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Oakville Beaver, 9 Feb 2000, B5

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Wednesday, February 9, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B5 yo u 1 /M z m n z tionship and a rock-solid mar riage. Learn to compromise When couples are willing to com prom ise, they send each other a powerful message: "I love you -- let's work this problem out." Sometimes com prom ise means meeting halfway. Som etim es it means deciding what's really important to you and making trade-offs. And, it always means communicating openly and honestly with each other. Compromising w on't work, however, unless both partners are willing to give and take. So, one key to compromising is to pick your battles carefully. When you can live with it, give in. Then, later, when something is really important to you, hopefully your partner will do the same for you. Support each other Remember your commitment to each other -- It usually hap pens that when times are good, they're very good. When the bad times hit, there's a lot of blaming and com plaining going on. Couples need to learn that all marriages have their ups and downs. Have fu n together Consider the following sce nario: You and your spouse have both had a hectic week. Now, it's Friday night, and both of you would love to rent a video and snuggle in front of the television. However, the apartm ent is a wreck, and two weeks' worth of laundry is waiting. How would you wind up spending your evening? Couples with a highly suc cessful marriage would choose the video over cleaning. Happily married people have a knack for finding ways to take care of domestic business and have fun at the same time. Keeping your sense of humor in the worst and best of situations is also vital. Laughing is a great stress-buster, and feeling com fortable to be silly around each other is the ultimate bonding device. V alentine's Day tends to be an extrem ely rom antic holiday. Amidst all the flowers, jew elry and other gifts given and received, it is essen tially a time when couples reaf firm their love for one another. One of the best gifts you can give your sweetheart this holiday is to learn the patience that it takes to retain the "glow" that many cou ples maintain in their marriage for decades. Valentine's Day is a perfect time to be rem inded o f these spe cial factors that can help ensure "happily-ever-afters." M odern Bride's Barbara S. Smalley offers a few dos and don'ts that many happy husbands and wives prac tice daily: M aintain y o u r frien d sh ip In a recent study, 300 couples who'd been happily married for 15 years or more were asked to share the No. 1 reason for their marital success. Both men and women said, "M y spouse is my best friend." Keeping this friend ship strong can be difficult when both partners work and quality time together must be scheduled. However, time together should be a priority. · Learn to say no to social invitations that will take too m uch tim e away from being together. · Time together does not have to be filled with nonstop activity. Friendships thrive on time spent doing nothing more than talking. Rem ain intimate Intimacy is not necessarily synonymous with sexuality. Over the years, you will re-create the wild attraction you felt when the relationship was new, but your ability to remain intimate will become the foundation for your marriage. The rules for maintaining inti macy and friendship are identi cal. To be intimate, couples must make spending time together a top priority. Letting your spouse know your deepest feelings, hopes, thoughts and fears and having your spouse respond with respect and love can mean the difference between a rocky rela Sunday I1 February Htff &M onday February 