gloria Oakes discusses A Special Look At Exemplary Businesses Ontario's Loyalist roots, 7:30 p.m., Knox . - next meeting at Trafalgar Room, Oakville ship. Call 845-5381. Live Art Auction 2000, Erindale Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Rd., promptly at Presbyterian Church, Lakeshore and Dunn. Free. Heritage Week at Oakville Historical 9 a.m. Call Heather Trojek, executive admin Secondary School, Dundas and Erin Mills Write to us and tell us about a Parkway, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., auctioning Society, daily till Feb 25th, and Feb. 27th, 1 istrator at 825-4747 Ext. 5014. to 4 p.m., at society's office, 110 King St. Oakville Parent Child Centre offers from 1 to 2 p.m. Limited edition prints, 40 special experience you had Presentations include diaries of George Cabin Fever, drop-in for parents and care framed originals, artists include A. J. Casson, Sumner, chief constable and diarist, 1867 to givers every Thursday, 10:30 a.m. to noon, and Robert Bateman .Preview Feb. 25th, with a local business and 337 Kerr. Call 849-6366. 1909; Thomas House Museum Sampling 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., and Feb. 26th, 11:30 a.m. artifacts from 1830's pioneer cabin at Halton Central Chapter, BNI, meets Admission $5, includes refreshments. your name will be entered Lakeside. Park (open during the summer); every Thursday at the Dynasi Restaurant, SUNDAYFEBRUARY 27 and Oakville: Getting Around - transporta 399 Dundas W., 7 to 8:30 a.m., visitors wel Writing With Style, with Quick Brown into a contest to win a tion from 1850s to 1950s, call 844-2695. come. Call John Seaga, 257-9463. Fox Writers' Association, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Blood Donor Clinic, Croatian Parish FRIDAY FEBRUARY 25 Burlington Art Centre, 1333 Lakeshore, Hall, 2110 Trafalgar Rd. N,, 1 to 7:30 p.m. Halton VON Foot Care Clinic, Oakville Burlington, Hands-on workshop, learn to $25 Dining Certificate All blood types needed, especially Type O. avoid common errors, with workshop leader Seniors Rec Centre, 263 Kerr, 1 to 4 p.m. Association fo r Bright Children, Halton Brian Henry, fiction editor. Advance regis Oakville Single/Social Dance every chapter, presents What Do Kids Do in Gifted Friday at the Oakville Royal Canadian tration only, call Bev. Meincke, 336-1279. Classrooms, 7:30 p.m., W. H. Morden Legion, Normandy Room, Church and Navy. Halton Peel Branch, Ontario School, Morden and Rebecca. Speaker: Admission $10. Proceeds through Branch Genealogical Society, Chinguacousy George Cizmar, educator, debunks stereo 114 to charities. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 Library, 150 Central Park Dr., Brampton, 2 Mail to: 467 Speers Road, Oakville ON L6K 3S4 types that kids in gifted classrooms. Free a.m. Cash door prizes and refreshments. p.m. Speaker: Brian Gilchrist, professional Fax to: (905) 337-5568 Email: montague@haltonsearch.com admission. Call 332-5252. Dress code. Call 845-6271. genealogist, Using English Parish Records, Our Lady o f Peace School Council pre call 905-843-2076 or 905-458-1031. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 26 __________________________________________________is an exemplary business because: sents speaker Carole Bertuzzi Luciani, 7:30 Iroquois Ridge High School holds 2nd MONDAY FEBRUARY 28 p.m., at the school, 391 River Glen Blvd. annual Incredible Hurry-up Spring Garage Oakville Christian Women' s After Five Topic: `Moodivate Yourself,' hilarious pre Sale,, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. White elephant trea Club dinner, Oakville Holiday Inn, Trafalgar sentation. Admission $5 at the door. sures, table rentals $15 garage sale day only, and QEW, 7 to 9:30 p.m. Millennium make CARP - Canada' s Association fo r the donations welcome. Proceeds to Music over with make-up artist and skin care spe Fifty Plus, Halton chapter, 7:30 p.m., DepaVtment. Call Louise Cooper, 844-9968. cialist Celeste Zugec - also soloist; and Burlington Seniors' Centre, 2185 New Street Fifth annual CFMU 93.3 Benefit heart-warming message by