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Oakville Beaver, 23 Feb 2000, B04

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, February 23, 2000 Open Your Doors to Business The Oakville Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee is pleased to announce the 2000-2001 edition of the Oakville Visitor's Guide. V i :S i ! Vj f :$ < U i tl * Married 60 years H ow ard and Pat m et in Shawville, Quebec, got married in Galt, Ontario, and have lived in O akville for 60 years. So, how did it happen? P at's sister introduced her to Howard. They knew a retired m inister in G alt who would be happy to marry them - H ow ard and Pat have different religions. The couple celebrated their Diam ond W edding anniversary at St. John's United Church on Feb. 5th, where How ard, 87, is a member. Pat, 85, belongs to the Oakville Salvation Army. They divide their tim e between St. Jo h n 's and the O akville Salvation Arm y Citadel. "We m oved to Oakville in the fall o f 1940," says Pat. "I'll never forget it, because every com m unity w e passed through was celebrating A rm istice Day." How ard ow ned and operated C entral M otors, located on Church Street across from the Oakville Legion, for 27 years before retiring. "It was an inter national trucking agency and general repairs," he remembers. "I was a stay-at-hom e m om ," says Pat, raising the couple's five children, all o f w hom live in the area between Toronto and Hamilton. i 0 {> - 2 0 .9 1 Publishing April 2000, this guide will help to promote Oakville and bring tourist dollar to your business. Call: 845-6613 Put your advertising message directly into the hands of local residents as well as the extended tourist market and boost the business coming through your door. Photo by Peter J. Thompson H ow ard and Pat Brow n hold letters o f con gratu lations from Q ueen Elizabeth and Prim e M inister Jean C hretien at their 60th w edding anniversary held at St. J o h n 's U nited C hurch. "Both o f m y daughters are nurses," says Pat. Carroll Castle w orks at O ak v ille T rafalg ar M em orial H ospital, and Connie Brown at Sunnybrook M edical Centre. T heir three sons are Reid B row n o f the O ak v ille F ire D epartm ent; R od B row n, an accountant; and Larry, who has worked for C anada Post for 20 years. The Brow ns have six grand children. ^JorcStA& c/etails c a ll: OAKVILLE CHAMBER of COMMERCE ^ O a k v il l e B i ^a v 845-3824 Fax: 337-5568 It's not to late to enter T here's still tim e to enter the Q uit Sm oking 2000 Contest. A num ber o f H alton sm okers have already entered the Q uit Sm oking 2000 Contest to try to stop sm oking for the m onth o f M arch. T he co n test lau n ch ed during N ational N on S m oking W eek in January is structured to help sm okers plan to quit sm oking for a m onth as an im portant step to becom ing sm oke free. "We are still looking for a num ber o f sm o k ers to enter," said R enee Johannson, chair o f Halton Council on Sm oking or Health. `T h e re is still tim e for m ore sm okers to enter the contest, and we have all kinds o f support m ate rials and tips to help them prepare to take this large but attainable step. "W orking in the com m unity, I have spoken with people w ho sm oked for 30 and 40 years and then w ent on to quit, so I know it can be done. It's not easy to stop sm oking, but every attem pt m oves you closer to success. To slip is not a failure; it has to be expected along the way." Research into health behaviour also show s that support is im portant to a p erso n 's su ccess, so the co n test requires entrants to enlist the support o f tw o buddies on w hom they can call when the going gets tough. T hese bud dies becom e eligible to win prizes too. Sm okers can register for the Q uit Sm oking 2000 C ontest until m idnight Feb/ 29th. They m ust quit sm oking no later than M arch 1st and m ust rem ain sm oke free until April 3rd to qualify for the contest prize draws. Prizes include a Caribbean cruise, a diam ond neck lace, three TV /V CRs, and w eekend getaw ays in T oronto, O ttaw a or M ontreal. "W ith som e 12,000 people dying each year in O ntario from a tobaccorelated illness, everyone who enters the contest and quits -- if only for a m onth to start -- will com e out a w inner," said Johannson. For m ore inform ation about the contest or to get an entry form, call the Halton Region H ealth D epartm ent at the Q uit Sm oking C ontest Line, 8256179, o r v isit the C o u n cil for a Tobacco-Free O ntario's w ebsite at: w w w.opc.on.ca/ctfo This Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday onl It's Iike there's on all reg.-priced Kenmore® major appliances, vacuums and sewing machines *Sears will d e d u c t from th e item price th e sam e dollar am o u n t as th e GST and PST you will pay, so your total p u rch ase, including th e tax dollars, will be no m ore th a n th e item price. Tax equiv alen t red u ctio n does not apply to p u rch a ses m ade under tax-exem pt sta tu s. E xcludes deferral fees, delivery, m a in te n a n c e and installatio n ch arg es. E xcludes C atalogue p u rch ases. Offer e n d s Sunday, February 2 7 , 2 0 0 0 . S E W IN G M A C H IN E ST O R E R EPA IR S T O S IN G E R a n d a ll o th er m a k es dr m odels W M. T H i E X PE R T P IN K IN G SH EA R S & S C IS S O R S H A R P E N IN G » M 198 SPEERS RD. 84 2 -2 0 3 3 Inside O akville Vacuum Plus, use your Sears Card and don't pay for one full year on all major appliances Don't pay until February 2 0 0 1 , on approved cre d it, with your S ears Card. Minimum $ 2 0 0 p u rch ase. $ 3 5 deferral fee and al ap p lica b le taxes and ch arg es are payable at tim e of p u rch ase. Excludes item s in our L iquidation/O utlet sto res and C atalogue p u rch a ses. Offers end Sunday, February 2 7 , 2 0 0 0 . Ask for d etails. Discover yoga to revitalize your body and find inner calm FREE INTRO CLASS N P0240300 SEARS Come see the m any sides of Sears® MARCH 7 Copyright 2 0 0 0 . Sears C a n a d a Inc. To reserve a space call 842-7733 HEALTHY BODY HEALTHY M IND Visit Sears Oakville Place Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am-9:00 pm. Sat. 8:00 am-6:00 pm. Sun.11 am-6 pm.

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