14tfc IP StolO pm (kj'sJtH'tat^o rik ep la n s (to if j* raw ^ MIDI ftjra o M w T o W Join us between 5 and I Opm for a family style Phiithy McNasty's celebration induding....CHOICE OF ENTREES, 1/7 HR. FREE POOL. 2 FREE VIDEO AND A SPECIAL VALENTINE'S PARTY FOR THE KIDS 'fs s w rtw LM lcrcAt/t& ft , tJM F O O D J »1 > 0oL Peppercorn Nt Sirloin Shrimp A M A c tio ic e6 a z . c o o isdtoo r d ea n d se r v e dwl o u rsteak **MlriMgS iA tnhffinn tB S P L A T T E R fow " t T S ifa f S liO :H I h ir r n r fr n n r r t jo r c " ^ 1 1 )6® llI ic S n M w H O ii citiesw in g sa n do u rfa m o u sp o g o m v ed r if f A Share a Valentine's Day treat straight from the heart om em ade cookies are special treats that are made with love and come from the heart. This V alentine's Day, try surprising your sw eetheart with a ja r or plate o f hom em ade cookies, rather than giving store-bought candies, cookies or cakes for a special dessert. "Betty C ro c k e r's C reative C oo k ies" (M acm illan) offers more than 100 im agina tive, easy-to-m ake, d elicious cookie recipes. The book contains recipes for tra ditional and exotic cookies, as well as cookies for m any holidays, from H allow een to Valentine's Day. There also are tips and advice for storing, baking and decorating cookies. This year, tell your valentine how much he or she m eans to you by baking the fol lowing heartw arm ing cookies. a n d m ^ jj.3 5 I Funky Chicken J * H dients except jam and melted chocolate. Beat until well blended. Cover and refriger ate dough 1 hour. (Dough will be sticky.) H eat oven to 375 F. Roll one-fourth of dough at a time 1/8 inch thick on lightly floured surface. (Keep remaining dough refrigerated until ready to roll.) Cut with 2-inch heart-shaped cookie cut ter. Cut out centers of half the cookies, if desired. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 7 to 9 minutes or until light brown. Remove from cookie sheet. Cool complete ly. Put cookies together in pairs with about 1/2 teaspoon raspberry jam in each. Drizzle with m elted chocolate. Peanut Butter-Chocolate Kisses Makes about 3 dozen cookies cup granulated sugar cup packed brown sugar cup creamy peanut butter cup (1/2 stick) margarine or butter, softened 1/4 cup shortening 1 egg 11/2 cups all-purpose flour 3 4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon baking powder Granulated sugar Heat oven to 375 F. Mix 1/2 cup granu lated sugar, the brown sugar, peanut butter, margarine, shortening and egg thoroughly. Stir in flour, baking soda and baking pow der. Mold dough into 1-inch balls; roll in sugar. Place about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake until edges are light brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Immediately press candy kiss firmly in each cookie; cool. 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/4 ft V jnbaeqiatasaniiefe] &do u rla r g e ,teiictitdM ^wnid ctes^ s^ ^ ln jB ieiiiaiiA fed ocgaasau M an i B 6 Q sw c ea a d tb ig b o w lo ffr a id fr ie s. |§J5 | § , tifvegifctj fl.9 5j | J ' flk M M i iuiiu'r m ^ jS S iJd r n i a l i C m m tar m itu ite n t ifeH.ri.it dwlwfiap"* ilM rtlU fe . =*«®S®«la»spfcu(tet | l jMstoS8t K Oakville Town Centre II -2 1 0 North Service Road, OAKVILLE - (905) 844-87Q3 V illa Nicolina D IN IN G R O O M & E A R Enjoy our Special Menu AUTHENTIC ITALIAN CUISINE by C h ef A drian o Valentine's Day Cookies M akes about 4 dozen cookies cup powdered sugar cup (2 sticks) margarine or butter, softened 1 tablespoon vinegar 21/4 cups all-purpose flour 11/2 teaspoons ground ginger 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 6 drops red food color Heat oven to 400 F. Mix powdered sugar, margarine and vinegar in large bowl. Stir in remaining ingredients except food color. Divide dough in half. Mix food color into one half. (If dough is too dry, work in m ilk, 1 teaspoon at a time.) Roll dough 1/8 inch thick on lightly floured, cloth-covered surface. Cut into various size heart shapes with cookie cutters. Mix and match sizes and colors. Place about 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 5 to 7 min utes or until set but not brown. Cool slight ly. Carefully remove from cookie sheet. Cool completely. Decorate with white and pink frosting, if desired. 