Trudy Collis. (Central Park), Burlington. Speaker: Helen Concert - Freewheeling Folk Show, Reservations, $22, call Fran, 844-9851. Name: Ferguson, chairperson, ESAC - Elderly Knights of Columbus Hall, 1494 Wallace ADVANCED REGISTRATION Services Advisory Committee, Halton Address: Rd., 6 p.m. Artists include John Prince & `An Evening o f Blues' with Alex Region, how ESAC helps seniors in Halton. Piece of the Rock, Katherine Wheatley, Pangman, Canada's Swing Sweetheart, at Phone: Email: Call Harry, 335-5717. Night Sun, Dan McGeoch, Thompson Sharkey's, Forsythe and Lakeshore, March Email: Growing through Divorce, a 10 week Lawrie, and Caroline Wiles. Tickets $10 in 1st, 7 to 10 p.m. Tickets $15, fundraiser for workshop series designed to help individuals advance, $12 at door. Tickets at Notes - The Canadian Mental Health Association's Youth Do you wish to receive contest/promotional information via e-mail? Y O N O who have recently separated or divorced to Place for Music, 35 Lakeshore W., or call Suicide Awareness Program. For tickets, call Are you an Oakville Beaver subscriber? VQ nO begin their success journey through one of 842-7960 or toll free 1-877-263-9632. 693-4270 or 338-2130. life's most difficult experiences. Begins tonight 7:30 p.m. Chartwell Fellowship Hall, 228 Chartwell. Cost S95. Call 842-5976 Wednesday ' { ' O ) !\ Film Festival pre sents The Dinner Game. Set in France, publisher Pierre Brochant throws dinner party every Wednesday night for friends and special guests all idiots, with prize for person bringing most outstanding f c s ? * . «? idiot, 7 p.m.. Famous Players, 1996 DODGE RAM SLT 1993 BUICK REGAL GRAND SPORT Dorval and QEW. USED VEHICLES USED VEHICLES Loaded. Deluxe interior, air, automatic, Affordable luxury. Tickets, $8 - $6 for Most cars and vans, certified and clean air, financing on W e buy used cars and vans for cash. W e take your coloured bumpers, sport wheels. arts groups mem the spot incl. 12 mth, 12 kilos powertrain warranty. We're trade. W e will consign your car or van. OVER 40 USED VEHICLES TOP TRADE bers, at door prior to willing to deal to make the car or van & deal right for you. TO CHOOSE FROM! ALLOWANCE SALE... show at 6:30 p.m. Call 815-5977. 827-0777 627-0777 kyl 627-0777 O a k v i l l e African Violet Society, 7:30 p.m., White Oaks North Campus, 1055 McCraney, horti culture room. Use west side entrance. Let's Talk Health Seminars, , Alternatives, 579 Kerr, 7 to 8 p.m.. 1994 MYSTERE MX6 1992 CAVALIER 4-DR. USED VEHICLES USED VEHICLES Dr. Robert Statton, Moon roof. Automatic. Air conditioning. chiropractor. Winter Loaded. Leather. Sporty! Only 103,000 ICs. From $150 + taxes a month. Tough credit Willing to From $22 a day + taxes + insurance, 25 yrs. & over. Wellness. Free. Call reinstate credit Have an income. Most approved. Vans $39 a day + taxes + insurance. OVER 40 USED VEHICLES OVER 40 USED VEHICLES 844-2375 Ext. 52. TO CHOOSE FROM! TO CHOOSE FROM! Oakville Parent Child Centre offers 627 0 7 7 7 827-0777 627-0777 827-0777 Cabin Fever, dropin for parents and caregivers every Wednesday, 9 to 10:45 a.m.; and Toddler Time, dropin for parents and toddlers 12 to 18 months, every Wednesday, 9 to 10:30 a.m., both at 1992 MAZDA PROTEGE 1990 TEMPO 4-DR. 337 Kerr. Call 849Grev on grey. Automatic. 5-spd. Runs super well. 6366. Air. Economy plus. White with grey. THURSDAY FEBUSED CARS OVER 40 USED VEHICLES ' RU ARY24 TO CHOOSE FROM! PURCHASED The Vanished Village o f Merton, 3rd In^otSpeen 827-0777 3rd Ln^oTspeen 627 0 7 7 7 talk by Dr. George Atkins, Heritage Week presentation hosted by Bronte Historical Society, 7:30 p.m., at Sovereign House, 7 The Customer's Always Write The Customer's Always Write O a k v ille , £ A s e *J C a r TO R U N O N T H IS P A G E CALL N O W ! / - \ k l F 1f \ 2 \\L l / U a H KYLIE'S VANS g f t g S 827 07771 KYLIE'S VANS J 3 8 S « 1 IE'S VANS 1 KYLIE'S VANS & es KYLIE'S VANS S K 1 KYLIE'S VANS SSfcSE 1 KYLIE'S VANS ffiUSSS 1 KYLIE'S VANS SUSSE Advertise Your Pre-OwnecLCar or Truck Here For Only KYLIE'S VANS 1 KYLIE'S VANS

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