1 1 Chocolate Linzer Hearts M akes 3 dozen sandw ich cookies cup (2 sticks) margarine or butter, softened 1/2 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 21/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup hazelnuts, toasted, skinned and ground 11/2 teaspoons ground cinnam on 1/2 teaspoon ground nutm eg 1/2 ounce sem isweet chocolate, finely chopped 1/2 cup raspberry jam 1 ounce sem isw eet chocolate, melted Beat m argarine and sugar in large bowl until light and fluffy. Beat in eggs and vanilla until smooth. Add rem aining ingre 1 £ fC j W c . " N i c( A Your Hosts TERRY and AL will be delighted to welcome you as guest. x /e n ttr ie s ;,t jV g f February Sweetheart Special Dinner for Two February Bookings $150.00* Food & Chef Services Included 'Based on a Selected Menu Call Chef John 5 1 WSB (905) 823-7986 N t 1 1 S Royal Windsor D iT 2467 Lakeshore Rd. W. M ississauga, O ntario (ju st ea st o f W inston C hurchill) 905-845-1542 or cheftogol ©yahoo.com www.wal .com/cheftogo I a 1 1 lakeshore Rd. W . EVERYONE IS W ELCOME OAKVILLE G lA rd im J iir n l SSAGEIMAPY Va l e n t in e S · S · R · D r pa b a th Dinner For Two 5:00pm- 9:00 p.m. Monday, February 14th * 1/2 litre o f red or white house wine CENTRE LTD. · 7 ox. New York Steak or G pa w it h if t Da Fo B Pa c k S T P ea · Chicken Nelson or ag es y Sa lts r e a t m e n t e d ic u r e a m in g o dy pa , : 7 " Honey Glazed Blackforest Ham Served with potatoes and veggies P lu s all you can eat bread, soup, salad, pasta -- ^ . G 1u o l d e n e m in e r a l iz in g pa · S . S Ma n ic u r e · S c h r a m m e k H e r b a l a n d F B a c ia l T r e a t m e n t i ncl uded " D T T Y fV r 17' . · S h a m po o lo w d r y · S pa L u n c h 4 HRS. $ 2 9 5 .0 0 R e s e r v a tio n s R e c o m m e n d e d S t r e s s · B o d y b r e a k W r a p FAMILY RESTAVPANTS · S P A B A T H W IT H · D r F O A M IN G S E A S A L T S e r b a l The B «t In Breakfast, AH Day 842-4247 ^ _____ . S c h r a m m e k H F a c ia l T r e a t m e n t 2 . 2 5 HRS. $ 2 5 5 . 0 0 T rafalgar V illage, 125 C ross Ave. S pa S a m p l e r · D r . Sc h r a m m e k H e r b a l Fa c i a l T r e a t m e n t · O n e H o u r Massag e · Shampoo 2 .7 5 a B lo w dry HRS. $ 1 6 7 . 0 0 Registered Massage Therapists/Certified Shiatsu Therapists T r e a t m e n t A · D r r o m a th er a py H e r b a l . S c h r a m m e k F a c ia l · B a c k a n d N e c k M a s s a g e · Sh am p oo & B lo w d ry 2 . 2 5 HRS. $ 1 3 7 . 0 0 H a n d s · S · S pa a n d pa F e e t B ath M a n ic u r e · S pa P e d ic u r e 2 HRS. $ 9 7 . 0 0 F · S a n c y · G h a m po o Va , C l e n t in e M a k e u p la m o u r Give your : loved one a gift o f well being! Look fo r our Flyer in Today's paper u t a n d S t y l e 1 .7 5 HRS. $ 7 0 . 0 0 A il^FB e e . We are located at: 2275 W estoak Trails O akville, Ont. L i l i a n n e S a l o n S p a w i l l c r e a t e f o r a c u s t o m i z e d s p a p a c k a g e e x c l u s i v e l y YOU t o OR . SO M EO N E WHO IS v e r y s p e c i a l y o u Gift Certificates Available 125 Lakeshore Rd. E. Suite 304 (N a v y & L a k e s h o r e ) J u iiA n n t 905 · 849 *6414 1 3 9 T h o m a s s t r e e t - D o w n to w n O a k v ille 8 4 5 -3 1 3 7

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